I'm Here For You

Before we getting started

This is Author x Male OC (a little)

And I must remind all of you this kinda contain emotional feelings for anyone who is depressed, so if you have that now? Go away.

And one thing this actually contain my real feeling towards my life that I having.

So let's get into it
Third POV

The school bell just rang, all the students getting their stuff ready and some of them are talking each other. Except this one girl, the blue haired girl still looking at the window as she somehow she letting all of the flow just go pass through.

"Amelia!" Says a voice coming toward to her class and went to her seat, she waving her hand in front of Amelia and smile "mou! Amy! Come on! Enough day dreaming" Says her again. Amelia only glance at her as she look back at the window.

Rumors had been spread all over school, they always think Amelia is weird and mysterious. Many students actually want to get along with her but they have to keep it because of the rumors, but only one girl that manage to be friend with her. Amelia didn't mind at all she just find the way it is, Amelia decided to take her bag and stood as she left her class.

The girl followed her as they walked downstairs, the blacked haired girl look at her and smile widely. Amelia somehow notice it and she look at her "why are you smiling?" Says her, the girl pretend whistles and avoid as she says "well aren't you gonna meet him? " Amelia rolled her eyes and look at her "do I look I care?" Says her with cold tone.

The girl somehow know about what she means as she just hit her in the back "aww come on! Don't be so cold! He don't like cold type of girl!" Says her and they stop in front of a class, Amelia look at the class as her eyes caught on a white haired guy and she still look at him "I'm not and this is who I am.... So deal with it" Says her.

Meanwhile inside a classroom

A white haired boy just finished his work and he took his bag and wave at all his friends, "well then guys I will take my leave now....take care" Says him one of the students wave at him back "yeah see you tomorrow Kris" Says him. Kris smile and he look at his classroom window and his eyes caught at a blue eyes girl that is the one and only Amelia.

He smile and started walking, as he opened the door and went outside. He saw Amelia who looking at him silently, while her friend beside her looks so energetic "hey.... Sorry to keep you waiting" Say him and Pat at Amelia's head then mess her hair "is okay! We just got here though so it's fine!" The black haired girl, then she started walking away and wave her hand "see ya love birds" Says her.

Amelia just look at her and she rolled her eyes and she look at Kris who still patting her head "can you let go already?" Says Amelia, Kris just smile and let go of his hand of Amelia's head "come on you can't always being cold around me Amelia" says him pinches her cheek.

"Oww! That's hurt stop it!" She hit him and pouts as she started walking away, leaving Kris alone. "Hey wait for me!" Say Kris and he followed her, they walked to get her as the finally arrived in front of the school gate, then Amelia wave at Kris and she went to left.

Kris POV

I look at Amelia walking away, somehow I had been having a bad feeling about this, I know she is mysterious and silent. But those rumors are totally not true, she still can't let go of her parents death.

I decided to slowly walking and followed her, she usually still opened and smiling around me and Hina, since we the only friends she had. Not only that I also had a feeling for her, I'm the only one who mostly know her conditions, Hope she didn't do nothing weird.

Kris POV ends

Amelia POV

I walked back to my apartment, I can't wait to meet my old friends and play with them, of what I mean by friends is only my cutter and rope. I had been planing to do suicide, but I can't because I can't leave them. Mostly Kris, I had been in love but I'm afraid to tell him.

I know that he is popular so I know that he will at least had a more suitable girlfriend than me, I took my keys on my pocket and opened the door. I remove my shoes and went inside, I throw away my bag as I went to my desk. I saw a picture of me and my parents, I watched until tears fall from my eyes "why....why had to leave me? Everyone had been so mean to me mom....dad, I can't take it anymore!" I say letting my tears come out.

Yes,is been awhile my parents had an accident and they had to leave me alone. It's feel so hurt, and jealous, I hate when all my classmates mock me and telling me that I got no one. I even hate my life now, I just want to end.

I took a cutter from my desk and I loom at it as I smile "hello friend....let's play" I opened up my uniform sleeve and it reveal a bandage on my arm, I remove the bandage as I started cutting my self.

It's hurts I know, but it is more painful for being alone and left by someone who cares about you, "is not enough...." I put my cutter down as I let the blood dipping, I look at my bed as I took something under my bed that's a rope "I think it's time for me to play with you" Now I took a chair as I tied the rope on the ceiling, then I tied the rope on my neck, I tried to remember my happy memories with my family.

More tears fall from my eyes as I slowly move the chair away from me and I started to hanging on the air, I suddenly can't breathe but I don't mind. Soon I will meet them again, ai close my eyes and letting my memories flow through my mind.

Amelia POV ends

Third POV

Amelia hanging her self on the ceiling as someone burst inside her apartment, he quickly throw his bag on the couch. He also didn't even remove his shoes, he went straight to Amelia's room as he gaps "Amelia!" He quickly took the chair which is not really far from her. He took the chair and stand on it as he cut the rope.

He caught Amelia as he gently lay her down on his chest, he hug her tightly and tears fall from his eyes. "Amelia.....no please don't leave me....I need you" Says him, he cries and burry his face on Amelia's head.

Not long after that he heard a coughing, he suddenly rise his head and look at Amelia who slowly opened her eyes and look at the person in front of her "K.....Kris?" Says her in very low voice. Kris smiles as be hug her "you alive! Thanks god! Stupid! Why you had to do that!? You know is not right!?" He snaps as he still crying.

Amelia look at him and pat his back "I can't take it anymore....I want to be with my parents.....without them I'm useless..." Says her. but, Kris shook his head and look at her "no.....you not useless....you are something....don't ever think you are useless Amelia....you always gonna be amazing" Says Kris.

Amelia started crying and she lowered her head "but is not fair! Why the have to leave me!? Why I had to face this cruel World!? I just.....I just want this ends quickly!" She hug him and cried. Kris pat her head and hug her back "we can't predicting of what will happen.....is only time knew....we just have to face it....but Amelia....don't every feel alone....you had me and Hina by your side....we always be with you" Says Kris, then his hand touch her face and he lower his head and kiss her forehead.

Amelia widened her eyes as she rise her head then suddenly, Kris went through and kiss her in the lips, make her twice time shocked. She close her eyes and enjoy the moment, then she also breaks into the kisses.

After awhile they broke the kiss, Kris look at Amelia and smiles. "I know you will think I crazy but.... I love you Amelia....I love more than anything" Says him, Amelia look at him as he face turn red then she smiles "I love you too Kris....thank you for being here by my side" Says her hug him.

"Anything for you angel....anything" He look at her, as she rise her head and look at him again. Then they started kissing again.

Well that's the end of the story, and yes some of the moment that Amelia having is also the moment of what I having except! Me having boyfriend or my parents are dead. But most of it, it really happen in my life.

Well that is all and good bye!

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