S2E7: Dragon Island (Arc 4)
(End intro)
We find both ships sailing through the open seas on the search to find Ryu's home. Ryu is seen laying on a raft being pulled by the going Merry as we see Nami with John and Lady Marian as Nami explain to the two.
Nami: According to what Apis told us we need to find an island called Lost island but the problem being there is no island everywhere.
Lady Marian: No wonder it is called lost island.
John: Yeah but we'll find a way to get there. Maybe Ryu knows where it is.
John make his way to the back of the ship and once there he sees Apis talking to Ryu and how they will bring him home and making him happy. John smiled seeing her kindness towards the mythical and elder dragon as he approaches her and ask her.
John: How is he doing?
Apis: (smile) He's doing alright so far.
John: (smile) That's good to hear. So does he know where Lost island maybe?
Apis: Sorry but he doesn't remember. It has been years and things have changed.
John: Figures. Well don't worry, we'll find a way and we won't give up trying.
Apis: (smile) Yeah. Hey where is Y/n?
John: I think he told me he and Daisy is taking a shower together.
Apis: (smile) Maybe I can get a shower.
John: (light chuckle) Can't blame you kid.
The two laugh a bit as we then cut to Y/n and Daisy taking a shower together as Y/n kneel down and scrubbing Daisy. Daisy really enjoys it as it feels relaxing and nice and soon Y/n is done.
Y/n: There you go. Now to dry you up and you'll be all clean.
Daisy node while Y/n cleans himself as he washes his body when he felt like someone is behind him. He turn to see Nojiko who is naked as she ask.
Nojiko: (smirk) Mind I join?
Y/n: Be my guest. The woman's showers not working?
Nojiko: (giggle) No I wanna join you in the shower. Have to say....your steaming hot now.
Y/n: I can say the same to you.
Nojiko let's out a small giggle as she came over and pinned Y/n against the wall and the two begin to make out. They let out some moans as they kissed while Daisy decided to wait outside as she hops away and leaves them to do their business.
They continue making out with Y/n wrapping around her and grabbing her butt which made her moan.
Nojiko: (moans) Oh Y/n, what a strong grip.
Y/n: (smirk) Only because you made me do that. Can't help it how hot you are including Nami.
Nojiko: (giggle) True.
They go back to making out as they clash their tongues together as Nojiko press her breast harder to Y/n's chest as they keep going as Nojiko lap up and wrap her legs around Y/n's waist and they are really going at it.
Their sexual hormones got the better of them as they are making out wnd letting out some moans as Nojiko wrapping her arms around him, feeling his incredibly hot body as they kept going for sometime when they heard some noises coming from outside.
They stop after they heard the noise.
Nojiko: Wonder what's going on up there?
Y/n: Maybe Luffy did something stupid.
Nojiko: Maybe.
The the two look at each other and Y/n put Nojiko down as she tell him.
Nojiko: (smirk) Well you might as well check it out while I take my shower.
Y/n: You telling me what to do?
Nojiko: (giggle) Maybe~.
Then the two kissed and once that he leaves her be while he drys up Daisy and head up to the surface to see what is going on.
Once upon there he make his way to the back of the ship where Sanji is holding an empty pot with Zoro, John, Nami, Luffy and Apis at the back.
Y/n: What's going on?
Sanji: What do you think? Luffy try to carry our lunch when he got burned and tosses it onto Ryu's head.
Y/n: Is he okay?
John: Yeah we cleaned him up and he's okay.
Luffy: Sorry I'm just so hungry.
Sanji: Well now I have to make another one.
Apis: He knows.
They all turn to Apis who was looking at Ryu this whole time and with her whisper devil fruit ability she can understand what Ryu is saying.
John: What?
Apis: (smile) Grandpa Ryu knows where Lost island is!
Luffy: (smile) That's great!
Y/n: In that case take us to Lost island.
She nodes as she guide the crew to the island. Hours gone by and we see everyone doing their own thing. Usopp is seen standing on the watch tower and when he look behind them he immediately called out.
Usopp: Everyone! We got company behind us!
They look behind them and they see the 8th branch marine fleet tailing behind them.
Aishela: (smirk) Finally some action!
Y/n: Everyone be ready for incoming cannon attack! Luffy as soon those cannon balls are coming towards us, launch them right back
Luffy: On it.
Y/n: Nami and Apis will guide us the way. Everyone battle stations!
They all get ready as hey look at the marine ships and they were ready for anything. However what they didn't realise there is another two ships coming towards them and only Usopp turn and noticed.
Usopp: Guys! There are two ships coming this way!
Nami: (shocking) What?! How is that possible?
Jeremy: More marines?
Hans: Not like them to have two ships in front of us.
Y/n: Wait a minute.
When the two ships get closer they are shocked to see.....their own ships. They stood there shocked as the two ships get close and then instead of crashing to each other, the ships go through what seems like a portal as they pass through it.
We cut to the marines as they stood there in shock as they see both pirate ships vanishing in front of their eyes. Eric and Hardy are shocked by this as Eric turns to Hardy and bark at him.
Eric: Have your men ready. We're going after them.
Hardy: Yes sir.
Eric walks off while Hardy stared at where the two ships vanished into and goes off to gather his men and goes with Eric.
The two pirates sees an island up ahead of them and they are heading towards the island.
Nojiko: (shocked) What in the world of the seas was that?!
Y/n: Not sure. Never seen anything like that in my life.
Sanji: Well the closer to the Grand Line the weirder it gets.
John: No kidding. This must be the place right?
Apis: This must be it.
Y/n: Well let's see what we can find.
They soon make dock as the Strawhats leap out of their ship however John and his crew leap onto their ship as John explain.
John: There's a possibility thise marines will block our escape. We'll take on the marine fleet while you guys investigate this island.
Y/n: Right. Be safe John.
John: (smile) You too gunslinger.
And so they sail away and disappeared to battle the marine ships and now it was just the Strawhats.
Apis: You think they'll be okay?
Y/n: I know John and I can tell you no one takes him down. Including his crew.
Zoro: Guess we're on our own.
Y/n: Yeah. Zoro, Sanji help me get Ryu onto surface. He's coming with us.
Sanji: Why should i follow what you said?
Nami: (smile) Sanji please help out Zoro and Y/n for me~?
Sanji: (smile) Yes of course Nami~!
Y/n and Zoro: (thought) Poor Sanji.
Once Ryu's cart is on land they begin pulling him up the hill as they begin to investigate the island. It wasn't long until they come across a ruined town as they look around seeing everything empty as homes and other structures falled apart.
Nojiko: Well seems like no one isn't home.
Usopp: (scared) I have a sense of the creeps here, don't you guys?
They keep walking as they pass through the ruined town and keeps going. They follow the trail all the way up on top of the hill where a temple is there. Its just like the other buildings but it hasn't completely fallen apart yet.
They stood at the entrance as they see symbols that looked like Ryu meaning this must be it.
Y/n: Apis?
Apis turn to Ryu and then she said.
Apis: It's familiar to him but he isn't sure.
Luffy: Maybe we go inside and find out.
Luffy step foward and suddenly there was aslight nose and immediately the floor behind them falls apart and they all begin to fall. They all scream apart of Y/n as he quickly grabs Daisy and Apis as he pulled out his knife and stabbed the walls to slow his fall.
Y/n: Luffy! Blow up like a balloon!
Luffy quickly did so as he blow and soon he was like a balloon. As soon he hits the ground the rest softly landed on Luffy and bounce off and land on the ground.
While Y/n leaps down and landed his fall while safely places Apis and Daisy down as he ask the two.
Y/n: You two okay?
Apis: (smile) That was awesome earlier! Thank you so much!
Daisy thinks the same as she cheerfully honks which he node and he turn to everyone to see that everyone is okay as they get up. Luffy shrinks back to normal and once everyone is okay they look around to see the walls is covered with writing that seem to be ancient.
Sanji: Well this is surely great.
Zoro: What is this place?
Nojiko: Not sure but whatever this place is must hold something important.
Usopp: Like what?
Y/n then looks up and he find something that seems interesting.
Y/n: Maybe we should look up.
They all turn to Y/n and they all look up and they sees drawings on the ceiling above them with drawings od dragons and other things.
Luffy: What is that?
Y/n: I believe that's is a map.
Sanji: To where?
He then begins to look around and then he noticed something as he walks over to another drawing that was on the ground like it came off of somewhere as he looks at it and then looks up at the map above them as he then said.
Y/n: To Ryu's real home.
Outside we see Eeic, Hardy and his men arriving onto the island as they step onto the island and look around only to see nothing but the Strawhats ship and the tracks left behind that will lead them to where they have taking Ryu.
Eric: Follow me men.
They all did as Hardy tags along but he had a sudden senses of guilt all of a sudden. Y/n's words is still stuck within his mind and he can't help how ashamed he is. But he must obey orders otherwise he and his men will answer to Nelson if they fail this mission.
To be continued....................................................
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