S2E5: Dragon Island (Arc 2)


(Intro ends)

We see both ships sailing through the sea with both Luffy's crew and John's crew having a relaxing time and getting to know each other apart of Zhen who seem to be far away from the group especially Zoro as Zoro noticed her before she walked away.

We then see Y/n talking to both John and Lady Marian on the second floor as Y/n tells the two about Apis and the her back story.

Lady Marian: The Millennial dragon? I thought they are just myths and legends.

Y/n: According to Apis her grandpa told her that they are real and the reason why the marines arrested her so they can gain immortality by finding that dragon.

John: That would explain why she was out there in the middle of the ocean.

Lady Marian: Still I really don't like the marine fleet you told us. The 8th Branch. I feel sorry to those fuckers who are assigned to that fleet.

Y/n: Same here. She's endanger and we can't allow those marines get to her.

John: And we won't. If they want her then they have to get pass us.

Y/n: Right.

Suddenly there was a boom coming from inside John's ship as they all turn to the door as the door open and Apis stumbled out with smoke coming out of it.

Y/n: Apis you okay!?

Apis: (shakes her head) Yeah I'm good! Hey lunch is ready!

Luffy: (smile) Awesome let's dig in!

Y/n, John and Lady Marian share a look at each other and once they all are inside and sat down, they see what looks like a burned, mud of food as they stared at it for a moment while Apis stood in front of the table and ask.

Apis: (smile) Well dig in. I made this as a way to say thank you for saving me.

Zoro: Um is this even safe?

Usopp: Yeah thi might kill me.

Y/n: (eats the food) This ain't that bad. Spicy but good.

They look over see Y/n and Luffy enjoying the food so they give it a try and have a taste. Immortality their faces turn red and their suddenly breath out fire through their mouth.

Apis: Wait it can't be that bad right?

She gives it a taste and it was really spicy for her.

Apis: Aaaahhh!!! Too Spicy!

Aishela: (smile) Ha Ha Ha! Now that's I like a meal!

Nojiko: You like this?

Aishela: (smirk) Of course. Anything that hurts me makes me stronger!

Sanji: Well I think Apis did a good job making this meal so anyone who wasted their food gets a kick in. (Smile) As for the ladies I can make you something better.

Some guys just glare at Sanji while Y/n, Luffy and Aishela keep eating while Daisy gets carrots which made Usopp jealous.

Usopp: Lucky you can eat carrots.

Aishela: Hey long nose, you going to eat that?

(Short while later)

Once everyone is feed Apis explains her home island which we see them outside at the deck as Nami place down the map.

Nami: You said your from Warship island right?

Apis: Yeah that's right.

Nami: Well surprisingly enough that's near the Grand line.

Jeremy: So I suppose we going to drop her off.

Nami: Looks like it.

Apis: I'm sorry about this sudden change you all.

John: (smile) There's no worry Apis. Besides if we were not goof pirates we just go the Grand Line with you right?

Apis: (smile) Your right. Thank you for doing this for me.

Selvaria: It's no problem. Listen up people! We are bringing this little girl back home! Any complains will answer to me, is that clear!

Sanji: (smile) You got it~!

Usopp: Jeez she acts like a drill Sargent then a pirate.

Nojiko: (smirk) You scared of her?


Nojiko let's out a small giggle but then noticed something as she looks around which Nami noticed her sister looking around so she ask.

Nami: Is something wrong?

Nojiko: Do you all feel anything?

They all stood there and look around and after a while there was nothing.

Hans: No I don't feel anything.

Nojiko: Exactly. There is no wind blowing on us.

John looks up both Sails on both ships that is connected by ropes and noticed that the sails are not moving.

John: Odd, the sails aren't moving.

Nami: How can that be unless......(scared)......Oh no.

Y/n: What is it?

Usopp: (nervous) I don't like the sound of that.

Nami: (scared) I know why. We're at the calm belt.

Y/n: (shocked) What?!

Usopp: Oh no!.......Wait? Calm belt? What's that?

Luffy: Yeah that doesn't sound that bad.

Nami: It is you idiots! The calm belt is an area where wind doesn't blow here! They are split up into four sections, all of which border on the Four blues and the grand line!

Zoro: Okay but what's the problem with that?

John: The problem being is that without wind our ships can't move.

Nami: Yeah but there's worse.

Luffy: How so?

Suddenly both ships moved suddenly which Hans rushes over and looks out only to see something large moving below them.

Nami: This area is where one of the most dangerous sea monsters be.

Zoro: How many are we talking about?

Suddenly there was a massive splash and they all turn and all around them sea monsters came raising from the ocean as they stare up at them while the sea monsters stared down at them.

Nami: (scared) All of them.

Aishela: (smirk) I've been waiting for this moment in my whole life. (Pulls out her sword) LET'S KILL THEM ALL!!

Y/n: No there's too many of them! John!

John: On it!

He place his hand onto the floor and suddenly a large black portal appear and begins to stunk both ships through. One of the sea monster dives down and try to make its first attack but it was too late as they gone through and once the portal closes the sea monster splashes into the ocean. It came out and look around in confusion as they just disappeared.


A black portal appeared out side od the calm belt and both ships came out. Everyone looked around in shock as John slowly gets up and shake his head.

John: Opening a large portal for both ships gives me an headache.

Luffy: (amazed) Wow that was cool! Was that your shadow devil fruit ability!?

John: Yeah. Pretty useful to get out of situations like that.

Y/n: Good now where are we?

Apis: We're here!

They all turn to Apis and Daisy at the front of John's ship as they walk up at front and they see a large island with the mountain shape like the sails of the warship.

Luffy: (smile) We're here!

Y/n: Yeah. Your home.

They soon dock their ship at a village and as soon they came out they were faced by the village people with pitchforks and other melee weapons. They were ready to fight them when Apis came up and explain.

Apis: Wait! They saved me and took me here! They are good pirates!

They are surprised and confused as they look at each other and then John takes over.

John: (smile) I know all of you heard pirates being bad, but can this be bad?

He snap his finger and Hans and Zhen throws chests of treasure in front of the village people as they see this in surprise especially Nami which Nojiko pinch her ear to make sure she will not steal them.

John: (smile) So.......are we bad pirates?

They immediately gain trust to the village people as they lower their weapons and welcome them in.

Y/n: Impressive.

John: (smirk) Well rich people are right at one thing. Money does solve anything but for the right reasons.

Y/n: True.

???: Apis.

They all turn to see an old man which Apis rushed over and hug him as Y/n approaches him.

Y/n: So you must be Grandpa Ryu?

Bokuden: Oh no you're mistaken, my name is Bokuden. I'm her Grandfather. I wish to thank you for bringing my Granddaughter back home.

Y/n: It's no problem. It's the least we can do.

Bokuden: Please follow me and let me offer you all some tea.

Luffy: And food!?

Bokuden: (smile) Of course. Come this way.

They follow Bokuden and once there they all enjoy some tea while Luffy is impatient for the food taking forever so Bokuden begins to tell his very long story. They all listened for a while but soon Y/n leaves to get some air with Daisy as the two look at the village.

Y/n: It's odd. If Bokuden isn't Ryu then who is?

Daisy isn't sure but then noticed something which Y/n turn and sees Apis entering the forest. He decided to follow her ashe follow her through the forest and climbing a mountain that seems like Apis knows of which impress him. Soon Apis enters a cave which Y/n and Daisy are curious so they went in.

They walk through the tunnel and can hear Apis talking to someone which must be Ryu. He suspected Ryu to be a really old man but when he turn a corner he and Daisy are stunned to see. They stared at a massive bird like creature with green feathers at top while white feathers at the bottom with a long white beard and have a large lump on his head.

Apis then turn and noticed Y/n and Daisy as he ask.

Y/n: Is he Ryu?

Apis: Yeah. Surprised?

Y/n: Very much. I never see anything like this I'm my life.

Y/n approaches Ryu and kneel down in front of him. Ryu soon open his eyes and stared at him as the two stared at each other as Apis says.

Apis: He says hello.

Y/n: What?

Apis: (smile) Ryu says hello to you.

Y/n: How can you understand what he is saying?

Apis: Not sure. I figure I always have this ability to understand animals. That's how I found Ryu.

Y/n:.....I think I know. Do you know of Devil fruit?

Apis: Not really. I meani heard Luffy said it but what is it?

Y/n: It's a type of fruit that once eaten by a person, it gives the user special powers. John can create shadow like portals, Luffy can stretch his arms and my body can regenerate from any explosions or wounds and immune to any sickness or viruses. You must have eaten a devil fruit that allows you to understand what animals are saying.

Apis: Really?

Y/n: Yeah. But back to the point, have you been taking care of him?

Apis: Yeah. He's really kind and I like his company. However.

Y/n: What?

Apis: He misses his home.

Y/n: Where does he live?

Apis: He's not sure. It's been years and everything has change. He doesn't remember but he really wants to go home.

Y/n turn back to Ryu. Although he couldn't understand him he does understand what he is feeling. He feels alone just like he has before he join the Strawhats. He knows the pain of being alone as he places his hand onto his nose.

Y/n: We're get him home.

Apis: What?

Y/n: If he wishes to go home then so be it. We'll take him home.

Apis: (surprised) Really?! You will!?

Y/n: Of course.

Apis: (smile) Thank you so much!

She then hugged Y/n which surprised him but he hugged her back while Daisy joins in. Ryu then licks the two of them which made Apis laugh.

Apis: (smile) He says Thank you.

Y/n: No problem Ryu.

John: Well this is touching.

They jumped and turn to see John as Y/n ask.

Y/n: How long have you been standing here?

John: Long enough to understand our new job but we have a problem.

Y/n: What kind?

He show them as the four of them exit out of the cave and they look at a open view of the village and the ocean but a the distance they see three ships belonging to the 8th Branch of the marines as Y/n says.

Y/n: I see.

Apis: What should we do!?

Y/n: I know we should do. (Draws out pistol) We'll give them a fight they'll never forget.

To be continued...........................................................

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