Here's the next part. Thanks to omegacrow-nexus for helping with the chapter. Feel free to share with others! Enjoy!
In The Past The Moment After The Locker Room Was Teleported...
As soon as the room stopped glowing, Roku jumped down and threw a truck-sized ice kunai through the lockers, only to hit nothing but the lockers.
Cyryu: Ha! I win!
Toko: You may want to get down too.
Cyryu: Why-
The ceiling suddenly collapsed, causing Cyryu to hit the floor with drywall hitting him.
Mani: That's why.
Roku chuckled only to be hit with a slab of drywall, thrown by Cyryu. Then, as the shinobi and samurai exchanged glares, the walls collapsed. Revealing nearly millions of monsters, but as soon as the monsters saw them they looked confused.
Monster 1: What they your not Mir-
Cyryu and Roku suddenly attacked the monsters.
Linc: Never talk if two warriors or people are about to attack one another, that's just asking to be attacked.
Mani: Even I knew that. And I was raised as a shut-in.
Deku: ... I don't see it...
Mani: Never said it worked.
Malia: (cracks another monster's skull) Not the time right now.
Mani: Do you guys want the 200 on the left? Or the 300 on the right? Or how about the 150 in the center?
Deku: I'll take the center...
Malia was already hammering away at the 200 monsters on the left while yelling "ORA" all over again. Mani shrugged and followed Toko going to the right. Linc simply looked around at the strongest monsters before going over and one-shotting them. Cyryu and Roku were just killing random groups of monsters.
Back In The Present...
Linc and the examinees were running down the only cavern tunnel.
Linc: ... Do you guys know the Alien Movies? This cave is reminding me of that series.
Cyryu: Ah. One of my favorites! It's a- (to Roku) I can feel your look of disgust ninja. What is it?
Roku: Alien? The series that ruined the Predator?
Cyryu: WHAT?!?!
Roku: You heard me... it ruined the Predator...
Malia: Can we focus?!
Suddenly a small monster with millions of razor-sharp teeth lunged at Malia, who dodged it with ease and paid it no attention as she scolded the two men.
Cyryu: I am focusing! I'm focusing on the fact that this Ninja thinks Alien ruined the Predator when it's clearly the other way around!
Cyryu tilted his head as the monster tried attacking again, letting it fly over his shoulder. Again, getting no attention from the examinees.
Roku: Well it's true.
Roku avoided the attacking monster, which hit the wall and still got no attention at all.
Deku: I forgot... Is the Predator the one with that guy from Terminator? What was his name?
Deku did a small jump over the monster as it attacked once again.
Toko: Arnold Schwarzenegger. Just to be clear, due to my robotic voice, I didn't say the N-word, that's a pair of his name.
Toko moves to the right as the monster misses its target again.
Mani: Good, you have no clue how many people get punched from saying Arnold's last name with an accent.
Mani moved to the left to dodge the monster.
Linc: I don't get it. What's so bad about Alien vs Predator?
Cyryu: Those lying hunters are failures of warriors! Blowing themselves up just because they lost!
Roku: Oh like those wild, slimy, Xeno spawning aliens were any better. It's sickening.
Cyryu: That adds to the tension! These aliens grow from who that spawn- (kicks the monster into the ceiling) F*CK!!! OFF!!! YOU!!! ANNOYING!!! ROACH!!!
The monster splatters upon hitting the ceiling of the tunnel.
Mani: Seriously what was with that thing?
Malia: Okay! Enough about those movies! We need to find a way out of here and fast.
Linc: I think finding these monsters would be better. They said a lot about Miruko and attacked her. So they obviously have some beef with her.
Deku: A lot of people have beef with her.
Malia: How many enemies did she make just for fun?
Deku: Just for fun? Or just for laughs?
Cyryu: There's a difference?
Deku: You have no clue how much of a difference there is...
Malia: (Looks up ahead) Umm guys....
The examinees stopped to see a bunch of different tunnels. Totaling about 8 tunnels.
Roku: 8 different tunnels, One might lead to the way out while the others could lead to a lethal demise.....
Mani: For who? Us or the monsters?
Cyryu: It's clear this was meant for Miruko. She has poor decision-making skills and would most likely choose the wrong one.
Toko: Even if she'd survive, she'd be constantly making the wrong choice and wearing herself down.
Roku: True.
Deku: So... Do we stick together or split up?
Linc suddenly broke the sound barrier as he sped down one of the tunnels, the sound of another sonic boom followed by a second one soon after came from the tunnel before he came back. Covered in blue ooze.
Linc: One might be the exit. The rest are most likely dead ends. There was a monster at the end, kinda like a guy.
Deku: That must've been a New Monster. They're humans who ate a gene-altering fruit and became monsters. But the actual strength of their transformation can vary depending on the- (muttering)
Mani: And she's gone.
Cyryu: That leaves 7 tunnels, one for each of us. I say we split up. We are all strong enough on our own. Except for the Ninja.
Roku: You're forgetting that I have more kills on these freaks than you, I don't wanna hear sh*t.
Cyryu: Counting that annoying bug, you're 1 monster ahead of me. Don't talk so high and mighty.
Roku: I'm not the one saying that "oh everyone's strong except the ninja. I'm more relevant as the ultimate samurai while ninjas are so cowardly." Do you hear yourself?
Cyryu: Thank you for admitting it.
Roku: Motherfu-rrrrrgggghh! (growls deeply and clenches fists)
Malia: ENOUGH! Samurais and Ninjas are strong in their own way with their own attributes and flaws. Both of you aren't perfect so quit arguing and focus on the task at hand.
Cyryu: Fine by me, I'll pick a tunnel and see where it leads.
Toko: Everyone should know which tunnel goes down, just so we know who gets the correct one. Share your phone number with me so I can transmit calls to the one who gets it right. Now, everyone picks a tunnel and we all go into them at the same time.
Everyone did as Toko instructed, sharing their phone numbers with him for the transmission idea to work. Everyone then splits up, picking a tunnel and heading inside to see which path is the way out.
With Cyryu, he was walking straight forward through the tunnel.
Cyryu: Even if I'm wrong! I'll face this monster head-on! Like a proud Samurai should!
???: (snarky female voice) Oh... you're one of those so-called bold and honorable samurai types. You make me wanna puke.
Cyryu looks around as the path begins to shift and turns, slowly, into some sort of giant digestive tract of a stomach. Cyryu quickly moves to land on the nearest as the floor was engulfed in a pool of acid. Cyryu then slashes the walls before jumping to a different floor, seeing that the walls were still rock on the inside, the area of the slash also turned back to normal with the acid vanishing near it.
Cyryu: Your tricks won't work on me, monster!
Cyryu leaned down, before exhaling softly.
Cyryu: Blade Of The Water Dragon... Torrent!!
Cyryu then unleashed a spirling slash down the tunnel, which cut open the walls and separated the sea of acid. Causing the acid to disappear and walls to return to normal.
???: Not bad... Turn into Chocolate!
A pink shot out of the darkness, hitting Cyryu's blade... which morphed into bars of chocolate!
Cyryu: My swords... they're chocolate?!
Out of the shadows appeared a slightly tall female monster with pale blue skin with green trim, a long antenna resembling wild and long hair covering the right eye with two gold ring clips around one of the bangs, green eyes, has slight fangs, and a long tongue & has a voluptuous figure. She was wearing a tattered gray shirt exposing the center of her large bust & midriff, a sleeveless black & gold leather jacket, a right fingerless glove, left bandage armband, studded belt, black & gold jeans with the left leg missing, and studded boots.
Cyryu quickly collected the chocolate bars and put them away in his jacket.
???: Hey! Those are mine!
Cyryu: Correction, they are mine! You've only turned my swords into chocolate. The ownership never changed.
???: Smartass...
Cyryu: So may I ask the name of the monster whose life I'm going to take?
???: Hmph. My name is Seria, I was once a human wronged by the hero association when they failed to kill the samurai who destroyed my life, sparking my hatred for sword-wielding and honor-bound heroes... like you.
Cyryu: Hmmm... How... Pathetic...
Seria: What...?
Cyryu: You choose to give up your humanity because of your own weakness to hunt down the samurai yourself.
Seria: You could never understand how I felt! That damn samurai of chaos took everything from me! My family! My friends! My entire life! I couldn't bring him down the way I was! The scum-called heroes were no help either and I slowly realized that the heroes are nothing but self-entitled weaklings who care about their own wealth, status, and ranks, not giving a damn about the people they 'help'!
Cyryu: (scoffs) I only joined because it's illegal to fight monsters without a license. Now let me guess. Where most of the heroes you've met were B class or below maybe some A Class?
Seria: B to A.
Cyryu: B-Classes normally are looking for fame to raise in the ranks and class. A-Classes are rarely the same, rare, but there are those amongst them.
Cyryu then walked a couple of feet to the left.
Cyryu: I've trained for years as a Samurai, never once have I heard of a Samurai of Chaos, you most likely met a Ronin, a Samurai without a master or clan. Those ones are rare to be good people. But I can assure you, I am neither a hero for money nor fame. I'm a hero to test my swordsmanship, but right now, I'll test my Martial Arts.
Cyryu let out a deep breathtaking common martial arts stance, Seria growled and was about to charge straight at the samurai, forming pink beams in her hands.
Cyryu: Fist Of The Water Dragon...
Cyryu threw a punch toward Seria. Despite not hitting anything but air, Seria felt her body stop despite her want to attack.
Cyryu: Ripple.
Seria's skin and face then began to ripple like she was in a wind tunnel facing the air force of a jet engine. Her body involuntarily blew back from the sudden and devastating force of Cyryu's strange air punch.
Cyryu inhales as he notices that the chocolate swords have returned to their original form. He then heard slight weeping as he saw the collapsed form of Selia, who was coughing up a strange fruit that crumbled to dust, her monster form traits fading as she suddenly turned back to her human form.
Seria: I'm human again... I'm hum-
Cyryu suddenly threw another fist. Causing another blast to hit Seria, revealing it to be another illusion.
Cyryu: Nice try, but Deku told us that those who eat the Monster Fruit can never go back to normal. In great detail as well, nothing will change you back, so that trick won't work on me.
Selia appeared, still damaged as her regeneration kicked in.
Selia: Call my bluff... sigh, I guess I'm no match for you no matter how much I hate to admit it......
Cyryu inhaled sharply, before spinning around with his sword in hand.
Cyryu: Sword Of The Wind Dragon! Whirlwind!
Cyryu then launched a whirlwind at Seria who dodged.
Selia: Wait a minute! Sigh... I was lying okay? Well... half lying about hating heroes but the Samurai I mentioned who took everything from me was the truth, he looked a lot like you only he wore red, black & silver. I only wanted to bring out the best in you so you can help me take him down!
Cyryu: Why should I trust a monster with magic, who tried to turn me into chocolate and melt me in acid?
Seria: Ok, the acid was an illusion, the chocolate thing is an uncontrollable urge my monster side has and yes, I did give up my humanity but I'm not an evil monster.
Cyryu: Yet you're in a place full of monsters who wanted to kill a hero named Miruko. With me just being here by random chance. I feel like you're just making this up.
Seria: I'm here cause I can't show my face in the human world or I'm dead and the Miruko vendetta was the other monster's obsession, not mine! I was looking for someone I trust on the hero occasion to help me with my problem!
Cyryu: Then you should've chosen someone else to help you. Weakling.
Cyryu then sheathed his blade and continued down the tunnel.
Seria: Where are you going?
Cyryu: Given that you stopped me before I reached the end, this Ronin is at the end of this tunnel, is he not?
Seria: He is but-
Cyryu: Then I will deal with him as a Samurai, not as a Hero and not as your Ally. I refuse the help of someone who gave up something so precious as life and humanity to make up for their lack in training and strength. And since you lack the will to fight, I will not continue the farce. Good day!
Seria looked down in shame, revenge on the samurai who took everything from her was the only thing she was thinking about, Cyryu was right... with the lack of strength, training, will to fight, & relying on a monster's curse power was a grave mistake and it cost her. Dearly.
Cyryu continued down the tunnel until he came to the end, a dead end with a large open cavern, much like the one he was teleported to. In the center was someone sitting at a small table made of stone much as a Japanese person would. He was a tall man with fair skin, a scar on the right closed eye, left purple eye, long black hair with a bit of gray in a ponytail, facial hair, and an average athletic figure with strange marks on the chest and wrists. He was wearing a black, red, and bronze yellow, Japanese-style scarf, hakama robe with right shoulder armor, sash, pants, gloves, and boots with strange marks. He had two swords but one was in his right hand.
Cyryu: You must be this Ronin of Chaos I've heard so much about recently!
???: BWAHAHAHAHAHA! I've been called Samurai but not Ronin! How'd you know I didn't have a master or clan?
Cyryu: No clan I know of has Chaos in the name.
???: Ah! A fellow samurai! I don't see many of our types around these days.
Cyryu: Many don't respect the art of the blade.
???: It's a damn shame, really. So... (menacing) Are you here to give me Defeat or Victory?
Cyryu: Let us see.
The samurai hero gave a violent inhale.
Cyryu: Sword Of The Flame Dragon! Seven Rings Of Hell!
Cyryu swung his blade and rings of flames formed around the two, trapping them in a ring of hellish fire.
???: Ah! A fine arena for this battle!
The samurai of Chaos raised its own blade, giving off a radiant aura with a deafening screech. But Cyryu remained unfazed as he waited for his opponent to ready himself.
???: Ah, I love a challenger with calm composure, unlike that pale blue monster girl who dedicated her pathetic life to revenge upon me.
Cyryu: Her own weakness and failure to protect what she held dear was her fault. She should've fought to the death to protect it! I guess she fled instead?
Cyryu's opponent nodded.
???: Yes. She wanted to strike me down for what I've done to her family but she lacked will... lacked strength... and lacked hatred.
His blade raised in the air as menacing spiritual imagery of a flaming skull-like dragon appeared behind the man.
???: She was weak just like the rest of her people, the weak die and the strong survive!
Cyryu: Well allow me to end your search for a fight and your ideals! I am Cyryu of the Dragon Blade Clan!
???: I am Rai Lee of the Hellfire Dragons! Let this battle be legendary!
Cyryu charged at Rai Lee, clashing blades with the Ronin. The sound of steel echoed through the cave as both samurai and ronin were crossing blade strikes with one another, matching each other blow for blow. Neither opponent was yielding despite the damage being drawn to both sides.
Rai Lee: (grins savagely) Good! That's the spirit! You're the real deal unlike these monster trash here and the humans weak & desperate enough to take their pathetic curse!
Cyryu: You haven't seen anything yet!
Rai Lee: I hope you are not boasting.
Cyryu: A samurai does not boast!
Cyryu pushed Rai Lee back, before taking a heavy breath in.
Cyryu: Sword Of The Earth Dragon! The Mountaintop!
Cyryu then ceased all movement including the microscopic vibrations of the body. The heart slows to nearly 1 beat every 15 seconds. Before suddenly unceasing and launching a power-filled slash at Rai Lee.
Rai Lee: Dragon Claw of the Sword! Blaze Piercer!
The marks on Rai Lee glowed as steam shot out of his body, his sword emitting a red and orange aura expanding and sharpening into a massive blade of fire. With a mighty roar, Rai Lee fires his attack to clash with Cyryu's attack. The attacks collided with both trying to overpower the other. Rai Lee felt the vibrations from Cyryu's attack hit his hands, but Cyryu didn't seem bothered by the same thing. Eventually, Rai Lee was the first to back off due to the vibrations caused by the clash.
Rai Lee: Gotta admit, the Sword of the Earth Dragon is an unwavering style. Did you learn that on your own? Or did a master teach you the style?
Cyryu: I've learned from all 10 of the Dragon Blade Clan Masters!
Rai Lee grinned even more.
Rai Lee: Hahahahahahahaha! Good... good... a student taught by a dragon blade master let alone 10 is a perfect adversary! I once bested someone who learned from the same masters you did, let's see you succeed where he has failed!
Taking out his second sword, Rai Lee breathes as he was engulfed by radiant blue fire, forming a unique double-bladed fighting stance with two dragon spirits present.
Rai Lee: Twin Dragon Blade Stance! Blue Hellfire Formation!
Rai Lee vanished and reappeared in front of Cyryu, delivering an instantaneous amount of radiant heat blade strikes to the samurai, who grunted upon the fire piercing his suit and his jacket becoming tattered.
Rai Lee: Final shot!
Rai Lee aimed at the heart but Cyryu managed to block the blow with his blade.
Cyryu: Sword Of The Earth And Wind Dragons!
Rai Lee: (thinking) A Combo?!
Cyryu: Mountain Galeforce!
With one slash, Cyryu paid back the pain he was dealt by Rai Lee, leaving a large slash wound on his chest. Despite the pain and the large wound, Rai Lee was still grinning.
Rai Lee: I'm not through yet, Cyryu!
Blades heating up, Rai Lee goes on the attack while Cyrus blocks and counterattacks each shot in return.
Cyryu: Sword Of The Lightning Dragon! Godspeed!
Cyryu let out a hissing breath before attacking faster than Rai Lee could block. For every one attack, he blocked, 2 or 3 more would land soon after. Rai Lee felt himself getting pushed back by the barrage of attacks.
Cyryu: Don't think I'll let up! Sword Of The Iron Dragon! Steel Shredding Slash!
Cyryu took in a study breath and launched a strong and sturdy, yet simple slash. Rai Lee instead dodged this attack, barely able to block a grazed attack, which chipped his sword horribly.
Rai Lee saw the chipped sword and threw it aside, gripping his second blade & inhaling it while entering a kendo stance.
Rai Lee: You know what they say... the sword is strong when you hold it with two hands! Shall we finish this?!
Rai Lee erupted with a multi-colored fire aura with a skull dragon spirit behind him. Cyryu erupted with an aura of many different elements, fire, water, earth, air, lightning, metal, ice, light, shadows, and a 10th strange colorless aura that Rai Lee couldn't figure out what element it was, each with a dragon's head to accompany it.
The Samurai and The Ronin got their swords and power ready as they both ran at each other with one powerful strike to end the fight with a massive clash! Their auras cracked the ground around them as they fought to overpower the other. Rai Lee then pushed Cyryu back and soon raised his blade.
Rai Lee: This Is The End!!
Rai Lee then heard a noise... A strange lifeless sigh, he soon found that it was coming from Cyryu.
Cyryu: Sword Of The Fallen Dragon... Reaper's Blade...
Rai Lee saw that Cyryu suddenly switched from an attacking stance to a stance that was as if he already attacked. Rai Lee's wounds then burst open further as new slashes joined them. Rai Lee fell to one knee as blood spewed from his mouth.
Rai lee: (in his mind) So... this is the end, hehehehahahahaha... at least it was a legendary battle to die for... hahaha...
Rai Lee sheathed his blade and then spread out his arms wide for Cyryu's final attack.
Rai Lee: As you know... Scars on the back, are a swordsman's shame.
Cyryu: Sword Of The Water Dragon... Blessed Rain After The Accursed Drought...
Cyryu then delivered a final and swift attack on Rai Lee's neck, Rai Lee felt no pain but felt the warm embrace of death, it felt very peaceful. The battle was over as Cyryu wiped the blood away from his blade with a slash and resheathed it. He then positioned Rai Lee's body in a crossed leg position, like one sitting down, with his head in his lap and his swords leaned onto his torso. Cyryu then gave a respectful bow.
Cyryu: Thank you for this battle and may your next life be one of honor.
Cyryu takes his leave. Seria was sitting at the entrance.
Seria: Why did you give that man such a respectful death? After all, he's done.
Cyryu: ... He was already dying...
Seria: What?
Cyryu: Despite his words, his body was slowly dying, from what I do not know, but he was in immense pain. He was going to die soon, maybe a week from now, he would've succumbed to whatever he was inflicted with. He wanted a Warrior's death. Your blindness and cowardice caused you to miss that. You sacrificed your humanity for nothing.
Cyryu walked away from Seria, leaving her to her thoughts.
Seria: .......
Meanwhile.... With Mani, she was happily sliding along the ground with her acid.
Mani: (humming a song) I'm on a sugar crash. I ain't got no f*ckin' cash. Maybe I should take a bath.
As she was going about her business to find the way out, a rat-type monster got in the way, aiming to eat her.
Rat Monster: Flesh!!!
Mani landed on foot on the monster's face, melting its face with burning acid. Yet she kept singing.
Mani: Cut my f*ckin' brain in half. I'm not lonely just a bit. Tired of this f*cking sh*t. Nothing that I write can make me. Feel good.
Out of the blue, 5 Cyclops monsters crashed through the walls and tried to smash Mani with their spiked clubs. Mani leaped over the monsters with a sudden strong yet non-deadly explosion. With one swift turn, Mani showered the monsters with acid. As they melted away, Mani kept skating and singing.
Mani: Victim of the great machine. In love with everything I see. Neon lights surround me. I indulge in luxury. Everything I do is wrong. 'Cept for when I hit the bong. Hit the bong. Hit the b-b-b-b-bo- Feel good.
Mani got to the end of the tunnel as another monster which was an armored-suited, anthropomorphic hybrid of a man, an armadillo, and a porcupine.
Mani: Feeling sh*tty in my bed. Didn't take my f*cking meds. Hyper pop up in my ears. Everything just disappears. Don't wanna be someone else. Just don't wanna hate myself. I just don't wanna hate myself. Instead, I wanna feel good.
???: (thinking) ... Is this girl high off her own acid?
Mani: Maybe. Never sure.
The monster jolted when Mani answered a question that was in his head.
Mani: I know the look you gave me, and I know the question that comes with it.
???: Good lord... This is the one I have to fight...
Mani: You think you're disappointed I'm currently about to fight a guy who turned himself into a living pincushion.
???: I Am Clearly A Porcupine!
Mani: Pinecone?
???: You're doing that on purpose...
Mani: Pinewood?
???: Porcupine! Are you an idiot, high, a child, or all of the above?!
Mani: Did I say Pineapple yet?
???: That's it! Killing you now! (Forms a glowing ball of spikes) SUPER SPIKE BANG ATTACK!
The monster launched his attack and the ball of spikes not only blew up upon hitting the ground but also spikes jutted up from it like a seed had been planted there to make them grow. But Mani was unharmed as she had evaded the attack, landing a kick squarely into the porcupine monster's groin.
???: (dog whistle levels of high pitched) AAAAAAAAAAAAAAH...!! (hops back while holding his groin, high pitched void) Why do female heroes... Always go for the groin?!
Mani: I dunno, why do male monsters never wear groin guards?
???: Cheap shot artist... ack... my groin! Why the groin?! how would you like it if I aimed a spiked punch at your breasts?! Huh?!
Mani: Pissed but that's why I wear a chestguard-... Why do I feel like you're setting me up for something-
???: RAH!!
Mani: Oh geez!!
The porcupine monster then began shooting spikes from his hands like an LMG. Mani immediately went to dodging and evading, narrowly dodging.
???: Daka, daka, daka, daka, daka, daka, daka, daka, daka, daka, daka!
Mani: (dodging & evading) Whoop, whoop, whoop, whoop, whoop, whoop! Missed me!
???: What kind of training have you gone through to be this good at evasion!?
Mani: Bayonetta Full-Dive AVR!
The porcupine monster stopped his attack to look at the heroine with a look of questioning confusion. Mani's pride-filled face told him that she wasn't joking.
???: Are you insane? That is the stupidest method of training I've ever heard!
Mani: One of the heroes that were brought here just did normal exercise training for 2 years.
???: ... Okay, the second stupidest training method I've ever heard... What could doing normal exercises for 2 years possibly do?
Elsewhere Linc was walking down his second path when a wasp-like humanoid monster appeared.
Wasp Monster: Fool! You've may have beaten one of us, but you'll never beat the rest of us or the master-
Linc: ACHOOO!!!
Linc's sneeze then turned the wasp monster into a paste on the wall.
Linc: .... Sorry, what? (sees the monster paste) Ew...
Mani: What's your name porcu-stein?
???: That's not even a real name or insult!!!
Mani: Spike-upine!
???: No!
Mani: Porc-Man! Porcu-nator! The Spike-tacular Needle Armor! Mind-spike! Mr. Porc-tastic!
???: I'm Nothing Like Pac-man. Nor the Terminator! You pulled that one out of your ass! My powers have nothing to do with my mind! And That's just a rip-off of Mr. Fantastic!
Mani: The Porcu-knight! Darth Pinecone! The Spike Slayer! Doom-upine! Spike-beard the pirate! Porcu-Reaper! Pineapple Lad!
Mani: Well, how would you like me to mock you? I take requests!
Bronze Spike: Are you for real?!
Mani patted her arms and hips then smiled and nodded. Bronze Spike leaned forward with the sound of metal creaking coming from him, as he slowly realized who he was about to have to deal with.
Bronze Spike: Alright... you wanna play a game, how's this? I'll fight you without using my spikes (spikes retract inside his body).
Mani: Huh.... Should I fight without my top on or my jacket?
Bronze Spike: Please just... Keep your clothes on...
Mani: Fine, Jacket it is.
Mani removes the jacket.
Mani: Now it's fight time!
Mani and Bronze Spike ran at each other, exchanging strong punches and kicks to the face and midsection. Bronze Spike noticed something weird happening, every hit he landed didn't seem to bother Mani, and slime-covered his fists.
Bronze Spike: What the hell? (gets punched in the face) Agh!
Bronze Spike then felt the same slime on his face now. Bronze Spike then felt a slow-burning sensation.
Bronze Spike: Why do I feel like I'm burning in a deep fryer?
Mani: How do you know what that feels like?
Bronze Spike: I don't know.... Just nostalgia.
Mani: That's weird, Bronzey.
Bronze Spike: Do not call me Bronzey!
Bronze Spike then begins to choke Mani.
Bronze Spike: What's the matter? Got anything cute to say (Mani was coughing and breathing ruggedly) Adorable!
Mani: (in her mind) He's trying to strangle me to death! Must. Use. Instincts!
Mani then pulls Bronze Spike's hands away and bites his thumbs, his eyes widened as glass breaks.
Bronze Spike: (released Mani) Ahh! Daughter of a fatherfu- RAH!! (forms a spiked fist and punches Mani in the stomach, her suit breaking the spikes)
Mani: OW!!! You punched me in the gut with spikes!
Bronze Spike: You bit my thumbs!
Mani: You Punched Me With Spikes!
Mani: Oh yeah? Well, I still haven't used my jacket! (suddenly calm) Does that mean I win?
Bronze Spike: (angered smile) Yes. Yes! You win!
Mani: (Gasps happily) What do I win?!
Bronze Spike: (angered smile) Spikes in your ass!
Mani: ...... I don't get-
Spikes suddenly sprouted from the ground and hit Mani's butt.
Mani returns the favor by kicking Bronze Spike in the dick again.
Mani: Aw, thanks for the compliment, but you can't move anymore.
Bronze Spike: What?
Bronze spike then noticed the slime on his body had hardened.
Bronze Spike: What the?! (Tries to move but couldn't) Agh! F**k! I can't move or summon my spikes! F**k!!
Mani: Yeah! Notice anything else?
Bronze Spike then noticed Mani and the room they were in, the spikes he had fired before were gone now and Mani was still unharmed.
Mani: Slime and acid isn't the only thing I can make. I can also make gas from my arms and legs. Like hallucinogenic gas to make people see sh*t. Can't make them hear or feel things through.
Bronze Spike: What?!?! Impossible! When did you have time to do that?!
Mani: When I walked in, I may act like an annoying idiot but that's just too ready chemicals to use. You've just been waving your arms around this entire time. The only times I actually touched you was... Well, you know when those were.
Bronze Spike: Dammit! You can't do this to me! I will not be defeated or disrespected like this! I will never-
Mani flicked Bronze Spike's forehead causing him to start to fall backwards.
Bronze Spike: No no no no no no no no Noo! (hits the ground) AGH! F**K!!
Mani: I don't really care for murdering people, prefer capture overkilling.
Bronze Spike: I will never surrender to you! Let me out! SET ME FREE! SET ME FREE! SET ME FREE!
Mani then performed a knee drop onto the porcupine monster's face, knocking him out. Mani then pulled out a phone and began taking pictures.
Mani: Time to post this one online. "First capture of a villain!".
Mani quickly posted the photo and quickly got a lot of likes for it. But one comment stood out to her.
Comment: "Wow. From Ex-Actress to Ex-Supermodel, and now a Hero, wonder how long this will last before she caves into her Sell-Out Habits."
The comment had many likes, about 50% of her posts worth. Then similar comments appeared shortly after that one.
Comment 2: "Wow... a porcupine villain? How is that a high-level threat? She's already hitting rock bottom."
Comment 3: "Doesn't even look like Tiger Class, a police officer could deal with that!"
Comment 4: "Post again when you beat an actual monster of a tiger or even a dragon class."
Mani gave a depressed sigh when she saw 6 comments with pics of people she knew.
DragonBladeMaster34: (Cyryu Profile Pic) "You fools wouldn't know the threat level of something if it was staring you in the face, that is clearly Dragon Class monster."
Ice_LeviathanNinja9000: (Roku Profile Pic) "I don't see any of you punks fighting threats of the upper class so lay off of Mani or I'll see to it that you'll never see daylight again."
4rt1f1c41l_Sh4d0ws: (Toko Profile Pic) "That is Bronze Spike, a Dragon Class monster, he's wanted for 16 accounts of genocide and 45 accounts of the destruction of private/government property. And he was caught alive at that. Good work Mani, the Hero Association has a large pay meant for his capture so he would answer for his crimes."
Rose-Strong_Nanite-Bruiser15: (Malia Profile Pic) "You cretins should be ashamed of yourselves antagonizing Mani when she worked so hard, that is a dragon level threat caught alive but apparently you've never seen a threat in your life. Mani, excellent work! I'm so proud of you!"
JustAKidWhoseAHero: (Linc Profile Pic) "Pretty sure this guy leveled a town once... Yeah he did, I was there, there was a bargain sale that day. I think Eva tore off an arm before he got away. Doesn't look like you got hit at all. Eva got hit a lot, mainly cause she refused to dodge."
D6ku: (Deku Profile Pic) "His main powers are: Spike Generation, Spike Protrusion, and Explosion Imbuement. He's able to make massive spikes raise the ground that can explode with enough power to level mountains. He's also able to launch projectiles that cause spikes to jut up from the ground when they land, and fire energy projectiles that can..." [Tap to see full comment]
Mani smiled at the supportive comments that caused the hate comments to stop immediately.
Mani: Man... I hate trolls... They are really hard to face alone. Good thing I'm not alone.
Mani smiles & texts her thanks to her friends as she drags the unconscious Bronze Spike away. She wiped a few tears from her eyes and continued.
Meanwhile... Toko was closing the social media app opened in his robotic mind. He was leaning against a wall, the shadows were starting to grow wild.
Toko: That helped... Calm the shadows but... They continue to become wild. This dark cave... Isn't helping... Need help controlling it... No programs I can download... Maybe meditation... But I don't know how to do that...
Toko then recalled that he knew Roku, a shinobi and a calm person when Cyryu isn't around.
Toko: He's bound to know... How to... learn the art... of meditation...
???: (raspy, distorted male voice) Talking to yourself, hero...?
Toko: God... Dammit...
Toko activated his robotic sensors to find the owner of the void. It was a very tall monster resembling a cyborg with sharp golden eyes and a black, white, and blue bulky, futuristic-looking, robotic head & body.
???: (tilted his head a bit) You seem lost... hero... the struggling... the paranoid... the physical pain... the limits of your mentality... hanging by a wired thread.
Toko: Who or what are you...?
???: I am called... Flash Stinger. I was one of the examinees twere was with you.
Toko: I see... What do you want from me...?
Flash Stinger: I've come to put you out of your misery... your entire being is hanging by a wired thread due to the shadows within you...
Toko: Don't act... Like you know what I am...
Flash Stinger: Fair enough... I don't know what powers you have, who built you, or why you were built... So, I shall just end you here, robot.
Flash Stinger dropped to the same floor Toko was, then lunged at him in a flash of light. But the stinger on his wrist was stopped short by shadows grabbing hold of him.
Flash Stinger: No way your processor did that, these shadows moved on their own... What are you?
Toko suddenly headbutted Flash Stinger, causing him to move back, the shadows suddenly jutted at him like spears. Stinger acted quickly and moved at light speed to avoid the shadow's attacks. Stinger noticed that the shadows were getting smarter, using tricky movements to nearly land hits.
Flash Stinger: (in his mind) They're adapting and processing strategy to counteract my movements. I can't be careless or reckless with those shadows or else the mistake can be fatal.
The ground suddenly broke open underneath Flash Stinger, the shadows suddenly revealed a massive sinkhole. Leaving him suspended in the air over a massive pit of the shadows.
Flash Stinger: Damn! They dug this that fast!?
Flash Stinger proceeds to form spears of light and throws them directly at the shadows to engulf them with his light power. But the shadows didn't bend or flinch in the light, instead, they engulfed the light until it couldn't shine through anymore.
Flash Stinger: What kind of shadows are these? There was no shadow I encountered that my light power could overcome. So why isn't it transpiring...?
The shadows then lunged at Stinger. Who leaped from a nearby rock to get back to solid ground, shadows chased him from all over, underground, the ceiling, everywhere.
Flash Stinger forms a sword of light as he charges at Toko, dodging the shadows as he attempts to pierce his power core and make the shadows depleted. But the shadows knocked his blade off course and he had to go into a slash to deal any damage. This knocked his chest plate off and revealed his power core. It was a strange blue energy core with floating rings spinning around it.
Flash Stinger: So that's what powers your robotic body. A Soul Core. An energy core made via Souls of Humans. Limitless power, so much sacrifice.
The shadows then grew angry. Well.... waaaaay past angry as they were furious, pissed off even. Toko held his head as the shadows went rampant, flowing like a tsunami at Flash Stinger.
Toko: (thinking) I am... I am in... Control... Need... Control... Need... Control...!
Flash Stinger: These shadows flow like a liquid but hits like a solid.
Flash Stinger then aims his arms and charges up his light cannons at maximum power to the approaching Tsunami of Shadows. He then fires a colossal beam of light that collides with the wave of darkness. Toko roared as his shadows expanded in size. Covering him and the beam of light in the darkness, absorbing the light completely before.
Flash Stinger: Damn. These shadows... Powers by souls... They... are eternal...!
Flash Stinger was engulfed in the shadows, absorbed and lost in the darkness. Soon, the shadows retracted back into Toko as the area was back to normal and with no trace of Flash Stinger.
Toko: Control... Need... Control... (glitching) N-Ne-Ne-Nee-Nee-D...
Toko began glitching out, his voice glitched out from anything discernible, and his body just started spazzing out before falling to the ground. Then something in his system called someone.
Roku: (In Toko's head) Hello? Toko, you there? Respond.
Toko: Con-... -trol... Lost... Lost... ControOoOoOoOoOl.... (90's Radio) This Damn Computer Is Busted!
Roku: (in Toko's head) Do you have an auto reconstruction circuitry that'll repair the damage?
Toko: Y- (90's Radio) Yeah Brother!!! (Normal Voice) Shadows... Can't... Control... W-won't... Work... Until... Shadows are- (90's radio) Get rid of the darkness with a brand new nightlight for the kids.
Roku: (in Toko's head) Okay....
Toko: Need... Help.... Learning... To... Control...
Roku: (in Toko's head) You need to focus on the inner powers of your body, mind, and soul. In your case, "Souls". If you're not in sync with those tiers then the shadows will continue to fight for control. Get into a lotus position of meditation, clear your mind, get rid of the anxiety, paranoia, and all inside & outside distractions... Be one with your power and you'll control it better.
Toko got into the position Roku told him to as best he could.
Roku: Reach in your mind, push the problems out. In, Out... In... Out... Let the sounds of the cave around you fade away. In, out... In... Out...
Toko did as Roku instructed. Even making breathing motions despite not having lungs. Slowly but surely, the shadows began to calm down as his systems were operating normally again. A cloud of glitter came from his back, slowly repairing him, his chest plate was placed back on, covering his core. He continued to do this to maintain himself.
Toko: (calmly breathes in and out) .....
Roku: (in Toko's head, though he couldn't hear him as he was in deep meditation) Ya done good Toko, ya done good.
Linc was now staying in front of a massive gate, upon walking through the person watching him grinned.
???: Hello. Lame-o Lincoln.
Linc: ...... Who are you?
To Be Continued...
Linc has reached the boss of the monsters, three of the Examinees have cleared their rooms
That's all for this part, leave any questions in the comments, bye for now! See you in Punch 8!
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