I am only writing this one-shot because my brother recommended it. I tried my hardest with it, so I hope you enjoy. Please recommend more ships that I should write about. On with the one-shot...
Ash and the rest of the gang were hanging out at the airport waiting for Ash's flight to arrive. Bonnie is running around playing with Chespin and Dedenne. Serena is combing Braixen's fur. Clemont is working on a new invention of some sorts. Ash could barely sit still as he thought about beginning his new adventure. After Serena finished up combing all of her Pokémon's fur she returns her comb to her bag. There were a hundred thoughts flying through her head. This is where the group would all go their separate ways. Clemont and Bonnie would probably head back to the gym. Serena would be going to get training to become a better Pokémon performer. And Ash. Ash is going to begin another journey in another region. She was going to miss all of them, but Ash most of all. They were childhood friends. She followed him throughout his entire journey in Kalos. Yet, Ash is still oblivious to her feelings. She had yet to even tell him how she felt about him. She looks over at Ash and takes a deep breath. Ash felt someone's eyes land on him and he turns around. His eyes make contact with Serena, who starts blushing immediately. Inside Serena's head is an emotional turmoil. This was her last chance to confront her feelings for Ash head on. It was now or never. She opened her mouth to ask Ash a question only to shut it again. No, she couldn't do this. What if he only sees her as a friend? What would happen than? No Serena, you have to do this. It's time to suck it up and do it. "Ash, can we talk? Privately...." Serena asks her voice rising a bit.
Ash looks at Serena with a bright smile, "Sure, Serena." Serena stands up and heads in the direction of the snack stand. No one else seemed to be in the area, so they could talk here without being bothered. Ash follows Serena, not really knowing why she wanted to speak with him. "Ash....we've been friends for a very long time," Serena says her hands clenched.
Ash beams, "Yup! The greatest of friends. I'm sure going to miss you all. I really hope I'll see you guys soon though. Maybe I can even come see one of your performances too." Serena blushes and takes Ash's hands into her own. Ash looks at their hands and stiffens. He chuckles nervously and looks at Serena. "Ash...I-I like you. I've had a crush on you for as long as I can remember. I just never had the courage to tell you. It's kinda late to tell you now since we're going in separate directions. I don't expect you to like me back or anything. I just want you to know how I feel about you. It's honestly kind of annoying. I've been pining over you all this time and you haven't even noticed. Uh, I'm so pathetic. I don't even know why I like you. It's so infuriating," Serena says quickly. Ash just blinks a couple of times not saying anything about what she had just told him. "Oh, I'm sorry about snapping like that. I just....I feel like I'm losing my mind to be honest," Serena says, "Are you alright, Ash?"
Ash scratches the back of his neck, "Yeah, I'm fine. I just didn't expect for you to say that. I like you too, Serena. As more than a friend. I didn't think you liked me like that so I didn't say anything."
Serena blinks a couple of times, "R-really. You like me too. I never knew...I..."
"Yeah, I never knew you liked me either. Kinda funny though. We've been traveling around together all this time, not knowing if the other felt the same. And we're finding out the truth now although it's a bit to late..." Ash said laughing a little. Serena joins in and the two laugh awkwardly. They stop laughing and neither of them say a word. Ash gently squeezes Serena's hand and she does the same. They look at each other's faces and smile. "Serena, I'm really going to miss you. I hope that we see one another soon. Good luck with your Pokémon performing. You're amazing at it and bound to become Kalos Queen," Ash speaks up.
Serena flushes, "Thank you, Ash. Good luck to you. You're a great Pokémon trainer and you're going to achieve all of your dreams. I'm really going to miss you." Ash smiles and nods his head. He moves to embrace her. She stiffens for a second before hugging him back. Ash whispers into her ear, "You're beautiful. We'll see each other again soon. And maybe if you'll still have me. We can try being something more than friends." Serena nods her head and tears form in her eyes. She chokes back tears and pulls away from the hug. "Hey, don't cry. I don't know what to do when people cry..." Ash says with a sheepish grin. Serena chuckles wiping the tears from her eyes. "Bye, Serena," Ash says moving so his face is right in front of hers.
"Bye, Ash" Serena says her breath ticking Ash's face.
The two of them lean in when suddenly an announcement is made on the loudspeaker, "Flight 18 is now boarding." Serena quickly pulls away and so does Ash. The two look at one another. Love is clearly seen in both of their eyes. Ash goes back to the group with Serena following him. Neither of them speak as Ash slips on his backpack. Pikachu climbs onto his shoulder and he begins to walk towards his gate. He waves to his friends, "Bye!" They all wave back, yelling out that they would see him soon. Serena smiles at the bittersweet moment. Soon enough Ash fades from view. Serena take a deep breath and says her goodbye to the blonde siblings. She heads down the escalator to begin her new journey.
I'm honestly really disappointed with this one. I could've done better, but I this is the best I could do. I hope that you enjoyed this one-shot, nonetheless. Please recommend more ships in the comments. Please comment, vote, add this story to your library, and follow me. See you all next time.
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