Hello! I am back with another new ship. As I said in my previous one-shot, this one is going to be centered around the show Color Rush. I will once again plug this BL Kdrama and recommend that you go check it out. It's not long and it's a really enjoyable watch. I recently rewatched the entire series and watched the new season as well. I won't get into my whole rant about Yoohan not being in S2, but let's just say that I missed him a lot and the show wasn't the same without him. Anyway, this one-shot isn't one of those rewrites of season 2. I actually came up with this idea when I was first watching this show and starting reading the web novel. For anyone who is curious, I did not finish the full story cause there are no translations, so any fans of the web novel, please don't come at me for any inaccuracies. And same goes with anyone who watched the show. I change a lot in this fic for pacing purposes and such. Also, I am going to be talking about prosopagnosia in the way the show does. I know it is a very complicated issue and from what I remember about it, the show doesn't express it correctly, but for the sake of this fic I am going off of what they have created. I apologize if this offends anyone. It is not my intention. Please take my changes with a grain of salt and just enjoy the fic for what it is. While I'm not redoing the second season, I am going to sort of rewrite the first season from the perspective of Go Yoohan. It's going to be fun and interesting, so I hope you enjoy it. Let's go!
NOTE: Trigger Warning. Mentions of attempted suicide, harm, murder, kidnapping, etc
All my friends tell me to wait
They all want me to remain
The second that his parents knew that he could see color, they warned him about Monos. That is the world that Go Yoohan lives in. A world where those who can properly see colors were in danger of being hunted by those who don't. In his world, there are individuals called mononervechromats or Mono for short. Their brains, for whatever reason, are unable to distinguish color even though their cone cells are normal. However, when a Mono sees a certain person's face, they can see colors. This person is a Probe.
And for whatever reason, Yoohan's parents thought that he may be one. They warned him that if anyone were to ever experience a color rush around him, he should run. They told him that if anyone in his class announced they were a Mono, he was to shun them. Or preferably tell them right away so they could transfer him to a new school. Yoohan thought it was more than dramatic. Even if he was a Probe, the chances of him coming across his Mono was slim.
A part of him understood his parents' worries. The news had frequently released stories about Mono's obsessions with their Probe, which more often than not led to crime. Things such as kidnapping, murder, and even cannibalism all over the world. Some even claimed that mononervechromacy was worse than schizophrenia.
Yoohan found it ridiculous to be honest. Even though he grew up being warned of the dangers of Monos, he couldn't believe a word of it. For one thing, his parents have always been a tad bit too overprotective. He rarely trusted a word that came out of their mouths. Secondly, he finds it unfair that Monos were known to be crazy just because they are unable to see color. It's cruel to say that they are going to grow up to be killers just because they can only see black, white, and gray. They didn't choose to be born this way. They couldn't help it. It is just the way things are.
It's for that reason that Yoohan relates to the Monos. He honestly feels like a Mono himself sometimes. It's a crazy notion. After all, who would compare themselves to the ever so dangerous Mono? But, Yoohan did. Cause he understood where Monos came from. He got their desire to find that one person who could bring color into their life. Cause he was searching himself for that one person whose face he could actually see.
Yoohan can't recognize faces. It's called prosopagnosia. Face blindness. Even if he's known the person for years, even if they're his own flesh and blood, he can't identify who they are. Over time, he's learned to adapt the best he could, recognize mannerisms and tones of voices, but it still wasn't easy. It was exhausting and he imagined that Monos felt the same way. It is for that reason that Yoohan could never be afraid of Monos, people he felt are experiencing the same thing he is.
And a part of him could never be afraid, because he found the idea of Monos and Probes romantic. He was a bit of a naive dreamer. He blames it on his helicopter parents, who would never let him truly experience the world. But, regardless of whose fault it is, Yoohan fell in love with stories about Monos and Probes meeting one another. Their sweet encounters and this beautiful connection that they were able to build. It's something that Yoohan yearned for. Someone who would understand and accept each other's struggles and hardships. Someone who could bring color into another's life. Someone that Yoohan could recognize.
Think that my feelings are fake
They don't know I'm not okay
Yoohan slowly cracks open his eyes and lifts his head up from the desk. The fogginess of sleep still clouds his mind as he stretches his arms. His eyes flit back and forth as he looks around the field of blank faces, trying to remember where he is. When he spots the familiar desks and blue color of his school uniform, he lets out a breath. He fell asleep during class again. He lets out a sigh and starts to turn around when beautifully pink lips catch his eye. His body stiffens and his breath catches in his throat. He robotically tilts his head back around to stare at the face of the person who owns those pretty lips. His heart thuds in his chest as he looks at the young man, from his neatly combed brown hair to the slight curve of his cheekbones. A shiver travels down his spine as the feeling of giddiness passes through him. His lips curl into a smile underneath his black face mask, which becomes wider as the mystery person looks back at him with curious eyes. "Ah, you're awake..." The class president says, "This is Choi Yeonwoo. He's a new student."
"Choi Yeonwoo?" Yoohan questions, his eyes scanning the new student's face like a hungry wolf, "You're pretty..."
"Excuse me?" Yeonwoo questions.
"What? Has no one called you pretty before?" Yoohan asks.
"Who even are you?" Yeonwoo responds.
"Go Yoohan," He states simply, "You really are pretty..."
"Stop that," Yeonwoo huffs.
"What?" Yoohan questions coyly.
"Calling me pretty...staring at me...all of it!" Yeonwoo exclaims.
"You're even prettier all riled up," Yoohan grins. Yeonwoo scowls at those words and turns away from Yoohan. He picks up his book and buries his face into it while Yoohan watches him with a curious expression. Unfortunately, his interest begins to die down when he reminds himself that this is just a fluke. There's no way that he can actually see Choi Yeonwoo. It's just because he is the new kid. In a couple of hours, he'll just be another unrecognizable blur. Yoohan's excitement slowly dies down and his eyes become blank as he lowers his head back to the desk.
When he wakes again, the classroom is emptier than before. The desks are repositioned and he can hear cheering coming from outside. He assumes that it's probably a free study period, something he confirms when he spots the white chalk scribbled on the board. He slowly scans the rest of the room before spotting the lone form of Choi Yeonwoo standing in front of a poster. He doesn't know exactly how he knows it's the new kid. He just does. His body starts moving before he can even think. Even though he doubts he will be able to see the pretty new student's face, the giddiness of the possibility pushes him forward. "What are you looking at?" Yoohan questions as soon as he comes to stand in front of Yeonwoo. The new kid slowly turns to look at him and Yoohan's breath catches in his throat. His face. He can see his face. His perfectly combed tawny soft locks. His cute button shaped nose. His lips that part open just slightly as he starts to speak. "What do you want?" Yeonwoo huffs.
Yoohan opens his mouth to respond, but finds that he doesn't have a single word to say. His blood is rushing through his veins and his entire world is doing somersaults. He can't think properly as another smile settles onto his face. He found him. The one person who he can see. The one person he can recognize. "Hello?" Yeonwoo calls out, "You still there?" Yoohan blinks a couple of times as he is pulled from his thoughts before nodding his head. He reaches a hand up to remove his mask, wanting to be face to face with Choi Yeonwoo. Not expecting for the new kid to have such a reaction as soon as the piece of cloth comes off.
Yoohan had heard about color rushes, but he had never expected to ever be the cause of one. A color rush occurs when the nerves of a Mono overload as they begin to recognize colors after seeing their Probe's face. Although it is only Mono's who feel or see the effect of a color rush, Probes can see the colore moving. This is the reaction in the Mono's eyes that cause their pupils to dilate momentarily and the muscles around the eye to become tense. It's called colore moving because the Mono's eyes appear as if they are coloring the world. In reality though, it is just a mere convulsion as the brain starts to recognize colors. And for whatever reason, it is the most beautiful thing that Yoohan has seen. He knows that it is nothing more than a physical reaction to the change, but seeing Yeonwoo's eyes makes his heart race in a way it never has before.
He's so distracted by watching the flecks of color in Yeonwoo's eyes that he doesn't even notice as he starts to fall backwards. As the new student hits the floor, his jaw drops in complete shock as the other students in the classroom look over in surprise. It's at that moment that the severity of the situation begins to hit him. Choi Yeonwoo is a Mono. And he is his Probe. He's a Probe. With that knowledge in mind, Yoohan should be running for the hills right now, but instead he bends down to lift Yeonwoo onto his back and bring him to the nurse's office. A small smile is still tugging at his lips as his interest in the Mono increases with each passing second.
I just can't wait anymore
I could see you fade to gray
A couple of weeks later, Yeonwoo and Yoohan have spent more time with one another. For Yeonwoo, it was begrudgingly, as his Probe refused to leave his side. But, for Yoohan, it was with all the joy in the world. The more time he spent with Yeonwoo, the more often he got to see a face. An actual face! Yoohan hadn't even known how much he had yearned to have eye to eye contact with another while speaking until he met Choi Yeonwoo. It was a whole other experience and one that he didn't want to let go of. He knows it sounds bad. He's realized that it's a bit selfish. That's why he offered to teach Yeonwoo about colors. This way they both have something to benefit out of spending time together. Albeit, Yeonwoo doesn't know yet that Yoohan has prosopagnosia, but he does plan on telling him. Eventually. Until then, there's no harm in hanging out. They were classmates. They were Mono and Probe. They had a special relationship. It only makes sense for them to spend time together.
"Choi Yeonwoo!" Yoohan calls out when he sees the back of the Mono's head as he walks down the sidewalk to school. At the sound of his name, the young man starts to turn around. His entire body stiffens and his eyes widen when his eyes meet Yoohan's. "Yah! Your ma-" Yeonwoo starts to say before the words die in his throat. The Probe frowns in confusion before his eyebrows raise up in realization. He reaches up to his face and curses under his breath when he realizes he didn't put on his mask today. He looks at Yeonwoo and yelps when he sees the boy starting to tip over. He rushes forward, pushing past other students and dropping his belongings onto the floor as his arm wraps around Yeonwoo's neck and back at the last second. Yoohan lets out a breath of relief as he slumps onto the concrete of the ground. His knees sting a bit from the sudden drop to the floor, but he pays them no mind as he scans Yeonwoo for any injuries. Students whisper under their breaths as they walk past them, pointing and staring. Yoohan does his best to shield the Mono's face, knowing he wouldn't like the attention. "I'm sorry, Yeonwoo-ah..." Yoohan murmurs. His lips press into a firm line as he slowly lifts the passed out Mono up and props him against his body. His chest is tight until he can feel the soft breath of his classmate tickle his neck. He lets out a breath and lets his eyes fall shut. He talks to himself in his head, trying his best to calm himself down.
Although Yoohan is obsessed with seeing the colore moving in Yeonwoo's eyes, he hates the way it affects the Mono physically. The fact that the effect of the color rush causes him to pass out is frightening. And Yoohan has had to watch it happen too many times. The fear that coursed through him was like a drug that he wants out of his system. The panic that seizes his heart and the million thoughts that pass through his head. He worries even though he knows Yeonwoo will be okay. He can't help it. It's dangerous to pass out so often. Who knows? If his Mono had gotten a glimpse of him passing by and he wasn't there, what would happen? What would happen to Yeonwoo if he wasn't there to catch him? Would he break a bone? Would he get a concussion? Could it be worse? And it only gets worse when he wakes up. He can see the disorientation in his eyes. The ever-lingering headaches. His unstable footing.
It's in moments like these that he hates himself for causing Yeonwoo pain. He wishes he could just take it all away. Why couldn't the Probe be the one suffering instead of the Mono? That would be better. Yeonwoo didn't deserve to go through all of this. He deserves to see all the colors of the world without any of the pain. Yoohan wishes he could show it to him, but this is the best he can do.
So he'll keep showing Yeonwoo colors. He'll keep triggering his color rushes until he gets used to it. Until he can enjoy colors without a throbbing in his head. And until that day, he'll stick by Yeonwoo's side. He'll make sure that he doesn't get hurt when he faints. He'll protect Yeonwoo cause that's just what a Probe should do for their Mono. What a friend would do for another.
Yeonwoo groans as he slowly starts to come to. Yoohan's eyes widen as he grips the Mono's shoulders. "Choi Yeonwoo!" He says in as quiet a tone as he can muster, knowing that loud noises make the headache worse. Yeonwoo's eyes flutter open and he winces slightly as the colors of the world hit him full force. His gaze slowly drifts to Yoohan, whose face is mere centimeters away. He quickly scrambles away from the Probe, pushing him away. "Ah!" Yoohan exclaims in surprise as his legs scrape against the floor again as he is shoved.
"What are you doing?" Yeonwoo questions.
"I caught you when you fainted and this is how you repay me?" Yoohan frowns as he pushes himself onto his feet. He reaches his hand out to help Yeonwoo up, but the Mono only shoves his hand away and stands on his own. "I know," Yeonwoo huffs, "And it's your fault. Why aren't you wearing the mask?"
"I forgot," Yoohan admits, scratching the back of his neck, "Sorry..."
Yeonwoo scoffs, "I bet you did this on purpose."
"I didn't!" Yoohan exclaims, "I swear!"
"Really? Cause this seems like something you would do," Yeonwoo scowls, "I get that you like seeing my colore moving, but this is ridiculous Go Yoohan!" The Mono continues to rant loudly, annoyed and upset about the sudden color rush. Yoohan nods his head as Yeonwoo keeps going on, not entirely listening. He doesn't really care what Yeonwoo thinks. He can blame him and say that he forced the color rush onto him on purpose. He could care less. The only thing that matters to him is that Yeonwoo is okay. And seeing him scolding him like no tomorrow, Yoohan is sure that he is. A thought that puts a smile onto his face and causes Yeonwoo to yell even louder.
You make me blind cause all I ever see is you
Yoohan realizes that the excuses he makes to spend time with Yeonwoo are getting pretty ridiculous. They can only take so many mental health break days from school, eat so many tteokbokki in a week, and study for so many nonexistent exams every weekend. Yoohan knows he could just ask Yeonwoo to hang out with him, but he can't help but be worried. The Mono is already hesitant to spend time with him when there's a legitimate reason. He doubts he would be any more willing if there was no purpose behind meeting up.
In Yoohan's head though, there already was a reason. He is teaching Yeonwoo colors. He's the only one that can teach the Mono those things. And in return, he gets to see Yeonwoo's face. The only face that he's been able to recognize, no matter how much time has passed. That beautiful face with the pretty skin and the pink lips and the shining eyes. The very eyes that light up when they experience a color rush. Those same eyes that pull Yoohan in like a moth drawn to a flame. Yeonwoo's eyes. Yeonwoo's face. Choi Yeonwoo. Yoohan's current obsession. The reason that he had to keep meeting the Mono. The only reason. It wasn't like there was more to it. Of course, there wasn't. After all, if there was, they would hang out without ever mentioning colors or seeing each other's faces or anything. But, that's never happened because Yoohan would never ask Yeonwoo to hang out for no reason. Even though he wanted to. Cause Yeonwoo would never say yes. He would never want to spend more time with Yoohan.
"Okay," Yeonwoo states.
"Wh-wait! Okay? Did you say okay?" Yoohan exclaims.
Yeonwoo nods his head, "I'm hungry. Just...don't look at me while eating, okay?"
"Okay!" Yoohan beams as he throws his arm around Yeonwoo's shoulders, "Let's go!" The Mono rolls his eyes as he gets pulled down the sidewalk, away from the museum where the two had just spent a good hour or so observing the live exhibit. Yoohan chatters about nonsense as they walk and Yeonwoo listens, throwing in his two senses every once and a while. The two continue to chatter until they come to a stop in front of a convenience store. They enter one after another, bowing respectfully to the ahjussi working behind the desk. "You get drinks and I'll get the ramen!" Yoohan exclaims as he rushes down the shelves, "Do you want Shin Ramen?"
"Yeah," Yeonwoo replies calmly as he heads over to the shelf of bagged drinks. He scans them up and down, the effects of the color rush still lingering as he observes the rainbow shaded packages. "Choi Yeonwoo!" Yoohan calls out, "Do you want triangle kimbap?!"
"No," Yeonwoo answers, "Do you want coffee or juice?"
"Latte!" Yoohan replies. Yeonwoo nods his head as he picks up two light brown shaded bags before going to the freezer to get cups of ice. As he does, Yoohan goes to the front desk to pay for everything, pointing out the bowls of ramen and the drinks gathered at the table. After they grab their food and pay, Yeonwoo and Yoohan sit side by side at one of the tables within the store. Chopsticks in their hands as they peel open the container and dig through their steaming bowl of noodles. "Hm..." Yoohan hums as he shovels noodles into his mouth. Yeonwoo does the same, but at a much calmer pace. After swallowing, the Mono reaches for the iced latte in front of him. He sips from the straw and his face contorts in disgust when the sweet liquid touches his tongue. "Bleh..." Yeonwoo frowns, "Too sweet..."
"Why did you get a latte, Yeonwoo-ah?" Yoohan questions, "You like Americanos better."
"You got it so I did too," Yeonwoo mutters under his breath.
Yoohan looks at him with curiosity, " wanted to try it just cause I like it? Who knew that you could be so sweet?"
"That's not why I got it, you fool!" Yeonwoo exclaims, "I just wanted to try something new. I've never had a latte before..."
"Aw, so you're experiencing a first with me! I'm so honored, Yeonwoo-ah!" Yoohan beams. He looks at the Mono with a wide smile and crescent shaped eyes. His entire body buzzes with excitement as he thinks about how cute the young man next to him is acting. His glee only increases when he notices the faint tickle of pink dusting Yeonwoo's cheeks. Unfortunately for him, the Mono is aware of his wandering eyes and takes the opportunity to push his face away using the palm of his hand. "Yah, stop looking at me like that! What did I say earlier?" Yeonwoo scoffs, "Do you want me to pass out into my noodles?" Yoohan snickers and shakes his head as he slowly turns to face his food. Even though Yeonwoo has shoved him away, he can't help but peek over at his companion every so often in curiosity.
As he does, he can feel his heart thump in his chest as if he's been on a mile long run. That's what being with Yeonwoo feels like in Yoohan's head. A never-ending race. One that he didn't mind running as long as he got to cross the finish line with Yeonwoo by his side. He doesn't really understand why he feels this way, but at this moment, he's having the most fun he's ever had. It's not like he's doing anything special. He's at a convenience store eating packaged ramen and a drink from a bag. It's not exactly an out of this world memory and yet Yoohan can't help but treasure this moment. He can't help but find himself enjoying it even though it's so mundane. And the only reason he can find to explain it, is Yeonwoo. It's cause Yeonwoo is here that the most boring moment becomes an everlasting memory. It's because of Yeonwoo that Yoohan is having fun. It's because Yeonwoo is the only one that has ever made him feel this way. It's because he likes Yeonwoo.
Yoohan's eyes widen as the realization of his affections hits him like a brick. He likes Choi Yeonwoo. He really, really likes Choi Yeonwoo. He likes the way his eyes narrow when he does something he finds ridiculous. He likes the sound of his voice as he asks about colors or tries to push him away. He likes how he cares about others even though he pretends not to. He likes being around him. He likes spending time with him. He likes every single thing about him so much that it makes him speechless.
It's not a foreign feeling. Yoohan is sure that he's had these affections for a while, but recognizing them still made his head spin. When he flirted with him in the past, he was only joking about his affections. Yes, he did find the Mono attractive, but that wasn't enough for him to be head over heels in love. That clearly has changed cause there is no denying that constant tug Yoohan feels in his heart. The way his mind only thinks about Yeonwoo. His desire to spend every second with him. It all makes sense now. There's been more to his obsession with the Mono all along. It isn't just cause he can recognize his face. It's cause he likes him.
Yoohan turns his head completely to face Yeonwoo once again. The Mono thankfully doesn't notice as he continues to munch on his noodles. A smile appears on Yoohan's face as he looks at his crush's face, his heart starting to race as a satisfied expression appears on Yeonwoo's face. Yoohan slightly nods his head and lets out a sigh, yup, he definitely likes Choi Yeonwoo.
When I'm with you, know you're the only ever one I ever wanted
"Did you hear about that Mono who ate his Probe?" His appa asks, "It was on the news this morning."
"That's just horrible," His eomma states, "To think Monos could be so cruel. We really ought to implement some laws to protect against them..."
"That's just wrong, eomma," Yoohan mutters as he picks at his food. It's the middle of the night and Yoohan sits at the dinner table across from his parents. The atmosphere is stiff as it always is during family dinner nights in the Go household. "So is the Monos obsession with Probes," His eomma retorts.
"They can't help it," Yoohan whispers so his parents can't hear, "How would you feel if you lacked something that most of the world had?"
"This is why we always tell you to be careful, Yoohan-ah," His appa says, "You may never know if you are Probe until it's too late." Yoohan rolls his eyes, avoiding his parents' gazes as he pokes at his food. He wants nothing more than to leave this conversation. He's sick of it. He's sick of the way his parents are speaking about Yeonwoo. "Remember what we told you," His eomma says, "If you find out someone is a Mono, avoid them at all costs. Tell us immediately and we will get you out of that school and somewhere safe."
"We won't let those monsters lay a hand on our youngest son," His appa states. Suddenly, Yoohan shoots out of his seat, the legs of his chair scraping against the ground. His parents' eyes widen in surprise and they look up at him with confused expressions. "May I be excused?" Yoohan asks, his hands clenched into fists at his sides, "I have a lot of homework to finish."
"Okay, sweetheart," His eomma says, "I'll leave your food here in case you get hungry later." Yoohan nods his head before rushing out of the dining room and down the hall. He bursts through the door to his room and jumps onto his bed. He lets out a breath of relief as he presses into his pillows. He purses his lips together as he rolls onto his back, staring up at his blank ceiling. He can't believe that after all these years his parents haven't changed. They still think all Monos are bound to be criminals. It's upsetting. Yoohan refuses to hear any more of it. He's never been one to keep quiet about his disagreement in his parent's opinions about Monos. They've gotten into a few heated arguments in the past, but tonight he just didn't have the energy to even bother. He's always hated his parent's comments, but now that he knows a Mono, now that he was in love with one, he hates it so much more.
"Yeonwoo isn't obsessed with me," Yoohan mutters, "If anything, it's me who is obsessed with him." Those words hold truer than he would like to admit. Although Yoohan has long since realized that what he feels for Yeonwoo isn't an obsession, he knows that he has always been more interested in the Mono than vice versa. It pains him to know that the person he likes doesn't seem to like him back, but it hurts even more when he knows he's viewed as a nuisance to that person. He understands. He has found a way to butt into Yeonwoo's life and disrupt things. If he was in Yeonwoo's shoes, he would have found himself annoying too.
There is a part of him that knows that Yeonwoo doesn't actually hate him. He knows that when Yeonwoo pushes him away, he doesn't actually mean it. But, that doesn't stop him from doubting himself. It doesn't stop him from wondering if Yeonwoo actually likes him back or he's just making up this beautiful fantasy in his head. He wants to believe that Yeonwoo returns his affections. That this connection he feels between them is real, but he can't help but second guess himself. He's always been a confident person. He never doubted the things he believed in or who he is as a person. And yet, he feels anxious about his feelings for Yeonwoo. He feels insecure. It's a new feeling and Yoohan doesn't like it. He doesn't like it at all. "Ugh!" Yoohan groans as he buries his face in his pillow, "Why can't you just be more obvious Choi Yeonwoo!? If I knew you liked me too, I would kiss you right in front of the whole damn school! Ugh!!!!"
If you feel like I'm the one for you then want me
His answer came over time. As Yeonwoo and him continued to hang out, he could tell that the Mono was enjoying spending time with him. He smiled more and talked to him more. And most importantly, he blushed more. Every time their eyes met. Every time he pulled his mask away. Every time he grabbed him by the hand and pulled him down the hall. Choi Yeonwoo is starting to like him too. He is sure of it.
The only problem is that Yeonwoo didn't seem to be aware of it. The Mono didn't understand the weird feeling, similar to how Yoohan hadn't at the beginning. And just like his Probe, Yeonwoo had confused it for obsession. A feeling that frightened Yeonwoo, who knew what this meant given his nature as a Mono. He had thought that he was going to harm Yoohan. Something that he dreaded ever since he first met his Probe. He didn't want to become like those Monos on the news. He didn't want to go crazy, but deep down he knew he was. After all, there was no other explanation for this feeling inside him. He was insane. He was going to kill Yoohan. Kidnap him. Hurt him. Except, he wouldn't. Yeonwoo wouldn't let himself harm Yoohan. He would push his Probe away. Scare him off before he could even lay a finger on him.
The thing is that Go Yoohan is not an easy person to frighten. He wasn't afraid when he first realized he was a Probe and the chances of that changing is slim. He especially wasn't worried cause he knew that Yeonwoo's supposed obsession was just attraction. Yoohan hadn't bothered telling the Mono this discovery of his, knowing that it's something that he had to find out himself or he would never believe it. He thought it would be fine. It would take Yeonwoo a couple of weeks, but eventually he would notice his feelings and Yoohan could finally ask him out. It was supposed to be as simple as that. He never expected for Yeonwoo to not figure it out. The judgmental opinions and views clouding the Mono's mind, actually making him believe that he truly is a monster.
Yoohan noticed when Yeonwoo started to push him away. It was different than it was in the past. More forceful. More desperate. But, because of how different it was, Yoohan knew that his words were lies. Things that Yeonwoo is forcing himself to say. Things to make himself appear crazy. But, Yoohan knows that he's far from it. Cause he's heard these words before. The desperation after Yeonwoo first experienced the decoloring. The way he asked him then to show him colors. The way he almost got violent but ultimately didn't. It had only happened once. Once in all the times that Yoohan has looked Yeonwoo in the eye. He never lost his temper. He never flipped out. He didn't do anything like those crazy Monos because he wasn't one. He was just a confused and dense lovesick teen that didn't understand his emotions.
"What if I tie you up and keep you for myself?" Yeonwoo asks in an emotionless tone, "Then, you'll have to show me colors forever..."
"You don't need to do that, Yeonwoo-ah," Yoohan chirps, "I can show you colors whenever you want. Just ask. Okay?" The two sit on the windowsill of their classroom snacking on some buns while the rest of the class is down in the cafeteria. Yoohan is supposed to be at his company for dance practice, but he slipped out when they called for a lunch break. He had wanted to spend more time with Yeonwoo and could care less if his trainers scolded him for running off. When he had burst into the classroom seconds before Yeonwoo was about to leave, the Mono stiffened, but couldn't find it in him to turn Yoohan down. Regardless, he had decided to take the opportunity to once more try to solidify the idea that he had truly lost it. Something that made Yoohan feel a little sick in his stomach.
"Aish..." Yoohan huffs as his phone starts buzzing. He reaches into his pocket and looks at the caller ID before shaking his head. He looks at Yeonwoo as he speaks, "I need to go. The trainers are starting to get fed up..." He stands up and starts to make his way to the door, but is stopped by Yeonwoo, who grabs onto his sleeve and balls it into his fist. "Don't! You can't leave! Stay! Show it to me! You said you would!" Yeonwoo shouts, "So do it!!!"
"Hm...okay," Yoohan says simply. He starts to reach for his mask, but is stopped when Yeonwoo pushes his arm away. The Probe looks at Yeonwoo with confusion as the Mono shakes his head. "Just go..." Yeonwoo mutters. Yoohan frowns and hesitates for a minute, scanning his crush up and down with concern before his phone starts to vibrate again. He lets out a sigh before turning back around again and leaving the classroom, but not before catching the quiet words of the Mono he's in love with. "Why aren't you scared of me?" Yeonwoo whispers in a broken tone.
When Yoohan heard those words, it felt like his insides were being gutted. After all this time, Yeonwoo still believed deep down that he was seconds from snapping. He had done his best to convince him otherwise. He acted normal when Yeonwoo tried to sound insane, responding calmly and with a smile. He showed him that he wasn't afraid and yet Yeonwoo still thought of himself as a monster. Yoohan hates it. He hates that Yeonwoo blames himself. He hates that Yeonwoo thinks that he is going to hurt him. He hates that his sweet-hearted Mono has been forced to think that one day he'll go nuts. He hates that Yeonwoo doesn't realize that he's just as crazy if not more so than he is. Yoohan blames himself. He feels horrible that he let his Mono spiral this much. He can only hope that he isn't too late to fix it. He decides at that moment that he is going to confess his feelings. He's going to explain his face blindness. He's going to show Yeonwoo that he isn't obsessed. He's going to fix this. And then things will be just fine.
I can give you all the world, you deserve it
Yoohan frowns as he checks his watch. It's been almost twenty minutes since Yeonwoo and him were supposed to meet up. It's a weekend and the day that Yoohan plans on confessing to Yeonwoo. His entire body vibrates with excitement at the idea of finally letting his crush know his feelings. He can't really tell if it's from nervousness or excitement, but he doesn't care. Today is the day and nothing is going to stop him from confessing. Well, except if the person he's trying to confess to doesn't show up. Yoohan huffs as he digs into his bomber jacket and pulls out his phone. He taps on the screen and checks to see if he has any missed calls or messages from Yeonwoo. When he doesn't see anything, his frown deepens. Yeonwoo has never been one to stand someone up regardless of if they got along or not. He would have let Yoohan know if he couldn't make it. "Maybe his aunt is making him cook or something..." Yoohan muses, "I'll just have to go and convince her to let me talk to him for a minute." He stands up from his seat and walks out of the cafe he's been at for the past hour. He slips his phone back into his pocket before jogging in the direction of Yeonwoo's house.
Yoohan doesn't stop until he reaches the street across from Yeonwoo's building. It's midday so there are a bunch of cars zooming across the street. The only problem is that they are also honking like crazy and yelling out the window at a young man with brown hair to get off the road. The boy moves stiffly and with a blank expression on his face. He doesn't make any movements to get off the crowded street, almost as if he wants to get hit. Yoohan's eyebrows furrow and he narrows his eyes, curious as to who this person is. When he spots the ever so familiar facial features of his crush, his heart seizes in his chest. "Yeonwoo!" Yoohan screams. The Mono's eyes flick towards him and immediately fill with panic and guilt. The teen starts to take a step forward, but stops himself, turning to walks straight into an incoming white vehicle. Yoohan can feel his entire body hum with fear as the car slams its breaks mere centimeters from Yeonwoo, who doesn't even flinch. As cars continue to drive around the Mono, Yoohan pushes himself onto the street. He grits his teeth as he narrowly avoids the oncoming traffic, but he remains laser focused on getting to Yeonwoo. When he does, he grabs onto the Mono's arms and quickly yanks him onto the sidewalk even though he struggles against his hold. "What the hell were you thinking?" Yoohan shouts, "You could have gotten yourself killed!"
"That was the point," Yeonwoo scowls.
"What?" Yoohan questions with wide eyes, "" He knew that Yeonwoo was being harsh on himself, but he had no idea that it had gotten this bad. His crush needed serious help and fast. Right now, though, he needed to calm the Mono down before he did anything else to put himself in danger. "I'm going to hurt you," Yeonwoo murmurs, "I can't let that happen. I need to stop myself...I have to..."
"Yeonwoo-ah...please let's just go inside and talk," Yoohan pleads, "Okay?" Yeonwoo shakes his head and starts to wring his hands together nervously. Yoohan reaches out to grab it, but the Mono quickly shoves him away. "You need to stay away from me," Yeonwoo exclaims. His eyes dart back and forth before he whirls around and takes off running. Yoohan's jaw drops as he starts to chase after his crush, his entire chest filling with worry. "Yah! Choi Yeonwoo!!!" Yoohan calls out, trying to get the Mono to slow down. His shouts only seem to spur Yeonwoo on as he starts to run even faster than before.
Yoohan trails after Yeonwoo, weaving past people and other objects to keep up with the running Mono. It isn't until they step foot on a deserted beach does Yoohan finally catch up to his crush. "Choi Yeonwoo! Stop!" Yoohan shouts as he wraps his arms around Yeonwoo's back and pins him against his body. Yeonwoo struggles in his hold and tries to escape, but Yoohan keeps a tight grip, not wanting to let the Mono out of his sight again. Eventually, Yeonwoo stops struggling and the two fall silent. The only sounds come from the crashing waves, the wind and their heavy breathing. "Let me go, Go Yoohan," Yeonwoo murmurs.
Yoohan shakes his head, "Not unless you promise not to run." Yeonwoo goes quiet as he considers his words before slowly nodding his head. Yoohan lets out a breath of relief before slowly dropping his arms. Yeonwoo starts to move again, but Yoohan grabs onto his arm to stop him. "You promised, Yeonwoo-ah," Yoohan begs, "Please don't run."
"Why?" Yeonwoo huffs, pulling his hand out of his Probe's grip.
"Cause, I have something to tell you," Yoohan states, "Something that you need to hear."
"Fine," Yeonwoo mutters, "What is it?"
Yoohan takes a deep breath, "I like you, Choi Yeonwoo."
"Really?" Yeonwoo frowns, "This again?"
"I'm not joking. I'm serious this time. I'm not trying to just flirt with you for no reason," Yohhan states, "I like you. I freaking love you."
Yeonwoo stiffens at those words, his face turning pink before he shakes his head, "You can't."
"Why not?" Yoohan asks.
"Cause I'm a Mono and you're my Probe," Yeonwoo explains, "I'm going to become obsessed with you...I...I already have."
"Why do you think that you're obsessed with me, Choi Yeonwoo?" Yoohan questions.
"Cause I can't stop thinking about you," Yeonwoo murmurs, "I think about you when you're not there. I think about you in my dreams. I think about your caramel eyes. I think about your endless flirting. I think about the way you hold me after a color mind is filled with thoughts of Go Yoohan. Only Go Yoohan..."
"I do the exact same thing!" Yoohan exclaims, "I think about you all the time, Yeonwoo-ah. But, it's not cause I'm obsessed. It's cause I have a crush on you."
"No, no, that's different," Yeonwoo says, "I...I depend on you too much. I need you to recognize colors. I feel lost without you by my side. I need you..."
"I need you too! Cause you're the only person that I can see!" Yoohan shouts in a burst of emotion.
"What?" Yeonwoo questions.
"You have mononervechromacy ," Yoohan states, "And I have prosopagnosia. I can't recognize faces. But, do you want to know whose face I do recognize? Yours..."
Yeonwoo says in confusion, "How is is that possible?"
"I don't know," Yoohan shrugs, "Maybe its cause we have a special connection. I'm your Probe and you're my Mono."
"I'm being serious, Go Yoohan," Yeonwoo states.
"And so am I," Yoohan exclaims.
"If what you're saying is true, doesn't that mean you're obsessed with me? Doesn't that make both of us monsters?" Yeonwoo murmurs.
"No. No, it doesn't. I do love the fact that I can see your face. That no matter how much days have passed I can recognize you in a heartbeat, but that isn't why I love you," Yoohan says, "I would love you even if I couldn't recognize your face. I love you because you make me happy. You make me smile with your aloof behavior. You make me feel content doing absolutely nothing. I love you, Choi Yeonwoo, for every reason and for no reason at all."
"Maybe you feel that way...maybe you're not obsessed, but have to be," Yeonwoo says, "I'm a Mono. Monos go crazy. Everyone knows it."
"Monos aren't crazy. And neither are you," Yoohan states, "Anyone can lose it and that has nothing to do with whether or not they're a Mono."
"How can you be so sure?" Yeonwoo asks.
"Cause I know you, Yeonwoo," Yoohan exclaims, "I know that you have been nothing but sane since the day we met."
Yeonwoo murmurs, "But, I said all those things..."
"You didn't mean them," Yoohan says, "Do you think that I don't know what you were trying to do? I know you were trying to push me away. You were trying to protect me, but I didn't need it, Yeonwoo. You aren't going to hurt me cause what you're feeling right's not crazed obsession. It's warm, loving affection. You like me too....don't you?"
"I...I don't know," Yeonwoo admits.
"Listen...I'm not going to force you to be with me or influence how you feel or anything, but don't think for a second that you're obsessed, okay?" Yoohan says, "Don't ever think that. And don't hurt yourself again to save me from you. I don't want you too...cause you're not dangerous Choi Yeonwoo. I know you're not."
Yeonwoo lets out a breath, "How did you know you weren't obsessed?"
"Cause it feels different," Yoohan says, "You don't get butterflies in your stomach when you're obsessed. You don't care about the well-being of the person you're obsessed with." Yeonwoo purses his lips together and his eyebrows furrow as he tries to think. Yoohan sighs as he recognizes the expression before clearing his throat. "It's's like warmth inside your body. Like you've eaten too much candy. Like your happiest memory," Yoohan explains, "It's that feeling that you could have anything in the world, but the only thing you want is just a moment...a second with that one special person. It's that feeling that your heart is going to burst. That energy that fills your body the second that someone is nearby. It's all of that at once and so much more. That's what it feels like to me. That's how I knew that I liked you...I don't know how it feels for you, but if even a tiny part of you feels anything that I just said...then maybe there's a part of you that likes me too."
Yeonwoo doesn't answer, biting on his lip and his eyes darting back and forth nervously. Yoohan lets out a breath and his expression becomes downcast. His hands grip into fists. What did he expect? Yeonwoo didn't like him. Of course, he didn't. This is just another one of his deluded fantasies. Nothing more than a pipe dream. There was nothing romantic about being someone's Probe after all. Yoohan starts to walk away, but is stopped suddenly as Yeonwoo grabs onto his arm. Yoohan looks at him with a quizzical expression before gasping as he is pulled against Yeonwoo's body. He pushes his lips against Yoohan's without a second thought. As their lips come crashing onto one another, Yoohan instantly relaxes. He lets his arms wrap around Yeonwoo's waist and pulls him even closer. Yeonwoo, on the other hand, even though he is the one who initiated the kiss, panics. He tries to flee, but is held in place by his Probe who deepens the kiss. Yeonwoo slowly calms down and melts into Yoohan's hold, throwing an arm around his neck and pulling him closer and places the other on his hip. The world melts away as their entire bodies hum against one another. Slowly, they begin to pull away, the taste of each other still singing on their lips. "What was that?" Yeonwoo questions breathlessly.
"I should be asking you that question," Yoohan chuckles, "Since when did you get so daring..."
"I...I guess you rubbed off on me," Yeonwoo admits.
Yoohan grins, "Well, I liked it." Yeonwoo turns a bit red and he shuffles around awkwardly. He avoids Yoohan's eyes, an action that the Probe finds adorable. Yoohan grins as he grabs onto Yeonwoo's hand and squeezes it gently. "Come on," Yoohan beams.
"Where are we going?" Yeonwoo asks.
"Today is our first day as a couple and we're going to make it special," Yoohan grins before pointing to the sea, "I promised you I would show you the ocean."
"Yah! I never agreed to being your boyfriend," Yeonwoo huffs as he pulls his hand out of Yoohan's grasp.
"You agreed when you kissed me!" Yoohan exclaims.
"You're going to be one of those boyfriends who always talk about our first kiss, aren't you?" Yeonwoo rolls his eyes.
"So you agree then...I am your boyfriend?" Yoohan says in a cheeky tone.
"Shut up!" Yeonwoo scowls.
"Make me!!!" Yoohan sings as he begins to take off towards the crashing waves. Yeonwoo huffs and shakes his head, but chases after him, a wide smile growing on his face. They run around the beach, the wind rustling their hair and the salty spray of the waves tickling their skin, but the only thing that they are focused on at this moment are each other.
Most of what happens is sort of canon compliant, the only part where I go off is the ending, but I felt the need to change it in order to make things flow better. I also really wanted to focus on this idea that Yoohan would have noticed that Yeonwoo was self-doubting himself and was feeling suicidal, so that took up a major chunk of the story. I still hope that you enjoyed my take on this fic even if it was different. If you've noticed, for each section, there is this sentence in italics. These are lyrics from Hur Hyunjun's son Baragi, which is the title of this fic. If you didn't already know, Hyunjun plays Yoohan in Color Rush and as soon as I heard this song, it sort of inspired me to write this fic. I feel like it can fit for so many scenarios, and I just couldn't help but tie it into the world of Probes and Monos. Anyway, that's all I have to say. Thank you so much for reading my fic. Please comment, vote, follow me, add this story to your library, and check out my Kpop One-shots book. Until next time! Bye!
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