Hearts, Hugs and Humphrey The Hippo [Brendon/Josh/Sarah]
A late, cute little valentines chapter featuring Daddy!Brendon, Mommy!Sarah and Little!Josh. In relation to Weekend At The Uries.
Not many people read this but I thought it would be a very cute idea and therefore I decided to write this a couple of days late (;
Enjoy (:
Strangely, Josh wakes up on his own accord in the morning. It's unusual, because usually his Mommy or Daddy comes to wake him up with kisses and soft touches to his back to try and coax him out of sleep, because as much as Josh hates to fall asleep, he hates it even more to be woken up. It's usually one of his favourite moments of the day, because his Mommy and Daddy are the last voices he hears before falling asleep and the first to wake up.
Today however is different.
It's Valentines Day. A day that Josh would usually brush it off as any other day - because that's all it has been for Josh - where he would proceed to watch stupid romantic comedies and eat the left over chocolate that Tyler usually forgets to give Jenna. This year is different, because he's spending it with his Mommy and Daddy and for once, he actually has people to give a Valentines gift to this year.
As much as he still is very sleepy - because he really isn't sure what time it is - josh manages to drag himself out of bed, His beloved stuffed Ginger and White cat Socks cuddled to his chest first help him on this adventure. His hair is still fluffy and clean washed from the bath that his Daddy had gave him last night and his cheeks a rosy pink from sleep heat during the night as he gets out of his bed.
It's an adorable sight because Josh is cladded in one of his Footsie onesies that's designed to look like a cat, with a hood that flips up to reveal a cat face and a tail to match. It's adorable and one that Josh loves a lot.
"I hope Mommy and Daddy like them..."It's simple gifts that only someone with the mind of a toddler could think of and make himself - and maybe with the help of Tyler and Mark but that's something that nobody needs to know shh - and he's pretty damn proud of what he's made but he just hopes that his Mommy and Daddy like them too.
Bringing socks with him, Josh shuffles out of his bedroom and out into the hall, unaware of how early in the morning it actually is as he quietly pushes his Mommy and Daddy's bedroom door open. His Mommy and Daddy are still sleeping which doesn't surprise Josh, and really he's glad that they're still sleeping because he wants to wake them up himself.
"We gotta be quiet."Josh whispers to Socks who's tucked under his left arm as he ventures further into the bedroom, watching his step so that he doesn't trip or slip on his way to his Mommy and Daddy's bed. Carefully, Josh is starting from the bottom of the bed, managing to crawl his way in between his Mommy and Daddy's body's.
Setting Socks on the pillow in between his Mommy and Daddy delicately, he remains holding their presents with care in his hands as he starts to wake them up, bouncing on his knees on the bed just a little as he starts to chant their names in an attempt to wake them up.
"Mommy, Daddy. Wake up! It's V-Valentines Day!"He increasingly gets louder and more excited, even though there are nervous butterflies fluttering in his stomach at the idea that maybe his Mommy and Daddy won't like their gifts or even worse, be angry at Josh for waking them up this early.
"Josh, baby, be a little quieter."Brendon mumbles whenever he's woken up by the excitement of his little boy who lets out a nervous giggle, slowing down the bouncing that he's doing on the bed as his Daddy sits up, his own hair a mess from sleep and eyes barely open and with his voice thick with sleep.
"Sorry Daddy, M'just excited 'cause it's Valentine's Day! A-and I got 'ou and Mommy a gift!"Josh tries to keep his voice a whisper but he ends up almost whisper yelling the words instead, too excited for his own good which Brendon finds adorable, even if it is 6 in the morning and he would rather be still asleep.
"You did?"Brendon tries his hardest to sound surprised because really, he had spotted the gifts hidden under a pile of Josh's stuffed toys whenever he was tidying up his bedroom last week. Josh nods his head enthusiastically, a grin breaking out on his face whenever Brendon slowly starts to smile."That's awesome, Dude. Let me just wake up Mommy and we can open them, yeah?"
Josh helps his Daddy to wake up his Mommy, joining in to press a kiss to his Mommys cheek whenever he notices his Daddy doing so whenever Sarah eventually sits up. Usually it's Sarah that's awake first but Brendon sees it as no surprise that he woke up first, Josh has been extremely clingy towards Sarah over the past days and it's been tiring.
"Good Morning, Josh."Sarah greets first whenever she spots the excited little who seems to be desperate to show his Mommy and Daddy his gifts because little' don't have patience!"You're awake early."
"Good morning, Mommy. It's Valentine's Day! A-and I got y-you and Daddy gifts because I love you a-and you're my Valentines."Josh's face reddens with a blush, suddenly feeling extremely shy that he has admitted it out loud. There were no rules that said you couldn't give the people that looked after and loved you in their own way a Valentine's Gift.
"Aw baby, we love you too. Come sit between Mommy and Daddy and we'll open our gifts."Sarah has a broad smile on her face despite her own tiredness, opening her arms out as a sign for Josh to move forward to sit between them. The little giggles with nerves, scooting into the space between the pair on the bed with a wide grin.
"T-this is for Daddy a-and this one is for Mommy."Josh hands the gifts out shyly, hiding his face behind Socks whenever Brendon and Sarah take the gifts from Josh. Brendon opens his first with a smile, the wrapping paper is shabby work but Brendon can't expect anything less from a Little with the headspace of a toddler.
Inside the box is a thin plastic object that Brendon takes out of the box with care. He immediately recognises it as a guitar pick, link in colour with what looks to be a felt heart superglued to one side of it which instantly makes Brendon's heart swell with adoration at the new guitar pick that Josh has made.
"I-I know you like to play so I thought to get you a guitar pick a-and I thought you might want a one from me."Josh shyly just incase his Daddy doesn't know what the object is. He's afraid that maybe he made he heart too big for the guitar pick.
"Buddy, I love it so much. Thank you."Brendon genuinely means it, pressing a kiss to the side of Josh's head and giving him a one arm hug from the angle that they sit in. Josh is back do blushing, smiling behind the ear of socks that he has taken on chewing on nervously."I'm going to put it back in its box and keep it safe forever."
Sarah opens her gift next and she can't help but to coo at the written scrawl of 'Mommy's Gift book' that is written on the first page of the booklet in numerous coloured glitter pens. The booklet is in the shape of a heart, with each page containing a different 'gift' that varies from a hug from Josh, a Mommy and Josh day and even one for just a Mommy Day.
"I-It's to let 'ou have some time on your own a-and me and daddy can go to the park for a while."Josh is well aware of how clingy that he can be with his Mommy and he decided to make the booklet for his Mommy to have the option to op out of looking after josh and handing the full duty over to Brendon instead.
"This is so thoughtful and pretty,"Sarah sets the booklet aside, turning so that she can envelop Josh in a huge, warm hug that makes the little melt instantly. She presses a kiss to his cheek, whispering."I love you so much, my little St. Valentine. Thank you for your gift."
"Y-you're welcome."He preens proudly because now his nerves have gone and he's happy that his Mommy and Daddy are indeed happy with their gifts. That has been his initial worry in the first place.
"We have a gift for you too, babe."Brendon announces, rolling his shoulders in a stretch before he's reaching down the side of the bed for the present he has kept for Josh from both himself and Sarah. There's also the gift he has stashed for Sarah but he'll give her that gift after Breakfast.
"Really?"He gasps in shock because he didn't expect to get anything in return.
"Yep. Now close your eyes."Sarah coaxes with a laugh whenever Josh has already obeyed her orders and is waiting for the gift to be put into his hands. Brendon gives his wife a glance, a smile on his face that is mirrored before he sets the gift into Josh's awaiting hands."Open."
Gasping, Josh is met with the soft sight of a Pink coloured Hippopotamus, accompanied with a pink bow wrapped around his neck. He's soft to touch and medium in size and Josh is already in line with the new stuffed toy and potential friend.
"He's so pretty!"He gasps, cuddling the hippo to his chest with a grin, Socks tucked under his arm because the lease he wants to do is make his Socks upset. Josh is always open to getting new friends but never do they replace Socks."Thank you! I love him!"
"You're very welcome, babe."Sarah smiles, loving the way that Josh's face has lit up with happiness at his own Valentine's gift.
"Now that I'm up, how about we go and make some yummy valentines pancakes for Mommy?"Brendon suggests, already getting out of bed so that he can fetch a t-shirt and throw on some jogging bottoms to wear until after breakfast. Josh is jumping up with an excited sound, nodding his head."Okay, go downstairs and wait in the livingroom for Daddy."
As soon as Josh has left, Brendon is leaning down to press a soft kiss to Sarah's lips, morning breath and all. The kiss is short lived before he's pulling away with a cheeky looking smile upon his lips that Sarah has grown fond and use of.
"Have another hours sleep, you deserve it. I'll look after Josh today. Count it as part of your valentines gift."He smirks.
"I hope it isn't my only gift."She teases right back, leaning in to press another kiss to his lips, chest warm with love and affection because she still can't believe that she's married to this man.
"You have to wait and see."
I just wanted to make something cute like this and there you have it
If anyone wants anything else from this verse just let me know!
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