Drop Out Of The Sky [SpideyPool|Stony]
So this is before Peter gets his powers but Wade has his idk. Let's pretend that okay, he has his powers because of radiation and shut but his body isn't as dismantled as it should be and he looks normal, but still has his powers.
#TeamSuperFamily with Dad!Steve and Papa!Tony
"Peter, what happened this time?"Steve sighs whenever his son walks into the house that afternoon, a growing bruise circling his right eye and one of his Dad's old MIT baseball caps pulled over his head, in an angle to maybe try and hide his bruise. It doesn't work, and curse his dad for having that super soldier hearing.
He could lie, like he has done many times since the beatings has started, or he could tell the truth and face having the 'My baby is being beat up' talk from Steve and Tony and watching their saddened expressions. Peter knows that he should probably let them know what has been happening, His Dad had went through the same stuff back when he was a sickly skinny man in the 1940's and his Papa from his time spent in Afghanistan and every other time he was kidnapped.
But he can't bring himself to do so.
Peter doesn't want to see the sadness on his Dad's faces, to kneel that their son is going though the same pain that both have already endured in their lives and wines would never happen to Peter. He's supposed to be strong like his Fathers, he should I fight back from the little guy and not be such a push over.
The beatings had started not too long back, by a group of teens just a little bit older than himself stalking him home one day after school. He had missed the school bus due to staying behind to finish off a project - because his lab partner fucked off somewhere else and knew he would get an A+ due to having Peter Stark-Rogers as his science partner - which meant he had to walk home, being too young to drive.
Peter is sure that it's because he's intelligent, and as much as his fathers can spend for him to go to a private school, neither of them want Peter to grow up in that type of posh and spoiled environment. Peter has always been pushed around for being just that but smarter than his fellow students, and maybe it's because it's in the Stark genes to be intelligent but sometimes he curses that fact that he is. Maybe if he was normal this wouldn't happen.
"Tripped and hit myself on open locker, no big deal."Peter shrugs, turning away from his Dad's gaze so he can head up to his room and take a well needed shower and maybe sleep until dinner. He just hopes that his Dad made his favourite and they aren't going to go out for eat. Peter whines whenever Steve gently yanks his chin to face him, forced to stare up at his dad as he inspects the bruise."Dad!"
"Let me get you some ice."Is all Steve says, forcing the teenager to follow him into the kitchen, making Peter sulk and whine the entire journey there. Their house is the perfect size for the three of them, but of course with a family having as much money as they have, it's furnished with the best of the best furniture and technology throughout the house. Tony still had his workshop, with DUM-E - despite the 'bot being older, he still managed to whirl and beep -, YOU and Butterfingers all accompany him in the furnished basement and having a personal gym for Steve.
"Dad, I'm fine."Peter insists as he's pushed into one of the breakfast bar chairs, watching his dad round the counter and reach into the freezer for an ice pack and a Popsicle."I'm not 12."
"I know, you're 16 but that doesn't mean I can't give my baby a Popsicle."Steve gushes, handing the ice pack over and then thinking about giving the Popsicle over until he stops."Unless you don't want it."
"No, I do."Peter says a little too quickly, grabbing it out of his Dad's hands as he holds the ice pack to his swollen and bruising eye. It hurts, but it's a dull pain that only hurts when something is pressed against it so it isn't that much of a bother. His Papa will flip shit when he sees him all bruised up again."Thank you."
"You're welcome,"Steve smiles just a little, kissing Peter on his forehead and making the teenager scrunch up his face in disgust which makes Steve laugh loudly."Go do your homework, Your Papa will be home soon and I think he wants to go out for dinner tonight."
"Ugh, Why can't we just get take away? We both know that Papa knows the pizzeria number off my heart."
"Young Sir, Your father forgets his own date of birth, I don't think he is capable of memorising a Phone Number."JARVIS pipes up during Steve and Peters conversation. The house wouldn't be complete without JARVIS, Peter has grew up with the A.I.
"Exactly,"Steve nods his head up as a thanks."Your Papa likes to treat us, he loves us. It'll be nothing spectacular, just a family meal like a normal family."Peter rolls his good eye, hopping off of the stool and heading for the door with his unwrapped Popsicle.
"As if we're Normal."
The dinner goes uneventful, thankfully enough. Tony had arrived 3 hours after Peter fell asleep, taking a shower before all three of them went for dinner at one of the restaurants that they normally ate at, and coincidentally Bucky actually owns due to the fact that Tony bought it for his birthday 15 years ago. The meal is fine, gorgeous and the only downside would have to be that Peter was stuck watching his parents make ogle eyes at one another.
Peter sometimes envies his Dad's relationship with one another. It's so beautiful and solid that it makes Peter want to scream in their faces at how confident and loving and affectionate that the two of them are. Tony and Steve have such a wonderful relationship, and Peter is grateful to have fathers are wonderful and amazing as they are.
It's dark by the time that they're pulling up to their guarded gates, Tony activating the finger print scanner for the gates to open and allow the SUV into the home. They were lucky enough to not have the media stalking them down to their meal for once, which everyone was grateful of. Steve had helped Peter cover up his his black eye with some left over foundation, lucky enough Tony had yet to notice.
"Are you still thinking about going to MIT after graduation, Spider?"Tony asks as the gates start to open, peering back at the teenager who glares out of the window with an earphone in one ear which Tony takes as an invitation to talk. Peter gives him a small sound in return.
"I might,"He shrugs.
"It would be good for you, having relatives that have already attended and having your father fund it."Tony chimes with a sort of proudness that only a dad could hold. Peter was graduating and it makes Tony so proud for his son to be graduating early and doing something with his life. He just hopes that he doesn't fall in his footsteps.
"Tony, stop putting pressure on him."Steve side glances at his husband as he drives the SUV up the path way to their home.
"I'm just saying, he's graduating soon and he needs to get a place in a good University, for me to do an entire safety protocol around the entire campus."Tony says, leaning back into his seat as he looks over at Steve who rolls his eyes. Both largest would rather have their son wrapped in cotton wool and kept in their home until their dying day, Peter would rather travel before he heads to university.
"He can take all the time that he nee- Holy shit!"The car swerves whenever a figure pops out of nowhere in front of their SUV and onto the front bonnet with a loud thud and a chorus of screams from all three males inside of the car at the body that has landed on top of their car. Steve breaks the car in alert, sending the body forward onto the cobbled drive way of their home.
"What just happened?"Peter asks frantically, yanking out the bud in his ear and taking off his seat belt to lean forward between his parents. Steves face is pale in horror as he stares out the window, Tony shaking.
"Your Dad just killed someone."Tony says.
"No I didn't! He just dropped out of nowhere onto our car, it was not my fault!"Steve shouts in defence, snapped out of his trance at staring where the body had fell onto the bonnet of their car. He just fell out of nowhere and nobody in the car would be blamed for that."Fuck, we got to check if he's okay."
"Or if he's dead."
"He's not dead, Peter!"Steve shouts frantically before getting out the car, Tony and Peter following with the slamming of their car doors. The cars head lights are turned on, illuminating the path in front of them with also the help of Tony's glow from his arc reactor, giving them the clean enough view of the body that lays in front of their SUV.
They lay on their front, making it unsure if the body is breathing or not from this angle, his face turned into the cobble stones and arms reached up high, legs rested uncomfortably. He wears what Peter can only describe as a skin tight body suit, red in colour and what looks to be like holsters on his back, probably used to hold swords not guns.
He doesn't look overly hurt, or well, not to Peter, Tony or Steve anyway.
But then again, Steve was a man that could fall off an 100 foot building and still survive, and Tony - and Peter - both had control over the Iron Man suits.
Cautiously, Peter is bringing a sneaker covered foot and nudging at the bodies side until he successfully moves him onto his side and then nudging him onto his back, giving the three males the view of his masked face. There was blood gushing from an open wound in his side, but not enough blood to alarm.
"I think he's dead."
"He's breathing, Papa."Peter deadpans, continuing to look down at the body as he watches his chest rise and fall. He's breathing, just knocked out from the fall.
"This means he can sue."
"I hit him with our cast, Tony! He can sue us for that!"
"He dropped out of the fucking sky, onto our car! We can sue him for that."
"Dad, Papa, I think we should get him inside."
"I think we should phone the police."
"As if the police have done anything in there lives for us. We're ex-superheroes, we can handle him if he flips out."Tony says smugly, because both Steve and Himself may be retired from begging superheroes, but that didn't mean they were vulnerable. Tony still had all of the suits, and Steve was still able to kill a guy with one punch.
Getting the body into the house was easy enough, Steve doing the carrying and Tony and Peter opening the doors and informing JARVIS what had happened. The A.I seemed amused, because of course nothing in this family was normal and something like this was just waiting to happen, probably.
"Peter, take off his mask."Tony orders, after setting the body down onto one of the sofas in their livingroom. Steve has went to grab some disinfection spray and a gauze to maybe try and clean up the wound on the mans side. Tony knows that removing his mask is invading his privacy but they need to double check wounds,
"Okay,"Peter says unsurely, moving round sofa to where the Velcro is at the back of the mask, taking it off with care until revealing the mans face. Peter can't help himself but to blush at the attractiveness of the man, even with the slight gashes across his nose that don't seem that bad the longer that Peter looks at them.
Peter has an urge to touch the mans soft looking light brown hair, or rub the soft skin of the palm of his hand across the mans stubble. He's handsome as he lays unconscious, with a face that has matured with age but not as old as 30. Peter only hopes that he has brown eyes, he loved brown eyes.
" - Mutant."Tony's voice drones, snapping Peter out of his trance at staring at the man that lays on their couch.
"Sorry, what?"Peter asks, forcing his gaze away from the man and to his Papa who is looking at him with a knowing smile, one that makes Peter blush harder."What did you say?"
"I said that his wounds are healing. I think he's a mutant."Tony repeats with a small smile, looking at Peter who looks away from his dad and back to the man. It wasn't uncommon for vim my Tony to know of mutants, the avengers have worked side by side with the X-Men enough times for him to be use to them, and to know that they are all different.
"Like the X-Men?"
"Probably,"Tony shrugs."He might be a student at Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters." Tony says, looking the male over. Tony has to admit that he's handsome, not Steve Rogers handsome, but handsome.
"I'm back."Steve announces, setting the spray and gauze on the coffee table.
"No need, he's a mutant."
"Which means?"
"He has enhanced healing abilities. Like Logan."
"Logan?"Peter asks with a raised eyebrow, looking at his parents.
"Wolverine."Steve pitches in, waiting until Peter nods and then goes back to watching the man sleep on their coach in memorisation. He can't help himself from watching him sleep, there's just something about him that makes Peter swoon and feel all mushy.
"I'm going to do a quick DNA test and see."Tony declares."JARVIS can run the details through data bases and find out his identity and if he's a student and we can contact Charles."
"Why can't we just wait until he wakes up and ask him?"Steve raises his eyebrow.
"That will take ages. He onto the bonnet of our car and then you braked him half way up the path, I think he's going to be out till morning."
"We can't leave him alone."
"I'll wait with him."Peter declares, looking over at his parents with hope in his eyes."I'll wait with him until he wakes up, ask who he is, where he came from and why he's here. He's bound to speak openly to someone his own age, and no offence but neither of you are Spring Chickens."
"Oi!"Tony says defensively, his voice flattering just a little now that he was in his fifties. No matter, he still looks good for his age and despite Steve being younger than him, Steve and the serum makes him look younger than what he is as well. It didn't mean either of them liked to be teased about their age.
"Well it's true,"Steve mumbles."What if he tries to attack you?"
"Then JARVIS will alert you and a suit will be up to protect me."
"Right, fine."
I'm doing a part 2 which will solely be spideypool
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