Feelings Cultivated in Love (Elsa x Reader)

Feelings Cultivated in Love

Patron Request: Manuel Garcia

You wipe the sweat off your forehead as the bell rings to signal the end of your shift. You set down your papers and sigh. "This was the slowest twelve hours of my life," you moan, stretching your back. "Why did I decide this?" You start walking to the storage room with your lunch bag and keys. "Yeah, (Y/N), why don't you work for some money. It's not like your parents are well-off or anything, it's not like I graduated in business or anything, no, no, let's work in a warehouse that's hot as hell," you reach the door, noticing a couple people staring at you as you whisper to yourself. "Ah, man," you open the door and push it open for the people behind you. "Whatever, at least was my last day for the week," you approach your locker and gather your things. "Now I gotta lie on my couch for the night and die."

"Don't be so depressing about it, kid," an older man pats your shoulder as he gathers his personal belongings. "I've been doing this for over twenty years. You've been here for a month."

"I'm not really a kid," you close your locker. "But I'll keep that in mind," you turn back and slip through the others coming to do the same thing. "Have a good night!" You shout while waving to everyone behind you.

After a short walk through the warehouse, you reach the exit where two security guards chat. Without disrupting their conversation you give them a quick wave... to which they don't reply to. You slowly lower your hand and curl in on yourself.


You sit in your car and close the door to keep what little warm air there is in. You turn on the car and crank the heat up right away, taking a moment to relax before you start your drive home. Your mind's drawn to your phone as a form of distraction. Swiping it from your pocket, you notice a few texts and two missed calls from Elsa and your mother. You check the texts, seeing they're from Hans, Anna, and a few other friends from high school. "I'm kinda popular today... don't know whether that's a good thing." You put your phone down and grab the wheel. "I gotta have a shower and get out of these clothes. I'll respond later."

You focus on the road ahead and pull out of your parking spot.


You pull into a medium sized house in a crescent. It's not as big as your parent's house by any means, but it's humble for you. You've been in such a massive house for so long that this simple place brings you a sense of warmth. You pull into your driveway beside another white car. You step out of your car, close the door, and approach the entrance. "Weird, none of the kids are out playing," you look to the middle of the court. "Guess they're spared today," you end with a chuckle.

You open the door to immediately be embraced with comforting warmth and the alluring smell of food being cooked. It swirls through the house – the large open space to the left that's both a reading room and dining room, up the stairs to the four rooms upstairs, and even descending into the basement to give it a fresh scent. Of course, it also flows into the true family room through the small corridor.

"That smells amazing," you shout as you take off your boots.

"You say that every time I cook," Elsa responds with a skip in her step. "How was your day?"

"Awful, but what's new?" You joke. "I gotta shower, though. How long will it be?"

"Um..." You hear some shuffling in the kitchen. "Ten minutes, I think."

"Perfect. I'll be quick."

"Don't hear that one often," she giggles.

You roll your eyes. "Ha. Ha. That's a good thing, I'd say," you start to go up the stairs.

"Oh, it is," she teases back.

You enter the bathroom and close door to cut yourself off. You place your phone on the counter and quickly take off the grimy, sweaty clothes. With a turn of the nob, the water starts flowing out of the showerhead. You take a step back to let the water warm up and grab your phone as a distraction.

You check Anna's message first, reading off that she wants to hang out with you and Elsa soon. Hans is just complaining about his brothers at their company. It can't help but make you laugh. Your mother, on the other hand, you'll call later. You planned on stopping by this weekend anyway.


"So it seems like the project will be delayed for another year or so. But I might be able to rush it if I can prove how useful it will be in the future. Mom and dad have been impressed by my motivation," Elsa rambles as you continue to eat.

"Well, you always thought of following your parents' footsteps and leading their company. You used to take up the whole whiteboard detailing ideas," you chuckle. "Ah... I miss high school..."

"Not college?"

"Nah," you wave off. "I that was fun too but we were all separated. Can't blame me for missing you all."

Elsa giggles before taking a drink. "It was lonely in university, yes," she sets the glass down and stares down at the table. "But getting this house with you has more than made up for it," she slides her hand across the table and rests it on yours. "You realize its almost been ten years since we started dating?"

"Heh... yeah. Crazy, right?" You lace your fingers with hers while you eat with the other one. "You longer than some people's cumulative relationship time."

"That's an odd way of putting it," the blonde giggles. "But I suppose you're right. It's a special thing, I think. I'm still happy to be around you... it's like we're still in high school."

"I hope you see me as more mature than high school," you pull your hand back while laughing.

"A little bit," she coyly smiles, returning to eating. "Still... it's just nice that we're so strong. A house together... it's almost like," Elsa takes a drink and loses herself in thought.

You raise your brow at what she may have been going towards, but you drop it and continue eating. "I'm gonna be heading out early tomorrow. Gonna visit my parents."

"Oh, really? Say hello for me," she cheerily asks.

"Of course. So, what do you want to binge before we sleep?"

Elsa chuckles. "I think I already watched it all... but we'll browse and see."

"Sounds fun," you smile back.


You pull into your parent's driveway and shut off your car. You step out and the cool breeze that balances out the blazing heat of the morning sun. You lock the car and huff. "Takes me back..." You look up and down the street. "Right... guess I got something to do," you roll your shoulders. "One reaction at a time."

You approach the door and knock twice before opening up. "Heya, mom! Dad!"

"(Y/N)!" Your mother's voice echoes from the kitchen. "Please, come in. Let me dry my hands!"

You take off your shoes and proceed into the kitchen where your mother is doing exactly what she said. You come up behind her and place a kiss on the back of her head. "How're you?"

"Good, good. Just doing up the dishes," she turns around leans against the counter. "Your father's at the office so I'm just... cleaning," she weakly gestures to your right. "I'm glad you could come by. Do you want something to eat?" she pushes off the counter and walks towards the fridge. "I have plenty of-"

"Mom, it's okay," you chuckle. "I swear, it's a miracle you even have food from how much you give out."

"I want to make sure everyone is fed!" She casually speaks. "It's no fun being hungry. You know, when I was young my parents-"

"Never had any money so we had to take turns eating, I know, and I'm glad you never put me through that," you kiss her forehead before heading to the nearby living room.

"You know I'd give you my food every time."

"I know you would," you sit on the couch and sink into the familiar layering. "Oh... I missed you."

"You can take it!" She shouts.

"No, mom, I'm not taking your couch!" You roll your head back. "It's rooted here... this is its home."

Your mother giggles as she comes around the couch and sits down beside you. "So, what's this I hear about you working in a warehouse?"

"Oh," you rub your neck. "Just... well... I needed some quick money while I look for my career."

"Why? You know we have-"

"I... actually kinda wanted to talk to you about it too," this silences your mother and gets focused on what you're going to say. "I've... been saving up money for an engagement ring..."

Your mother's face lights up like a Christmas tree. "My little boy is getting married!" She quickly snatches your head and hugs it.

"Hey! Mom, stop!"

"I'm just so happy! I've been waiting for so long. Oh!" She lets you go and stands up. "I have something for you! Wait right here!"

She hurries away and up the stairs. You wait on the couch, not sure what she could possibly be doing. To be fair, this is how you expected her to react. Your mother has usually been pretty... loving. Her thoughts of seeing you get married and have kids are something she's been dreaming of since high school. Definitely didn't put any pressure on you.

You soon hear here come down the stairs and come around the couch. You spot something in her palm, though you can't quite make it out.

"Mom, what-"

She grabs your hand and places her hand over it, dropping the object she had.

"I want you to have this... you don't have to buy anything."

She lifts her hand to reveal a beautiful engagement ring that looks decades old.

"Mom... what is this?"

"Your grandmother's engagement ring. I kept it... and I want you to have it."

"I can't take thi-"

"You can and you will," she furrows her brow. "I want to give you this. It would mean the world to me."

You look down at the ring in your hand and slowly close your fist. "Okay," you look back at her. "Thank you, mom."

"You can thank me by coming out to lunch with me."

"How is that-"

"It's payback to spend more time with my sunshine."

"Jeez," you get off the couch. "Alright, come on. I'll drive."


You're both sat at a booth around the middle of the restaurant. You each shuffle in and nod your head to the worker.

"Of course you bring us here," you snicker whilst grabbing the menu.

"Why wouldn't I? You four always came here."

"Yeah, our little getaway. Place has changed."

"Jim's kid took over and renovated it. Made it more like a restaurant," she happily replies.

"That's a shame," you sigh. "But I guess that marks it as-"

"Oh my god!" A familiar voice shrieks. "We're sitting here, please!"


"Anna," you shake your head and smile. "Come on, then, let's not make a scene."

The worker places the two extra menus down and walks away while your two friends sit down – Hans next to you while Anna sits with your mother.

"How're ya doing, man," you bump forearms with your old friend.

"Good. You interrupted my date."

"Yes, just as planned," you chuckle. "You'll never have a date while I'm around."

"Damn," he laughs. "You'll be the death of me."

"So, Anna, did you know my son is going to propose?"

You freeze as both Anna and Hans adopt a coy smirk with shady eyes.

"Mom," you sharply whisper. "Why?"

"You're really going to?" Anna holds in the excitement.

You huff. "Yeah, yeah, I was intending to. Was going to tell you another time but someon-"

"YAAAAAAAAAAAAY!" Anna reaches over the table and pulls you into a hug.

"H-Hey! Anna!" You struggle. "You're gonna knock stuff over!"

"Anna," Hans put his hand on her shoulder. "If you suffocate him then this excitement is pointless."

"Right," Anna hops back and starts shaking in excitement. "Man, this is so awesome! I've been waiting for forever! Oh! How're you gonna propose! It's gotta be special!"

You rest back in your seat and think. "I... you remember that joke we made a few years ago?"

Anna raises her hand to her chin. "Hmmmmm," her eyes squint. "Wait, the ice-rink thing?"

"Yeah," you nod. "I think I can get that within a week."

"I'll help!" Anna blurts out. "Get it done faster! We'll rent out the entire rink and get- Hans, doesn't your brother own a construction company?"

"Yes, but-"

"We can make it all!"

"Anna," you scratch your nose. "You don't have to do this. I can-"

"No way," Anna waves her hands before her. "If you're proposing to my sister then it's gotta be the best one ever!"

"Don't be so stubborn, (Y/N)," your mother scolds. "Your friends are offering help."

You throw your head back and sigh. "I know, I know. Alright, Anna, what do you think?"

The woman smiles, dozens of ideas swimming through her mind. "I have an idea," her smile widens even further.


You wave at the car coming into the closest parking spot. Elsa soon steps out in a lazily put together casual outfit. Her business shirt is still on while its half tucked into a pair of slim jeans.

"You look great!"

"I want to take that at face value... but I won't," she teases.

You shrug. "That's fair. Thanks for coming out."

"You took my house keys and told me to come here."

"You could've found a way in."

"I know, but you want me here, so..." She stops in front of you and looks around. "Here I am."

"And I'm happy you are. Makes this last week worth it."

"Week?" She repeats. "What exactly are we doing here?"

You offer your hand and smile at her. "Come with me and you'll see."

She hesitantly takes your hand and lets you lead her. "Okay... this is kinda weird, though."

"Don't worry," you bring her inside the arena. "You'll love it. Oh!" You grab something out of your pocket and hold it in front of her. "You're getting blindfolded."

Elsa shrugs and grabs it. "Wouldn't be the first time." You squint at her remark but end up smiling. She puts the blindfold on and grabs your hand again. "Alright, guide me, oh good sir."

"Guide you right into a wall."

"You better not!" She smacks your back.

"I won't! I won't!" You laugh. "Jeez, you slap hard."

You carefully lead her into the building, keeping the doors open as you direct her through them. The cold chill of the building.

"I don't get why we're here."

"Don't worry, we're almost there."

You lead her through the main area and through a door into the primary rink. You still can't believe all the work Anna and Hans have done to set this up. Inside the barrier is a fairly big and stable blue castle that shines as if it's ice. It's so intricately made which surprises you considering Hans constructed it in one week. You lead Elsa to the entrance of the arena and open the door.

"Alright, we're getting on ice. I got you, don't worry."


"We're nearly there."

You carefully guide Elsa along the ice and through a massive open door that leads into a sort of ballroom with beautiful engravings on the walls and even a large hanging ball in the middle. You shake your head with a wide grin, once again admiring the work that Hans has done in a short time. You stop in the middle of the structure and steady Elsa.

"Alright, I'm gonna take it off. You still okay? Cold at all?"

"Not at all," she replies while you take off her blindfold. She blinks a few times, taking a moment to take in everything around her. "This isn't... what?" She looks all around her. "What is this, (Y/N)?" She ends with a surprised smile.

"It's your Kingdom," you joke. "Remember, you always thought a castle of ice was cool?"

"Sure, but I never thought... it's beautiful," she raises her hands. "How did... why?"

"Because... heh, I needed somewhere that hits home for you... and maybe a place that's not so common. Special, you know?"

Elsa gives you a perplexed look, still not understanding the purpose. You take a deep breath to steady yourself. "Elsa... we've been together for a long time... longer than others, like you said... but I want to make sure that this relationship, this bond, will remain strong for as long as it can. So..." You slide your hand into your pocket and grab the ring. As you kneel down and bring the ring out of your pocket. The movement on the ice, however, causes you to slip and fall on your side. You manage to hold the ring up off the ice, moaning at the slight pain.

"Are you..." Elsa pauses as she sees the shining object in your hand. Her eyes fixate on it as you carefully get back to your knee and rub your side.

"Damnit, I should've thought of the ice... ow."

"(Y/N)... is that..."

"Huh?" you follow her eyes to the ring in your hand. "Oh, yes... man, I really messed this whole process up," you chuckle. "But-"

Elsa jumps you, wrapping her arms around your body and holding you tight. "I can't believe it! I've wanted... I mean, but, I thought-"

"Yeah, I waited too long," you rub the back of her head, a wave of happiness constantly running through you. "Sorry..."

"No, no, don't you apologize," she shifts back and cups your face in her hands. "Of course, (Y/N). Of course, I'll marry you," she ends by planting multiple kisses on and around your lips.

Anna and Hans watch from the sidelines with a control box in the girl's hands.

"You're sure this isn't weird?" Hans whispers.

"No, it's normal to watch," Anna nods. "Now, time to turn on some music and set the mood lighting!" She schemes while clicking away.

The lights suddenly dim with four spotlights shining into the castle. A very soft, calming song plays through the speakers; a song chosen by Anna herself.

"So... want to dance in this ice castle?" You lift yourself and her up to your feet.

"I would love it more than anything," she nods, tears welling in her eyes.

You hold her close as you both carefully slide across the ice, moving in sync with each other and the music. It's not what you thought it would be, but it's still somehow perfect. You wouldn't trade this moment for the world.

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