Son Of Stark [Stony]
I have a head canon that Blaine Anderson (Darren Criss) is the son of Tony Stark and I dunno I wanna write this
Someone stop me with these ideas, I have like 15 lined up tot be written next
Prompt; By the time Tony Stark is 45, he has achieved to the best of his ability, from fighting off aliens, to nearly dying, to gaining a team, to losing them, and now, he has lost everything and everyone; everyone but his Son.
Tony always had a gripping fear of having no heir, that when he died - and let's face it, he should've died 5 times ago at this rate but has cheated death remarkably - all of his money, his projects and the Stark name would just disintegrate in the history books. After all, He was the only living Stark left, being the only Child of Howard and Maria and having no cousins, it was up to Tony to carry on the name Stark.
It was hard to keep a secret from the press, and yes okay, Tony may have flashed too much money to the doctors and the surrogate to keep their mouth shut, but it was worth it in the end, especially when he held his son for the first time in his arms, had his thumb captured by a small hand and coffee brown eyes stared into his own for the first time.
It truly made Tony feel wanted
As if he belonged
Not even S.H.E.I.L.D had knowledge of The Son Of Stark, if they knew it would I be used as Tony's weak spot and everyone knows how easy it is to hack into S.H.E.I.L.D. Tony had done that in less than 5 minutes. Of course, he couldn't keep this secret to himself.
Rhodey was the first to know do Tony's idea and although he claimed it was stupid - 'because you're Tony stark and iron man, a workaholic, and you chat even look after yourself never mind a baby!' - but nevertheless supported Tony's decision and said he would help out. Pepper knew - of course she blood well knew, she found it out herself - and then there was Happy. JARVIS of course knew.
Blaine Stark is the remarkable and unlikely son of Tony Stark, kept in the dark after all these years and been living under the name of Blaine Krats since the minute he enrolled into school, skipping pre-school. It was obvious that he was his fathers son, from the soft Dark curly locks that was on top of his head, the coffee brown eyes - although Blaine would argue that his eyes are infact Hazel, it gets no where in his arguments - and the intelligence that is crammed into that head of his.
He was Tony Starks son alright. Smart, Handsome and a sarcastic asshole with a big heart.
He survived his way through school, top of his class even after skipping grades and was falling his fathers footsteps of heading off to MIT, just a year older at age 16. Parent evenings and school drop offs and pick ups were easy to handle, Happy was always on hand to take him to school and pick him up, and parent evenings or call ins were handled by Pepper.
Everything was settled, Blaine lived with Tony and yes okay, it was hard to juggle his projects, meetings, being an avenger and of course all of these near death experiences and kidnappings, but Tony has managed so far at being a single father and that wasn't an tuning that would disrupt that. He had his help but he was the one that got up during the night to change Blaine, feed him his bottle, rock him back to sleep.
Tony was the one to kiss all of Blaine's tears away, to read him bed time stories and teach him how to talk and walk. Tony was the one that watched Blaine successfully build is first circuit board and cheer enthusiastically whenever Blaine finished. Tony was the one that stayed up at night with Blaine whenever he suffered from a nightmare and they watched a movie until he fell back to sleep.
Tony may not have been able to be at parent evening or go to his meetings, he may not have sat front row during the silly play Blaine was in when he was 7 or be standing proudly with his son at the science fair when he got 1st prize but he was always there. Standing at the back of the hall, fitting in amongst the crowd or hiding behind the curtain during his early graduation.
"We need to talk,"Tony sighs as he enters the livingroom where Blaine is sprawled out on the sofa with one of his fathers stark phones in his hands and toying with it. Tony was still nursing a broken arm and ribs, the bruising around the eye slowly disappearing into a greyness and stitches fallen out and healing.
It's been weeks since Tony had nearly died in that cave, to have the shield rammed through the metal of his suit and into his chest, so much so that it nearly killed him.
Tony was still not over the trauma, as much as he says that he's okay, that he's coping, he's not. He watched a man he once call his friend walk away with the man that murdered his parents, he heard the team that had been captured and locked up tell him that they wanted Tony dead. His best friend had nearly died because of Tony. The man that he could say he loves, had walked out of his life and didn't seem to be coming back.
"What about?"Blaine sits up, turning off the phone so he can pay his attention to Tony. Blaine idolises Tony, as if his father hung the moon and pained the stars into the sky. He was an intelligent lad, but a teenager which meant that the laziness, the carelessness and the attitude was knitted into his personality."Is everything okay?"
"We're moving back to California."Tony says quickly, as if ripping off a bandaid and that y would hurt a lot less if they got it over with. He watches how Blaines face falls into sadness mixed with a little anger."I'm sorry, but he can't stay here any longer, B. It's too much."
The Malibu home has been rebuilt, the same model and looks the same although with more advanced security and technology that is wired into the building. For years now, New York has been his home, he was born in New York and lived here until he decided to move to California. It was only after stark tower was built that he moved back.
"Is..."Blaine thinks his words carefully, fiddling with his fingers, he has always been the fidgeter, getting that from his father as well."Is this because of Steve? Are we moving back because of Steve?"Blaine is no idiot, and neither is Tony.
The relationship that Tony and Steve had was complicated. Tony loved Steve and he knew that Steve loved him back, just not in the way that Steve loved Bucky. Tony was nothing more than a default replacement, he was only there to fill the gap in Steves heart and when Bucky came back onto the scene, Tony was pushed out.
Blaine was no stranger to his Fathers sadness over the loss of a love, he has had to guide his father to bed on countless number of times when he would coup himself down in the workshop for hours with nothing but the bots and the need for alcohol. Blaine was the only to have access to the workshop and knew his father was a wreck and helped him recover.
He had once admired Captain America, as much as his father had when he was his age as a child. But now, Captain America is nothing more than a man that Blaine hates with a passion, because he hurt his dad and no one is allowed to do that.
"I feel more at home in Malibu. It's safer there, and a lot warmer to0. We could have a BBQ on Christmas Day if you want, or you could go swimming."
"But all of my friends are here,"Blaine frowns. It wasn't much of an argument because technology went a long way and he knew that if his friends meant that much to him, his dad would and could fly them out to California for the weekend and back.
"You're going to MIT in the fall. You will be spending 4 months with me in Malibu, I just want to spend time with you before you leave. Without any interruptions or sirens to assemble or ex-boyfriends to come and ruin my day. I just want it to be the two of us."Tony sounds so sad as he looks longingly as his son, watching as Blaine nods slowly and gets up off of the sofa so he can round it and stand in front of his dad.
They were at the same height, same build and looked so alike, but Blaine is pure. He hasn't been the painful events that Tony has been through, he hadn't had a circle carved into his chest, he hasn't fought aliens and fly into portals unsure if you'll ever return. Blaine has t had his heart broken by assholes or have everyone you have ever cared about, to cal, your family to be killed or get up and leave.
Tony doesn't want any of that to happen to his Blaine, not to his son.
"Okay, Dad."Blaine is cautious as he takes a step forward to Tony and wraps his arms around his dad in a hug, cautious of his injuries."We'll do what makes you happy."
It's late in the night when Blaine wakes up with a start in his newly furnished bedroom in his new soft bed. Surprisingly, he isn't awake because of a nightmare - he had outgrown them years ago - or because he can sense his father is in danger - that started from a very young age - but because he heard a noise in the normally quiet home.
It isn't his father stumbling around drunk after a little too many in the Workshop, because the alcohol has been cleared out long ago, but it's someone else and Blaine doesn't like the sound of things.
When Tony slept, he slept deep until he woke up on his own accord or w nightmare that leaves him curled up in the blankets or a shivering we sweaty mess on the floor as he tries to calm down, so it was no surprise that when JARVIS is trying to wake him up and inform of an intruder in the home, he is unsuccessful. So he turns to the next occupant.
"Young Sir, I don't think that is very wise."JARVIS voices his concern whenever Blaine is making us I say curiously down the stairs to find out who is in the house."I have been programmed to phone for emergency services if-"
"You will not phone the police. You will only do so if I say for you to, but I'm not."Blaine cuts off the A.I, his voice below a whisper but he knows that JARVIS has picked it up."This house has been inhabited for months, I hardly doubt that whoever is down there is a threat. No one is that suck at knowing where the Starks are located, not even S.H.E.I.L.D."He rolls his brown eyes.
"Your father will fret if anything happens to you, Young sir. I am well aware of the threats that he has made towards me if anything happens to you under my supervision."JARVIS is now speaking into the ear piece Blaine has inserted into his left ear, one that was caught up in s jacket that was left in a coat closet by the stairs.
JARVIS has heard all of the threats from across the board, from having his voice disconnected to being stuck as a toaster. He's well aware that Tony would probably not do something as dramatic as that to his A.I but if something happened to Blaine, he might actually.
"Nothing is going to happen to me,"He grumbles,"I'm a Stark, I can cheat death."
"But Young Sir-"
"Oh bloody hell, if I approach them and they are of threat, you can contact for the police because we both know how fast they will arrive, fast enough that whoever is intruding won't get far if they dash. But for the mean time I command you not to do anything of the sort. Now, mute."He carries the same attitude and No Bullshit stubbornness as Tony, willing to risk his own life for others and just to spite his curiosity.
JARVIS follows his orders and is muted, leaving Blaine able to venture through the home and follow the sounds of foot steps and rattling of doors and metal. Its too late to turn back now, even if he wanted too, he's too close to finding out who is intruding in their home and he wants to know who it is, and not reply on dumbass police officers that can't even catch a fucking cold nevermind an intruder.
Because this isn't any sort of intruder, of course it bloody well isn't, no average joe robber is stupid enough to try and fucking steal from the Starks, they wouldn't even make it over the wall without being spotted by security. Whoever it is - Male, female, It even - is skilled and knows who to break and entry, they know how to hack into systems and they know what they're looking for.
And shit
Blaine should just command JARVIS to contact anyone and he should just run up back to bed and forget he was ever awake to begin with.
He knows this man
From the comic books that his dad had stashed away in some storage locker back in New York, featured among side his best friend and lover, from the news and from pictures that his dad have showed him of the man that stole away his one true love.
It's James 'Bucky' Barnes - or is it? Because this man could very well be the winter solder, the man controlled by Hydra to kill and maybe he's out to kill off the rest of the Starks. That's why he's here, Blaine has deemed, to kill off Tony and Blaine; the only remaining Starks.
Blaine goes unnoticed for the longest period of 30 seconds, just watching as the man -murder? -with longing black hair and a metal arm, works his way through the sheets of paper and photographs that Tony had left on the kitchen counter before heeding off to bed. He looks fascinated, confused because in the photos it wasn't just Tony, but of a boy with with curly black hair and the same coffee brown eyes.
Blaine makes the mistake of taking a step back, his hip hitting off the corner of the farther kitchen counter and making a discarded plate fall to the kitchen ground with a loud smash that echoes through the quiet house. The Winter Solder is startled by the sound, caught off guard with the photographs to even recognise the new presence in the room.
He meets Blaines eye
Blaine wants to scream
"Who are you?"He asks the teenager who is ready to bolt, but he's scene the videos on the Internet, how fast the winter solder is and he knows he will be unable to outrun him. Blaine makes a grab for the first thing he can reach for. A pan. He points it at the Winter Solder as if it was a gun, that it will shoot bullets.
"Stay away from me,"His voice comes out shakier than he would like to admit, probably looking like a right plonker dressed in pyjama bottoms with little cheeseburgers on them and one of his Dad's old MIT t-shirts, pointing a pan at the winter solder who is able to break his neck in a heart beat.
"You're pointing a pan at me, is that any way an indication on who you are or what your name is?"
"You already know who I am,"Blaines hold on the pan tightens whenever they take a step forward."You're the Winter Solder, you know the Starks like the back of your hand."He gulps, opening fresh wounds.
"Stark..."He tests the word on his tongue as if it was foreign, but it isn't. He knows the Starks, whether with his mind a fuzzy haze of murderous rage or when he's calm and quiet, he knows of Stark; Howard, Maria and Tony. Steve had filled him in on Tony Stark, focusing on the good rather than the bad. There was always a fondness in his voice."You know who I am?"
"Of course I do!"Blaine exclaims rather loudly and annoyed."You're the swine that hurt my dad, stole away his boyfriend and killed his parents; my grandparents."He sounds so scared, Bucky recognises the fear in the voice; this boy is so young and yet he's standing up for himself, for his Father.
He's Tony Starks Son
Well, that's news.
"You're..."Buckys voice trails off, it's so obvious that he isn't the murderer of The Winter Solder, but the man that has been trapped in that Persona for years. The man that was supposed to be dead but isn't."You're Tony Starks son...He has a son."
"Yes..."Blaine feels a little less confident now."Didn't you know that?"He waits for the shake of the head, and when it arrives, he can feel the panic rise through his body and shake him to his core. No one is to know. It wasn't out of shame, Tony had told Blaine a long time ago, that it was for nothing more than privacy, for Blaine to have a life without shining lights in the face and pictures on the front of magazines.
Blaine drops the pan in his hand, finding himself defenceless as Bucky takes a cautious and curious step forward but before he can, there's a swoop of gold and red flying in front of Buckys eyes. The suit - as Bucky can clearly see - starts to mantle itself around the teenager in front of him, all the way from his feet to his neck and then lastly the head.
"Wait- no!"Blaine shouts his protests and before he can even utter another word, the suit is working on its own, controlled by JARVIS but ordered by Tony to fetch his son for safety."I just want to talk to him!"It's no use, his words are muffled and the microphone has been muted. He's unable to do a thing but peer down as he's lifted inside the suit away from Bucky who stares up at him.
Part 2 in the works
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