You Thought You Knew It All

Hello! How are you all doing? I just want to start off saying thank you for thousand reads on my one-shots. It means the world to me and I am very thankful. I have another BTS ship one-shot for all of you. This one is a Namgi one with hints of Yoonseok. I hope you like it, let's get into the one-shot. Please continue to recommend any ships you want a one-shot of.

I've known you since we were little kids. We were neighbors. At first, I thought you hated me. To be honest, you probably did. Our parents would always try to force us to be friends though. They would take us to the park or set up playdates for us. I don't think we even talked to one another until that day. The day that we became friends. It was after school, we were all waiting around for our parents to come pick us up. I was standing by myself when some tall kid came over to me. He started to make fun of my face shape and my weird features. It stung, but I didn't say anything back. I had no idea what to say to him. You came over and slapped the kid in the face. You didn't even hesitate. You didn't say a word as you came to my defense. The kid started crying and immediately told a teacher. You got in trouble, but I was thankful. I always wondered what made you do it in the first place. I never actually found out. I planned on coming over and asking you about it. When I actually did, I forgot to ask. Instead, we went to your room and hung out. We talked and we found out how much in common we had. Thus, our friendship was born.

When we went to middle school, you started to try and push me away. You would always say, I'm not a good person and you shouldn't be friends with someone like me. Of course, I ignored you. You were my best friend. I wasn't just going to abandon you because you thought you were a bad person. I could tell that you were a great human being. No matter what you may have believed. We both started to get into music during middle school as well. We would work on projects together all the time. We hid it from our parents because we didn't know what they would say. I think music made us closer. You opened up a lot more to me whenever we wrote lyrics. I felt like I truly understood you. And you understood me. We knew everything about one another. We trusted each other with our darkest secrets. We told each other things that only the closest of friends would even dare mention.

The summer before the start of high school is when we had a conversation. The thing is, I've always worried about you. I knew that you've been through a lot. I knew that you hid things from others. I knew that you didn't want to open your heart to anyone. There were times, I wish people could see who you really were. You always hid your true personality. Something told you that no one should get to know the real you. You always pushed people away before they even got the chance to meet you. I never knew why. It only became a bit clearer when you told me this. You said that you get these feelings. You get these visions of when some relationships are going to start and end. You can see it happen within your mind. I remember you describing it as fate whispering into your ear. That's also when you told me that you saw yourself being in a relationship with a girl, a few weeks from now. You said it would only last for a month and three days. I didn't really understand what you meant. I didn't honestly believe it was possible. And then, just as you said, you met a girl. Soon enough, the two of you were a thing. It was weird. It made me uncomfortable for more than one reason. One, you two would always spend time together. I never got to talk to you without her being brought up in the conversation. Whenever I would see you, she would be latched to your arm like a leech. Two, you had predicted it and it came true. Things like that don't happen. It was shocking. A month and three days later, she broke up with you. For some reason, you weren't that upset about the breakup. You were okay with it. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't glad that the two of you split. Your relationship with her was never going to work out, but who am I to say anything.

The next time we even mentioned your precognitions was a year later. You explained to me a bit more how it worked. You said that for as long as you could remember, you were odd. Not the same as everyone else. You knew right away when a relationship would work out or not. You told me that you know when and with who and how each new relationship will occur for you. You said that you hid it from me because you were afraid that I would find you weird. You thought that I would leave you. I told you that I would never do something like that. You mean the world to me. You are my closest friend and I...well I love you. In a total platonic way, of course. I think you knew that already though. Anyway...that doesn't really matter. We continued through high school together. My romance life being nonexistent. While yours seemed to be doing a bit better. You almost always were in or out of a relationship. The thing is, none of them really affected you when they ended. I never said anything, because it's your business, not mine.

The two of us got closer as friends. We started to go into the underground rapping scene. You under the alias of Gloss and me the guise of Runch Randa. We made a name for ourselves there. People were in awe over our lyrics and rapping skills. We used to get offers from different companies often. The thing was they would make an offer to only one of us. We would always turn them down, saying we came as a two package deal. Then one day, a big well known entertainment company made you an offer. I told you to take it, but you refused. You said that we started together and we would be continuing together. I was mad at you for turning down such a great opportunity. I wasn't that upset, I honestly didn't want you to take the deal. That probably sounds really bad. I should be pushing you to be the best version of you. My thoughts were really selfish. That's in the past, I'm not like that anymore.

We talked about our futures one day during lunch. We had dreams that we would always wish to come true. It seemed that every day we got closer to achieving it. Somehow, we ended up talking about romantic relationships. You hadn't met another person in a while. The last time you had a significant other was a year ago. I didn't mind, it meant I could have you all to myself. Maybe it was a tad bit of a lie, when I said I wasn't like that anymore. Moving on, you said the next one would come along in two months. This relationship would last for three years. That's the longest any of your relationships have ever lasted.

I made a promise to myself to not be to nosy. Especially when it came to you. I guess curiosity got the better of me and I blurted out a question. I asked you why you were never sad when you got dumped. You didn't even mind that I had asked. You just answered with an even tone. You said that it can't hurt when you know all of your relationships are going to end. You also told me it's because of your personality. You always push people away. You never let them get too close. You never show emotions to people. I knew that was a lie, cause you would always show your emotions to me. Maybe, it's cause I'm different. Or maybe, I'm giving myself more credit than I deserve. I just think that I've seen you express every emotion in the book. I could be wrong though.

Two months later, we met an underground dancer. He had the brightest smile and he made you smile. He made you smile the first time he met you. I knew that he was special. I was never able to get you to smile like he does. He made you happy. I could see an entire weight lift from your shoulders. When you told me that you two were dating, I wasn't surprised. You started to spend more time with him. You would go to all of his dance competitions and have lunch with him every day. I went to the rap battles by myself, since you were busy. It felt weird to go up on the stage without you. People started to ask me where you were. They were so used to seeing Gloss and Runch Randa together. I always told them that you couldn't come. You were busy with other stuff. I didn't really mind. You were happy with Hoseok. As long as you were happy, it was okay by me. We were still friends, but things were different. We rarely talked. When we did, it was only for a few seconds before you had to run off and do something. I decided to change my alias to Rap Monster. I think I needed a break from Runch Randa. And from people asking where Gloss was.

I don't know what made me do it. I guess I was just feeling sort of lonely. One day, I decided to call you for no reason whatsoever. You told me to come over and I did. Hoseok wasn't with you. He had a dance practice with his crew. We talked for the first time in a long while. We talked about music and rapping and how our lives have been. It was just like before. Still, it was different. I told you how I changed my name. You said that it fit me, I've outgrown Runch Randa. Rap Monster fit a lot better. You made it clear to me that even though that was my name, I was no monster. You told me that you changed your name too. Suga. It fit you a lot more than Gloss ever did. The more we talked, the more I felt like our friendship would be just fine. Time passed as we just chatted. Those moments are the ones I treasure. It was nice to spend time with you. Of course, I kinda ruined the moment when I brought up him. Things started to get tense when I mentioned Hoseok. I didn't think there was anything wrong with your relationship. The two of you seemed to still be going strong. And if I remembered correctly, your relationship with him was going to last for a couple of years. Turns out, that was the problem. You actually loved him. For the first time, you actually cared for the person you were with. You told me that what hurt the most was the fact that you wanted a future with Hoseok. You wanted to spend your entire life with him. But, you couldn't, because your relationship with him would end in three years. I consoled you, I tried my best to at least. Deep down, your words made me feel weird. Because I felt bad for you and maybe the fact that you wanted to spend the rest of your life with him made it weirder. I guess it's because I thought I would lose you as a friend. We already were drifting apart and you were only dating. The thought of the two of you together forever...didn't sit well with me.

It worked out alright. After that, we started to write a song together. You and I would go to rap battles together again. We hung out with one another more often. You spent most of your time with Hoseok, but we spoke to one another at least once a week. It was good to have my friend back. When we started to get back into the underground rap scene, we started to get approached by companies again. This time they wanted both of us. It wasn't until we were given an offer that we both liked did we take it. We started to make our dreams come true. It was amazing. We started to become well known lyricists and rappers. We even released one or two mixtapes together. Things continued like this for a while. Our dreams were coming true and our lives were going great. Even though, you were always upset. I could see it in your eyes as each day went by. I saw you hold onto Hoseok for a second longer at random times. I noticed you would cry yourself to sleep. I heard you cursing out fate one night. You were trying to make your relationship with the man you love last. You wanted him to be your forever. I understood why. When you love someone that much, you'll fight for him. Even if you know it'll never work.

Three years later and Hoseok broke up with you. You said it was because he couldn't be in a relationship at the moment. Hoseok told you he was sorry. He said it him, not you. I don't think I've ever seen you so sad. You were trying for so long to just hold on to him. You really were head over heels in love with Hoseok. He was your everything. And now, you still haven't gotten over it. You knew it was going to end, but you didn't want to accept it.


Yoongi frowns, "Thank you for retelling my entire life story, Namjoon."

I scratch the back of my neck, "I had a reason for it, hyung."

"I'd love to hear it," Yoongi huffs, "I came here hoping that you could make me feel better."

"Hyung, it's been a year. What do you want me to say?" I ask.

Yoongi groans, "I don't know. Something philosophical or sappy. You're always good at stuff like that."

"Do you remember what I told you about your outlook on love?" I question, looking at Yoongi.

Yoongi grumbles, "One day you'll fall in love. You'll be so in love and never want to be apart from the other. You'll feel something deep within your heart, every time you see them."

"And, it happened. You fell in love. You tried to ignore the fact that it would end. You kept on praying and wishing that maybe this time your precognition would be false. You wanted nothing more for it to not happen. You didn't want loose Hoseok. I'm not saying I told you so, but it was bound to happen," I explain, "You were going to get heartbroken. I don't like to be the bearer of bad news, but this was unavoidable. It may not have always been Hoseok, but it would've been someone. And, we would be in the exact same situation we are in now.

Yoongi sighs and slams his face into his pillow, "Thank you...I feel so much better."

"Let me finish and elaborate a bit more. It was going to hurt. Especially since you knew it was going to end. Your pain was probably doubled because you knew that you would split up. You knew that he wasn't your soulmate, even if you wanted him to be. I'm being brutally honest, hyung. I'm sorry if it sounds unnecessarily harsh. I just think you need to hear it be told to you straight. No fluffy cover ups or sugarcoated sympathies. It may not be what you want to hear, but you need to hear it. Things may suck. It sucks to have your heart broken. Take it from the guy who's had his chipped a few times. It may seem like the whole world is terrible and insufferable, but it'll get better. Right now it may not seem so, but things will turn around. Hyung, you'll be okay. You'll get over it," I continue to speak.

Yoongi scoffs, "How would you know? You've never been in a relationship. You don't know what real heartbreak feels like. I feel like utter crap. It's like someone yanked out my heart and popped it like a balloon."

"I know what heartbreak is. You may not think it's the same as yours, but it pretty much is. I set myself up to be hurt. I set myself up to love someone that will never look at me the same way. It's killing me inside, yet he's still in my heart. The pain of a split is just as much as not getting a chance with your crush. Breakups hurt like hell, but pining for someone for years isn't exactly a fun ride," I mutter, staring at the floor.

Yoongi looks at me, "Did you say something? I didn't catch that."

"No, nothing. Wanna know why I know you'll get over it?" I sigh, "Cause you're you. You've been through so much and your still here. You're strong, hyung. You're not the type of person to just give up after something bad happens. You keep going, no matter what. Something like this is nothing for the amazing Min Yoongi. I've known you since you were little. I've seen you confront your issues face first. I've seen you trample on haters and punch back at bullies. You're a rapper that throws people's cruel words back in their faces. You're a successful performer, lyricist, and producer. One relationship isn't going to stop you from living your life. You'll keep going because you're Min Yoongi," I exclaim, "You'll see. Soon enough another relationship will roll around. You'll love this person more than anyone in the world. More than Hoseok. The difference will be that this relationship will last. It will last forever. After all, who can resist someone like you?" Yoongi groans and sits up with a flushed face. He scratches the back of his neck and gives me a sheepish look. "Thanks, Namjoon," Yoongi mutters, "You're a real good friend."

I nod, "You're welcome, hyung. I'm always here for you if you need anything. I worry about you all the time. I really care about you."

"I care about you a lot too," Yoongi looks at me, "Don't tell anyone I said that, I'll kill you." I laugh and can't help but feel a tingle in my chest. I look at his face and notice that his eyes have turned foggy. I frown when Yoongi doesn't talk for a few minutes. "Hyung?" I ask. He doesn't respond. I wave my hand in his face, hoping that he'll answer me. I jump a little when his hand grips onto my wrist. "Stop waving your hand like an idiot," Yoongi mutters with a small smile on his face.

I frown, "I only did it because you were in a whole other world. I was trying to see if you were okay."

"I'm fine, Namjoon," Yoongi says, "As a matter of fact, I'm doing great. I think you're right, I think my next relationship will be the best one yet."

"You make it sound like you already know what it's going to be," I comment, "Oh, wait, did you already have a precognition. That was fast."

"Yeah, I did. This one is going to last for a long while. I think this is probably the relationship I'll be in for the rest of my life," Yoongi says with a tinge of pink on his cheeks.

"Aww.... you're blushing. So cute. Do you think you can love this person as much as you did Hoseok?" I question.

Yoongi nods, "I think I can love this person even more. I think I already sort of do."

The end! I hope that you enjoyed this one-shot. I really enjoyed writing it. I was thinking of a part two as well, what do you all think? Please recommend any other ships in the comments below. Also, please comment, follow me, vote, and add this story to your library. I hope you all have an amazing rest of your day.

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