The Day Life Of Minoru "Cid" Kageno
"Remember, you are to go to school and then come straight home, no making friends who are bad influences or weaker than you, also don't show off your power to anyone unless absolutely necessary, ALSO ALSO, don't you dare start dating any girls I don't like-"
"Ok Mom, I think I get it."
Tatsumaki paused her ramblings and warnings, as well as halting moving all the brushes, wipes, makeup, and other tools to make someone look nicer, she stopped all this because of her son, Minoru Kageno, who just called out to her and looked at her with simple confused expression, which made her wear a light frown.
"... Do you really need to go to school? I have the money to just hire a private tutor, you don't need to waste your time as something stupid as-"
"I'll be ok Mom, no need to worry about me."
Tatsumaki attempted to convince her Son to stay home and just get a tutor instead of going to school, but was stopped again when Minoru decided to hug her and tried to reassure his Mother.
"H-Hmph! As If I Would Be Worried About A Weak Son Like You!"
"Love you too, Mom."
Tatsumaki wore a very bright blush embarrassed expression, even more so when Minoru gave her a bright innocent smile.
With a simple huff, Tatsumaki pushed away her Son and just flew away, no doubt refusing to be embarrassed anymore.
"She's so dramatic."
Minoru couldn't help but chuckle and shake his head at his Mother's funny reaction to being shown such affection, he then grabbed his school bag and started to exit him home.
"Ready to go, Sir Kageno?"
Where Kageno was met with an average looking woman standing near an average looking car.
"Yes, thank you."
Which Minoru thanks his personal driver before getting into the backseat of the car, and with that, driving out and away.
'... 15 years since I reincarnated to this new world, huh?'
While driving through the streets, Minoru couldn't help but think deeply to himself, all while looking out the window of the car he was in.
'Where does the time go?'
Minoru hums softly to himself as he watches the building and people pass by his window.
'Back in my old life, I always dreamed of being in a world like this, that or something more fantasy-like.'
However when Minoru paid attention to what he saw out the window, it wasn't just filled with normal civilization.
'A world filled with actual Heroes, Villains, and Monsters, probably even more stuff that I don't even know about.'
What Minoru saw were heroes, not cosplay or fakers, but genuine real superheroes, who were currently out there and protecting the public.
'Even my personal driver is a Hero, specifically a Class B: Rank 87: "Soccer Mom", or something like that?'
Minoru glanced at the front and not only saw his driver, but the driver who carried around weapons only a Hero would have, though hidden under the seat.
'She's also one of many who serves under my Mom's younger sister, Fubuki Kageno, also known as the Class B: Rank 1: Blizzard Of Hell.'
Minoru then remembered and thought of a certain woman that he would call his Aunt, Fubuki Kageno.
'I really did hit the lottery when becoming the Son of the No.2 Hero of the world, huh?'
Minoru didn't need to remember what his Mother looked like, as he glanced out the window and saw build boards, signs, tvs and other things that just showed off his Mother, clearly showing how popular she really was.
'Tatsumaki Kageno, my mother, or better known as Class S: Rank 2: Terrible Tornado.'
Minoru couldn't help but chuckle to himself at the thought of being the Son of someone who is important and powerful.
'There are many benefits to being the Son of such a powerful and famous Hero, that being a comfortable living style, big allowances, and, of course.'
Minoru glanced down at his hand, which lightly glowed and got surrounded by his aura.
'Psychic powers.'
And then Minoru then used his glowing aura to make something float, spin around and move however he wanted it to move.
'In my previous life, I did everything to obtain power, ranging from harsh exercises and learning every fighting style, to even stripping naked and smashing my head against a tree until I suffered brain damage.'
Minoru had another flash of memories fill his head, as he remembered moments of how he used to be and everything he did in his past life to desperately claim his so-called "Powers".
'To think the only way to gain power was for me to die first, I see the irony.'
Which then the memories then ended with Minoru's death, something he wasn't really proud of, but at the same time grateful for, since it did allow him to have his powers in the end.
'Though I was hoping for something more magical, but beggars can't be chooser.'
Minoru then turns off his powers, just in time to, as he sees his school getting closer, almost reaching the end of his destination.
'Yet despite the many pros of my new life, there are also cons as well.'
Minoru then lets out a sigh, despite his many blessings of this new life he has, he could not forget or ignore the problems that came with it.
'Being the Son of the No. 2 Hero paints a very big target on your back, from both Villains.'
As soon as the car parked and stopped in front of the school, Minoru saw something that made him feel dread greatly.
'And fans.'
And that being the many students, and even a few teachers and random strangers surrounding the entire area, thankfully for Minoru, none of these people were his fans.
'Claire, Class B: Rank 2: The Dark Knight, as well as being the 2nd in command to Fubuki and her Blizzard Bunch.'
Instead, all of these fans were here for the Hero known as the Dark Knight, aka Claire, who just huffs and simply ignores all of her fans.
'Not to mention, my personal bodyguard...'
Minoru carefully gets out of the car, carefully waving at his so-called bodyguard, which Claire immediately noticed and smiles very happily to see him.
'Despite being only a Class B Hero, she has already gotten herself a large fan base, and she's not the only one.'
Minoru managed to walk by the group of fans and enter the school area, only to be met by even more fans and heroes.
'Rose Oriana, Class A: Rank 3: The Golden Princess.'
The 2nd hero that Minoru saw was another young woman with long curly blonde hair, Rose Oriana, aka the Golden Princess.
'Alexia Midgar, Class C: Rank 2: Miss Ordinary.'
The 3rd hero would be 3rd girl with silver white hair and red eyes, Alexia Midgar, aka Miss Ordinary.
'And many more, I think, though I can't remember exactly.'
Minoru just passes by even more hero student, not as popular or well known as the main three, but still famous enough to have their own fan base.
'All of them are surrounded by so many fans, people who adore them, and so many eyes aimed at them.'
For most people, some might enjoy the popularity and fame, though not for Minoru.
'Not really good for a Mob character, like me.'
Minoru did everything he could to not stand out and be seen.
'Thankfully, I did everything that I can for no one to know of my true identity, I even gave myself the nickname of Cid, so people won't link Minoru to my Mom, I would've changed my last name to, but since my Mom doesn't used her last name while working, it won't be necessary, but I won't reveal it either just to be safe.'
Thankfully for Minoru, so far, he would never have to deal with such things, as long as he was careful with his own identity.
'I even made my Bodyguard Claire promise to avoid me when we're in school, though at the cost of spending time with her whenever she has a day off...'
Minoru managed to reach his desk in the classroom, it wasn't crowded thankfully since most of the students and teachers were too busy meeting their heroes.
'I have no idea why she's so attached to me, I didn't even do that much when I saved and healed her with Fubuki...'
So Minoru decided to just enjoy a moment of peace and quiet, to be alone with his own thoughts and think about the "Future" of himself in the, well, future.
"Good morning, Cid."
Or at least, that's what Kageno hoped for, though he snapped out of his thoughts when heard a voice call him out, making him look and noticed a young girl, around his age, sitting next to him.
"Oh, um, good morning to you, Nishimura.'
Minoru, not wanting to stand out and be rude, attempted to greet and say good morning back to her.
"Cid, you got it wrong again."
Though he noticed he might have done something wrong, when his desk neighbor twitched her eye in annoyance.
"Got what wrong?"
Minoru tilts his head, confused about what he did.
"It's Nishino, my name is Akane Nishino."
His desk neighbor tried to correct his mistake, that being getting her name, Akane Nishino, wrong.
"Oh, right, sorry for getting your name wrong... Nishimura?"
Luckily Minoru didn't have to suffer the wrath of Akane Nishino, as the school bell rang and Class had started, other students and teachers entered the room, and the learning and teaching has begun.
'Not wanting to risk my secret identity being revealed, I decided to not make any friends, so I'm pretty much a loner Mob type, which is fine, they would be too much of a distraction at the moment.'
Minoru, during lunch break, was seen eating all by himself, as everyone else in class was with their own group of friends, also eating lunch and talking about life and all that.
'Don't know why Nishimura is so close to me though? Even though I can tell she hates me, she refuses to leave me alone, well, whatever, as long as she doesn't ruin my Mob image, it's fine I guess.'
Minoru, while eating, glanced next to himself, specifically at his desk neighbor Akane Nishino, who was also eating all by herself, seemingly close to him, yet didn't bother talking or even looking at him, which confused him slightly, but decided not to question it.
'Maybe she would be a perfect candidate for my "Mob Failed Crush Confession" subplot, that or Alexia, I'm still thinking about it.'
Minoru simply shrugs and continues finishing up his lunch.
'Anyway, besides my hidden identity, my Mob school life is perfectly normal, I do my school work, eat my school lunch, talk to other Mob characters, and, if I'm lucky, get to see a monster attack and then be defeated by one of the school student heroes, while I pretend to almost shit myself in fear like a good background character.'
Minoru spends the rest of his time at school as he said, nothing more than just another face in class, listening to the lesson, taking notes, answering questions, talking to people when need be, and among other things any normal person would do in such a none special setting.
'And after school, I meet up with my Bodyguard Claire somewhere private, and then she takes me home, keeping me safe along the way.'
Soon the school ends, while most of the students take the normal exit, Minoru was seen sneaking away to a different exit and was met with both Claire, and his familiar car driver.
"Thank you again for protecting Claire, I feel so safe around you!~"
Soon, Minoru was safely back home, all thanks to the Class B Hero Dark Knight.
"Heheh, don't mention it, your Big Sis will always take care of you!~"
Who just blushes and smiles happily, no doubt Claire seems to enjoy being around the person she was meant to protect, so much so to refer to him as her younger brother.
'I gave up reminding her that we're not related...'
Something Minoru didn't understand why, but decided to not question it.
"Now sorry for ending our talk short, but I have a meeting with Blizzard, but I promise to come early to visit you on my day off!"
Claire quickly hugs Kageno as she felt bad for leaving him, but made sure to promise to be with him whenever she can.
"I-I can't wait~..."
Minoru tries his best to hide his dissatisfied feelings and expression from being hugged and how he would be forced to spend time with her.
"Bye Minoru, and remember, don't leave your home until your Mom comes back, ok?"
"I won't, thank you again Claire~"
After a brief goodbye, Claire leaves and went back to where she came from, Minoru closed the door behind her and then sighs tiredly to himself, glad to be alone again.
'As Minoru Kageno, my life is perfectly average, nothing more than a Mob character living such a background existence.'
Minoru then pushed himself away from the door, dropping his school bag on the floor and went straight to the living room.
'Yet, there's still a reason why I dreamed of living in such a world like this.'
Though as soon as Minoru walked into his living room, he was met with a certain someone who didn't belong here, yet was very familiar with.
And that someone was a young blonde girl, with pointed elf-like ears, and wore a black skin tight suit, she was called and known as Alpha, by Minoru himself.
"We, the Shadow Garden, wait and ready for your performance, my Lord Shadow."
And what Alpha said next, what she called Minoru, no, Shadow, it made him smile very happily.
'And that's because I can finally live out my true dream, accomplishing my real goal I fought for so much.'
At the tallest building in the biggest city, Shadow, back in his black hooded form, could be seen standing on the roof of said building and looking down at everything below.
"We are the Eminence In Shadows."
And Shadow wasn't alone either, as seven other girls knelt down behind him, one of them being Alpha, who was the leader of the group of seven.
"We lurk in the shadows."
And the seven girls continue and finish what their Lord was about to say next.
"And we hunt the shadows."
And after finishing such a simple chant, they all stood up and stood by their lord, all determined and ready to follow wherever he might lead them.
"And That Is Our Truth!"
Again, all Shadow could do was smile in this situation, as if everything he could ever dream of had come true, and nothing more could ever make him happier than he already was.
'What more can I even ask for~'
Simple introduction to Minoru "Cid" Kageno mob life, I have ideas, and I do plan to add some Eminence in Shadow stuff in this crossover, but of course I'm always open to suggestions.
(BTW, you probably have some idea on the relationship between Tatsumaki and Minoru, but tell me, how do you think the "Mother And Son" would be like, would Tatsumaki be harsh with her Son? Would Minoru basically care little about his Mother? What do you think?)
/Characters Ideas\
Akane: So far, just a normal human, but could be given powers later on, I'm open to suggestions.
Claire: 2nd B Class and was saved by Fubuki and Cid, mostly the one in charge of protecting Cid in school, plus is a Aurora descendent.
Alpha: A human monster experiment who can use magic, mostly in City Z, the base of operations for Shadow Garden.
Beta: A human monster experiment who can use book powers, she writes stories and travels around the world.
Delta: She will replace Rover, or be the younger or older sister to Rover.
Gamma: A human monster experiment with uncontrollable strength, also has a shop that makes a lot of money and helps fund the Hero Association.
Epsilon: A human monster experiment with music and limited body manipulation abilities, a spy in the Hero Association.
Zeta: A human cat girl monster experiment with copying abilities, a spy in the Monster Association.
Eta: A human monster experiment with very high intelligence, and was the one who helped and saved Genos and Dr. Kuseno or something similar.
Rose: A Class Hero who protects the school Cid in and trains under Atomic Samurai.
Alexia: C Class Hero, training under Bang.
Iris: 3rd S Class Hero.
Beatrix: 2nd A Class Hero.
Sherry: I'm thinking the sibling to Child Emperor or Niece to Metal Knight.
Elisabeth and Mary: the oldest human monsters who just want to live in peace.
Aurora: The first monster created by GOD.
Cult: The reasons monsters keep spreading and worship GOD.
(I think that's all the characters I'll be using froms Eminence in Shadow, but let me know if you think I should add, change or remove someone, I'm open to suggestions?)
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