Brendon Bunny [Spencer/Brendon]

Idk what their ship name is but I lowkey ship Brendon with everyone bc he's a little hoe

This is just fluff, and I know, all I do is write fucking fluff and angst

Little!Brendon and Daddy!Spencer bc I can okay

It's Spencer's birthday, and Brendon wants to celebrate! Things don't go accordingly, and Brendon gets in trouble.

Waking up on his own, without the help from his Daddy or even an alarm is proven a difficult task for little Brendon Urie on the day of his Daddy's birthday. He had thought about examining awake during the night, occupied with the child friendly iPad that his Daddy had kept on charge to the side of the bedroom, but it was hard to stay up for so long, especially because his Daddy had read him a bed time story and rubbed his back because goddamnit, Daddy knew how to send Him off to sleep!

He couldn't set an alarm, mostly because his Daddy doesn't allow him on his phone when he's little and even if he did, it would be too loud when it went off and will wake him up. Spencer is a light sleeper, you have to be with having a little Brendon running chaotic and big Brendon ready to jump on your dick the second you blink. That thought makes Brendon giggle to himself, covering his mouth with his hands and eyes darting to Spencer who remains passed out beside him in bed.

Brendon releases a sigh of relief, unable to help himself as he leans to the side and presses a kiss to his Daddy's temple, watching as Spencer stirs and turns onto his stomach, burying his face into the pillow. Smiling, Brendon is getting out of their shared bed, landing on his feet dressed in the Panda onesie that Spencer had dressed him in after his bath last night, accompanied with the hood that was flipped up and showed the head of a panda.

Trying to be as quiet as possible, Brendon is tiptoeing his way to the door of their bedroom and opening it, cringing each time there's even the smallest of a squeak. He's successful enough, running down the stairs of their house with as little noise as possible, making sure to hold onto the railing so that he doesn't fall and get a boo-boo.

"Hi Bogart!"Brendon whisper shouts whenever he spots the dog pawing his way into the kitchen area from outside. Spencer has put him out last night after he had made a mess in the livingroom, not allowing for the dog to come up to bed with them, but Daddy was still sleeping so Brendon could let him back inside.

Rushing to the door, Brendon fumbles with the sliding doors keys, turning the lock and sliding the door open which allows the dog to scamper into the kitchen area with a bark, something that makes Brendon gasp in worry.

"No, shhhhh! Daddy is sleeping, Gotta be quiet."Brendon hushes, holding a finger up to his lips as he kneels down on the kitchen floor so that he can pay the dog some attention so that he will be quiet so that Brendon doesn't get in trouble nor does his birthday Surprise for his Daddy get ruined.

He has planned to make his Daddy a birthday breakfast, starting by Daddy's favourite cereal and homemade pancakes with some Maple syrup because that's the way that his Daddy likes them, unlike Brendon who prefers to be a bit original and have better tasting toppings and not being plain and boring like his Daddy. Accompanied by that, Brendon will pour his Daddy some orange juice or maybe coffee.

Brendon starts with the pancakes, rushing to grab the pans from the cupboards and for the special pancake mix that he knows his Daddy keeps in one of the higher cupboards. He's trying to be as quiet as he can, making sure that the pans don't make any loud clanking sounds as he sets them on the counter or that the chair doesn't screech as loudly whenever he drags one to the counter for him to climb.

"H-How does Daddy do this again...?"Brendon thinks, scrunching up his nose in thought as he holds the pancake mix and then to Bogart as if the dog that's playing at his onesie cladded feet knew the answer to Brendons question."Imma' try this."

Winging his work, Brendon is pouring the pancake mixture into the pan that sits on the heated hob, confused whenever the powder mixture fails to look the way his Daddy's does. It's all yellow and powdery, not gloopy and it wasn't forming into a pancake shape! What the hell!

Brendon pouts, deciding that maybe just cereal is good enough for his Daddy's birthday breakfast, yeah! Brendon can make cereal! Leaving the pan where it's at, Brendon is dashing to the otherside of the kitchen, giggling at Bogart who was playing with a toy where the squeaker was taken out.

Reaching into the cereal cupboard by the fridge, Brendon is pulling out the box of Honey Cheerios which is right next to Brendons Coco pops and Cookie Crunch cereal. Pulling it out, Brendon makes quick work to grab a bowl and milk from the cupboard. Taking off the top, Brendon is pouring the milk with shaky hands, gasping whenever his arm twitches and he spills milk over the counter and the floor.

"No! No, no!"Brendon gasps, whimpering whenever the milk lands on the pants of his panda onesie. Grabbing a near by tea towel, Brendon is rushing to wipe away the milk sloppily his arm accidentally hitting the bowl of cereal whenever he bends to wipe it off of the floor and falling to land on top of the little.

"Ewie,"The little whimpers whenever the milk and cereal fall all over him, luckily enough being able to catch the bowl before the china fell and smashed all over the ground into smithereens. Scrunching up his face, Brendon can feel the milk sink into the soft material of his panda onesie and all of the Cheerios sticking to is Jammies and falling onto the floor.

"No Bogart! Don' eat that!"He gasps whenever he spots the dog going to lap up the milk and Cheerios from the kitchen floor. Brendon is lifting the dog away from the milk, setting him down and pushing him into the livingroom area."Stay!"

With his nose twitching, Brendon sniffs the air whenever there's a strange smell that lingers in the air. Looking around, Brendon lets out a scared and fearful gasp whenever that not so familiar sound of the kitchen fire alarm starts to blast. Turning to look back into the mess of the kitchen, he spots the pan that contained the dry pancake mixer burning on the hob that reminded on.

"Brendon? What are you doing?!"Spencer is shouting from upstairs, throwing the covers off of his body and onto the floor as he rushes to get up. Oh no! Daddy is awake! Brendon panics, his surprised ruined as he makes a move to take the pan off of the hob, slipping on the spilt milk that remains on the floor and tripping, his hand hand landing on the burning hot stove.

He doesn't feel the pain automatically, it starts with a warmth, which quickly turns into a hot burn that makes him flinch away from the hob in pain as the sting starts to rise and the pain starts to prickle at his delicate flesh. Brendon already has tears in his eyes from the frustration of not being able to make pancakes, and from spilling  the milk and ruining his onesie, waking up his Daddy and now this! He's got an Owie!

"Daddy!"Brendon starts to sob loudly, holding onto the wrist of his injured hand as he cries in the middle of the kitchen. He's ruined everything! The little just wanted to surprise his Daddy on his birthday but he's just made everything worse and now his Daddy is going to be mad and he's going to get a spanking and-

"Bren? Baby, what the fu-dge happened in her- Brendon. Baby, why are you crying, what happening?"Spencer's sleep filled and worried voice booms as he rounds the kitchen, eyes darting all over the room at the mess that is the kitchen, from the milk and cereal covered floors and counters, the burning mixture and the poor little who stands amongst the mess in complete tears.

"Dadd-ee!"Brendon continues to sob loudly, big fat tears rolling down his cheeks and hiccups making his chest hitch as he tries to catch onto some breath, his hand a pulsing and unbearable pain.

"Oh Bren, okay, okay."Spencer's mind kicks into Daddy mode, ignoring the mess that remains on the floor and around the kitchen as he quickly turns off the hob and takes the Littles under injured hand. Turning on the cold tap, Spencer is forcefully pulling Brendons hand under the cold water which just makes him cry louder and try and pull away."I know, I know, it hurts but I'm going to make it better, shh."

"I-I'm sorry Daddy! I'm sorry!"Brendon cries, his breath hitching as he cries more. Spencer is pulling the little into an awkward hug, making sure the little still has his injured hand under the running tap.

"It's alright, your hand will be alright."He shushes, his lips brushing against his reddened forehead and his free hand rubbing up and down his back as he lets the little cry out his pain.

"Was tryin' to Sup'ise Daddy! Make breakfast for Daddy!"The little explains the unasked question, burying his face into his Daddy's chest."I'm sorry Daddy! Bren ruined everything!"He cries into Spencer's chest, dampening the t-shirt used for sleep with tears and snot but it wasn't as if Spencer wasn't use to having bodily fluids on him.

"You were trying to make Daddy a surprise Breakfast?"Spencer is unable to help the amusement in his voice as he speaks, smiling in fondness whenever Brendon nods, his tears still remaining but sobs quietening down."Aw, Bren. That's such a kind thought, but you know you're not allowed to use the hob when I'm not around, baby. You should've waited for Daddy."

"Hurts,"He mourns.

"I know it does,"Spencer sighs,"But the cold water will help and then we'll get a couple of painkillers in you and get your hand sorted."


"Ruined what, baby?"Spencer asks, kissing the Littles head repeatedly."It's okay, we can remake Breakfast together, Little bunny."

"No! Ruined Birthday! Ruined Daddy's Birthday!"Brendon explains loudly, pulling away from Spencer's warm hug but keeping his hand under the water just like his Daddy said. The burning in the palm of his hands and up his fingers was starting to soothe, thanks to the cold water. He looks at his Daddy, beautiful eyes covered in a layer of tears as others leak down his cheeks.

"Aw, Brendon."Spencer sighs, shaking his head."Brendon, you didn't ruin my birthday! Don't ever say that you did. You just seemed to make it...more eventful but I wouldn't want it any other way."Cupping the Littles face in his hand, Spencer thumbs away Brendons fast running tears."You will never ruin anything that happens in my life. I love you, and your health comes first."

"I-I love you more, Daddy. M'sorry."

"Stop apologising. I can tidy everything up, Brendon Bunny."Spencer chuckles, poking the Littles nose and making him let out an adorable, watery giggle."How about, once we wrap up your hand and tidy up the kitchen, I'll make us some proper pancakes and we can watch some 'toons. Sound like a good plan?"

Idk I just wanted to write this because I get bored sometimes and damn it I love little Brendon

Please tell me what you thought! I'm slowly making my way down the list of updates fuck yeah


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