S2E8: Dragon Island (Arc 5)
(Intro ends)
Everyone stare at Y/n with confusing after he said that which Usopp spoke up.
Usopp: I don't follow. Your saying the ceiling above us is a map and this isn't Ryu's real home?
Y/n: Indeed but I'll allow our map expert to explain.
He turn to Nami and node to her which she node back and looks up and immediately she sees what Y/n is saying.
Nami: Yeah he's right! This isn't dragons island. See that building with a dorm roof? That's where we are.
Zoro: Huh your right.
Luffy: Okay so?
Nami: Bokuden told us there was once people who used to live on an island who worships dragons. Noticed the buildings that we walked by. They shape like dragons.
Nojiko: Hey that's true. They are shaped like dragons meaning this must be where they lived.
Nami: Not only that but this must be where Apis ancestor lived.
Apis: My ancestors use to live here.
Sanji: Your really smart Nami~!
Zoro: But there is one problem. If this isn't Ryu's room then where is it?
Nojiko: Hey see the dragons. They're heading to another island.
They look back up and see drawings of the dragons heading towards an island that looks very familiar.
Apis: (shocked) Isn't that Warship island?!
Y/n: That's right. All this time we have been looking for Ryu's home yet it turns out the island you found Ryu was indeed Ryu's home.
Apis: Ryu is this true?
Ryu stares at Apis, telling her that maybe as Usopp says.
Usopp: So that means we have to go back to Warship island?! Marines could be there.
Y/n: And set up a blockade incase we come back. We need to get to the ship, regroup with John and his crew and-
Then he stop mid sentence and immediately pulls out hid grenade launcher, turn to one of the windows and fire a grenade which immediately was cut in half and blown up.
Eric is seen standing on a window as he leap down and land on the ground. Apis and Daisy get behind the Strawhats as Eric goes on to say.
Eric: So Warship island is inside the dragons nest. All along we have been searching for it and yet it was on Warship island all along. (Smirk) This is perfect, once we find them all...they will be ours.
Apis: You won't harm them!
Y/n: You can't do that. If those dragon are still alive and if you disturb them, imagine the chaos they can do. Lives will be lost.
Eric: (smirk) What? Dragons like that one? Do you honestly think they can stand against us? They are stupid beasts.
Y/n: I rather watch those words if I were you.
Eric: Or what? It's gonna eat me?
Y/n: No. But this will.
He fire another grenade launcher which Eric immediately slice but suddenly he was cover with smoke once it exploded. Y/n inserts his real grenades as he ask it at the wall and blows open a wall.
Y/n: Marines might be outside! Zoro take care of Eric while I take care of the marines. The rest will get ready to ride yourselves and Ryu back to the ship.
Usopp: Aw man I hate this.
Y/n: Do it now!
We cut tothe Marines outside as they cover themselves from the wall that just blown up. Before they can enter Y/n leaps out and fire his twin Pistols and take a few down.
The marines move back and try to charge him but he quickly tosses them away and proceed to take on the marines as he shoot down the marines and beats them up.
After he clear the way the rest apart of Zoro zooms out of the temple and down the hill as Y/n turns to the hole as he was about to rush over to help Zoro when suddenly he gets shot from behind.
He turn to see Hardy aiming his rifle at him as the two men stare at each other.
Hardy: Your not going anywhere pirate scum.
Y/n: You don't have to do this. Turn back now and leave Ryu alone.
Hardy: Not a chance! I have orders to follow and your in our way!
He fire his rifle which he dodges as Y/n rushes over and tackle him. The two roll down the hill together crashing into branches and other things until they land hard onto the ground.
They get separated from their weapons as Hardy turn to his rifle and was about to reach over when Y/n kicks Hardy away in the stomach and he kicks his rifle away as he turn back to Hardy.
Y/n: Stay down.
Hardy ignores him and quickly gets up as he goes to punch him but he dodges his blow and he punches him back. Hardy stumble away and felt his nose his bleeding.
Seeing this he charge towards Y/n and the two have a brawl as the two men fought and strike blows at each other as they block each of their attacks as they try to land blows at each other.
Y/n kicks him back whichmadd Hardy stumble back as the two stare at each other as Y/n tells Hardy.
Y/n: You seriously following orders to a corrupt commander? Look at yourself! Your acting more like a pirate than a marine!
Hardy: Your the once that are pirates here!
Hardy goes for a punch but Y/h grabs his arm and throws him down to the ground. He then grab his arm threating to snap it as he barks at Hardy.
Y/n: W maybe pirates but we're not selfish! We're here to get Ryu home! Would pirates ever do such a thing?!
Hardy: Lier!
Hardy pulled out his pistol and fire a shot that goes through Y/n's head which he stumble back. His hat land on the ground with a hole at the top as Hardy gets up and to his shock he sees his head wide open but still alive as he picks up his hat and puts it back on while his head gets healed.
Y/n: If we really are lying then how come we didn't kill him or sold Ryu. That dragon has every right to be taking home because that's what it wants. And what about Apis Huh? She is a child and your arrested a child for nothing!
Hardy: Shut it!
He tackle Y/n once more but Y/n stood his ground as he goes on to say.
Y/n: Your branch just arrested a child for no reason! The reason why she come to you is because she wanted help but yet you arrested her! WHAT KIND OF MARINES WOULD ARREST A CHILD!
He then tosses Hardy off the hill as he roll down the hill and then slammed against a wall. The impact cost a wall behind him to collapse as Hardy shakes it off and looks up to see the wall falling apart and was about to crush him to death.
Suddenly Y/n grab him and pulled him away as the wall collapse as Hardy lays on the grass seeing that he could've died as he turn to Y/n. He is even more surprised that a pirate especially the most dangerous one saves his life.
Hardy: (surprised) You saved me.....why?
Y/n: To proof to you that not all pirates are cruel, not to mention how your branch is corrupt and your either blind or stupid to not see it.
He then begins to walk away, picking up his twin Pistols as Hardy sees his rifle and quickly grabs it, gets up and point his rifle at Y/n.
Hardy: Still you and your crew is in our way! Ryu belongs to us!
Y/n:.......Is he? On whose order?
Hardy: Under Nelson Royale.
Y/n: No. On WHOSE order?
Hardy became silent as the two stood there without a word until Y/n tells him.
Y/n: That's right. The world government didn't order your branch to go after Ryu, the government didn't order your branch to go after Ryu and the admirals didn't order your branch to go after Ryu. No one did. Nelson basically hijacked you and your men, treat you like trash, force you and your men to raid villages for food or any riches and force you and your men to do unspeakable things like a pirate. Face it....your branch is acting like the same people you see me and my crew right now. Your no different but other pirates who seek power and selfish desires. That's what you and your branch are.
Hardy's hand begins to shake as Y/n gets closer and closer until the barrel was at his chest as he glare at Hardy and tells him.
Y/n: If you or your men wanted to make things right then stand up for yourself. Proof me wrong that your branch are not pirates but proud marines who join the marines to fight for order and justice. Make the right decision Hardy...if not.....then you may already lost your sense of honour as a marine.
Then Hardy lower his rifle. Seeing this Y/n leaves him be as Hardy stood there alone now as he now realise that he is right. All he has ever done is following orders to a corrupt commander.
He then hear his marine forces calling for him so he rejoins them while Y/n was the last one to enter the going Merry as Zoro was already there and they leave the island.
As soon they came out of the mirror like dorm they see John's ship as they just funish clearing a path for them to leave as they soon leave the area as John called over to Y/n.
John: Hey was that Ryu's home!?
Y/n: No but we know where his nestis now!
John: Where!?
Y/n: Warship island! I'll explain sometime but now we need to be ready! There could be a blockade.
John: Right!
They keep sailing through the ocean as under Y/n's orders everyone gets ready for a fight ahead of them. After hours of sailing they arrived back at Warwick island and in front of them was indeed a blockade with the entire Branch 8th in front while a massive ship is seen behind it.
Luffy: What's that big one?
Y/n: That's Branch 8th's flag ship. That's where Nelson is at.
We then cut to Nelson's flag ship where we see him looking out as he sees the two pirate ships as he let's out a large smirk.
Nelson: (smirk) I knew they will come back. Now we have them right in their sites.
Soon more ships appear behind and soon all ships drop down three chains to completely block them and now they are trapped.
Lady Marian: They trapped us!
Usopp: (panic) We're gonna die!
Jeremy: Look!
They turn back to Branch 8th's flag ship and to their shock they see them pulling out a massive cannon and have it animated directly at them.
Usopp: (scared) Yep......we're gonna die.
To be continued...........................................................
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