Young Bassist Part 3
"I thought her mother knew all about this," Angus said as Malcolm paced the floor. His arms were crossed and his gait was slow.
"That's what she told me," Malcolm sighed. Brian and Chris watched the brothers discuss the situation, steering clear of any incoming arguments. They weren't angry per se, but there was no telling what was going through their minds at the minute. The tour was almost on them and despite all the trouble they went through, they were still short a bass player.
"Probably knew her mother wouldn't let her go," Angus said. "So she didn't mention it to her."
"Alright, so what do we do?" Malcolm asked, slapping his hands on his jeans. He looked around at everyone and nobody answered. "Any ideas?"
"Well..." Brian started since nobody else would. "It's really your call, Mal. You know what's best for the band."
"That doesn't mean I know what I'm doin'!" Malcolm said a little louder than he had intended. The other men winced and Malcolm took a deep breath. "It's everyone's decision, a little input wouldn't hurt. What, ya' think I can manage this shit by myself?"
"It's your band, Mal," Angus said. "You're drivin' this train, we're all behind you." After letting out a stream of not so friendly curse words, Malcolm sighed. "We can call whoever we liked second best."
"I've already fuckin' called an' told him we didn't pick him," Malcolm said. "Fuck knows he's already moved on to somethin' else."
"Worth a shot," Brian said. "Hasn't been that long, he can't have moved to Timbuktu." Chris laughed.
"Don't be so sure," Malcolm muttered, holding back a smile. "Alright, give me a second to think about this..."
"What the hell were you thinking?" Mabel cowered from her mother's choice of words. "Auditioning for a rock and roll band? They're all so much older than you! Going on tour with them? All those drugs they probably surround themselves with? The women? It's highly inappropriate, you're sixteen!"
"I know," Mabel said. She sat there in her wheelchair while her mother angrily paced in front of her.
"I'd be the worst mother in the world if I let you go off with those men," her mother said. "You're not some seventies groupie, you're my daughter!"
"Josie and Karen thought I could do it-"
"Don't you go putting blame on them," her mother interrupted. Max followed her pacing, his tail wagging. "They're not the ones who lied to me about their schoolwork. Which you're not missing out on either. You wouldn't be able to graduate on time!" Mabel could feel her once in a lifetime opportunity slip like sand through her fingers. Just as she feared her mother answered the telephone. Hearing her mother inform her of her good fortune was exhilarating but short lived. Miss McIntosh would not be swayed.
"I'm sorry I lied," Mabel admitted. "But I knew you'd get mad."
"And rightfully so! This whole situation is too preposterous." Mabel sighed, awaiting her punishment. "I want you in your room this instant, young lady. You're grounded for a month."
"For trying to pull a stunt like this without me knowing about it. And for lying." Mabel scoffed at the audacity and wheeled to her room.
"Rock and roll isn't what you think it is!" she yelled. "It's my only outlet in life and you don't care!" Slamming her door shut, Mabel took notice of her autographed bass guitar leaning by the bedroom window. The gears in her head began turning.
"You really need to clean your room," Karen said, lifting Mabel out of her wheelchair. "I think I saw a little boy scurry back under your bed."
"Hush," Mabel said. "My mum could hear you."
"I still...can't believe..." Karen huffed and puffed. "this was your idea." She positioned Mabel so her feet were sticking out of the open window. Josie grabbed on to her ankles and pulled her through, taking her into her arms. "You're going to get in so much trouble."
"I don't care," Mabel said. "Let's go, Josie." Josie carried Mabel around to her car waiting down the street, hidden in darkness. The back door was open and Josie placed her on the seat.
"You sure you wanna do this?" Josie asked. "Karen's right about getting in trouble."
"I want to," Mabel insisted. "I'm not giving up this chance because of my mum's hatred of good music. Besides." Mabel shrugged with a toothy grin. "I'm already grounded."
"But you won't just be grounded, you'll be buried," Josie said. "And Karen and I are going with you."
"Thanks," Mabel said. Josie left the car to retrieve Mabel's wheelchair that Karen had folded up, putting that in the backseat next to Mabel. After one more trip to get the bass guitar and Mabel's backpack, all three girls buckled in the car and Josie started driving.
"Alright, ladies, the highway to hell starts now," Josie said, turning on the radio.
Back in Mabel's bedroom was a note for her mother.
"There's no way they'll be here," Mabel said. "Auditions are over."
"But maybe there'll be someone here who knows where they are," Karen said, pushing Mabel's wheelchair. Josie carried the bass and all three ran through the audition building looking for anyone who might know the whereabouts of AC/DC. "It's the only lead we have."
Empty hallways and echoing footsteps. Not even a whisper of the men who had given her an amazing chance to prove herself. Only one man with a broom, pushing it across the floor. Josie caught up to him, the bass swinging. "Excuse me."
The custodian looked Josie up and down. "Auditions are over, kid."
"I know that," Josie huffed, ignoring the man's gruff demeanor. "But the band that was just here-AC/DC. You wouldn't happen to know where they are?"
The man scoffed. "Course I know where they are," he said. "They're on their way to Melbourne right now for the start of their tour."
"Melbourne? You're sure?" Josie asked. The man leaned on his broom.
"Don't get your hopes up, kid," he said. "I auditioned too. Those Young brothers don't know the first thing about talent." He pointed a finger at her. "Mark my words. I could have been famous."
Josie backed away from him. "Okay...thanks," she said. "Crazy old man," she muttered. Joining the group she led the way out of the building. "They're going to Melbourne. We have to get there before the tour starts. Maybe we can ask around or find a flyer."
The three girls left just as the janitor raised his fist to the ceiling and yelled. "Those tone deaf hobgoblins!"
"Mabel?" Miss McIntosh knocked on Mabel's bedroom door, gently pushing it open. "There's food on the table," she said. "Thought you might be getting hungry." There was no response from the empty room. "Mabel?"
Miss McIntosh gasped, covering her mouth with her hands. Not only was the room completely vacated of any daughters, a tiny piece of paper taped to the window blew in the wind. Miss McIntosh crossed the room and grabbed it, almost ripping it. Tears flowed down her cheeks as she read:
I'm sorry, Mum. I'm doing what I have to do. I have to chase my dream. You can't stop me from this. Josie and Karen are here with me, don't worry about us. We're perfectly capable of taking care of ourselves. Running away wasn't a choice at this point, it's a must. I'm sorry it had to come to this.
I'll be home soon. You can ground me all you like. I love you. Take care of Max for me.
The note fluttered to the floor. Miss McIntosh dropped to her knees, staring at the dark night out the window, clutching her heart.
"How can there be traffic? It's the middle of the night!" Josie swore under her breath as the other cars inched along the road, taking their sweet arse time. She clenched her fist, ready to punch the horn. "Come on, is everybody on their way to see AC/DC tonight?"
"Maybe they heard Mabel was the new bassist," Karen said.
"Yeah right," Mabel laughed. Despite the heavy traffic and the impending doom waiting for her at home, Mabel was relaxed and happy. Nothing could stop her.
"Move it or lose it, drongos!" Josie yelled.
"Uh...Josie?" Karen asked timidly.
"I need the toilet..."
"What good are you then?" Miss McIntosh sobbed. "If you can't even find my missing daughter?"
"I'm sorry, ma'am," the officer said. "We can't file a missing person report yet, that's policy." She scoffed at their policy. "The best we can do is come over and ask some questions."
"Good, do that," she said. "In fact, I have three teenage girls missing. And two aren't even mine!"
"They can't be playing a gig tonight," Josie said as the girls walked down the street. With the heavy traffic and a sudden downpour they didn't reach Melbourne until early that morning. Tired and hungry, they searched town for any posters of upcoming AC/DC shows. "They don't have a bass player."
Maybe they'll get someone in the audience to play," Karen yawned. "That's what the Who did."
"I'd love to catch sight of a tour bus," Mabel said, her arms getting tired. Karen took over pushing her. "A t shirt, something!"
"Like that guy?" Josie pointed at a tall and gangling man sporting his no longer white shirt with the AC/DC logo on one side. "Maybe he knows something, looks like a fan."
"Couldn't hurt to try," Mabel said. They approached the man who looked to be hitting up some local sheilas.
"Of course I'm a natural blond," he said, running a hand over his hair. "Muscles are natural too." Mabel and friends rolled their eyes as he rolled up a sleeve revealing nothing more than a twig.
"Excuse me," Mabel said.
"Just a second, honey," the man told his uninterested company. "Yes?"
"You're a fan of AC/DC?" He looked down at his shirt.
"Sure am," he boasted. "Does this fact entice you?"
"Don't make me barf," Josie barked, grouchy and tired. "Do you happen to know if they're playing a show tonight?"
"Psh, I wish," he said, ignoring Josie's slight. "Haven't you heard? No bass player. Everyone who's anyone tried out for the job and nobody got it."
"So what are they doing?" Mabel asked.
"Hell if I know. Heard they're staying at the Mangrove Motel down the road. Imagine they'll find someone there who can play a bass."
Mabel tried to keep calm and hide her giddiness. "Guess we're out of luck then," she sighed. "Was really hoping to catch their concert."
"Right, it's too bad," Karen agreed. The man shook his head at the girls and turned around to resume talking to his lady friend only to find her gone.
"Just get us a room and worry about the band later," Josie said as the girls checked over the lobby. The Mangrove Motel ended up being closer than they thought with a small gated yard out front, three crooked plastic flamingos taking up the small space. "Maybe we'll get lucky and catch them smoking outside."
"Josie's right, Mabel," Karen said. "It's smart to get a room. None of us slept all night."
"Alright. You two get a room. I'm going to wait outside." Mabel wheeled her way out, taking her backpack with her. A bit of fresh air ought to do her good. Her mum had to have known she was gone by now. The school too. But it would be worth it. It had to be. Fate hadn't tempted her for nothing, something would come from this running away business.
"Mabel?" She looked up to see a man standing there, holding a thin suitcase.
"I'm sorry my daughter didn't come to class today, she's run away from home." Miss McIntosh dabbed at her eyes with her handkerchief. Max sniffed her hand. "I haven't seen her in hours and the police are no help."
"Just letting you know, ma'am," the administrator said. "It's our job to know where our students are."
"I'll have her back as soon as I can," her mother said. "This...won't affect her grade average, will it?"
"I don't know, ma'am, I just work in attendance."
"What are you doin' here?" Angus asked. Mabel wheeled over to him. "Mal told us about your mum."
Mabel looked away in shame. "I'm sorry," she said. "I knew she would never agree to me auditioning." Angus smiled.
"I thought so," he said. "Does she know you're here now?"
"" she said. "I...ran away."
"Oh, Mabel..."
"Don't send me home," she pleaded. "Please. We came all this way to find you."
"We?" Josie and Karen came out of the lobby holding a set of keys. Upon seeing Angus they brightened up and ran over.
"Oh, thank God!" Josie said.
"What are the chances?" Karen praised. Angus nodded his greetings and looked to Mabel for an explanation. When Mabel couldn't get the words out, he gestured for the girls to follow him.
"Come on," he said. "Let's talk to Mal."
"There we go," Angus said, setting down a tray of tea on the table. "Made with love."
"You're too sweet on 'em," Malcolm said. "These rebels need a firm hand."
"Please, Malcolm," Josie said. "We ran away for a good cause."
"So I hear." Malcolm helped himself to a cup. "Mabel, why don't you explain."
Mabel took a cup with a shaking hand. Being sent away by the man she wanted to see most would hurt. "I...I ran away."
"Yes, we've established that," said Malcolm gently.
"And..." Mabel choked back a sob. "And I don't care what Mum says. I want to play for the band." Angus smiled but Malcolm sighed. "I know what I did was wrong. I know running away was wrong. But you both know I'l never get this chance again. And...I don't want to fuck it up."
Malcolm nodded. "An' ya' do realize that your mum could take legal action against us if she finds out you're here?" he said. "Could try chargin' us with kidnapping?"
"I...didn't think about that," Mabel admitted.
"You didn't kidnap anyone," Karen said.
"Tell that to Mabel's mum. A court judge, an attorney. A sixteen year old girl's word against her mum." Malcolm kept very calm. Angus let him deal with the girls. Letting them stay was obvious to him but Malcolm didn't give away his thoughts so easily. "Couple rock 'n' roll men aren't enough to sway the judge in our favor, ya' know."
"They can't take us alive," Josie said. "They'll have to kill us first." Malcolm and Angus laughed.
"Look, Mabel, you're our first choice as bassist," Malcolm said. "We all like ya'. But if your mum finds out-"
"She won't find out," Mabel said, almost spilling her tea. "I promise."
"I'm afraid none of us can promise that," Malcolm said. "I ought to send you all home right this minute."
"We drove here," Mabel said. "You send us away we'll just go somewhere else." Josie and Karen nodded but Josie looked annoyed at the prospect of driving again. Malcolm could see how tired these girls were. Driving from Sydney to Melbourne was no easy feat. "We're not going home."
"No?" Malcolm asked. "Not even if we said ya' couldn't play with the band?"
Mabel shrunk. Then she straightened her shoulders. "No I wouldn't."
Malcolm smiled. "Well, I'm not tellin' ya' that," he clarified. "I do think ya' need some rest. All of you."
"You can sleep here for the time bein'," Angus said. "Get some sleep."
"Oh, thank you!" Josie said, swan diving into the bed. Karen laughed and jumped in next to her. Malcolm stood with his tea.
"Mabel? Can we talk in private?"
"You really shouldn't stay here," Malcolm said, watching the morning traffic roll by. "Not jus' for our sake but for yours. Your mum must be worried sick."
"Can't be that worried," Mabel grumbled. "She doesn't understand rock and roll. She doesn't understand how much it helps me cope with..." Mabel gestured at herself. "With this. She's only worried it will make her look bad. Or that I'll miss school."
"That's not true," Malcolm said. "An' school's important."
"You left school at fifteen."
"Sure," Malcolm agreed. "But now I've got kids of my own."
"If you have your own kids then you can handle us," Mabel said. "We're self sufficient, we won't cause any trouble."
"I'm not worried about that," Malcolm said. "I'm jus' worried this might not be the right thing for you."
"Of course it is!" Mabel said. "I realize now that I've been waiting for a chance to try my hand at something like this. I've wanted to play bass my whole life and I was an idiot for doubting myself."
"You're not an idiot," Malcolm said. "Jus' cautious."
"I don't want to be cautious anymore!" Mabel exclaimed. She took some deep breaths. "If you don't want me here, fine. But I'm not going home."
"No matter what?"
"No," Mabel insisted. "No matter what."
Malcolm smiled down at her, seeing a bit of his own daughter in her. A bit of himself as well. He shrugged. "Alright then. Do what you want. But if you're gonna play for us, you'll need to practice..."
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