Guardian Angel (Lucifer X Reader)
Lucifer's POV
We locked eyes for a moment. But only a moment, but it was enough. Even as she looked away she was beautiful. What am I saying?! She's a human girl. She pulled her hand away from the game that we had both grabbed. She muttered an apology before she walked away, it had been the newest game that had been released and I guess she had really wanted the last copy. I was tempted to go give it to her when I had seen the certain blue haired annoyance watching her from afar. I frowned, what would he want with just a poor human girl?
*Reader POV*
I frowned as I walked out of the crowded game store. I had just wanted to buy that game... Why'd that cute guy have to grab it first? He's always popping up when I want something! It isn't fair! Well whatever... I can still buy it once it goes back on selves! I sighed as I looked at my watch. It was almost time for me to go to work. Man my job was so annoying, and I was honestly sick of the smell of fried chicken. I used to like fried chicken until I started working at SFC, that's all I ever smell now and it's gross. I sighed as I walked into work to find the manager there.
"Oh. Hello Sir. I thought you weren't supposed to be checking in until tomorrow." I said with a small smile. He was a manager but he was the closest thing to a general manger we had so he wasn't usually here except whenever he's doing a check up on the store.
"Actually Miss (Y/N), I'm here to talk to you." He said. He gave a sweet smile but his tone gave off the 'I might touch you in your sleep' kind of vibe. Normally I could tell a lot by a person's eyes but his were covered by a pair of stupid sunglasses. "Come, let's take a walk. I already told the shift manager I would be taking you for the day. On business terms that is." He said as though he knew what I was thinking. I don't trust this guy at all.
"Okay sir, where would you like to go?" I asked in a sickly sweet voice. I was hoping he would say somewhere populated because I didn't trust this guy as far as I could throw him.
"Wherever." He said wrapping an arm around my shoulder. He was cold, very cold. I didn't like it. He led me around for sometime before he finally spoke. "A certain Fallen Angel seems to have taken a light interest in you girl." He said. That's when I noticed how little this street was actually filled. Shit.
"What are you talking about." I said shrugging his arm off my shoulder.
"The purple haired boy you see everywhere. That's the fallen angel. And he has a slight interest in you human." He said it as though he wasn't human. I took a step back away from him. How did he know about the boy I kept running into?
"Were you following me?!" I said in surprise as I took another step back. He laughed for a second before he nodded.
"You humans aren't the smartest here are you?" He laughed. My mind was racing with different thoughts then he went to grab me with a sinister smile. I instantly moved out of his way and gave a good roundhouse kick to his head, sending him to the ground before I turned and bolted. I ran as far as I could before I came across a set of apartment buildings, halfway across town from my house, but they would work for now. I ran up the steps and knocked on the door quickly. I heard the insane man start laughing possibly a block away when the door opened and I quickly went inside the house without invitation. I was panting and my vision was starting to go black as I fell to the ground, only seeing a mop of purple hair before I blacked out.
Time skip.
I groaned as I sat up slowly, rubbing my eyes. Where was I?
"Well. You're finally up." I heard a voice but not one I recognized. My eyes widened as I realized I had barged into a house with three men. One of which was the cute purple haired male. I bowed gently in apology.
"I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to barge in last night. I'm extremely sorry. I really am I was just being chased by this insane man." I explained as I sat up.
"What color hair did he have?" A white haired male asked.
"Well he had blue hair... Actually do you have paper and a pencil?" I asked. They nodded and handed me the paper. I started to draw the man with perfect precision as they asked me more questions.
"What's you're name?" They asked as I finished his body type.
"My name is (Y/N)." I responded starting on his head.
"Where do you live?" The purple haired male asked.
"Across Town." I said getting down his glasses and nose.
"How old are you?" The other one asked. I stopped and frowned.
"One never asks a lady that. They get insulted. But I'm 18." I said finishing the face as I started drawing his hair.
"Do you work?"
"Yes. I work at Sentucky Fried Chicken across town." I said as I finished the drawing. I handed it to the white haired male who nodded gently as he handed it to the middle guy who frowned gently and handed it to the cute purple haired guy.
"He was saying things like how you're a fallen angel who had taken an interest in me and a bunch of other things but I didn't wanna find out what he I was talking about." I said gesturing to the purple haired male who tensed slightly. His eyes showed that I was telling the truth.
"(Y/N) was it?" The white haired male asked. "How would you like to stay with us until he is properly dealt with?" He asked. I frowned slightly.
"I wouldn't want to bother you. I've done that enough within the last day. I should be going." I said standing up as I looked around for my shoes, which hadn't been on my feet, which I found at the door.
"Stay." The middle male had said as he walked over to me and sat me back down where I had been.
"Now. I'm going to tell you something that's going to sound crazy but it's all the truth." He said with a sternness in his eyes. I sighed gently.
"Let me guess he's a fallen angel you're a demon and you're a fallen angel?" I asked pointing to the three boys in turn.
"I'm Lucifer. A fallen angel alright." he said crossing his arms.
"I go by Maou here but I go by Satan where I'm from. Or demon Lord." The middle boy had said. I frowned slightly seeing as I had just guessed demon.
"I am Ashiya. I serve My Lord." The white haired male said. "But I am a demon as well." I sighed softly and laid back.
"So by those introductions I'm assuming this guy is an enemy of yours and you aren't actually giving me a choice on whether or not I get to leave do I?" I asked. Maou nodded gently. I pulled out my phone and dialed work. Once they picked up I started to cough like I was dying. "Hey it's (Y/N), so I woke up this morning coughing like this and so I went" I said pausing to cough even more violently "to the doctors and I have Pneumonia. I can't work for a while sorry. I'll bring you in the doctors note later today." I heard my manager tell me to get better but that it was okay before she hung up. I looked at Lucifer and stood. "Well come on. I gotta go visit my crazy sister." I said. He seemed shocked that I was picking him before I explained. "Fallen Angel or Demons? I'd take my chances with a fallen angel. And if that guy is after me because of you, you're coming with." I said putting my shoes on and opening the door to see another female, who looked like she could fight me on the street.
"Hello." She said with slight surprise.
"Hello. Sorry to be in your way, we were just leaving." I said as Lucifer got to the door grumbling quietly. I stepped aside and let the girl in before I left. "I don't mean to seem so pushy... It's just this whole thing kind of scares me. But at the same time something exciting is finally happening in my boring life." I said quietly. Maybe it was because I had been in front of two demons but I had felt braver and now my shy side was back. I took a right onto the street since I knew my sister's office was closed by. I continued to walk silently besides him.
"You aren't really all that pushy. You're honestly really pretty." He said before covering his mouth.
Lucifer's POV*
I looked over as she walked quietly, was she nervous? Was she scared of me now that she knew the truth?
"You aren't really all that pushy. You're honestly really pretty." I said without thinking. I quickly covered my mouth as I realized what I had said. She looked over in slight shock but giggled quietly and smiled.
"You're pretty handsome yourself." She said with a light blush. I smiled slightly and slowly reached over and moved some hair out of her face. She blushed gently and looked down for a while until we got to a small clinic and went in. She walked into the front desk and asked to see her sister. After a while a tall girl with blue hair and an eyebrow ring came out, she looked like the type of girl who might jump you on the street, except she was smiling.
"Little sis." She said hugging (Y/N). "Whatcha doin here girl?" She asked. "And with a boy no less." She said with a slight glare in my direction.
"I got into some bad shit and some other dude is following me so I told work I have Pneumonia. Think you can give me a doctor's note while I get rid of the guy?" She asked sweetly. Her sister nodded but still looked me over as if I might be a threat.
"Sure thing little girl. Lemme get you it." She said going behind the counter and getting on one of the computers, printing out what I assumed was a doctor's note and then came out from behind the counter.
"Thanks sis. I'll call you when this whole charade is over. Oh by the way. This is one of my new friends Lucifer." She said with a cheerful tone. I waved slightly and the woman nodded to me.
"If she gets hurt in any way. I'm blaming you. And trust me, I will find you." She said glaring at me. I nodded gently and took a step back. Man human women are intimidating sometimes. (Y/N) smiled at me as she turned and started to leave. I sighed softly and followed her with my hands in my pockets.
"Hey Lucifer?" She asked quietly. I looked over at her and raised an eyebrow.
"Yeah?" I asked.
"Why don't you talk much?" She said looking over at me.
"I'm a bit antisocial." She nodded gently before she spoke again.
"How old are you in like. Human terms." She asked. I thought for a second before I shrugged gently.
"I would be around 18. Or somewhere in there." She blushed gently and nodded. I was extremely confused now, why was she blushing? She stopped suddenly and turned towards the street.
"We have to take the bus the rest of the way." She said quietly. I nodded gently and looked around to make sure I didn't see Sariel anywhere before I looked at (Y/N) again. She really was a beautiful girl, and I suppose I ended up staring long enough I didn't notice when she moved and made me jump a little.
"Try not to stare too hard Lucifer." She said with a slight giggle. I sighed softly but shook my head as we got on the bus with a light blush. I got on the bus with her I'm tow.
"Hey Lucifer..." She said as I found an empty seat.
"What is it (Y/N)?" I asked her.
"Maybe after this is all over... Do you maybe want to... Um..." She said starting to flustered.
"Want to what?" I asked.
"Uh. Nevermind."She said shaking her head. "I'm just being dumb. Ignore me." She said. I smiled looked over at her.
"You like me don't you?" I said.
"W-What?! N-No. I-I mean ugh!" She said extremely flustered. I leaned closer as her face got bright red.
"That's okay. Because I like you too." I said before I closed the distance between our lips. I had to keep her safe, I had to be her guardian angel.
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