Pity Party [Little!Tony]

In connection to:

-Darling, I'll Hold You Close (All Parts)
-If Lost, Please Return to Phil Coulson

Featuring! Little!Tony as well as Uncle!Wade and Daddy!Phil of course (somewhere lol)

Celebrating his birthday has never been a massive thing, and of course, in some expects, it has to be a massive thing for Tony to celebrate about because some milestones are made to celebrate about, whether Tony likes it or not. But even with that hanging over his head, he's never been one to actually like to celebrate his birthday, because there's never been any fond memories associated with that - excluding dying being one of them.

When he was younger, Maria had been all for a massive party. From the cake, to the decorations, to the guest list and the presents, nothing was too much for her little Anthony, her only son and therefore he baby. It wasn't like they were running out of money anyway and if it wasn't spent on 5 year old Tony's birthday party, it was invested in alcohol and drugs.

By the time that he had presented, Howard had wanted nothing to do with Tony, even more so after he presented out as a little. Birthdays weren't celebrated, neither was Christmas, and Tony had spent every single one of his birthdays following that age of 12 on his own, locked in his boarding school dormitory.

Even through MIT, Rhodey knew how much that Tony disliked the mention or celebration of his birthday and he respected that. As an adult, a truly wild adult at that, celebrating his birthday didn't become a thing for him to celebrate, but rather for the mass amounts people who we're invited to the party to celebrate. Free drink, free drugs. What more could party mad young adults ask for?

Having Phil as a Daddy, however, Tony had learnt how to celebrate his birthday again, in the right way. Whether he was little on his birthday or being a massive asshole, Phil a,ways made sure that he had the best birthday, filled with love and fun and affection and presents. Phil made Tony want to celebrate his birthday again, he made Tony feel loved and important and that's all that matters.

"Good Morning, Sir. It is currently 10:56am on the 20th of May and you are in Avengers Tower in New York City. The temperature outside is currently 68 degrees Fahrenheit."JARVIS recites off whenever Tony makes signs of movement in the bedroom, turning from his back onto his side so that he can bury his face further into Phils pillow that has grown cold since his husbands absence out of bed.

"Hmm, 5 more minutes."He mumbles into the pillow, voice slurred and thick with sleep as he basks in the familiar scent of Phil, a perfect mixture of that cheap coffee that S.H.I.E.L.D stalk up on and his expensive cologne.

"I've been advised to wake you up at 11am, sir. Seeing as it is your birthday."

"Even more the reason not to get up."

"I do regret to inform you that if you do not get up I will be forced to contact one of the Avengers occupying the tower at this current time to quote, kick your ass out of bed, unquote."

"Right, I'm up. I'm up."Tony groans, forcing himself to sit up in bed, eyes still shit close with sleep and tiredness and hands up in mock surrender. His hair is a mess of dark curls, sleep ruffled and face tinted a soft pink from sleep heat, the tank top that he has on swooping low on his chest and revealing the top of the arc rector."Cancel the wake up call."

"Already completed, sir."

"Hmm, I bet that threat was coming from you. Remind me not to make you a skeleton."He yawns, rubbing at his eyes to waken himself up. He's beyond tired, even if he slept for a good while, there's not enough sleep in the world to catch up on what he's missed.

"As told before, sir."

Pulling himself out of bed, Tony is lazily pulling on one of the hoodies that lays on the bedroom floor, basking in the soft scent of coffee that stains it, much to Tony's enjoyment. Shuffling through his floor, Tony is reaching the elevator that JARVIS gratefully takes to the common room floor, only a floor above.

Tony is fully expecting at least one or two of the avengers to make occupant on the common floor that day, because they might usually get up early for breakfast but hanging around on the common floor is not uncommon. Instead, entering the kitchen, Tony is greeted with nobody other than himself, something that makes him frown.

"J, where is everyone?"He asks weary, grabbing a mug from the cupboard nevertheless to make himself a coffee. It's when he's reaching the coffee machine that Tony's wondering look changes into a deep frown, spotting the sticky note that's been stuck to the coffee machine, the first place that Tony would go.


There was an Emergency and I had to go. There's left over pizza in the fridge (if Thor hadn't eaten it already) for lunch, I should be home by Dinner. I'm so sorry.

Love, Phil

"Agent Coulson is-"

'"Busy, yeah, I know."Tony mumbles, scrunching up the sticky note and throwing it in the bin, missing. He can't afford to be mad, Tony misses all types of important dates whenever he's in important work mode or on a binge in the workshop, and if it wasn't for JARVIS and his constant remaining, he'd forget his own birthday, or worse, Phils birthday.

But this is different. Phil never misses a date, he's so organised and accurate that sometimes Tony swears that he has OCD. And even further, he always remembers Tony's birthday. Even when Tony can't remember, or nobody else can remember, Phil always does. He always makes it a big thing. And not to have a Happy Birthday written on the sticky note or a present in their livingroom, it makes Tony feel incredibly upset.

"-in Canada."

"Wait, what?"

"Agent Barton is at S.H.I.E.L.D, Doctor Banner is currently out of the building andAgent Romanov and Captain Rogers are both in Canada."JARVIS is retelling the location of the remainder of the other Avengers whenever he notices that Tony had not been listening.

"Okay,"Tony says softly into his mug of coffee, suddenly not feeling as Happy as he was whenever he had woken up. There's a frown stitched onto his lips, his coffee no longer looking as good as it did. Shaking his head, Tony is setting the mug of coffee onto the kitchen counter before he heads to the elevator."Workshop, J."

"Of course, Sir."

Arriving down at the workshop, Tony is greeted with the whirl and beeps of his bots, a grin breaking out onto his lips in replacement of his frown whenever he spots Dumm-E rolling over, holding a piece of paper in his heavy metal claw.

"What's this?"He questions, taking the piece of paper off of the bot as his other hand pets at Butterfingers to pay him some attention as well. The paper is crumpled at his sides from Dumm-E's tight hold, crayon covering the paper in what Tony can make out as Happy Birthday, a greeting that Tony had taught him whenever he was first built.

And all of a sudden, Tonys chest is feeling incredibly tight as he stares down at the sheet of paper because it's simple, it's messy but it's the best gift that Tony could ever be given by his Bots. He doesn't realise that there's tears in his eyes until he's forcing to blink them away, looking at Dumm-E who is beeping worrisomely.

"Thanks, Buddy. This means a lot to me."He gives the 'bot a watery smile. He's letting out a chuckle as Dumm-E whirls and beeps loudly, proud and happy that Tony likes his gift before he's whirling away across the workshop in search for this fuzzy tennis ball to throw and play with for the afternoon.

Tony spends a good couple of hours down in the workshop, spending time with Dumm-E, You and Butterfingers for a while, playing ball and giving them top ups and fix ups on oil and mechanics which they are all very grateful of. He doesn't realise that just by playing ball with his 'bots makes him feel so little, especially whenever he's feeling so sad and so small I'm the massive workshop.

It's when Tony is throwing the fuzzy tennis ball across the workshop that he hears somebody clear his throat, causing the little to whip his head around at the doors to spot Wade standing at the door of the workship, holding a box and a set of colourful balloons that are tied around his wrist so that they didn't blow away on his journey here.

"Uncle Wade!"

"Hey, Buddy!"Wade has to hide back his confusion, covering it up with enthusiasm as he sets down the box onto one of the workshop benches and catches Tony whenever the little jumps for him, arms wrapping around him to secure his place in the massive hug.

"What are you doing here?"Tony asks in curiosity, jumping up and down in Wades hold, loving being so high up in the mutants arms with his own arms slung around Wades neck. He wasn't expecting the man to drop by, it wasn't uncommon of course, especially now after Tony and Wade have gotten incredibly close in both little space and his normal headspace.

Their personalities clashed of course, but there was also a lot of aspects that made them fit so well in their odd type of friendship. As a little, Tony was the perfect candidate to help Wade get use to looking after a Little, and while in his normal headspace, both Tony and Wade argued like cat and dog while both simultaneously causing mayhem in the tower or wherever that they go together.

Tony has also been working around the bend on Wades peculiar abilities, with Wade allowing Tony to be the only type of 'scientist' to poke and prod at him for answers to unasked questions on his abilities and his condition. It also helped matters that Tony didn't judge him on how he looks, the affected and scared up skin, because Tony too has scars and ugly skin that he's self-conscious about.

"I came to see you! It's you're birthday!"Wades face breaks out into a questionable smile because he did get the dates right, yeah? It has been circled on his calendar for months and he made sure to check every day to make sure that he didn't miss Tony's birthday, scraping together enough money to buy him a gift ( because Tony is worth a lot more than stealing).


"Of course, Tony."Wades smile sort of flatters a little at the disbelief in Tony's voice. Bringing up a hand, Wade is running it through Tony's dark loose curls, a look of question on his face."What are you doing down here? I thought you weren't allowed down here when you're little. Where's your Daddy?"

"Actually, I can play with my 'bots if JARVIS is watching me."Tony points towards the sound systems in the ceilings smugly because infact he can. It was a rule that Tony had made up, but a rule nevertheless."And he was watching me. Weren't you J?"

"I was, Young Sir."


"I don't doubt that you weren't being watched but that still doesn't explain why you're on your own down here."Wade frowns slightly, looking onto at the mess of the workshop. It's always a mess, a clustered mess of genius as Tony calls it and the bots are running wild in the workshop, trying to gain the attention of Wade and Tony.

"Cus' Daddy is busy an' Uncle Steve an' Aunt 'Tasha are gone."Tony shrugs his shoulders, hands coming to fiddle with the ribbon of the balloons that are tied around Wades arm. They're bright and shiny, designed with some of Tony's favourite cartoons."Are these for me?"

"Yes they are. They're part of your birthday gift, Bubba."

"Birthday gift?"Tony's voice falls small and shocked, staring at Wade with wide brown eyes that would honestly break Wades heart because Tony Stark is one in a Billion and never fails to show Wade just how the media fakes an image."Everyone forgot my birthday..."

"Well I didn't."Wade declares firmly, chucking at Tony's chin to make the little look at him in the eyes."And that's because I could never forget such an important date. Now how about we go upstairs and get you washed and changed and fed, yeah? A birthday boy deserves birthday pampering."

"I want cake."

"Then you will get cake! Now go say goodbye to your bots and wait by the elevator while I make sure that everything is packed up. I'll be 5 minutes."Wade is setting Tony down not the ground, untying the balloons from his arm and handing the bunch over to the little who lets out amused giggle and does as he's told.

"See you tomorrow!"He calls to each individual robot, sloppily blowing them each a kiss before he grabs at the drawing made by Dumm-E and runs off towards the lift just like Uncle Wade told him to do. JARVIS is making sure that all of the bots go to their charging stations while Wade gathers up the box that he has set down and goes to follow Tony.

He's beyond pissed off, of course not at Tony because he's sure he could never be pissed off at him, but the entire fact that his birthday has been forgotten about not just by one person, but them all. It saddens Wade, he's learnt to know how much that Tony has only gradually started to get use to his birthday again because of Phil and for the man to disregard the fact that it's his own husbands birthday, his own Littles, it's ridiculous.

And nobody is going to hear the end of it, not on Wades watch.

Part 2 is coming up

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