Son Of Stark [Part 2]
Btw let's pretend that Bucky hasn't been froze again, not yet anyway. Oh and JARVIS is here, Incase you didn't notice in the 1st part xD sorry I love JARVIS and I don't like FRIDAY
I'm way out of control, I'm going to need to start calling my one shot book the 'three parts or more' or something fml
Music has always been a strong factor in Blaines life, and despite the fact that he was not brought up with nursery rhymes of eggs falling off walls - if it even was an egg that fell of the walk in the first place - or lullabies of babies mocking birds and diamond rings, he turned out pretty well for a babe that was brought up with AC/DC always playing in some part of the houses he grew up in.
It soothed him, calmed him down ash blocked out all of the bad things that was happening in his life. A song always told a story in some way or another, if you listen close enough, and the artist, or the band or even just the instruments are all played beautifully, as if you can feel or hear the meaning behind the song.
JARVIS knows this; he knows that Blaine loves music just as much as Sir does, and so, he plays t lowly in the suit, something off of Blaines top 25 list and just so happens to some indie English band he took a fancy too not that long back. Blaine feels as if he's trapped in an elevator, he's unable to control how fast he is going or where and this damn song is just as repetitive as the chime you hear when in an elevator,
"Take me home! JARVIS, I mean it, take me home now."He fumes inside the suit that is locked around his body, forcing his body so that it looks like he's flying normally; as if it was Tony who was flying it. Well great, now everyone knows that Tony is in Malibu and it's no longer a secret anymore.
"I have direct orders from your father to take you somewhere safe."JARVIS replies.
"Well you have orders from me to turn the fuck around and take me home. Now."
"I apologise, Young Sir, but your fathers commands are on a higher pedestal than yours."Which is damn true, because Blaine may be Tony Starks son as have access to everything that his father has built or done, he will always be second in command when it comes to JARVIS. Tony is the creator of this amazing A.I while Blaine is nothing more than the son of the creator.
Blaine lets out a frustrated groan from inside the suit, watching the city pass below him. The suit could only be controlled manually by his father, it was built for Tony and by Tony. Although, on command from Tony himself, the suit can capture anyone who it is commanded too. In this case, Blaine.
The Young Stark has had his firs share of rides in one of the many Iron Man suits, it was quick transportation if needed to travel from one place to another in a quick hurry or Blaine to he safety jetted off to the safe house away from any trouble. It isn't the first time that the suit has been spotted with Blaine inside and people thought it was Iron Man himself.
He's tried to build his own suit, and has came successful and it was almost like looking back st one do his dad's test videos when he first made the suit and was trying to fly it. It was as hilarious as it was annoying.
"There is no need for the suit to be on lock down, I am able to fly the suit."He lies because how hard could it be to fly a suit of metal?
"I am on strict orders, young sir-"
"Oh c'mon, JARVIS. You know very well that I am capable of flying the suit, I'm a Stark."He feels restricted in the suit, he's agitated because he knows that Bucky means no harms and his father over reacts sometimes, okay, yeah, he can admit that. Tony once flipped shit when he thought that Blaine took up drinking but found out the the bottle he was drinking out of was just similar to one of alcohol.
He was obviously there for a reason and it wasn't to cause trouble, it was more of curiosity. He didn't look armed and if he was, he wasn't pointing his weapon at Blaine so he knew the kid wasn't a threat. He was startled to see the teen in the kitchen, he had no idea who the fuck he was.
"Unlock the Suit, I promise that I'll head to a safe location. I'll fly back to New York if I have to."He holds that same tone of urgency that hides his lie. JARVIS should be use to the tone by now, how the Starks lie for their own uses and how he really shouldn't trust Blaine; the boy was the younger version of sir.
JARVIS gives up the struggle and unlocks the suit, allowing Blaine to take control on his own. The suit freezes in mid flight and without warning Blaine to falling from the sky, unable to control flight because okay; it's a lot fucking harder than he thought. He's falling, eyes darting around frantically, his heart beat getting faster and his breathing worse.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck."He swears, flapping his limbs like a bloody fucking bird and it only takes one takes a bit pressure and- he has power in use left foot and now okay, he's still spiralling downwards like some WWII fighter plane that has lost it's flight.
He gets it, eventually when he's just about to skin the top of the ocean, he manages to fly up into the suit, with his left hand and left foot and now he's spinning in circles. He remains flying in an endless circle as he tries to calm down, JARVIS isn't speaking and he's probably fallen out with Blaine but the young stark doesn't give a shit right now.
He's scared.
He just wants things to be normal, to be calm and peaceful and not a chaotic mess with the constant fear his father ending up as a human shishkabab by an ex-boyfriends current lover. He's been living with the fear of his Dad dying, he's his only family and it's sad to say; Blaine has already planned on what to do if Tony ends up dead.
The suit gives a little boost and he's back up into the air, all of the limbs working and he's flying motionless above the ocean, scanning the area around him."JARVIS, show me the directions for home."Jarvis says nothing but flickers on the directions for home; for New York."Not that home, my new home. Malibu."
Hesitantly, a map to the Malibu house is showing up in front of Blaine's Eyes, a map line to direct him back showing through the helmet of the suit for Blaine to follow."I'm going home.
Someone is going to end up dead, and I'm telling you this; it isn't going to be my fucking dad."
"But Young Sir-"
"Mute."He commands, already jetting off into the direction of the house, the suit staggers for a moment but Blaine gets the hang of it.
JARVIS shuts up
Tony knew that something was wrong. He never woke up in the middle of the night for no reason whatsoever. It's obviously that something is wrong when JARVIS doesn't automatically tell him the time, the location or the weather. He's been muted and Tony now knows Blaine is the source of the problem.
JARVIS is unmuted by Tony and the ramble garble of confessions and apologies seems to rumble throughout the master bedroom. It doesn't take Tony to get up, and despite his half sleeping state he's already able to command one of the suits to go end receive, ordering JARVIS for a lock down on the suit and for him to fly Blaine somewhere safe.
If something was to happen to Blaine, even just a scratch or a black eye, Tony would never forgive himself, and okay, yeah, he can't have his baby wrapped around in cotton wool and bubble wrap forever but he can fucking try! If someone wanted to get to Blaine, they were having to go through Tony too.
And of course; when Tony wants to get away from all of his problems, one of them turns up to break into his home.
"Give me a break,"Tony can't help but mutter in annoyance, his left hand armed with the emergency Stark Bracelet he normally keeps on. It's loaded with 3 good shots and he needs to use them wisely; if he used them that is."Can't you leave me the fuck alone?"He near enough spits in anger.
Bucky freezes, resembling a deer caught in a set of headlights on a cold December night. He's unarmed, or well, he's never unarmed although the position in which his fun is spud take too much time to get out, and he's sure that Tony will fire quicker than that. He hasn't seen Tony since he and Steve left him for dead, he's blurred so much of that day out and he wasn't even sure if Tony was dead or not.
It wasn't like Tony was parading the streets, he had been on lockdown since and had no intentions of contacting any of his now ex-team mates. Steve and Bucky were the same; they had released the rest of the capture avengers, and then fled the country to an old S.H.I.E.L.D safe house in Canada.
"What the fuck do you want from me, Barnes? My money? My corpse? You've taken Everything from me, there isn't much left for you to take eight having to go through me first."He sneers, that awful bruise still circling his left eye and the new scars that gave healed on his face. Tony's tank top dips just where the arc reactor use to be, the scarring unmissable and hard at his chest and just below that, Bucky Assumes, is a new scar that is still in healing from where the shield impacted to his skin.
"I don't want anything,"Bucky says calmly, eyeing Tony's hand for any movements. He had still has a photograph held in his right hand, wanting to prompt for more questions on the mysterious son of stark."All I want to know is if you're okay."
And why the fuck would be want to know that for?
Tony can't recall a memory over the past year that James Barnes gave a fuck about him. Tony tried as part of the team and as Steves boyfriend to be on good terms with even the slightest mention of him, or The Winter Solder at that matter. Even when Steve finally got to talk to Bucky, even bring him to stark tower to the meet the team; Tony felt violated.
"And why the hell do you want to know that?"Tony shudders at the longing stare Bucky turns to give him. Those eyes hold so much emotion and damage from years of Hydras work, the murders he has had to endure and the crash back to reality. Bucky isn't stupid; he knows that he's the reason that the team is no longer and that Tony is hurting.
Steve is hurting
"Because Steve cares about you,"Bucky says gently as if he's speaking to a child who has just lost his parents and in someway, Tony is just like that. He's a man that has just found out that his parents death was no accident, and the man behind their death was no other than the man who stole away his only love."And he worries."
"Bullshit, Barnes."Tony lets out a pained laugh, shaking his head."If you're going to come up with an excuse for you snooping around my home in the early hours of the morning, at least make it one that's believable."
"I'm telling the trut-"
"Stop fucking lying!"Tony finally shouts."I'm not stupid, and neither are you. Neither of us believe that Steve cares about me, he only cares about one person and that's you."Tony gulps, his voice shakier than he would like it to be as he stares at Bucky who has yet to make a move, other than rub his thumb across the photograph in his hand.
"Tony, you have to listen to me."Bucky takes a cautious step forward and instantly regrets his action whenever Tony fires just above his head, causing Bucky to duck and turn to look at the damage that is left in the kitchen cabinet, a hole in the experience wood.
"First warning, next time it's heading for your chest, and then finally you can feel the pain that I've been feeling for the past year."He warns, motioning his hand to Buckys fast moving chest. There's unshed tears glossing over Tony's eyes, his eyes looking at Bucky and then to the photograph that he holds in metal hand.
Tony can spot that it's a recent photograph, one taken not long before the split of the avengers. Tony had taken Blaine to London for a day trip as a celebration of Blaine getting into MIT and they had ventured the streets and visited the west end, did all of the usual tourist stuff as well as eating a cone of chips by the seaside. He can still hear his own laugh in his ears as they sat there eating chips, just chatting and laughing which was something they hadn't done in a while.
Tony has tried so hard to not have Blaine pushed into the limelight and have his entire fixture destroyed just because of being cursed with the Stark name. He's kept Blaine a secret not out of shame - because Tony is more than prouder of his son - but so that he doesn't have the life that Tony had to live with, so that he didn't turn out like Tony.
Keeping Blaine a secret from Steve was harder than expected, Steve was always making surprise visits up to the pent house or turning up wherever Tony was, he was always asking questions and being curious of where Tony spent all of his time. Of course, the excuse of being in the workshop or at a business meeting as always good for Tony to get away and spend time with his son.
"Steve loves you, and I know that you love him too."Bucky says, drawing in a deep breath."He use to love me, a long time ago and I use to love him too, Tony, I really did, but that was years ago and,"Bucky pauses, slowly bringing up his hand to brush away a strand of his own black hair,"That love doesn't exist anymore.
"Steve thought that we could just just pick up where we left off, as if none of this, the war, The Avengers, Hydra or You even happened. He loves you, and I can see it everytime your name is mentioned, everytime you are seen on television, there's a spark in his eyes and a fondness in his voice that was never there when he was with me."Bucky finds his own voice shaking as he speaks.
"You're lying,"Tony shakes his head.
"Would I lie to you?"
"I don't know."Tony admits,"I don't know who to trust anymore because I never know if someone is going to stab me in the back and dance on my grave."Tony gulps, his armed hand lowering down to his side as he stares at Bucky."Can't you see how much that I'm hurting? Why can't you just leave me and my son alone, instead you bring me this burden."
"I just wanted to know if you were alright,"Bucky admits, his bottom lip caught between his teeth.
"Well I'm not."He answers without emotion in his voice, not meeting Buckys eye anymore.
"I didn't know you had a son,"Bucky changes the subject, not wanting to dwell on Tongs mental heat no longer. Steve had no idea that he was here, Bucky had came to check on Tony ok his own accord because Steve is stubborn and wouldn't denied that he even remotely misses Tony.
"No one knows,"Tony replies."Not even Steve."
"He looks like you."Bucky compliments, looking at the photo in his hands."How old is he? 16?"
"Yeah,"Tony almost whispers, a hint of sadness in his voice as he speaks. His son is getting older and it was all types of hurt inside of Tony's chest, he was going to MIT, to study and be successful and Tony just hopes that he doesn't turn a bad corner like Tony did."What are you going to tell Stev-"
"Dad!"Both Tony and Bucky look at the sound of the booming voice that is coming through the iron man suit. It took Blaine longer than he thought to get back to the house, seeing as this was the first time he has ever flown the suit and it kept staggering and failing on him."He means no harm, don't kill him!"
"Of course I'm no- why are you flying the suit? JARVIS, why is he flying the suit?"He commands, voice laced in a mixture of anger, annoyance and amusement.
"Sir, he informed me that he was able right fly the suit."JARVIS informs over head and through the suit, making Tony scowl and Blaine squawk for JARVIS being a traitor. Bucky jumps at the unexpected voice, looking up at the ceiling which makes Tony roll his eyes just a little.
"He's 16! Of fucking course he doesn't know how the fly the suit!"
"That voice-"
"Is JARVIS, my A.I."Tony tells him, sighing whenever Bucky all but raises an eyebrow."Artificial Intelligence. Say Hello JARVIS."
"Hello Sargent Barnes."JARVIS greets and Buckys flabbergasted expression says it all.
"He's not trying to hurt you,"Blaine speaks up Again, the suit settling down gently just in front if where Tony stands. The suit dismantles from around Blaines body until it's just an empty shell and Blaine is able to stand out.
"I know. He's here to spy on us."Tony sighs once again, looking between Blaine and Bucky."Blaine, this is Sargent Barnes. Barnes, this is my son Blaine."
"I know who you are,"Blaine grumbles, narrowing his eyebrows at the man. He holds a lot of anger towards this man, but also fear. Bucky all but nods awkwardly unsure of what to say or what to do so he turns back to Tony.
"I think you and Steve should meet up."He says gently, and before Tony has the chance to interject he continues."And bring the kid with you."
Part 3 and then I'll be finished I swear I'm so sorry xD
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