S2E6: Dragon Island (Arc 3)


(End intro)

We see a group of marines within small boats making their way to Warship island and once they are docked they form up at shore and gets into position while the people in Warship island hide themselves in homes and hope they will not cost trouble.

We then see Lieutenant Commander Hardy in front of his men as he looks around at the village and then he turn to his men.

Hardy: Listen up men! Our orders is to find the little girl and capture her. We need this girl alive so do not use lethal force. Go door to door and find her, question people if you have to.

Marine 1: Sir look!

Hardy turn and sees Y/n approaching them. They all aim their rifles at him which he stop and he raises his hand.

Y/n: I'm here to speak with the commander.

Hardy looks at him and then walks over towards him and once close he ask.

Hardy: Are you in charge of thid village.

Y/n: No. Simply a guest here. However I want you and your marines to leave this island at once.

Hardy: We have our orders to bring a little girl for crimes against the marines.

Y/n: What crimes will that be? She's just a little girl? How does a singal child commit a crime?

Hardy: That's none of your business.

Y/n: It is. You know I was just like you when I was apart of the marines. Following orders and obeying them but the difference being I know when to stand up when orders that involves arresting or killing innocent people. However you obey them without any question.

Hardy: All good marines must follow orders.

Y/n: Even by means arresting a innocent children?

The two of them look at each other for sometime and then ask.

Hardy: She's here isn't she?


Hardy: If you will not move then I have no choice but to place you under arrest.

Y/n: Sorry but we won't allow that.

Hardy: We?

Suddenly John's pirate crew ambush the marines from behind which cost Hardy to quickly turn and see it was a trap.

He turn back to Y/n and was about to draw out his pistol but he grab his arm where he is holding his pistol and kneel him in the stomach.

He drops to the ground as Y/n look down at him and at first Hardy thinks he's going to kill him but he simply tell him.

Y/n: A true marine will know what is right and wrong, especially someone who is command like yourself. You dishonour what it truly means to be a marine.

He leaves Hardy be and help out John's crew mates as Aishela rams hee shield at a few marines and swings her mace at them and sending them flying as she laughs.

Aishela: (smirk) You all a soo weak! Come on, give me a real challenge you pigs!

She slammed her mace to the ground that cost a explosion that sent a few marines flying. Selvaria and Zhen cut down  a few marines and clash theie strikes. The two were back to back as Zhen and Selvaria block each marines attacks and pushes them back.

Selvaria: You marines are dishonourable warriors. Arresting the weak and the innocent sickness me to believe there is people like youse that kidnapped a child!

Selvaria quickly blocks snd cuts down many marines while Zhen use two of her blades to block two swords and cut them down.

Then she pulled out her third sword and stick it to her mouth like Zoro and then she cuts down all marines in sight. Then couple of marines get shot by Y/n as he charges in with his rifle as he runs over and pop some heads as he runs up to Lady Marian as he draws out his twin Pistols and two begins shooting the marines.

Lady Marian: We need to get to our ships!

Y/n: Right. You take Zhen, Selvaria and Zhen and get your ships while me, Jeremy and Hans will get ours.

Lady Marian: What about Aishela?

Then they hear a scream of a marine as the two turn and see Aishela laughing and fighting more and more marines.

Y/n: I think she's okay.

Lady Marian: Yeah I didn't know why I ask. Wait, where ie John and your crew?

Y/n: We'll meet them at the back of the island.

Lady Marian: Why?

Y/n: Long story but let's just say.....we found Granpa Ryu.


We see the Strawhats within a cave with John and Apis and when they introduce Ryu to them they are in total shock Ryu is a dragon as their jaws were dropped seeing ryu.

Nojiko: (shocked) So you get to tell me that Ryu is not a human but rather a dragon?!

Zoro: And here I thought we seen enough strange things.

Luffy walks over to Ryu and kneel down in front of him.

Luffy: So your Grandpa Ryu Huh.

Ryu just stared Luffy and then bites his head while Nami and Usopp quickly rush over and pulled Luffy out.

Apis: I'm sorry about that. He sometimes thinks some people are food so best to keep it away from him.

Zoro: Well we got a big problem how are we suppose to get Ryu out of here? Our ships can't fit him.

John: Don't worry me and Y/n had a plan. Zoro your good with cutting right? Cut down some trees. Usopp your good with crafting so craft us a big boat for Ryu. Come on guys! Let's take Ryu home.


We see Y/n, Jeremy and Hans at the going Merry and taking out the marines on board while Lady Marian and her team clear their ship from marines. Once the ship is clear they get moving as we see Aishela taking on the marines as Y/n called out to her.

Y/n: Aishela we're leaving now! Get on!

Aishela: Aaawwa can I stay out here more just a bit?

Lady Marian: Do what he said!

Aishela: Fine. Besides those marines are weak. They don't give me a challenge.

???: Perhaps I'll give you a challenge.

Aishela turns only to suddenly to be slashed by a invisible force as blood slatted and she stumble backwards and collapse onto the ground.

Lady Marian: Aishela!

Y/n leaps off the going Merry and came up to her to check on her wounds. He turn to see a man with thin sunglasses with long sharp nails.

Eric: My name is Eric, I am a mercenary sent by Nelson to capture Apis. If you know where she ie then you will tell me.

Aishela: Like hell we will! (Getting up)

Y/n: No don't! He's a devil fruit user.

Eric: Smart gunslinger. Its called the Kama Kama no Mi fruit. With it I can create slicing air blades that can cut through anything. You'll be best to tell me where Apis is or I'll end you both.

Y/n: Marian, Jeremy get the ships out of here and meet Luffy and the rest at the back of the island!

They agree and they were about to sail as Y/n lifted Aishela up.

Y/n: You have to go as well.

Aishela: Hell no. This is a challenge I've been waiting for.

Y/n: But you'll die.

Aishela: (smirk) Maybe but I'll die as a badass warrior. Don't try to stop me.....because I'm staying.

Y/n respected her bravery and stood next to her as he draws out his Pistols as Eric smirks.

Eric: (smirk) So you both wish to die? So be it.

He swing his arms and firing air blades which the two dodges and then rush toward him. Aishela came up first and swing her mace but Eric dodges but gets kicked by Y/n. Eric slide backwards and quickly he dodges his bullet as he open fire at him.

Eric kept dodging and then Aishela slammed him with her shield and then turn 360 and lands a hit with her mace as the impact sent Eric flying but in mid aid he swing his arm at Aishela but Y/n move her away and Y/n gets cut in half.

Eric lands on his feet as his top body is separated frok his bottom as Eric smirks but in total shock he still lives and have no sense of pain as he gets up being using his hands.

He then leaps up and reattached his bottom body.

Eric: So you too are a devil user.

Y/n: Yeah and your dead.

He quickly draw out his pistol only for Eric to slice off his arm off while Aishela gets a chance and strike him in the stomach with her kneel and then turn and slapped him with her shield and lastly she kicked him.

Eric gets mad as Y/n reattached his arm as he walk up next to Aishela and the two continue their fight against Eric.


The two ships arrive at the back of the island and they are waiting for John and the Strawhats when Zhen points something for Lady Marian which she walks over and sees something riding down the mountain.

Lady Marian: What on earth is?

She then hears screams and seconds later a large cart was launched up into the air when they get to the bottom and then splashes into the water near the two ships.

John: We're here!

Lady Marian and the rest are shocked to see a dragon on a cart with John, Apis and the Strawhats. Lady Marian didn't waste any time and tosses a rope and Usopp and Sanji tie up the now raft at the back of the going Merry.

Sanji: That's done. We should get out of here.

John: Wait? Where is Y/n and Aishela?

Lady Marian: Fighting off the marines and a mercenary.

John: I see. I'll be right back.

He open a shadow portal and he sink through while we cut back to Y/n and Aishela fighting Eric ad they managed to push Eric back.

The two were about to continue when John appear behind them and tells them.

John: We got Ryu, let's go.

Y/n: Understood.

He grabs the two and they sink into the shadow portal. Eric tries to stop them but they were gone which angers Eric. Hardy sees this and calls his troops to return to the ships and chase after the pirates.

They did so however Hardy can't help but be reminded to what Y/n told him and it stuck him as he look down for a moment and then joins the others back to the ship.


Nami and Nojiko hugged Y/n seeing him back on the ship  which made Sanji jealous while Aishela gets patched up by Hans.

Aishela: (smirk) Man that was the best battle ever.

Hans: Even though you nearly got yourself killed.

Aishela: (smirk) Yep.

We see Y/n checking on Apis, Daisy and Ryu at the raft as he gets onto the raft and ask.

Y/n: You two okay?

Apis: (smile) Yep we're okay all thanks to you all.

Y/n: (smile) It's bo problem.

He turns to see Daisy nuzzling with Ryu which Apis and Y/n sees that Daisy likes Ryu now.

Apis: (smile) So what now?

Y/n turn to Luffy on the Going Merry as he node to Luffy while Luffy nodes and tells everyone.

Luffy: Alright everyone! Let's take Grandpa Ryu home!

To be continued.............................................

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