Coffee [WinterIron]

'You see, I've never actually liked coffee, never, but then I moved into the tower and I kinda fell in love with you but whatever, and I saw that you loved coffee and I mean, you fûcking inhale that shit like it's oxygen but anyway and you handed me coffee one day and looked me in the eyes and whoa - your eyes, the colour of coffee and I knew, from then on, I would be able to stick coffee if it meant I could get closer to you.'

Tony finds out that Bucky doesn't really like coffee, but he likes Tony.


Coffee has always been an important essential in Tony's everyday life, from the moment he stepped through the gates of MIT and learned that doing All nighters was new enough impossible without caffeine, whether it be in the form of coffee, energy drinks or caffeine patches - that were somewhat illegal seeing as Tony was 15 at the time but whatever. The caffeine patches were illegal, kind of, and didn't give him the same sick, energy drinks made Tony bounce off of walls but coffee - coffee was just right.

Even at a young age, Tony - with those brown doe eyes - would stare at Jarvis as he nursed his morning cup of joe on mornings were Tony woke up early, until the man was practically forced to give the boy a sip. From that moment on, Tony liked the taste of coffee, it was bitter but a bitterness that Tony had a sort of craving for. From coffee cake, to ice cream and as said, it wasn't until college where his addiction for coffee got a little bit out of hand.

Lattes, Machos, milk coffee and black, Capatinos, Frappes, without sugar and with. Espressos, flavoured, sweet or bitter. Whatever type of coffee it was, Tony would drink it. There were sachets hidden in sock drawers and pods in shoes, jars of coffee stalking the cupboards to the brim and coffee beans imported from Columbia. Tony always had coffee, wherever he went and whatever time of day it was.

Tony had no limit of when he had enough, well that was until Afghanistan and the arc reactor and his dodgy heart, he was more or less forced not to drink 10 coffees a day unless he did want to have a heart attack and die. It was cut down to 5 after that, but Tony was able to find a loophole around that, drinking cold coffee gave him the same boost but contained less caffeine.

He never exactly found someone to have the same love as coffee as he does, that was until The Winter Solider moved in. It had taken a lot of convincing and loud talking - because apparently Steve Rogers doesn't yell, he just talks loudly - from Steve to persuade Tony in letting Bucky move into the tower, and okay, Tony was reluctant just like everybody else but he couldn't allow the man to be locked up in a S.H.I.E.L.D apartment.

So, Bucky moved in and just like the rest of The Avengers - and Phil, Pepper and Rhodey - Tony had a floor just for the man. Bucky stayed out of everyone's hair, stayed near Steve and Natasha and didn't glance Tony's way, which lifted a weight off of his shoulders.

"Coffee?"Tony had asked one day while standing in the common kitchen, brewing himself yet another cup of coffee after a 3 day workshop binge to complete the latest Stark Tab. Bucky had been lingering around the kitchen doorway, just watching Tony as he skilful made a cup of coffee and caught off guard when he realised Tony had spotted him.


"Yeah, you. There's no one else around her lingering like a bad smell."Tony smirked, brushing a hand through his dark curled hair. He casts a glance at Barnes who takes a step into the kitchen and towards Tony, dressed in gear that Makes tony think he has just came up from the Gym or maybe from a jog."Coffee?"He tries again, handing over the mug of dark liquid to Barnes.

"Uh,"Barnes metal arm moved for the cup hesitantly as he looks at Tony. Tony holds a reassuring smile as he looks at Barnes. He had made the mistake of looking Tony in the eye, those beautiful brown eyes that were almost the exact same colour of coffee, and he had heard once from Steve that Tony had a coffee addiction and maybe it was so intense that his eyes have turned to the shade.

"Are you going to gape like a fish or take the mug, Buckaroo?"Tony has raised his eyebrow at Barnes.

"No, I mean, yes I would like coffee."Barnes immediately speaks up, making a grab for the mug and spotting the smile that graces Tony's lips. Bucky has never been a coffee drinker, he was never fond on hot drinks end of story, but with the smile on Tony's lips and the brown of his eyes, Bucky is unable to speak up about his distaste for coffee.

And so, sharing coffee kind of turned into Tony and Buckys thing, whether Bucky liked coffee or not. They drank coffee together at odd hours, ate coffee cake and Tony would buy the best of the best coffee he would find. Bucky couldn't really say he didn't like his time spent with Tony, because he loved every second he spent with the man whether it be down in Tony's Workshop or at some stupid little café, he loved spending time with Tony.

It just meant, that drinking all types of strange and flavoured coffee with Tony, he actually had to drink coffee, to taste he bitterness on his tongue and force himself to drink it, but it wasn't like he was unable to do that either. Bucky has been fed some of the worse food imaginable, so forcing himself to drink coffee should be a breeze.

It really isn't.

"Coffee?"Tony offers one day as he exits the elevator, dressed in sweats and a tank top that hangs too low at his chest and reveals the healing scars of where his arc reactor once use to be. He's covered in grease, smeared across his skin and some even in his hair and an odd shaped pair of glasses on his nose that was surely an unfamiliar site, but not one that Bucky didn't like.

"Sure, okay."Bucky says, turning his attention away from the screen and to Tony, grateful that JARVIS pauses the soap opera for him so he doesn't miss anything. Tony grins, letting out a joyful sound as he makes his move for the kitchen to make them coffee.

"You will have to inform Sir of your distaste for coffee soon, Sargent Barnes."JARVIS' voice speaks over head, making Bucky jump and look around in full alert."My apologies, Sargent Barnes. I did not intend on startling you."

"No, you're correct. I gotta' tell him, I really do."Bucky groans, letting out an exhausted sound as he rubs the palms of his hands into his eyes. There's only so much a man can take of the taste of coffee, Bucky is finding himself waking up in the middle of the night with the taste still lingering on his tongue and scrubbing his tongue with a towel just to get it off.

Bucky knows that he needs to tell Tony, but he can't bring himself to admit it to Tony that he doesn't like coffee, that he only forced himself to taste the bitter drink just to spend time with Tony outside from battle and when Tony is touching up his metal arm to make it better and improve it.

It's been hard for himself to admit his attraction to Tony, mostly because he knew of no other sexuality than Straight and Gay and he knew he wasn't Gay because he still had an attraction to women, but he likes Tony and he's sure Tony isn't female. He can vaguely remember during one of Steves 'How to get use to the Twenty First century' talks about the variety of different sexualities and genders that the new world had to offer, he kind of wishes he paid more attention during that talk.

Tony is attractive, he's smart and despite what the media says about the man, he has one of the largest - metaphorically - hearts that Bucky has ever came across. Bucky has been watching Tony for a while, as the Winter Solider and as just Bucky, climbing around in the vents just like he's seen Clint do and just watching, admiring, Tony. From the way he talks to his 'Bots, how his hands are gentle as he touches the certain people he cares for and even the way the corners of his eyes crinkle when he smiles really largely or laughs hard.

"Sargent Barnes? Sir Requests your assistance in the common kitchen."JARVIS informs, pulling Bucky out of his chaotic thoughts and making the man jump to his feet. He makes his way towards the common kitchen, snickering as he watches Tony kneel on the counter as he attempts to reach for the fresh packet of coffee that someone has stacked at the top shelf.

"Need help?"Bucky quirks an eyebrow, an amused smirk on his lips."You're just a bit short of reaching the coffee."

"Don't patronise me, Barnes. J, I told you not to ask for help! I can reach myself!"Tony scowls, turning his attention away from the corner and glare at Bucky and nearly losing his balance, frantically grabbing onto one of the cupboards shelves before he fell.

"Don't yell at ya' A.I for just giving you a little help."Bucky snickers once again, watching the way that Tony puffs out his his chest in defence and immediately straightens up has spine to make himself seem taller, and maybe also in attempt to reach further into the cupboards for the coffee."Alright, alright. I'll stop, just let me help you."

"I don't need your- fuck!"Tony curses whenever his knee slips off the edge of the counter and he rushes to grab onto the shelf once again, letting out a fearful and unmanly scream in fear that he's going to fall and die, because he's dramatic, sue him. Always quick on his feet, Bucky is quick to placing his hands on Tony's waist, keeping him from falling.

"I've got you, lyubov moya."Bucky says quietly, feeling how Tony is quick to relaxing when he finds that he's in no danger and the hands on his hips are to keep him safe. Bucky is always here to keep him safe.

"I've got to learn Russian, for all I know you could be calling me a Smartass, douchebag."Tony grumbles in annoyance, feeling a lot safer now that Bucky is keeping a hold on his hips.

"As if I'd call you that, lyubov moya."

"See! There's those words again. What does it mean?"Tony asks in confusion. He hears Bucky say those words so often when he speaks to him, all about him just in different context but the same sounding words. Reaching further up, Tony mumbles."Who the fuck out my coffee all the way up here?"

"Probably Thor, you know how he likes to fuck with you."He smirks, managing to change the subject swiftly enough now that he has the Opportunity.

"I think not,"Tony scrunches up his nose, making the glasses on his nose move out of focus due to how badly crafted it is."I don't like blondes, I find them too dimwitted, both men and woman. I prefer brunettes."

"Is that why you and Stevie don't get along?"

"That and a long long long list of reasons he has against me."Tony huffs, cheering in success whenever he manages to grab a hold of the box of coffee that is left in the cupboard."Yes! I got it! Help me down."

"My pleasure, lyubov moya."Bucky smiles, thankful of the strength he has as he swiftly helps Tony down from the counter and onto his feet. Tony turns, grinning up at Bucky as he holds the coffee in his hands in triumph."Coffee, yay."


"Of course not."He quickly shakes his head, hating the look that washes over Tony's face at the tone of Buckys previous voice."Coffee...sounds good."He adds, nodding his head at his own words as if for a seal of approval from himself.

Tony makes himself busy, grabbing certain mugs - because Tony has his own mug and now so does Bucky; Tony's with the words 'Worlds Best Engineer' Scribbled on the black mug that Bruce got him as a gag, and Bucky's with a bunch of animated cats decorating the light blue mug - and boiling water and milk. Bucky leans back and watches Tony, he hasn't managed the skill of making coffee, mostly because Tony prefers to do things himself and only he can make the best coffee.

"Your coffee, my good sir."Tony grins, fingers twitching as he sets the mug on the counter for Bucky to take, taking his own into his hands.

"Thanks,"Bucky forces a smile, taking the mug and leaning against the counter to mimic Tony, watching in fondness as the man seems to inhale the coffee with a delightful moan. Tony catches his watching stare, frowning a little whenever he notices that Bucky has yet to taste his coffee. He made it to the mans standard, plenty of milk and loads of sugar because Bucky has always had a sweet tooth accordingly.

"Is something the matter with your coffee? Did I make it right?"Tony frets.

"No, no, I'm sure it's fine."Bucky offers the shorter man a smile.

"I can make you another coffee if you want? I'll add more sugar, more milk."


"I can get JARVIS to order in better coffee, I know, this one is bad quality compared to what we're use to but it's all-"

"I don't like coffee."Bucky blurts, and wow, doesn't it feel good to lift that weight from his chest? What doesn't feel good however, is the look of pain that washes all over Tony's face, as if he's just witnessed his favourite celebrity date another he doesn't like.

"What do you mean 'You don't like coffee'? You've been drinking coffee with me for 4 months, 5 times a day!"Tony protests, astonished at the man in front of him for saying something blasphemy worth as 'I don't like coffee'. What the fuck? Who doesn't like coffee, and worse of all, who forces themselves to drink coffee when one clearly doesn't like it.

"I've only been drinking coffee just to spend time with you."


"You see, I've never actually liked coffee, never, but then I moved into the tower and I kinda fell in love with you but whatever, and I saw that you loved coffee and I mean, you fûcking inhale that shit like it's oxygen but anyway and you handed me coffee one day and looked me in the eyes and whoa - your eyes, the colour of coffee and I knew, from then on, I would be able to stick coffee if it meant I could get closer to you."

There, he's said it and fuck, now Bucky feels better, a lot better.

"You've been forcing yourself to drink coffee, just to spend time with me?"Tony's voice comes out so soft, so unsure and confused as he sets his mug onto the counter, nor daring to look Bucky in the eye. He's never heard of an excuse so stupid, but so damn clever, making him feel all warm and tingly.

"I have, and I know it sounds stupid, because your my team mate and my friend, and I should just be able to spend time with you but I didn't know how to approach this subject, because I'm sweet on you, I like you Tony and it's weird and confusing and it's okay to like fellas and still like gals, right?"

"You're an Idiot."Tony shakes his head, taking a step forward with a luring smile on his lips.

"What?"Bucky near enough squeaks.

"I said, you're a blasted idiot."Tony smirks, closing he gap between the two of them. He's snaking his arms around Buckys neck, and before the man can say anything else, he's leaning up on the tips of his toes to brush his lips against Buckys in a sweet and tender filled kiss, one that says so much.

Bucky still has the coffee cup in his hand, blindly setting it on the counter behind him so that he can rest his hands on Tony's hips and pull the shorter man forward so that their bodies are pressed against one another's and their kiss gets deeper. Tony makes a happy sound at the back of his throat, pulling away with a laugh.

"I guess I am an idiot."Bucky finds himself blushing all the way to the tips of his ears, finding himself lost in the beautiful shade of brown that is Tony's eyes. The colour of coffee.

"Yeah, but you're my idiot."

This was supposed to be a really short one shot about how Bucky likes Tony and he drinks coffee just to get close to him but it's rounding to 2900 words long oops???

Please tell me what you thought!

I'm in love with winterion at the moment (;



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