Darling, I'll Hold You Close [Part 3]

I've realised that this is more Stony and or Tony/Natasha than Tony/Phil which is why I'm doing a forth part

"Open up for the train, Tony."Steve can't contain himself, laughing like a right idiot as he makes 'Choo Choo' sounds, bringing the fork up to Tony's mouth which remains closed, a little pout forming on his lips as he looks at Steve, not amused and defiantly not interested on the pancake that Steve is trying to feed him. It wasn't like the pancakes his Daddy would make him, these ones had blueberries in it and a little bit of syrup drizzled on the small stack.

Tony is a sweetheart, taken from what Natasha has gushed about the little and from what Steve has actually witnessed himself over the pass 2 days of looking after Tony. He was full of life, always wanting to do something - whether that something was good, such as drawing a nice picture, or bad, such as terrorising Steve around the penthouse - and it was good to see Tony energetic and smiley.

But just like good things, bad things come along with it.

As much as Steve and Natasha both had their own fair share of terrifying nightmares that shake them to their core, when Tony was in his little headspace, the little had a lot of horrific nightmares that made him thrash and cry in his sleep. It was heartbreaking, and as much as both Caregivers wanted to know what the nightmares were about, Tony was in to much of a state to even breathe properly never mind form words.

"Don't you like my pancakes, Tony?"Steve fakes a frown, holding out the piece of pancake with a hand under it so that any dripping syrup wouldn't drop over Tony's light blue dungarees. Steve was in awe with the outfit he had wangled Tony in that morning, the light blue contrasted against the tan of Tony's skin, socks decorated with little captain  America shields, matching the t-shirt he had on under his dungarees.

Steve was guiltily in love with all of Tony's 'Little' clothes

"Not Hungry..."Tony frowns, hands coming out to reach for Steves touch, making grabby hands for the man. Tony has gotten use to being carried around the apartment by Steve, he liked the fact that he was higher up and that Steve didn't struggle to hold him. Steve was so warm and his touch was soft. Tony's Arms lower whenever Steve doesn't make any effort to hold him.

"Won't you eat for Captain America?"Steve can't help but love the way that Tony's coffee brown eyes light up at the mention of Captain America, mouth hanging a little open at the mention of the superhero. It was obvious that Phil talked a lot about Captain America - seeing as he was an ultra, mega fanboy and seemed to have every Captain America item ever created - and Steve was a little overwhelmed.

"Where?"He asks, eyes wide and bright as he looks around the kitchen area for the Superhero. When Tony was little, he has no idea that Steve was Captain America which Steve had to admit was pretty damn adorable when the little talked about him even though they sat right in front of him.

"He isn't here right now, silly."Steve lies halfheartedly for the sake of Tony's little mind,"But I'm very good friends with him, you see, and he'll know if you've ate these pancakes or not."He tells him, the piece of pancake still held out for the little to take and eat.

"Really?"He all but gasps.

"Yes, really."Steve smiles, watching how Tony opens his mouth for the piece of breakfast food, smacking his lips for more because hey, they actually weren't all that bad. Steve manages to feed the distracted little more than half of the pancakes that were made for him, giving him his sippy cup full of apple juice to drink as he tidies up the dishes.

A lot of Tony's little stuff were Avenger based which Steve found very adorable and flattering, and of course, he knew that Phil was mostly to blame. As a little, Tony seemed to look up to the avengers, mostly to Captain America as the memorabilia was unmissable from the clothing to the dummies, sippy cups and even Tony's pull ups had Captain Americas shield on them.

"Captain Rogers, I regret to inform you that Young Sir has been sitting in a wet pull up for 30 minutes now and at risk of a rash."JARVIS speaks over head, starling Steve who was washing the dishes by hand. Nearly dropping the plate, Steve steadies himself before thanking JARVIS for informing him.

Tony had a habit of not telling Steve or Natasha that he had wet his pull up, or that he needed to go to the toilet. Steve was sure it was out of embarrassment because Tony might've fallen deep into his headspace but he could stuff grasp the fact that Steve and Natasha weren't his caregivers and could easily laugh at him for wetting himself. Natasha knew it was just something Tony forgot that happened, setting his pull up was something he did without effort when deep enough into his little space.

"I think someone needs to be changed,"Steve announces shortly after JARVIS has informed him. He wipes his hands with a tea towel, watching as Tony looks at him with wide brown eyes and shakes his head.


"Yeah-huh,"Steve copies, smiling in amusement."It will take 2 minutes, then we can watch a movie. Whatever movie you want to watch."He compromises, already making a move to pick Tony off of the stool, holding him as if he weighed nothing at all.


"Okay, we can watch Basil The Great Mouse Detective, again."Steve chuckles, already being introduced to the Disney play off of Sherlock Holmes, but of course, in Mouse form. It was an amusing cartoon which Tony seemed to adore, soaked up in the film for hours. Tony lets out a small happy sound behind his thumb which has came to settle in his mouth.

Natasha and Steve were both taking shifts on looking after Tony, so whole Steve was feeding the  little, Natasha was catching up with phone calls or getting a shower or while Natasha played withTony, Steve was going for a quick run around the block. They worked Perfect as a team.

Changing Tony's pull up is quicker the more times Steve does it, taking it off, giving Tony's parts a quick wipe down with a wet cloth and then replacing it with a fresh pull up. Still the embarrassed little tot, Tony hides his face behind his velvet soft teddy but squeals whenever Steve lands a raspberry on his tummy to try and cheer the little up.

Carrying Tony back into the livingroom area, JARVIS has already set up the mobile waiting for the permission for it to be played. Steve sets Tony down onto the sofa with his teddy bear, a blanket and a sippy cup full of juice, ruffling his dark curled hair as the movie starts. Tony is quickly engrossed into the cartoon, not even noticing whenever Steve leaves the room to see if Natasha is okay.

Steve finds her pacing the floorboards of one of Tony's spare bedrooms, a Bluetooth earpiece in her ear as she speaks in a hushed but angered tone of voice, trying her best to keep her expression calm despite her tone of voice. She wraps up the conversation quickly whenever she spots Steve lingering in the doorframe with a concerned expression on his face.

"We need to talk,"She starts, chest heaving with a deep breath. She pushes a strand of red hsir behind her ear, fingers skilfully taking the earpiece out of the ear so that she can speak to Steve with full attention.

"What about?"Steve ventures further into the bedroom, closing the door behind him whenever Natasha motions for her to do so. Steve knows that Tony is safe under the watchful eye of JARVIS, and he's sure the little hadn't even realised that Steve has left the room yet.

"Phil,"Steves face falls at the name, watching as she brushes a strand of hair out of her eyes, taking a cautious step towards Steve."That was Fury on the phone, he's told me some news."Steve still isn't sure if this news is good or bad, if he should be happy or sad of the news that comes next.

"Phil is alive,"Her voice is gentle, quiet as she speaks just Incase Tony is lingering at the closed bedroom door is curiosity. Her expression remains the same, tears of experience of not showing emotion while being kidnapped or on a mission.

"What?"He asks in disbelief, not believing his ears. Was technology so advanced in the further that it was able to bring the dead back to life? And if so, how far would science go with this sort of power?"How?"

"S.H.I.E.L.D is a dark organisation. I've been working for them for long enough to know the ins and outs of what happens behind their closed doors, their purpose for the things they do."She takes a deep breath, this news knew for her as well. Phil was a friend, one of the first people to work for S.H.I.E.L.D that didn't see Natasha as a threat, and instead treated her like any other new comer to the organisation.

Phil took Natasha under one wing, while Clint was under the other. As much as he was a friend for her, someone to confine in when times were tough and nightmares were keeping her awake at night, Phil was always just a phone call away ready for her to yarn as a distraction. By the time that Tony entered both of their lives, they're friendship had already strengthen and Tony sort of brought them closer.

"So they let us believe that a man died? For what purpose? To motivate us to fight? To make us feel guilty that he died? To break loved ones hearts?"Steve fumes, jaw clenching in a sort of anger he hasn't felt in ages. Not since the war."Does S.H.I.E.L.D have any idea how much hurt this has left people? For Tony? For you?"

"They don't, and neither do they care about that sort of stuff."Natasha has learnt along time ago to never trust the Information that S.H.I.E.L.D seem to pull out of their asses. Despite the fact that they were shallow and unnerving, Natasha was still loyal to them and completed her missions without a hassle."You and I are the only people besides Fury, the directors and a S.H.I.E.L.D doctor, about Phil being alive."

"We need to tell Tony,"Steves voice comes out hushed and rushed, laced with confusion and anger."He needs his Daddy, he needs to know that Phil is okay."

"I'll sort something out,"


Being stabbed by Loki isn't the worse pain that Phil has ever endured, of course it was painful because how could it not be, but he has felt pain worse than that. That pain comes to him when he wakes up, docked in a S.H.I.E.L.D medical bay and looking as if he was on deaths door, doctors surrounding him, prodding him with medical equipment to keep him hydrated.

Phil's first thoughts are of Tony, his sweet little Tony who may be a big asshole when he was drunk and hating this entire world, but was by far the most precious thing to ever grace the earth. Tony, his baby who could do no harm to another soul and just wanted to be held by his Daddy, cuddled into his chest to watch a movie and forget about the world of being big. Tony, his gorgeous little with the worlds biggest brown eyes and softest curly dark hair.

He wakes up to find out that he's been out for a solid 2 weeks, caught up with what has happened with YouTube footage that civilians had caught of The Battle Of New York. Despite his strict orders from a S.H.I.E.L.D doctor, Phil is found sitting up in his hospital bed with a Tab as he tries his best to contact Tony, finding it unsuccessful.

It's only 2 weeks later, after a lot of prodding and a lot of questions from Phil's side of things of how the team were - so that it didn't look suspicious on why eh was asking for Tony -, that he's told he is being dismissed on medical terms and out on leave for a further month until his wound has healed.

It's then, as a S.H.I.E.L.D car pulls up at S.H.I.E.L.D headquarters - where Phil has been cooped up for a month - that he's greeted by a familiar face in the back seat of the slick black car. Phil has never been more gladder to see a familiar face, one that he has known for years and knows well of, trusts more than anyone else.

"You look terrible,"Is the first words that leave Natasha's lips, pink lips curling into a kind smile as she looks over at Phil, a man that would normally be dressed in a slick black suit but instead shoved into a pair of casual clothing that didn't seem to suit him all that well.

"I feel terrible,"He admits, a horrid feeling in his gut."How's Tony? Is he okay? Does he know that I'm alright?"He frets, watching how Natasha's features soften at the mention of the loveable little who was being doted on by Steve back at the Tower.

"He's doing better than what we was 5 days ago, which is saying something."A long and dreaded conversation was in order between her and Phil, one that can wait for a week or so until Phil was settled and is content."He's unaware that you're alive, his little mind hadn't registered the fact that you had died, almost in a way of not believing. Steve and I have been looking after him."

"H-he's in his little space?"stony was picky about his little space, he only slipped when he was comfortable or forced into it.

"Accidentally. JARVIS is sure that he just cracked under all of the stress, the depression that washed over him, that made him crash."She spares the fact that Steve also had a hand in making Tony fall into his headspace after accusing and shouting at Tony."He's waiting for you."

I have one more final part to write

Opinions please

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