Lessons. (Tskune X Reader)


Okay so pretty much you're a pixie in this one because honestly its like a fairy but more mischievous so I figured that that would be kinda cool to have for a badass character.

Now for the story!~

(Your POV)

I walked through the forest to the academy in absolute silence, my face as stoic as possible. I couldn't see or hear anyone within a 50 foot radius so I took out the one device that actually works in this damn place, My IPod, and started to listen to music happily. Soon I could see part of the academy through the trees so I turned off my music, shoving it back into my bag.

"Well Well Well. If it isn't (Y/N)." A voice said from behind me.

'Could I have missed someone in my original scan over?' I thought before stopping.

"What do you want loser?" I said turning around to see another one of the schools fuckboys.

"That's not a very lady like thing to say." He said with a frown, crossing his arms.

"Yeah well I say to hell with lady like things." I said turning around. "Now If you'll excuse me, I'll be heading to my dorm so I can get some sleep before tomorrow morning." I started to walk off but my ear twitched underneath my human disguise and swiftly dodged his supposed to be kick to the head- which was probably meant to knock me outso he could have his way with me- knocking his feet out from under him, causing him to fall into a puddle of mud. "So sad, little fuckboy rapist is too slow." I said pulling on the skin directly under my eye and stuck my tongue out. He glared from the puddle and stood up.

"Shut up ya little fairy!!" He said going to punch me. I shook my head and grabbed his fist, twisting his arm behind him almost as though I was some sort of police officer arresting him.

"Get it right, I'm not a fairy, I'm a pixie, we're a lot more... Mischievous." I said with a wicked grin as I pushed him forward causing him to fall face first into the mud. "I win. As usual." I said walking off with a bright smile, ignoring his frustrated screams and various curse words. I sighed softly, walking through the gates of the academy silently, glaring at the girls whispering about me. It wasn't hard to figure out they were about me.

"Look its the tomboy" or "Who does she think she is?" Or "Lady's aren't supposed to indulge themselves in that sort of behavior" Was just a small portion of what was usually said about me.

"Mindless idiots who are only here to get laid." I muttered to myself as I walked past.

~*Timeskip to Tomorrow*~

I shifted my weight on to my other foot as the teacher walked in. Late.

"I'm sorry I'm late everyone." She said bowing her head. Most students mumbled something about it being fine.

"It's not okay I have a schedule to maintain." I grumbled angrily.

"Well then why don't we get started ne?" She said cheerfully. Great a cat monster, one of the most annoying monsters in my opinion.

"Anyhow I will start off my reading you all with your seat partners okay?" She asked and some of us nodded. She rolled through several names and such before she got to mine.

"Ah yes! Miss. (Y/N) (L/N) and Tskune Aono will be seat partners!" She said pointing to the right side middle row. I sighed and walked over to the side closest to the window and plopped down, Tskune or whatever his name was sat next to me. I sighed softly and pulled out my notebook, drawing my homeland. I noticed the Tskune boy leaning over, observing my drawing.

"You're really good at drawing. Is that where you're from?"

"Yeah what's it to you?" I said rudely, not even caring.

"I wish I was that good at drawing." He said shrugging gently.

"I have many talents." I said as my pixie ears twitched underneath my human disguise. I looked over at him with a large frown. "You aren't normal...." I mumbled to myself. "You seem Almost human.... Are you a Pixie or a Fairy too!?" I whispered. "Or are you maybe a vampire? Those are less common though... Or maybe a witch? Wait would you be a warlock or some shit if you're a boy witch?" I said getting a small laugh out of him from my rambling.

"Not exactly." He said with a small smile.

"Tskune! Look were seat partners too!" A girl said leaping across her desk and hugging him.

"Hands off of Tskune, Kurumu." The small obvious witch child said from in front of Tskune.

"Awe! You're such a cute little witch!" I said picking her up and hugging her before she could realize what was happening.

"Ah! Who are you?" The small child asked as I lifted her up.

"I'm (Y/N)! Aw you're so cute! You're like the little sister I always wanted!" I said attracting the attention of a few other classmates. I gave them each a deadly glare as I scanned the room. "What are ya mindless idiots staring at?" A few girls snickered and smirked at me.

"Nothing, just the schools slut in action." One girl said. I took a deep breath and set the child down.

"Cover your eyes okay?" I said not even waiting for her to do it before turning around and walking to the girl who had spoken. "Listen, I get you have an opinion about me, but I could care less about what a skanky little bitch like you has to say when I know about what you were doing two hours ago. Your slightly messed up hair and hickey on your neck says it all without the fact that the trees heard it all. So maybe you should keep ya mouth shut about who's the slut when you were having sex with a fuckboy right before school. Kay bitch?" I said with a large smile as she seemed horrified. "Oh yes, and this is for calling me a slut in front of everyone." I said punching her in the nose. I heard a crack as her nose broke before she started screaming in pain. I waited until I saw her fall to the ground writhing in pain and blood all over before walking to the door and bowing like I was some kind of princess. "I'll be taking my leave now."

∆*Le Time Skip*∆

Two weeks that's how long it took for the principal to decide I was well enough behaved to "Join The School" again. I walked into the class with a bored expression, after all I was late.

"Sorry Teach, I was in the office." I said tossing the paper towards her, scanning the room, all girls looked away as though they would be the next one well except for the girls around Tskune. They looked like they would kill me if I tried to come near him. I smiled gently as I walked to my seat and yawned. "Nice day huh kids?" I asked crossing my arms behind my head and putting my feet up on the desk from where I was sitting.

"Miss (L/N) Since You wish to skip out of class, how does one interact in society with the humans?" The teacher asked. I smirked and closed my eyes.

"Those rules don't apply to me. But for most its to hide your inner monster and act as human as possible, though for us Pixies on the other hand, we get to sit around and cause trouble in the woods, waters, sky's or anywhere a pixies can be found. Now I'm Going to go back to sleep, let me know if you need more schooling on the pixie way." I said closing my eyes.

"How do you know that?" I heard the girl in front of me ask.

"I'm what you would call a super senior. Let's just say I would have graduated last year with my peers if I hadn't have failed so many times. The point of this school isn't to graduate for a job, it's to graduate to be able to be in society without being hunted." I said casually. I heard someone slip a piece of paper onto my desk quickly and I opened my eye, glancing over at the note before picking it up and opening it.

"Would you mind teaching me how to fight like that?" The note said, I quickly looked around til my eyes locked with that Tskune boy. That's when I saw it, his eye color didn't change near the pupil like most monsters did. I smirked slightly and wrote on the note quickly.

"Only if you answer my question." I said and slipped the note back to him when the teacher wasn't looking.

"Sure." Was his response.

"Answer with full honesty here and remember a Pixy can tell if you're lying: Are you a human?" I sent the note back, watching his reaction. He kept a straight face but I could tell be his energy that he was getting worried and scared. He handed me the note and the three little letters were right there in black and white.

"Yes" was all he wrote before I smiled coyly.

"Well then Mr. Human, welcome to fighting school. Meet me in front of the academy gates after school." I wrote before handing it back to him. The rest of the classes flew by quickly and before I know it, Most likely because I fell asleep, it was time to head out.

"Miss (L/N) please wait." The teacher said. I sighed since I had been at the door ready to leave.

"What's up teach?" I asked throwing my bag to the ground by the desk.

"Well I wanted to speak to you about the latest assignment.... I know that you like to work alone but you have to have a partner for homeroom... So would you mind choosing a partner?" She asked with a small why smile

"Depends what's this project about and when is it due?" I asked crossing my arms.

"It's about how your partner's character has changed over the year... And it's due at the end of the year" She said as she tilted her head curiously.

"Fine. But I get to pick who the hell is changing." I stated crossing my arms. "I want that Tskune kid. Kay?" She nodded gently as I picked up my stuff. "Anyways you made me late for my other school. I gotta jet see ya!" I said dashing out of the classroom.

~Tskune's POV~

I waited outside of the academy gates as the note had instructed but I didn't see her. I sighed thinking she'd ditched me and told the student council that I was human as I started to walk away.

"Yo Aono! Wait a second!" I turned to see Joey running towards me. "Sorry the teach wanted to talk to me. Ready to begin for today?" I nodded gently and looked over at her.

"There are certain rules to fighting. Rule 1 Always stay on your toes. And not literally." She said and I nodded again.

"Rule 2 There is no such thing as a fair fight. If you wanna win you gotta go as far as necessary. Rule 3. There are no rules." She said. I nodded despite that it completely contradicted the first 2 rules.

"Okay. Let me see your defensive stance." She said.

*Your POV*

He didn't move at all and I sighed softly and walked over at him. "Your stance is shit. First off. I can do this," I said hooking my leg behind his knee and pulling so that his legs came out from underneath him. "And you're on the ground" he hit the ground with a thump and I heard the bushes rustling I sighed pulling out one of my throwing knives.

"Alright ya weirdos get out of the damn bushes." I said. Tskune raised an eyebrow at my sudden outburst. After a minute several girls came out of the bushes, Including the cute witch girl.

"Okay You caught us." One girl said. She was obviously a succubus. And considering the school only had 1 succubus I already knew who She was. Kurumu.

"Why were you following me?" I said Narrowing my eyes.

"We weren't following you." A pink haired girl said. Judging by her Rosario and the was she moved she was a vampire pretty rare now a days. I glanced over at Tskune who was still on the ground who sighed before I started to laugh.

"You have fangirls. That's hilarious!" I said clutching my stomach. Once I calmed down I put on a stoic face as I looked each one over once. I pointed to Kurumu.

"Alright let's see what your little fangirls can do. I want you Kurumu to fight me." I said with a slight smirk. She seemed confused and shook her head.

"No way! There's no reason for me to fight you." She said putting her hands on her hips.

"Heh you need a reason. Fine." I walked over to Tskune and helped him stand since the idiot couldn't bother to even stand up. ((i don't actually think of him like that don't kill me DX)) "Alright Loser, let me demonstrate rule number 2." He seemed confused before my wings unfolded from my back and I picked him up, throwing him over my shoulder.

"What are you doing with my Tskune?!?!" Kurumu and the other girls practically screeched.

"Easy I'll give you a reason to fight me." I called out to her as I flew up into the sky higher than the school. "Catch!" I said adjusting my grip on Tskune to his foot as I held him out. He was now upside down as I let go. Both him and Kurumu screamed. She was still from anger and fear as he reached closer to the ground. Once he was around a foot off the ground I used my pixie power to stop him. He glowed a dull rainbow color as he was gently set back down on the ground. The girl looked up at me with such a confusion it was funny. So I began to laugh, hard.

"You actually thought I would drop the kid I'm teaching? Oh god that's golden!" I was doubled over laughing. Kurumu seemed enraged as her wings sprouted out and she dashed up towards me with such furry I could tell she could literally rip me apart. I laughed more and waited until she was in reaching distance before I did a front flip mid air and kicked her in the back, causing her to go down quickly but she came back up before she hit the ground. She came speeding towards me like a bullet but I floated side ways before she could touch me and she flew staight past me. "O'LE!" I said laughing again. She continued to do this until I got bored and back handed her hard enough that it sent her to the nearest tree. I slowly floated back down as my wings folded back in. I used my power to bring her out of the tree, She was knocked out probably from hitting the tree hard enough. I walked over and planted a kiss on her forehead, but it wasn't a normal kiss it was a kiss of healing and any visible injuries she had attained were then transferred onto me but quickly healed due to how quickly we pixies healed.

"What was that?!" Tskune asked running over.

"A fight between 2 beings who can fly." I said shrugging. I coughed up a small amount of blood onto my hand.

"Damn. I hit her harder than I thought." I said feeling my ribs, sure enough one of them was broken.

"Kurumu! Is she going to be alright?!" The Vampire asked as she and the others ran over once their shock had washed away.

"Yeah she's fine. At the most she'll be sore tomorrow." I said with my hand covered over my mouth as I started to walk away from the group. "I gave her a kiss of healing. She's fine. Instead I got her injuries, so she'll be up in the morning." I said acting as though nothing was wrong but truthfully my broken rib hurt like hell. Pixies can heal quickly but broken bones take 3 days to heal no matter what. "I'll see you around." I said halfway from the school and the group checking over their friend. "Damn it... I need to start controlling my hits better if I want to keep giving people that I fight healing kisses. " I mumbled to myself. I eventually managed to get to my dorm before I collapsed.


The next morning I woke up to the sun shining on my face as I woke up, realizing that I was late once again and got up quickly brushing out my hair and putting it into a pony tail and fixing my clothes before rushing out the door, I'll take a shower when I get home later tonight. I ran to homeroom quickly just before the bell rang somehow and quickly went to my seat next to Tskune, my chest burning from lack of air and because of my broken rib.

"Okay students~" The teacher started writing the words of the latest project up on the board. "So Homeroom will usually never have homework but you will this year. Today you all will be assigned partners for the project. First Ms. (L/N) And Mr. Aono. Second,-" The teacher continued to drone on but the fangirls seemed to glare at me and I shrugged slightly before I laid my head down and slept through all of my classes for the rest of the day. Eventually the final bell rang and I woke up because of Tskune poking me to get up.

"You should get up now... It's time to leave." He said as I sat up slowly.

"Huh? Already?" I yawned before standing up. He nodded gently and started to gather his things. I did the same and walked out, Tskune following behind me.

"Is that Tskune Aono and (Y/N) (L/N)? She's probably got him under some sort of blackmail or spell." Some of the Girls where whispering. I rolled my eyes and walked faster.

"He shouldn't hang around her, she'll probably end up killing him."

"I heard that's what she did with the last person she helped."

"Damn Pixies can't be trusted." I kept hearing people talking about me or rumors about me as though I couldn't hear them. I dashed out of the school and to my dorm, throwing my books down on my desk before I ran out to where Tskune and I were supposed to meet daily. He was of course there standing at the gate, as I approached he looked over at me as though he were thinking.

"Hey I figured you would be quit by now. Seeing as I beat up your friend and all or is that what you want to tell me." I said as I approached him with my arms crossed.

"No. I'm not quitting. I was going to say that you aren't as bad as you lead everyone to think." He said as he started to smile. I scoffed and shook my head at him as though I were disappointed.

"Yeah well whatever. Attack me now." I said and it took him a second before he threw a punch of course when I tried to dodge it by side stepping my luck ran out and he hit my broken rib. A look of pain sweeper across my face as I did a quick side swipe making him fall onto his back.

"Ow... Fuckin Crist that hurt..." I mumbled my breathing uneven as I gently felt my ribs in order to see if they had punctured anything. I started to cough violently and eventually it started to have blood in it.

"Are you okay?" Tskune Asked walking towards me, a look of worry on his face. I shook my head and stepped away from him.

"I'm *cough cough* Fine." I said but he moved closer to me, looking at my blood covered hand.

"You aren't fine. Lets get you to the infirmary." He said and I shook my head quickly stepping away from him again. I started to see spots in the corner of my eyes and knew I was going to pass out if I moved anymore.

"No. I'm fine. Just go do whatever you do normally." I said waving my hand to dismissively. He sighed softly and picked me up, I tensed immediately and almost when to punch him but. I couldn't move as the wave of drowsiness washed over me and I passed out.


I woke up with a soft groan to an almost blinding light.

"Am I finally dead yet?" I mumbled as my eyes started to adjust. I looked around to see Tskune asleep in the chair beside my bed. I was in my room and so was Tskune... I started to blush deeply and looked down at myself and felt relief wash over me when I saw that nothing had been changed when it came to my clothes. I silently got up without any pain. "How long was I out?" I mumbled and looked over at my desk seeing at least 2 days worth of homework from my classes. "Lovely..." I said with a sigh. At least it was Saturday and I could do whatever I wanted with my day. I went over to my closet and pulled off my (F/OF) And walked over to Tskune, poking his face gently. His nose scrunched up but other than that he didn't move causing me to sigh and grab one of my textbooks and dropping it on his lap. He woke up quickly and looked as though something were wrong.

"Sup Sleeping Dork. I'm fine now. So you can leave." He opened his mouth to protest as he stood but I interrupted him. "Besides I need to take a shower." He seemed to contemplate something before he nodded and left silently.I almost felt somewhat sad that he left even though I was the one who told him to leave. Am I starting to like him? I thought as I quickly got a shower before I got dressed in (F/OF) before I looked at myself in the mirror and did my hair. As I walked out of my dorm, I heard whispering, I looked around to find no one so I shrugged it off. I walked around the school boredly until I came across the pool, at which point I stripped down to my underwear-not even caring that I wasn't wearing a swimsuit- And dived into the deep ends. Yeah I knew of the gross monsters that usually inhabited the pool but they seemed to be gone. After what felt like hours I heard something in the bushes. Automatically, I unfurled my wings and got out of the pool, trying to seem as intimitdating as possible. I walked closer to the sound, my hands glowing from my pixie magic, the noise grew closer and I began to grow more confident. That's when it happened. In an instant I saw Tskune walking toward me then, of all times, he tripped. Not wanting to get caught in the fall, I tried to walk back, only to trip myself. How on Earth we managed to get ourselves in the position we were currently in was beside me. He was over top of me, his arms on either side of my head. I blushed deeply, resisting every urge to either rack him-or to those who don't know, Knee him in the crotch- or to close the space between our lips. He started to blush as well as I cleared my throat and he shook his head slightly.

"I'm sorry (Y/N)!" He said as he quickly moved off of me. I took a deep breath trying to stop blushing.

"It's fine, it was just an accident." I said calmly. I looked over at him to see him blushing an even deeper shade of red as he covered his eyes.

"What are you wearing?!" He said and I started to laugh.

"My underwear. I was swimming in the pool. It's almost like you've never seen a girl in anything less than pants." I said laughing lightly. I shook my head and walked over to my clothes, making sure they were completely dry before I went into the bushes.

"You're gonna walk around like that?!" He called after me.

"Hell no! I'm changing out of the wet clothes." I called as I walked behind a tree, hanging my dry clothes on a tree branch and stripped down to nothing before putting on my dry clothes. I sighed softly before I stepped out from the tree, looking around for Tskune only to find him gone. Shrugging, I walked off until I heard some one talking.

"Alright Aono, You're going to tell us what you've been doing around (Y/N)." I rolled my eyes and put on the most adorable worried face as I walked towards the voice and found them.

"Tskune! There you are!" I said grabbing onto his arm as though a love sick middle schooler would before I looked over at the other male. "I'm sorry but Tskune and I will have to be going, we were in the middle of a date." I said with a small apologetic smile.

"A date? So you mean to tell me you're dating this loser?" the boy asked.

"I would appreciate it if you didn't call my boyfriend a loser." I said with a dark aura growing around me.

"And why not it's only the truth, Tskune Aono is a-" He started but quickly stopped and groaned in pain when I kicked his crotch as hard as I could.

"An amazing guy. I completely agree with you. Have a good rest of your day sir." I said grabbing Tskune's hand and dragging him away. Once I knew we were out of earshot and he couldn't see us I let go of his arm.

"That was a one time thing. Kay?" I asked and he nodded.

"Okay but why?" He asked. I sighed and rolled my eyes.

"Because. 1) Only I get to call you Loser. 2) Use your brain if you 2 had fought he would have found out and you would be killed." I explained to him. "Now, if you want to you can continue that charade, but I'm not. Unless I get asked." I said turning around and walking away.

~Timeskip to the next day~

I sighed and rubbed my temples. This was the 5th time today someone asked if Tskune and I were dating. And the bell for breakfast hadn't even gone off yet.

"Yes, we are. But I have a headache would you mind leaving me alone?" I asked. The girls nodded and quickly walked away. I sighed with my moment of peace before Tskune came in and all the girls flocked to him asking him tons of questions. He looked over at me and gave me a smile. Lovely time for charades again, this was going to suck. He simply ignored the girls and walked over to me, before another guy came over with a proud smirk.

"You know (Y/N), I don't actually believe that you and him are dating. I think it was just a charade to get the other guys off your back." He said and I almost rolled my eyes-almost.

"We are dating. Why would we lie about it?" Tskune asked.

"I dunno. But I still don't believe you so prove it." he said. There were murrmurrs throughout the cafeteria of agreement as I looked over at Tskune who seemed nervous.

"Tskune." I said and he turned his head looking at me. I grabbed his tie and pulled him closer, kissing him. I closed my eyes cause I honestly did like Tskune, so I didn't want to see any sign of rejection. After a few moments he kissed back and put his hands on my waist, I hesitantly wrapped my arms around his neck before the other boy cleared his throat disapprovingly and we pulled away.

"Whatever I still don't think that you're dating." he said as he turned and walked away. I looked over at Tskune with a light blush and he smiled at me with a small blush of his own. I reached over and hesitantly held his hand, dragging him away to somewhere less populated.

"Tskune. I... I seriously like you okay?" I said letting go of his hand as sighed and closed my eyes trying to hide my blush. He laughed lightly and grabbed my hand after a few moments, causing me to open my eyes. He smiled down at me and kissed my cheek.

"Good. Because I like you too." He said only increasing my blush.

Maybe I wouldn't fail the school year this time.


Sorry! I'm so sorry this took forever I had inspiration for like a week of making this then it dropped. Anyways hope you liked it!

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