S2E9: Dragon Island (Arc 6 final)
(End intro)
The 8th branch ships completely surrounded both the Strawhats and John and his crew's ships. Ryu remains at the craft not phased by the situation they are dealing with as the 8th branch ship unleashes their massive cannon at them.
We see Nelson smirking while waving his fan to his face as he then closes it just as one of the marines came up to him.
Male marine: The cannon is ready!
Nelson: Well what are you waiting for open fire unless you want me to kill you.
Male marine: (scared) Y-Yesh sir.
They were about to fire when suddenly there was blast coming from the going Merry along with a cannon ball flying and hit directly into the barrel of the super cannon which blows up.
The super can on is destroyed being seen by Y/n ans Usopp after Usopp sets the cannon up with Y/n direct his aim which worked.
Y/n: Good shot Usopp.
Usopp: Thanks but I don't think the other ships will not eb so kind about that.
Y/n: I have a plan.
He walks over to everyone gathered in the middle of the going Merry as they look at the ships behind them.
Nojiko: Well so much for playing fair.
Sanji: Yeah they surround us like animals.
Zoro: No kidding.
Luffy: So why did they stop?
Selvaria: So they won't hit their target which is Ryu.
Apis: What should we do?
Y/n: (approaches them) We invade one their ships. We're not gonna fight them all, our objective is to bring Ryu to Warship island which is at the other side so where is the plan. We split up into two teams of three. Luffy, Zoro and Sanji will take the right while me, John and Zhen will take left. We need to take down those chains that the ships are using to block us and then blow open a ship so both ships can go through. We go ship to ship, destroying the chains and plant these explosions onto the ships.
He kicks over a box filled with explosions as both teams each take.
Nami: What about the rest of us?
Y/n: Protecting Ryu. They won't fire at the risk of killing their target. But if they try to make their way here then eliminate them.
Aishela: (smirk) No problem.
Y/n: That plan sound good for you cap?
Luffy: (smile) Do you really have to ask. Of course it's a good idea! Let's do it!
Y/n: Right. John, Zhen with me. Let's do this.
Once that they split off. Luffy stretched out his arm and grabs a ship on the right and Sanji and Zoro run through his arm and once on board Luffy slingshots himself onto the ship.
While that is happening John use his shadow devil fruit to simply teleport him and Zhen onto a ship on the left. They appear in the middle of the marines which they turn in surprise.
Male marine 3: Pirates!
Y/n quickly shoots one down while the marines quickly charge towards them. John slashes his sword at them and open shadow portals to teleport them away while Zhen slices them up with quick speed.
More burst through the door which Zhen gets into a battle stands and then quickly swings her blade and all the marines fall to the ground.
They continue clearing up the ship they are in as well as Luffy, Zoro and Sanji. Once clear both Zoro and Zhen slices the three chains while bombs on place. They cross to the other side just as one ship on the right blows up follow by the ship on the left.
Nelson have his men to get him up and is shocked and enraged of seeing them destroying his ships.
The marines begin to attack the two teams but they beat them and continue to do their work. We then see small boats filled with marines travelling towards Ryu onky to be shot by Nojiko and Lady Marian while Hans and Jeremy leaps high towards and land on separate boats and begin to knock the marines off as they quickly dodge their attacks and shots.
They leap onto boat to boat until they got onto the ship and begin to beat up the crew inside. Nami is on the wheels with Daisy with her while Usopp is outside with the cannon while Apis is on the raft with Ryu.
Apis: It's okay Ryu we'll be fine. We're all out!
Suddenly the ships begin to violently rock left and rightas waves of slashes nearly hits them which cost everyone to fall while Apis hold on Ryu.
Then a boat lands on the raft and Apis turn to see Eric as he smirks.
Eric: (smirk) Hello.
Apis: Leave Ryu alone!
She goes to attack him but he just slap her. She fall to the ground unconscious while Ryu sees all awhile the two marines with him tied up the rope of the crazy to theirs and begin to make their escape. Nelson sees this and yells at Eric.
Nelson: (angry) What do you think your doing Eric?! Bring the dragon to me!
Eric: (smirk) Like I ever gonna give it to the likes to you! I'll get better payment selling this! So long you fat ape!
Nelson is now even more enraged by this. So much so he snapped his fan. While Eric stares at Nelson's ship he felt something jump onto the boat and turn to be met with Aishela.
Aishela: (smirk) Hello again prick.
Eric was about to attack but Aishela quickly slice off both of his hands which his two marines are shocked. Eric is shocked by this and then Aishela stabbed him in the guts and tells him.
Aishela: (smirk) Tell my enemies in hell I say hello.
Then Aishela throws the now dead Eric off the boat as he splashes into the water and sinks into the ocean. Aishela turn to the two marines and they immediately with fear jump off the boat and swam away.
Aishela: Cowards.
She turn to the unconscious Apis and kneel down and begin shaking her.
Aishela: Kid you okay? Stay strong okay?
Apis begin to wake up and sees Aishela. The two smiled and Ryu sees this. Then he begins to get up which surprised everyone as they see Ryi getting up and spreading his wings. Then he leaps off the raft and begins to fly which amazed everyone.
Apis: (smile) Grandpa Ryu you can fly! You can fly!
Apis laughs joyfully as Y/n sees her happy which made him happy.
Suddenly Ryu begins to get hit by cannons which shocked everyone as Nelson yells.
The cannons begin to fire on Ryu as he gets hit all around him.
Apis: Ryu fly away hurry!
Ryu looks down at Apis and then turns and flies directly towards Nelsons ship.
Apis: No wrong way Ryu! Don't do it!
Nelson: (scared) Shoot it now! It's coming towards me!
All the 8th branch cannons begin to fire on Ryu as he gets through the blockade and was getting close to the flag ship when he begins to decent and crash into the ocean.
Everyone stood there in shock. Ryu floats on the ocean while Apis begins to cry. Aishela kneel down and hugs her.
Aishela: I'm sorry. I'm sorry Apis.
Apis continues crying while Y/n is now silent as rage begins to boil him and then he calls John.
Y/n: John......get me to that ship.
John nodes and he opens a shadow portal and Y/n goes through with John tagging along. Meanwhile four marines have a hook ready to fire at Ryu as Nelson smirks.
Nelson: (smirk) Even if it is dead I can still drink its blood and become immortal. Ready men! Fi-
Then the four marines get shot in the head and all turn to see Y/n and John as Y/n swap his pistol to his chainsaw sword as he make his way towards Nelson.
Y/n: I'm gonna shove my grenade into your fat fucking body! Your one dead man, you hear me!
Then marines begins to surround the two and aim their rights at them.
Nelson: Y-You dare you can stop me! My marines will wipe you and your pirate group once and for all!
John and Y/n were back to back as they see this is going to be a brutal battle. They ready their weapons and get ready for a-
???: Stand down all of you!
Then everyone turn and Hardy came out of a crowd of marines which annoyed Nelson.
Nelson: (angry) What do you think your doing Lieutenant!
Hardy turn to Nelson and to Y/n and then he said.
Hardy: Something I've should've done a long time ago. (Turn to Nelson) Standing up to you, you fat corrupt scumbag!
Nelson: (angry) How dare you! Kill him as well!
All marines aimed at Hardy but he was not afraid. He look look his marines and begin to say.
Hardy: Marines! What are we doing? We sign up as the marines to protect the seas from pirates. We were suppose to protect lives! But look at us. Raiding villages, executing innocent marines or civilians, injustice arrest and countless deaths? Are we truly marines or pirates?
The marines began to look at each other as Hardy pointed at Nelson and continue on saying.
Hardy: This man has no right threating our life and control us like slaves! He mistreat us, abuse us, see us as worthless and go as far as threatening our families and people we care for! Is that what you wish your commander to be? A man who throws away his own men to save his own skin! Well I think not! He is a traitor to the marines and we are following a person who will commit war crimes just like what we are doing right now.
He then wave his hand towards Y/n and John as he keeps going.
Hardy: They maybe pirates but they are nothing we have ever seen. They don't care about money, power or anything. They go out of their way protection a children and go as far as to help this child dragon to return back home. If anything they are doing a better job than us. Now look what we have done.
He points to Ryu floating in the ocean as all the marines turn to Ryu not moving.
Hardy: This dragon is old, cannot fight and just wanted to go home and what are we doing? Hunting I down for this selfish fatass! We killed a possibility an endangered species all thanks to him!
Nelson: (angry) Enough of this! Kill them! KILL THEM NOW!
Hardy: Ask me this! Do you wish to continue acting like pirates or do you want to act like true marines!
Things gone silent as all marines look at each other and turning to each other as they wait to their respond. Then all aim theie rifles at Nelson which shocked him.
Nelson: (shocked) What are you doing?! You can't do this! I'm your commander!
Hardy: Not anymore. Commodore Nelson Royale you are here by under arrest for the acts of treason against the marines and the wold government. Your title and rank will be stripped and I'll be taking command of the 8th branch of the marine fleet.
Then Nelson was thrown from his chair and land hard onto the ground and both marines have large handcuffs and handcuffed Nelson who is in disbelief of this.
John: Well that's over right?
Suddenly there was a massive shake which cost all ships to shake and felt like they are slowly going down. Soon the ship stops shaking and they wonder what was that.
John and Y/h look out and they are shocked to see a large land is revealed. Moments later dragons begin to come out of their hiding spots as well as eggs thought to be stones begin to hatch revealing to be baby dragons as everyone is shocked to see dragons returning to the safe.
John: (surprised) I don't believe it! It's a colony filled with dragons!
Y/n: Yeah. Welcome home........Ryu.
To be continued...............................................................
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