Punch 8: Art Of Shinobi, Plus Ultra, Nanomachines, and Punching.

Here's the next chapter, enjoy! Thanks to omegacrow-nexus for the help with this chapter.

Roku hung up his phone, sitting on top of a mountain of monster corpses.

Roku: That was a fun distraction, Mani is getting a lot of followers, Toko is regaining control of his strange shadows, still not sure how those work, and judging by the sounds of the sound barrier being shattered, Linc is at the end of his tunnel. This is going well... You may as well come out, you can't sneak up on a ninja.

Roku watched 3 monsters step out of the shadows. A monster that looked like a cowboy, complete with two pistols.

A gremlin monster with 3 big red eyes.

And a bull-like monster with a bull face and horns on his torso.

Roku: I see... So what's with you three?

Cowboy Monster: Huh?

Roku: You came from the end of the tunnel correct? That means this is a dead end. So you three must have some form of gimmick or reason for all three of you being here.

Cowboy: Well, if ya must know, I say that I'm the handsome one with the wicked skills.

Roku: Handsome one? 4 out of 10.

Cowboy: You sassy bitch.

Roku: (Turns to the gremlin monster) That makes you the freaky one with the weird yet lethal powers, right?

Gremlin: (angry & offended) Aye! I'm not that freaky! But I do summon eyes that shoot lasers!

Roku: Suuuuuuuuure.... (Turns to the bull monster) Let me guess, you're the powerhouse of the group but lacking any intelligence, right?

Bull monster: Take it back! I'm smarty-er than you!

Roku: (deadpanned) Smarty-er? Really? Definitely the stupid one.

Bull monster: (snarled) YOU SON OF A B***H!!!

He charged at Roku who calmly stepped aside as the monster hit the wall headfirst.

Roku: Miss me.

The bull monster shook his head and charged at Roku again, only to get the same result.

Roku: Where are you even looking?

Bull monster: SHUT UP!!!

The bull monster kept trying to stab Roku with its horns but the ninja hero kept dodging and evading the attacks effortlessly.

Gremlin: Should we... jump in to help him...?

Cowboy: Naw, he has to do this on his own. He's fighting to show how big & tough he is-

Bull monster: (gets kicked in the face) Help me! (Receives ice kunais in his back) For the love of god! (Gets his arm severed by an ice scythe) HELP ME!!

Cowboy: (smirks) Like a monster.

Gremlin: Hahahaha. Oh, I see...

The Bull monster fell to the ground, slowly getting up as he glared furiously at Roku.

Bull monster: I hate you! Aagghh!!

The bull monster then pulls and throws a large rock at Roku, who shatters it with one kick.

Roku: I've practiced smashing skulls harder than that. And I've cracked a samurai's even harder skull.

Cyryu: (echoing from down the tunnel) Hairline Fracture!

Roku: It's A Crack When Your Skull Indents In On Itself!! Now, where was I?

Roku then caught a back fist from the bull monster, who tried a low kick, but Roku jumped over his attack.

Roku: Upsie Dasiy.

Roku grabbed the bull's shoulder and began to bend him backward.

Roku: And last words before I break you like Batman's spinal cord?

Bull: For The Love Of God, Help Me, You Bastards!!

Cowboy: Nah, I call his bluff, he's not going to-


The bull monster's spine began to crack as the plates on his back shattered from the pressure.


Cowboy: Oooo. Looks like he ain't bluffing.

Gremlin: He broke his back like a toothpick! I don't think he was bluffing from the start!

Roku: Since when do I ever bluff?

Bull: G-GUYS! HELP M-ME!!!

Cowboy: I ain't a helicopter, sink or swim, bitch.

Roku: Looks like you're sinking.

Roku placed one foot on the bull's back and applied even more pressure, causing the bull monster to scream even more in agony until...


The bull monster's spine finally snapped and he fell to his knees, propped up by his only arm.

Bull: L-look, I know we got off on the wrong foot, but I know if we just talk it out, we can work out something, what do you say? Up high?

Roku: (holds out his hand) Down low.

Bull: What-

Roku: (puts his hand in the bull's face) Too Slow.

Roku then obliterated the bull monster but encased him in ice, before shattering it.

Roku: One down. Two to go.

He throws the motionless corpse of the bull monster aside and turns to the cowboy and the gremlin.

Roku: So... who's raring to go next?

The cowboy monster placed a finger on the place where his nose would be. The gremlin monster looked at the cowboy monster before realizing what he was doing.

Gremlin: OH DAMMIT!!!

Roku: Are you up next, Red-eyed dwarf?

Gremlin: Guess so... Take this!

The gremlin monster then began sprouting eyeballs from random parts of his body. Roku then began dodging lasers coming from every different direction.

Gremlin: (grins savagely) You can't dodge me forever! As soon as you make a mistake or your speed starts to fail, you're mine!!!

Roku: (dodging) I wouldn't be so sure.

Gremlin: I have every eye on you, you can't escape!

Roku: Have every eye on me, you say... Void of Darkness: Chamber!

Suddenly, the gremlin was engulfed in an endless plain of pure darkness, his multiple eyes looked around for Roku but there was no sign of him.

Gremlin: What is this? Where are you?! Show yourself!

Roku: (voice echoing) You have quite numerous sets of eyes, equipment with enhanced vision, and lasers but in complete darkness... It's utterly useless.

The gremlin got his arm cut off by a passing ice shuriken.

Gremlin: Aggghh!!! My arm! That was my beating arm!!

Roku: Don't care what arm it was, dude.


Roku: A freaky monster with multiple eyes is telling me to fight like a man, you saw what I did to your bull-friend face to face. For you, this is how I get rid of weird pests like you.

Gremlin: GRRRRR! (Shrieks) I'M NOT WEIRD!!!

The gremlin shot out more lasers from his multiple eyes in the darkness in hopes to hit Roku but then... he felt something quickly slice through his neck.

Gremlin: Grrrgghg??!

Roku: Ice Scythe, Dark Decapitation!

The Dark landscape faded as Roku was seen holding a black & dark blue ice made, a mystic scythe with blood on the blade, his back turned to the gremlin, who let out gurgles and gasps as his head fell to the ground along with the headless body.

Gremlin: (thinking) So this is the end of the road... The end of me... I... I wonder... Will I dream...?

Roku breaks the gremlin's thoughts by throwing a dog biscuit into his head.

Gremlin: Did you just throw a motherf*cking DOG-

The icy ninja then encased the gremlin's head in ice before shattering it too. Roku drops the shadow veil and immediately dodges a gunshot to his head.

Cowboy: I should be impressed, but you just made my day. Do you have any clue how annoying those two were?

Roku: I don't know and honestly, I don't care. But to answer a question with another question, what's that on your face...?

Cowboy: What's what on my face-

Roku: (slugs the monster with an ice-covered fist) MY ICY FIST!!!

Cowboy: Agh! Alright... draw!

The cowboy begins to run with Roku, the monster firing bullets while Roku was throwing frozen shurikens with both of them at a near stalemate.

Cowboy: (kept firing) I'm the best gunslinger in the monster world, no one has ever survived a showdown with me and you're no exception.

Roku: Maybe that has to do with the little fact, that I'm not a gunslinger. I'm a Shinobi.

The cowboy monster suddenly felt a sharp stab in his back. He looked to see Roku behind him, the one he was having a draw with dissolved into the snow.

Cowboy: (coughs up blood) A-A snow... clone...?

Roku: (mocks the cowboy) High noon's over, partner...

Cowboy: Oh, f*ck... you...

The cowboy was engulfed in ice from the stab to the back. Once Roku removes the ice blade, the ice containing the cowboy monster shattered into pieces along with the monster himself.

Roku: Well... that was boring. Guess I got stuck with one of the weaker tunnels, that or they were just weaker than me.

He takes his leave.


Speaking of Linc, the young hero was staring at the horribly mutated monster in complete confusion.

???: So nice to meet you again, Larry.

Linc: ... (looks around in confusion) ...

???: I hope my monsters have given you a good welcoming party.

Linc: (thinking) Who is this guy talking to?

???: But now Larry, you're about to deal with the coolest and strongest monster of all time, ME!

Linc: Is this a bad time?

???: Huh?

Linc: I mean, you look like you're in the middle of a conversation with someone I either can't see or is in another room and you're talking to them via radio or something.

???: (eye twitches in anger) I'M TALKING TO YOU, LARRY! ARE YOU BLIND?!

Linc: But my name's not Larry, it's Linc.

???: Linc. Larry. Whatever! I'm here to make you suffer slowly and painfully before I take your life!

Linc: ... Ok.

???: And most of all- What the f*ck do you mean "Ok"?

Linc: I mean... I don't really know how to respond to things from somebody that I don't even know.


Linc stopped listening midway through the monster's shouting when he heard the sound of a mosquito buzzing around. His eyes then darted around to find it.


Linc wasn't even paying attention as he was focusing on the mosquito flying around.

???: HEY! PAY ATTENTION!! (a mosquito flies into his face) FU*CKING BUGS!!

The monster then began swatting at the bug in his face, the mosquito flies around to avoid being swatted. The monster growls as he successfully swats the bug but Linc suddenly appears in front of him and slaps him in the face.

Linc: Oops, sorry. Didn't see you there.

The monster's head was splattered across the wall but... the slime started going back until the monster's head was back on.

???: Man that hurts! But I can regenerate from anything, Larry!

Linc suddenly punched the monster in the chest, thinking there was another bug on his chest. Breaking both the sound barrier and the monster's body.

Linc: Oops, sorry. Thought it was on your chest.

Linc then heard a buzzing behind him. He broke the sound barrier trying to grab the bug around him.

While he keeps trying to grab the bug and breaking the sound barriers, the monster's body slowly begins to regenerate. He moves around at unseeable speeds trying to swat the bug.

???: (in his mind) This is ridiculous! I have regeneration but those punches hurt like hell! He's not even seeing me as a threat and is worried about a damn bug!!

The monster then grinned.

???: Guess I'll have to shed my human body completely, time for a little evolution!

The monster crouched down before suddenly covering himself in a thick cocoon. As this happened, Linc continued to try and swat the bug.


With Deku, she was running down her tunnel, when she came upto the monster group, she began doing a cartwheel before flinging her heel and launching a pressurized burst of air.


The monster group was quickly obliterated by Deku's attack as they had little time to react. Deku did a small limp as her leg seemed to go numb from her own attack.

Deku: Gotta keep going!

More monsters in the form of scorpion beasts came out on the ground, aiming to sting their poisonous, sharptails in Deku. Deku suddenly flicked her fingers and launched a massive wave of pressurized air. Launching the scorpion monsters flying into a wall, splattering upon impact.

Deku: (feeling pain & numbness from her own attack) Ngh! Have to... keep going...! Must keep going!

Soon, more monsters appeared in the form of ice & fire golems, aiming attacks of molten lava & frozen shards at Deku. Using her other leg, she whipped her left at the golems, creating a blade of wind that sliced and broke the golem's shards, before hitting and slicing them as well. After the attack dealt with the monsters, Deku's legs gave out from under her.

Deku: Gah...

Deku tries to crawl up to her feet, only to fall again.

Deku: Overdid it... Again... Damn... I can't prove myself... If I can't... Keep going and... fight these monsters...

Suddenly, another monster comes out, in the form of a 15 ft tall, crow-esque man, a plague doctor's mask and outfit, and large black bird wings covering its arms.

Crow Monster: Well... someone's life is hanging by a thread... allow me to take the pain away & welcome you to the sweet, merciful hand of death...

Deku raised her other arm and flicked her fingers, the crow monster used his wings to shield himself, only sliding back slightly.

Crow Monster: Quite an attack but... only measly & low on power.

With a wave of his wing, Deku was sent crashing into the walls by a devastating shockwave, causing blood to shoot out of her wounds.

Deku: Agh!!

Crow Monster: So many vital organs within that fragile body of yours... which one to strike first? Perhaps the lungs... (forms sharp, elongated talons)

Deku: (panting) I can't... Quit...

Crow Monster: Just give in. The shadow of death already is cast over you, there's no escape.

Deku: Full Release!

Crow Monster: Full what?

Deku suddenly burst out with green lightning coming from her body.

Crow Monster: What kind of power is this...?

The green-clad heroine dealt the crow monster a blow straight to the face. Then she flicks her finger to fire a bullet of wind pressure at the crow monster, forcing him to defend himself.

Crow Monster: Ngh! You may have gotten a little power boost but you won't stop me...

Using his talons, he slashed Deku across the chest, causing more blood to shoot out of the wound as he continued his onslaught on the hero. Deku then ducks under a thrust attack, delivering a swift but powerful uppercut to the crow monster's chin.

Crow Monster: Gaah!! Why you...!

He slashes Deku across the face, drawing more blood.

Crow Monster: You're a persistent little human, aren't you? I was going to make it quick and painless but now... The road to the other side will be slow and painful... (raises his talons to strike again)

Deku then reared her leg back, slowly starting to blackout from blood loss, then doing an arcing roundhouse kick that fires a large, crescent-shaped blast of wind pressure. The attack tore through the ground like a knife to warm butter.

Crow Monster: What the... impossible-GYAAAAAAAAHHH!!!

The crow monster than was launched back, the wind blade attack sending him sliding back, even lobing off one of his wings. Deku stumbles around, trying to stay on her feet.

Deku: Huff... huff... I did... it...

Suddenly a feather suddenly shot out from the dust the monster landed in, the tip hitting Deku in her lung. Causing her to fall to a knee.

Crow Monster: Not dead, kay thanks, die.

Deku: *Gasp*... *Gasp*... *Gasp*... I... Can't... Die...

Deku blacks out from blood loss and pain, her brain recalls a memory.

Flashback... 1.5 years ago...

Deku was running through the park, on her tail were several high school students.

School Student 1: Get back here nerd!

School Student 2: You made the teacher give us homework cause you reminded her!

School Student 3: When we're done with you, your own parents won't recognize you & throw you out like the freak you are!

School Student 4: You're dead when we catch you! You hear me nerd, you're dead!

Deku: P-Please leave m-me alone! I didn't m-mean to!

Deku ran around in a corner, leaping into a trash can. She spotted Linc getting a soda from the nearby vending machine. The students came around the corner and saw Linc as Deku sunk deeper into the trash can.

School Student 2: Hey, you! Did you see a green-haired nerd around here?!

Linc: No, but I do see a rude brat who obviously wasn't spanked hard enough by his parents.

School Student 2: What did you say?!

Linc: Did I stutter? Are you not just bratty but stupid too?

School Student 2: That's it! Get him!

Deku heard the sounds of fighting for about a minute until it ended, then a knock came on the lid. Deku looked outside to see the group of bully students all beaten and knocked unconscious and Linc standing near her. He was a little beat up, with a cut on his lip.

Linc: You okay?

Deku: Y-Yes... but you're hurt...!

Linc: Naw, I'm good. Just some minor scratches, nothing big. Why were those bullies after you?

Deku: I... Reminded our teacher about homework.

Linc: .... That's it? A reminder of homework? I know homework is not everyone's friend but them ganging up on you to beat you to death for it, that's plain stupid.

Deku: But... Why did you help me?

Linc: I don't like how bullies, brats, and arrogant people pick on others for petty reasons and such.

Deku: But... Why?

Linc: Does a hero need a reason to help people?

Deku: But... Isn't a hero's duty to protect the innocent for peace?

Linc: Yeah. And that's what I did. I'm just a hero for fun.

Deku: A hero... for fun?

Linc: Yep. Just a hero who fights for peace and for a challenge. Whelp, time to go back to training.

Deku then just watched as Linc walked away.

Flashback End...

Deku: (thinking) That's right... Why I became a hero... to train & get stronger... to fight to protect those who can't defend themselves... for peace and to believe in myself... To keep fighting... For what I believe in!

Deku suddenly stomped the ground, sending earth-shattering shock waves through the ground.

Crow Monster: What the!?

Deku crackles with green electricity as she powers up before launching herself forward to hit the opponent with a powerful punch. If she connects, Deku's punch sends the foe flying back, before Deku channels 100% of her power through her whole body, causing her hair to stand up, her eyes to glow, and blue lightning to emit from her body.

Deku: United States of...

Deku then begins throwing out a rapid-fire barrage of punches at the crow monster, striking so fast that her arms can't even be seen. As the crow monster gets pummeled by the air pressure blasts from Deku's blows, Deku moves around them in circles at blinding speeds to build up momentum.

Deku: World Smash!!!

Deku then rockets towards the crow monster at high velocity, delivering a powerful kick that blasts the opponent into the ground, generating a massive shockwave of wind and energy and shattering the ground beneath him once she makes contact.

Crow Monster: IMPOSSIBLE.....!! I was... immortal... I was... invincible.... How Could I Lose!?

Deku then pushes forward with her kick, landing another kick straight to his face.

Crow Monster: AAAGGGHHH!!!

The crow monster's neck then broke with a loud snap, Deku flopped onto the stone floor, exhausted but relieved she did it. A drink was placed down on the ground next to her. Cyryu was the one who put it there.

Deku: C... Cyryu...?

Cyryu: I thought it would be good to check on you, I saw that your power overworks your body at the hero exam so after I cleared mine I thought it would be good to check in on you.

Deku: Oh, that's... nice. Very exhausted and... have a busted lung... but I took the monster down....

Cyryu: Take the drink, I made it with a special healing brew. It should patch up your inner and outer injuries.

Deku: Thanks... I think... I'm gonna rest a bit before I drink that though.

Cyryu: Are you sure about that? You did say you had a busted lung.

Deku: ... Maybe pour it into my mouth then. I can't really move my arms right now...

Cyryu picks up the drink and walks towards Deku, pouring the drink into her mouth. After swallowing the drink, Deku felt a surge of energy as her injuries started to heal at a near fast rate, she felt her busted lung had healed as well, properly breathing again. Deku took this time to catch her breath, Cyryu watched over the area as she rested for a moment.


Malia walked down her tunnel, dragging with her several monsters, all of them chewing on her body but not even being fazed by the biting. The parts the monsters were biting were covered in the solidified liquid from before. The buff woman came to the end of the tunnel and suddenly felt a rush of murderous intent. She raised her arms and her entire body blackened with violet purple highlighted veins.

Suddenly the ground morphed into spikes, the monsters covering the buff woman were blown to pieces, while any spike that hit Malia shattered into gravel. Malia then watched as a monster dressed up like a boxer came from the end of the tunnel and the spikes deformed.

Malia: I'm guessing you're the reason the ground attacked me?

Monster: Yes. Me Box! You Must Die!

Malia: Okay, straight forward into it. Just how I like it!

The two rushed at each other as the fists collided. The shockwave produced shakes the city as the two hold their punching position. Malia is the first to break the pose as she uses her other arm to try to uppercut the monster, but Box dodges. The monster runs like a boxer over to the buff woman. He throws two punches and they actually hit, but Malia's skin blackens, dealing no damage.

Box: What?

Malia: Haha! Can't hurt me like that, son!

Malia grabs Box by the sides and suplexes him. The buff woman gets up from the attack quickly and tries to punch the monster, but the monster catches the blow and delivers one of his own. He uses the arm to pull himself up and throws more punches at the buff woman's gut, but deals no damage to the buff woman. Melia takes one from Box's book and catches both fists.

Malia: Gotcha.

She then swings the monster and ends it by throwing the monster through the building they were fighting behind. Believing the fight to be over, she turns away, but something of stone collides with her face.

Malia: The hell?!

The buff woman looks back at the hole she created. Standing behind the clearing smoke was Box, using the rubbing to create stone boxing gloves.

Box: This is my power, Son!

Malia: I'm a girl.

Box: ... You sure?

He punched the ground and once again the ground attacked. Malia ran across the hole as she backhanded the oncoming projectiles. She jumps to punch, but the ground hits first, Box has generated a large concrete wall from the ground that blocks her attack.

However, Malia powered through and punched the monster across the face. Malia didn't stop, however, powering through the wall and decking the monster across the face. Box gets up and wipes his brow as Malia punches through the wall and it collapses. He looks at the rubble he caused out of his creation.

Malia: What is this?

Box: My ultimate Concrete defense.

Malia: Ehhhh... I wouldn't say ultimately since it was shattered.

Box: Shut up! Fight!

The two then trade fierce blows with one another, The stalemate of punches and kicks kept going at Gatling speed until Box backed away and slammed his fist into the ground, causing the whole cave area to shake.

Malia: What the?

Box: Eat my ultimate concrete offense!

Malia: Now you're just being a showboating douchebag.


Upon his roar on command, multiple large fists of stone shot out of the ground, walls, and ceiling to aim at Malia, who crossed her arms with her entire body quickly blackened with violet purple highlighted veins, forming solidified armor with the stone fists hitting her from all sides.

Box: Haha! What are you gonna do now?! Huh?! strongest! The strongest! BOX THE STRONGEST! STRONGEST-

Malia's hand suddenly punched through the stone attacks and grabbed Box's face. ThenThen the buff woman pushed through the rocks.

Malia: The power is impressive but rocks are still just rocks and can still break just as easily.

monster. The monster felt it as his bones bent. He recoiled back. Malia rushed over to the injured monster's back. Before Box could turn around, the buff woman grabbed both of his arms. She pulled them straight back, using her foot to distance the monster's back. Purple fluid flooded through her legs as she kicked the back of Box. The monster's arms were ripped off and he was launched by the kick. He collided with the rock fists he had created. Malia then punched Box in the ribs with her armor somehow amplifying her strike, the audible sound of ribs cracking came from the monster. The monster groaned deeply as his bones bent. He recoiled back. Malla rushed over to the injured monster's back. Before Box could turn around, the buff woman grabbed both of his arms. She pulled them straight back, using her foot to distance the monster's back. Purple fluid flooded through her legs as she locked the back of Box. The monster's arms were ripped off he was launched by the kick He collided with the rock fists he had created.

Malia: You've got balls and you're pretty strong. I'll give you that much. But...

Malia then began walking toward Box. Box, pulling himself from the wall, slammed his forehead against the ground. While it had the same effect as his hands, the stone fists were less clean, chipped, and cracked all over. Instead of looking like master craftsmanship, it looked like a mature work from a two-bit pottery maker.

Malia simply armored up her gut and let the fists crumble against her body. Malia continued her approach.

Malia: You're still a greenhorn.

The buff woman then punched through Box's torso and proceeded to rip his spine from his body. She then took the sharp pointed end and jammed it into his head. Malia then used the spine to rip Box's head off, which she left hanging

Malia: Don't expect becoming a monster will make someone barely worth a C Class fighter able to beat an A-Class.

Box: (straining dying) How did you-

Malia: I recognized you were one of the applicants for your fighting style. Even took a look at your results, you barely got into the C-Class.

Box's eyes lost life in them. Malia walked away and out of the tunnel.


Linc was still trying to grab the mosquito while repeatedly breaking the sound barriers and several things around, unaware of the monster still in the cocoon form.


Evil laughter echoed through the caves.


Linc stopped swatting the bug and looked at the cocoon as a large blob began to push itself from the shell the cocoon.

Linc: Huh?

The large blob continues to pull itself from the shell of the cocoon, causing it to crack even more.

Linc: Something's about to hatch... Where'd that guy go?

The cocoon then burst open, the goo dissolved and revealed a humanoid monster primarily red with bits of white. An organic metal mask with blue eyes glaring from the eye holes. Golden metal gloves, white pauldron armor, a red cowl with flame patterns, a red and white striped bodysuit, and red boots attached to the bodysuit.

Linc: Huh?

???: (male distorted voice) Behold my true form. The ultimate combination of strength, speed, durability, regeneration, adaptation, power, and wits all wrapped up into one! Now, Larry... you shall feel the power... the power of the monstrous god, Chandler!

Linc: Chandler Dougson? The guy who runs the laundromat?

Chandler: What? No!

Linc: Chandler Rickie, the guy who runs the supermarket?

Chandler: No! I'm Chandler McCann, you blasted idiot!!

Linc: ....... Who?

Chandler: Did you hit your head or something?! Have you forgotten your better, your superior, and your rich & coolest rival?!

Linc: I kinda forgot most of my life in middle school before dropping out, then taking the test where the government gives you a paycheck if you can be an adult. Don't even remember who my friends' names were.

Chandler: ....... So you're brain dead or with amnesia? You know what... Doesn't matter anyway. I'm still gonna kill you! (Linc puts on a serious face) I will make it known to the world that Chandler McCann isn't somebody to be easily pushed aside! I will prove to the world I AM GREATER THAN-


Within a second. Linc had closed the distance between him and Chandler. Punching him in the gut with a Normal Punch and sending him flying. He didn't burst apart like before though, only spat up blood when he crashed and landed.

Linc: Blah blah blah blah blah... Are you actually gonna do the things you say? Or are you just gonna ramble on like a senior citizen talking about "the good old days"?

Chandler glared daggers at Linc in anger, wiping the blood from his mouth with a wild grin.

Chandler: Heh, Larry... (powers up) I'm gonna rip you apart...!

Chandler charges at Linc and delivers an assortment of strong empowered strikes to Linc, aiming at the face and midsection. Chandler quickly took notice that Linc wasn't reacting to the blows he was delivering, wasn't even budging to them.

Chandler: (in his mind) What's his deal? He's not even dodging or blocking my attacks? Oh I get it... he's scared, isn't he? Probably using an invisible armor ability or something but no matter, I'll break it along with his body!

Chandler increases his attack power and offense to break the "invisible armor" he claims Linc has to get to him, unleashing more shockwaves with each punch.

Chandler: (kept attacking) You can't hide behind that invisible armor forever! Once I break it, you're finished, Larry!

Linc then Normal Punched Chandler in the gut once more, causing him to puke up more blood, this time with some gut parts.

Chandler: Gah! Is... that my liver...? Ugh! (Glares at Linc) How dare you!!!!

Chandler charges at Linc with an energy-coated punch to hit him in the gut, sending a massive explosion behind him on impact.

Chandler: Gotcha bastard!

Linc suddenly faded away.

Chandler: What!? Where did he-

Linc: On your left.

Chandler then felt a powerful karate chop to his head. He slammed against the ground. When he got up and regenerated, he saw that he had lost an eyeball for a moment.

Chandler: Grrrraaaaaaaaah!!! You will pay for this!

Forming fists of dark energy, Chandler charges at Linc and hits a Gatling of strikes to the white-haired hero for fun, causing massive explosions of dark energy from each punch.

Chandler: (kept attacking) You will not escape my wrath! You're gonna experience hell when I'm through with you, Larry!!!

Linc: Normal Series... Normal Consecutive Punches...

Linc then landed an uncountable amount of blows onto Chandler's monstrous form. His fist moving so fast, it seemed as if he suddenly had grown 20 more arms. After the attack, Chandler's body blew apart into scattered pieces throughout the cave, one of Chandler's eyes glowed and glared furiously at Linc, his body parts quickly coming back together with dark energy and electricity surrounding him fiercely.

Chandler: That... is the last time you make a fool out of me!! I'LL BLOW YOU AWAY INTO NOTHING! DARK STORM PUNCH!!!

Chandler aims his right fist and fires a huge, dark electric punch-like wave directly at Linc to obliterate him.

Linc: ... Serious Series... (the attack closes in on him) Serious Breath.

Linc then exhaled with immense and unbelievable force. Hit Chandler's attack with a massive breath of wind pressure. Both attacks cancel each other out with a powerful burst as both boys are blown back.

Chandler: Ngh! That attack should've finished you and you blew it away with your breath?! What... How are you?!

Linc: ... I'm just a kid who's a hero for fun... Think I already told you that.

Chandler: Whatever! It doesn't matter how strong your punches are or your breath, I am the ultimate monster with the ultimate regeneration! I'm immortal Larry! I'll keep coming back and when your strength runs out, you're dead! (Sees that Linc is looking at something else) Oh, what is your retarded disabled brain focused on now!?

Linc: How'd you get here George?

Chandler, now actually confused by Linc's statement, turned to where Linc was looking. Only for George's hand to cover his face.

George: Tracked your phone. Eva sent me cause it's almost time for the bargain day sale.

Linc: (actually shocked) Oh Crap! I Forgot!

George: Now worries everybody is in the front of the line. So... (Looks at Chandler) Who is this asswipe?

Chandler felt the air get colder by the second.

Linc: Think his name is Chandler. Forgot his name while we were fighting.

George: Chandler Dougson, the guy who runs the laundromat?

Linc: No. Different guy.

George: Chandler Rickie, the guy who runs the supermarket?

Linc: No. Not him either.

Chandler: It's Chandler McCann, you idiots! And who the hell are you-

Chandler felt his entire body freeze up from the inside out.

George: (Didn't even hear him) Well. Doesn't matter anyway. Absolute Zero... Snow Day DEATH!

Suddenly down to Chandler's very atoms. He was utterly atomized into icy particles, he then shattered and was turned into perfect snowy powder.

Chandler: (last thought in his mind) .... F**k... you... Larry... & Ice guy....

George: Heh heh heh. Love turning my foes into snow powder! (Notices some people coming through the tunnel) Yo, Linc. Who are they?

Linc: (Turns to the people coming through the tunnel and Back to George) Some friends who passed the hero exam with me.

Soon, Cyryu, Roku, Deku, Toko, Mani, and Malia met with Linc and George.

Deku: T-That...! Cyro Reaper, George Hersley! He's an S Class Hero among the top 10! His Cryokinesis is next to none in both Power and Technique!

Roku: I've heard of him, yes. Quite a Cryo user, he is.

Malia: I've met him while visiting Eva once or twice. He's a perv and an asshole.

George: Aww, you flatter me!

Mani: Well... He was at the center of over a dozen peeping tom investigations.

Cyryu and Toko stared at George.

George: What? I am who I am. I have no sense of shame.

Linc: He literally doesn't, he wasn't born with the piece of his brain that feels shame.

Cyryu: I see...

Toko: Are you summoned to get us out of here?

George: To whoever is controlling the next. No. I'm here to get Linc for Bargain Day at the supermarket.

Toko went to attack George for what he said, but Roku stopped him, shaking his head to not try it. Toko growled but reluctantly agreed to stand down.

Linc: Sorry about him. He's a d**knead.

George: He speaks no lies.

Linc: Anyway. I gotta get going. Wanna come with me? I can even show my apartment building. It's got super cheap rent for apartments that take whole floors. But you'll have to share the apartment floor.

Malia: That sounds great to me. Besides, I need some more Sports Water.

George: Think I remember you now. Average Ass and Tits.

Malia grabbed and squeezed George's face with an angry smile.

Cyryu: I am in need of a new whetstone.

Roku: Don't follow me.

Cyryu: You don't follow me!

Cyryu and Roku butthead heads in anger at each other, Roku backed off cause of how thick Cyryu's head was.

Toko: (his joints squeak) I need some oil to loosen my joints.

Deku: I guess we're all in agreement.

Mani: I'll Say!

The group left the tunnels, following George to the daylight of 

Deku: It's morning? It was the afternoon when we were taken.

George: You've all been missing for 3 days.

Mani: Really? Felt shorter.

Cyryu: I believe that had something to do with it.

Cyryu pointed to a large purple crystal at the edge of the entrance to the cave.

Roku: Ah, a temporal distortion crystal. They cause time and space to rip apart and make things... Complicated...

Cyryu: Annoying to get rid of too. Had a bunch of them back home.

Linc then simply walked over and smashed it. Causing both Cyryu and Roku to flinch.

Roku: You are aware that just simply smashing it will cause a rift in space-time to close in on itself and-


Suddenly time itself snapped back and the entrance to the caves vanished, replaced by a large pillar in the middle of a forest.

Roku: -Cause the world to snap in a new place from a different dimension... Should we be worried about that?

Linc: Probably... But it's bargain day. Let's go.

Linc and the others left to go to the supermarket. Then two figures came from the top of the tower.

???: Okay, what the hell am I sensing? Kakarot, can you even make out what that is?!

'Kakarot': Those guys were really strong! But that one guy, he was so strong that... I couldn't even sense the limit to his energy! Do you think Lincoln will like him as a rival, Vegeta?

'Vegeta': How would I know? We just appeared here suddenly and now we're on a new planet!

Kakarot: Let's go tell the others!

The two men then rocketed back up to the top of the pillar.

That's all for this part, leave questions and thoughts in the comments. Bye!

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