Left Behind Part 2

"Afternoon, lads." Malcolm and Angus turned to see a man slightly older than them occupying one of the hospital beds. His dark brown hair reached his shoulders. It was any wonder how the cap sitting on the table fit on his head. The man was playing a single player card game that didn't make sense to anyone but him, the cards arranged haphazardly. "You're not the nurses, are ya'?" he joked.

"No, we're uh..." Malcolm cleared his throat, glancing around the room. "They told us a young lady was in here. Or do we have the wrong room?"

"I believe there's a woman behind the curtain over there," the man said, nodding at it. "Brought her in 'bout an hour ago."

"Thanks." Malcolm went over to the deep blue curtain while Angus stood by the man's bed, watching his card game.

"So...what are you in for?" he asked.

"Ah, right ol' bout of appendicitis," the man said. "Was singin' at a gig when me feet jus' fell out from under me." He smiled and Angus figured it was okay to laugh. "Kept singin' all the same. What's your name, me son?"

"Angus," he answered, holding out his hand. "Yours?"

"Brian Johnson," he said. "That your friend you're visitin'?" Angus couldn't hang on to the smile.


"Angus, come here," Malcolm called. Angus looked to Brian who held up his hand.

"Go on, lad," he said. "Don't mind me, I've got me game here." Angus left Brian to his cards before joining Malcolm at the bed behind the curtain. When he saw the young woman he stopped abruptly.

"Haven't gotten her to speak yet," Malcolm said. The woman's eyes darted back and forth between the brothers, her bony hands clenching the blanket. A needle stuck under her arm led to a new IV bag and a faint beeping came from a monitor next to her. Seeing her awake was a relief but the poor thing still looked so gaunt. Malcolm's coat lay on the end of the bed. "This is my brother. Angus." Angus attempted a smile and held up a hand. "He called the ambulance for ya'."

The woman stared at Angus and he dropped the smile. He couldn't get the image of her lying in the garbage out of his mind. "Wasn't anythin' really," he muttered. "Anybody could have picked up a phone."

"Yeah but it happened to be you," Malcolm said. "An' we're grateful, right, Miss?" The woman didn't speak but nodded her head. "See?" Angus finally smiled and stuffed his hands in his pockets. Malcolm gestured at the coat. "Hope that helped ya' some." The woman nodded again, her hands relaxing their grip on the blanket. "If ya' don't mind my askin', what's your name?"

Before the woman could respond a doctor came in with a long white coat and a clipboard. "Evening, Brian, how are you going?"

"Good as new," Brian said. "Can't even feel the stitches."

"Good, good." The doctor appeared from behind the curtain. "Ah yes, you, young lady." He looked through his paperwork and back to the three of them. "Gentlemen."

"I'm sorry, ya' want us to leave?" Malcolm asked.

"No, you're alright," the doctor said. "I'd actually like to ask you a few questions if you don't mind." Angus took a seat in one of the metal chairs beside the bed, clasping his hands together.

"Uh, sure," Malcolm said. He looked at the woman who averted her gaze.

"Either of you know what her name is?" the doctor asked. Malcolm shook his head.

"I figured she must have told you," he said.

"She hasn't said a word to anyone," the doctor said. "Not to me or any of the nurses."

"She hasn't spoken to us either," Malcolm said. Angus bounced his leg, staring at the floor.

"I suspect it must have be a trauma response," the doctor said. "Very common with cases like these." Malcolm looked to Angus who kept quiet. "Now you both saw her in the rubbish? Unresponsive?"

"Yes, sir," Malcolm said. "We found her like that."

"And there were no signs of injury?" the doctor pressed. "Nothing that could have knocked her out? No sign of any struggle?" Angus shuddered from where he sat.

"No," Malcolm said. "Nothin' except a totaled bike but we didn't see her crash it." The doctor scribbled something down. "We thought she must have fainted or the like."

"Very likely," the doctor said. "We 're going to start her on a feeding tube tomorrow after she's hydrated enough to eat. That should put some color in those cheeks." He flashed a smile at the woman who kept her eyes down. "I think with time she'll be okay."

"Did you...need us for anything else?" Malcolm asked.

"That will do for now, Mr..."

"Young. Both of us. We're brothers." The doctor nodded.

"Well, Mr. Young, you and your brother are free to go-" Instantly Angus was on his feet and out the door.

"Alright, me lad?" Brian's voice asked. Angus didn't answer.

"I'm sorry 'bout him, he's not takin' this well," Malcolm said. "Can we come back?"

"As long as visiting hours are on you both can visit her all you like," the doctor said. "As long as it's okay with her." Both men looked down at the woman expectantly, who finally nodded. "Well, there you have it."

"I'll see you tomorrow," Malcolm said to the woman. He edged his way out of the room.

"Oh, sir, you forgot your jacket," the doctor said. Malcolm took it from the bed and put it on, warming up.

"Bye, then." He left the doctor and his patient and saw the man Brian eating from a bowl of soup. Seeing Malcolm was about to leave, Brian reached out a hand to stop him.

"That was your brother leavin'?" he asked.

"Yeah," Malcolm said. "My kid brother."

"Pardon my askin'...but I heard you say your last name was Young?" Malcolm nodded. "An' his name is Angus?" Brian thumbed at the door.


"What's your name, lad?"

"Malcolm," he said. He hasn't expected to be recognized. Angus maybe, but not him.

"Ya' wouldn't happen to be runnin' that AC/DC troupe I've heard about, are ya'?" Malcolm smiled politely in response to the merry gleam in Brian's eyes. "Ah, I thought so!"

"We were on our way to practice before-" Malcolm swallowed the lump in his throat. "Before comin' here."

"Pleasure to meet ya', son," Brian said, holding his hand out for Malcolm to shake. Brian had a firm grip with calloused hands.

"Good to meet you too," Malcolm said. "I'd love to stick around an' chat but my brother-"

"Go on an' get him," Brian said. "I understand." Malcolm nodded his thanks and hurried out into the hall. Angus leaned against the wall, smoking a cigarette. He stared at something Malcolm couldn't see.

"Ang?" Angus jumped a little. "You alright?" He closed his eyes.

"Can we get goin', Mal?" he asked. "The guys are waitin'." Malcolm stared hard at his brother. He'd never seen him this way before.

"Sure," he said. "Let's go."

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