One Shot- Jally

They had fallen in love and everyone knew it, their bond was stronger then any known being. They had found their other halves in each other, making it harder for them to be apart. Sure once in a while they would have a scuffle with one another, but it wouldn't last long. A year is all it took for Jack to make the ultimate move of asking her to marry him. He was nervous and a stumbling mess that night, but Sally didn't care, she smiled as widely as she could and accepted.

After six months of planning they had finally been ready for the next step of their engagement. She had made her own dress and his suit, they had gone through and decided on every detail as quickly as they could. For they were eager to finally be one, to be together forever and never let go. Waiting for the wedding though was pure agony for both of them. But finally the day had arrived and both were so eager, that they both had to resist the urge to sprint towards each other during the ceremony, but they did and all went perfectly.

After the ceremony, the party had been just as entrancing to them both. They didn't not dance neither slow or fast, they just held each other and swayed to their 'heart beats'. They had retreated back to Jacks home for their honeymoon and made sure they were not to be disturbed. Now the events of their honeymoon were a mystery to the town, but most understood what happened the first couple nights. Though non had shared their thoughts or ideas to the others.

Weeks later though things had taken a twist on what was going on with the couple.

"Sally? Are you okay?" Jack asks as he knocks on their bathroom door.

"Yes, I'm fine now, it must of been the fish from last night." She says smiling as she exits the restroom.

"I told you we should've left it out another night to rot, it seemed too fresh." Jack says grimacing and taking her into his arms to embrace her. "You know this has been happening a lot lately, I think we should bring you to Doctor Finklestein." Sally thinks for a second nodding her head slowly in agreement.

"Okay, let me just grab my coat." She says heading to the closet then leaving with her husband.

The couple walked to Dr. Finklestein's house, though Sally's feet did hurt she had not complained. When they arrived Jack knocked on the door, while keeping his arm around Sally's waist securely.

"The door is open!" The doctor yelled from the very top steps as the two entered.

"Hello Doctor!" Jack yelled up.

"Hello again sir." Sally said more quiet than her husband.

"Why, hello Skellingtons I haven't seen you in a while, please come up! What's been troubling you?" He says as Jewel comes from the lab.

"Hello Skellingtons." She says politely.

"Hello." Sally responds as they reach the top.

"So what is wrong?" Doctor Finklestein asks again.

"Well Sally has been sick on and off the last couple of weeks and we were wondering if you could help us figure out why?" Jack says worried for his new brides well being.

"Ah, I see, well follow me to the lab I will observe her there." The doctor says as Jewel takes his chair moving it into the lab, Jack and Sally followed suit.

"Okay Sally lay down." Jewel says as the Doctor and Jack discussed her symptoms.

"Well you seem to have stomach issues, so I'm going to feel around your stomach area for anything unusual first." He gives her a slight smile before pressing his hands on her abdomen.

"Oh." Sally gasped softly as he pressed on a hard area of her abdomen.

"Interesting." He says to himself, he rolls over to his equipment and found the stethoscope.

He then placed it on Sally's stomach searching. When he had found it he looked at Sally then at Jack, it was a small faint 'heart beat'. The smile was clear as day on the Doctors face as he listened.

"What is it?" Jack asked eagerly as the Doctor continued to smile.

"Well I have brilliant news," the Doctor says, putting the stethoscope away, "your not sick, your just pregnant." He says casually.

"Pregnant?" Sally asks, Jack is frozen for a moment as he suddenly feels dizzy and faints, Sally is too shocked to notice.

Jewel goes over and picks Jack up setting him on the table next to Sally still unconscious.

"Yes pregnant, and just like any other you will be due in nine months, so start preparing." He says rolling back to them.

"Pregnant?" She repeats as her husband remains unconscious to the world.

"We'll leave you two." The Doctor says as him and Jewel leave.

Sally sits there waiting for her husband to regain consciousness, she looks at him carefully. How could this be he was a skeleton and she was a rag doll, they never thought that children were possible. Jack starts to wake up holding his head from the impact of the ground.

"Oh, what happened?" He asks looking at his wife.

"I'm pregnant." After saying it for the third time Sally had gained a soft smile. "I'm Pregnant." She says happier, her grin growing, she looks at her husband.

Jack looks at her with a blank expression at first, but then it slowly turns into a happy grin.

"And I couldn't be happier." He rests his forehead on hers as he puts his hand on her stomach.



So how'd ya like it? I've decided on making just a couple chapters, a short story if you please.

Sally's Wedding Dress To The Right==>>

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