Drop Out Of The Sky [BONUS]

I'm kinda of mixing this up a little but I don't give a shit. In the old timeline, Wade was in the Vietnam war and was made into weapon XI, and in the new time he isn't in a war seeing as it's in like 2015 period New York. But, I'm going to have him being in Afgan for a good while so that him being a mercenary-for-hire makes sense.

I self consciously break the forth wall when it comes to Wade

"Okay, so you're telling me that people don't wear Powder Blue Tuxedos to prom anymore? What the Shit, Peter? What the fuck am I supposed to wear then, because if you think you're forcing me into one of those penguin suits you can go and suck a cock."Wade swears, Holding his phone to his ear as he walks in and out of the square that he calls his closet, cardboard boxes pulled out and clothes thrown onto the floor of the bedroom area.

"Wade, stop being such a good damn panickier! You're going to a high school prom, not the fucking oscars. Honestly, nobody cares what you wear unless you're important, and I'm sorry to say this to you babe, but we aren't important."Peter can't help the fond smile the spreads on his lips as he lays on his bed, back to the bed and a leg dangling over another as he kicks it in boredom.

With his Papers left abandoned on his bed, Peter sends a glance over to where his suit hangs, pressed and dry cleaned from the best of the best cleaners that money could buy and a suit that probably costs the same amount as the house he lives in with his parents. His Dad and Papa was taking the whole 'Their baby is going to prom' thing quiet seriously, and emotionally, Peter often catching one of his parents mewling over Baby photos of their son at weird hours of the morning.

It wasn't as if Peter didn't want to go - because trust me, he had a lot of reasons of not wanting to go to this damn prom and mostly it was because he was like a sitting duck - but at the same time, he kind of wanted to go as well. This is his last year, his final high school moments before he heads off to college and sees more of the world.

Another reason why Peter wanted to go was so he could show off Wade. A boyfriend of 7 months that seems to cause more trouble in Peters life already, but really, makes the teenager a more happier person. Wade, his boyfriend of 22 years of age that never even completed high school and never went to his own high school prom, and so, in gratitude of being a - as wade put it 'a fucking bad ass with a great ass - boyfriend to Peter, the teenager was taking him to his first prom.

And they were going to rock it.

"Speak for yourself, the gal's swoon for the wadester."

"Say that again and I'm breaking up with you."

"You wouldn't. You love me too much, Babe."Wade smirks, imagining Peter nibbling on his bottom lip and rolling his eyes in fondness. He finds himself kneeling against another cardboard box, digging around the old Captain America t-shirts - shamelessly a fan since childhood and may or may not have passed out when he first met Peters Dad - and belt buckles that he once use to collect out of boredom.

"Unfortunately so."Peter hums, his eyes fixed on his ceiling as he speaks.

"I can't find anything! That's it, I'm not going. Have fun at prom!"Wade huffs in frustration, standing up and kicking one of the boxes back into the closet.

"Wade, calm down. Look, you can wear your Powder Blue Tuxedo as long as you keep at least 10 feet away from me and don't look my way or speak in my direction- wait, why do you even have one in the first place? If you've never been to a prom?"Peter asks, sitting up on his bed and making the papers below him crinkle.

"Well technically, I've been to a prom but it wasn't my own, and I wasn't anyone's date."Wade admits coyly, kicking another cardboard box and watching it skid across the ground of his loft. It hits the open chest of drawers, the bottom one which consists of different articles of clothing that all belong to Peter. Wade can't help but to smile, because it gave him that sense of stability that Peter was his, and that he was always around even if he wasn't.

"So you're lying to me?"

"I'm not! I was there on a...as the DJ?"Wade tries to lie, giving himself a somewhat awkward smile in his reflection as he looks at himself. It wasn't as if Peter didn't know that Wade got his money from being a mercenary-for-hire, they had already had the big 'lay your cards on the table' date, it was more the fact that Peter didn't like what Wade done.

Of course, he understood that his boyfriend needed to blow off that access steam that he carried because not everywhere was their an English asshole called Francis trying to ruin your life, and yes okay, Wade did what he did for the money and it helped him through ranging nightmares of the war. But, there was always counselling meetings for that.

Yeah, Peter had to make it up to Wade after suggesting that

"Don't lie to me, Wade Wilson."

"I'm not!"

"You're doing it again!"

"Right, fine. I am, but I'm doing it just so that you don't beat my ass with some of your Pop's kinky ass robot hands."Wade shudders, regretting the day that he walked in on Peters Dad and Papa going at it in their bedroom, mistaking their room for Peters and finding Steve with that robot hand in his own and Tonys ass already red.

He would never sleep properly again

"Ugh, Wade!"Peter grimaces, screwing up his face in disgust because he had to have the aftermath of dragging his boyfriend from the door whenever he screamed and then have both Wade tell him what he saw and his Parents sit him down and explain to him what it was that they were doing. Shudder."I hate you, I just got that thought out of my head."

"Well now we can both suffer together."

"How romantic,"Peter rolls has eyes, wiggling his toes whenever he allows his legs to dangle in front of him, up in the air."Now back to the outfit. Why don't you just buy a new suit? Second hand maybe?"

"Because not all of us are going to be inheriting Billions whenever their parents croak it."

"You're such an insensitive bastard."Peter grumbles,"You can borrow my card, I don't care."

"Oh, borrowing baby's card. Does this make you my sugar Daddy? Or my Sugar baby?"Wade smirks.

"Ew, fuck off."Peter scrunches up his nose once again, up on his feet whenever he hears the sound of the garage opening. He walks over to his window, smiling whenever he spots his Papas car drive into the garage."I'm just a sweet innocent little baby."

"You're anything but innocent. I'm the Daddy, just to clarify."Wade laughs, mindlessly steaming up the mirror he stands in front of and drawing little smiley faces as he speaks. He's standing in nothing but his boxers, the prom in a mer week."And no, I'm not going that. That's your money and I'm not a freeloader. I'll sort something out."


"Oh fuck, where does this go again? The wrist? No that's for girls. The breast pocket? What if he has a handkerchief there, oh fuck, I don't know where to put this! What if he doesn't like the colour red? Wait, that's his favourite colour so of course he likes the colour red. But what if it doesn't go with his tie, or my tie? Maybe this is a bad idea, let's just turn around and go home. Yeah, Wade, let's do that-"

Wade has done a lot of things in his life, he's watched men blow up right in front of his eyes, shot dead by a bullet from enemy lines. He's witnessed some of the best SuperHeros of his time save Earth a bunch of times from Aliens and robot villains who have went AWOL. Wade has survived from engulfing amounts of radiation and got amazing powers in return. He's turned men into kebabs with nothing but his swords and have watched as his missing limbs grew back.

But this, this was nerve wrecking

"How did I end up at the front door?"Wade asks in more self confusion, staring wide eyed at the expensive wood that is the Stark-Rogers front door. He had made it over the brick wall with ease, because no matter what, Wade was still Wade and he never went by the rules."Shit, no, don't knock, I'm not ready- and I'm knocking. Fuck."

He's talking himself, or maybe he isn't. There's bound to be someone listening to what he's saying. Like the readers.

Wade can feel himself shake whenever the door is being pulled open, the poor red corsage in the white cardboard box in his hand shaking against the sides as his arm shakes in nerve. Thankfully, it's Steve that is opening the door because the man may be all muscles and strength - and could probably kill Wade if he could die - he was somewhat less intimidating than Tony who could kill with a glare.

Wade has always hated mothers. Tony is obviously a mother.

"Wade."Steve offers the shaking young man a smile.

"Mr Rogers."Wade finds himself being a somewhat polite human being. This is important, well it's important to Peter so it's important to Wade. As much as Wade was willing to continue dating Peter without the consent of Tony and Steve, there was still that little nagging voice in the back of his mind that gave him that sense of crave for their blessing.

"Peter is just finishing up, he'll be down shortly. Come in, I'm not going to make you stand outside."Steve steps away from the door just a little to allow Wade in, the younger male giving Peters Dad a head nod of thanks and understanding as he steps into the warm hallway of the household.

"Good Evening, Mr Pool."JARVIS greets overhead, surprising Wade who nearly drops the white box that contains Peters corsage. Wade fumbles with the box.

"Ugh, Hey Jarvis."Wade has to suppress a groan at how fucking childish he must sound. He's supposed to be confident, but with one Dad glaring over his back and a guardian AI above, he feels like a child who has just been caught stealing a cookie."And it's just Wade."

Each and every time that Wade steps foot into this house, he gets that wash of family and each and every time it reminds Wade of how lonely he truly is.

"We need to talk,"Steve decides to break the silence, watching the way that Wade obviously startles just a little. He could see how nervous the normally overly cocky and sarcastic young man was and to say that it was endearing to see how worked up Wade is over Peter."You are to bring Peter home by 11 and no later than that. I want all hands to be kept to their person and I don't want any funny business. I know, you're legal to drink alcohol and what you do is your own business but if I smell even the faintest on Peter, it will be the last thing that you do."

"I understand-"

"Steve! Stop making him shit his pants and just get the damn camera ready!"There's a shout from the top of the stairs, among both men look up to see Tony standing with his hands on his hips and glaring at his husband. Wade breathes a sigh of relief, today it seemed that Tony is the good guy. He underestimated Steves scariness.

"Yes, yes."Steve fumbles with the camera in his hands.

"Jarvis! You better get good shots, you know how crap Steve is with the camera."

"I will do my best, Sir."

Wade holds his breath as he watches Peter practically be escorted down the stairs by Tony, because fuck, Wade is one lucky guy. His two piece suit is crisp and a charcoal black, accompanied with the White of his shirt and the red of his tie. His hair is pushed into a quiff, nibbling on his bottom lip as he looks over at Wade in fondness.

Wade feels like such a fool in his second hand suit, Navy in colour and no where near as crisp or unthreaded as Peters. With his shirt a fading white and his tie a matching red as Peters, Wade had left his loft confident that he looked as stunningly handsome as he always did, but looking at Peter in his beautiful was pouring on his confidence.

"Stop thinking so negatively. You clean up amazingly well."Peter can't help but to smirk, leaning in to whisper in Wades ear whenever they are close enough and Tony has moved to stand beside his husband who continues to snap photos. Peter pulls away, smirking at his boyfriend who seems fine all but gulp back.

"You're gorgeous,"

"I know,"Peter smiles cheekily.

"C'mon, couple photos! My baby is going to prom!"Tony exclaims, holding his hands up to his mouth and nose as if trying to compose himself from crying. Peter rolls his eyes with a whine of 'Papa' but complies, allowing Wade to fumble with trying to get the corsage on his wrist before they stand side by side, Peter leaning into Wades side as Wade rests his hand on Peters lower back.

"If your hand touches my butt, I'm cutting it off."Peter threatens halfheartedly, managing not to move his lips as he speaks. Wade stops moving his hand.

"Only because I'm saving the touching for tonight, baby."


"You're sweating, stop it."

"I can't control my bodily fluids,"

"Well try to."Peter huffs but the smile is on his face as he wipes away a couple of beads of sweat from Wades face with a napkin that he was keeping in the pocket of his suit. When done, Peter offers his boyfriend a smile, draping his arms back around Wades neck and leaning in to brush their lips together in a sweet kiss.

A random song plays through the speakers that were set up in the High School gym, one that neither Peter or Wade knew the lyrics too but it was slow and sweet, one that both could have a slow dance with and just enjoy each other's company. So far, the prom was going on without a hitch, well apart from a couple of shoves directed Peters way and the threat of heads being chopped off by Wade.

But other than that, everything was good.

"You're really fucking beautiful. Have I ever told you that?"Wade blurts whenever the kiss is broken and Peter brushes their nose together as they sway. The teenager lets out a hum, playing with the hair at the nape of Wades neck.

"You won't stop,"Peter laughs, biting his bottom lip for what has to be the 100th time this evening. Wade nods, a smile tugging on his lips because it just feels as if it's the two of them, just dancing to a random song.

"I just want do make sure that you know, because you are. Beautiful."

"Don't get sappy, Wade."Peter playfully hits he man on the shoulder before returning to draping his arms around his neck to continue their slow dance."You'll make me cry, and then my face will get all red and blotchy and ugh, don't."

"But you'll still be beautiful."

"Wade, stop!"Peter whines, smiling coyly as he rolls his head forehead to rest on Wades shoulder. Their dancing lasts for more than the song, continuing their swaying as they remain in eachothers arms, dancing to a song only in their heads whenever none is played and the dance floor starts to thin out.

"I love you, Peter. I'm my happiest when I'm with you."

"I love you, Wade. Even if you annoy me. You're my best friend, and my boyfriend, and I couldn't be luckier."

I was supposed to write smut, but I'm real,y not into writing smut atm I'm sorry. I might surprise you all with smut soon. I swear, but ugh. I can't be fucked.

Please tell me your opinions!

Till next time (;

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