S2E3: Escape Loguetown
(End intro)
In the middle of Loguetown where Roger's death platform was at we see both Luffy and Y/n battling Buggy and Alvida along with Buggy's pirates.
Luffy stretches out his fist and punches a six of Buggy's pirates and quickly stretched out his leg backwards and kick five pirates away. More of Buggy's pirates charges him with swords but Luffy just smirked ad he spin his waist around and immediately punch all of Buggy's pirates as this cost them to be sent flying in all different directions.
Buggy is mad seeing that as we cut to a pirate raising his sword and clash into Y/n's chainsaw sword. His chainsaw started up and it break the pirates sword in half.
This shocked the pirate but he was grabbed and thrown towards othe pirates. Then many begin to shoot him from behind as bullets goes through Y/n but he just turn and rushes towards him.
They keep firing at him but this doesn't stop him as he pulled out a grande and throws it into the air and landed at the middle of the crowd of pirates.
Then there was a explosion that sent all the pirates flying and then Y/n quickly draws out his twin Pistols and open his arms to each direction and begins to fire at the pirates. He quickly moves around while first his twin Pistols as he shoot the pirates heads with perfect aim and accuracy.
Then two pirates with axes charges towards him and swing theue axe at him but he dodges the first and then catches the other as he kicks the other pirates leg, breaking it which cost him to fell as he throws the axe he was holding to the left and quickly slice the pirates throat as he collapses onto thr ground.
Y/n walks up to the other pirate and shoots him in the head. He dodge a incoming mace by Alvida as he fire his twin Pistols but she blocks the bullets with her mace and smack the twin Pistols away from him and goes to swing at him but he quickly pulled out his chainsaw sword and blocks her attack.
Alvida: (smirk) I cannot wait to have you. Your going to be mine.
Y/n: That's not gonna happen.
Immediately he grabs her mace and throws her into the fountain behind him and quickly fire at one of the pirates bombs that goes off and all sent all the pirates flying.
He turn to see Buggy about to stab Luffy so he quickly grabs the axe off the ground and throws it at Buggy. Buggy noticed and immediately slip himself in half to dodge it. He breaths a sigh of relief but immediately gets kicked in the face as Y/n jump kicks him.
His red nose even made a honking noise as Buggy's other half crashed into the wreckage of the platform while Luffy turn and grabs Buggy's legs and throws his legs away.
Luffy: (smile) We make a great team.
Y/n: Stay focus. We're not out of the woods yet.
Luffy: (smile) I know.
The two stand side by side as Buggy's pirates were facing them. They were about to battle when suddenly a gun fire is heard and suddenly marines came storming in and battle Buggy's pirates.
Y/n: Now its pur chance to escape, come on let's go.
Luffy: (smile) On it.
We then cut to Smoker and Tashigi as they are seen on the balcony of a cafe and watching the brawl. Smoker looks around until he spotted him.
Smoker: There!
Tashigi looks over and to her shock sees the man frok before as she couldn't believe he is wanted criminal.
Smoker: They're not getting away especially that traitor. Tashigi stay here, I'll get them.
Tashigi: Y-Yet me get them. I can-
Smoker: Follow orders Tashigi! I'll be back.
Smoker leaps off and heads off while Tashigi stays there and wonders why Smoker is so angry towards Y/n.
A storm came as rumbling thunder is heard as we see Y/n and Luffy running through town until they come across Sanji and Zoro.
Zoro: Luffy! Y/n! What happened?!
Sanji: We heard some explosions and gunfire.
Y/n: Buggy and Alvida found us and those marines know we're here.
Sanji: I don't know Buggy but Alvida sounds like a lovely name.
Zoro: Guess this means we need to get back yo the ship?
Luffy: (smile) Yeah. Find Usopp, Nojiko and Nami and let's get out of-
Suddenly a smoke hand grabs Y/n from behind and then he was lifted up. The trio watched as Y/n was throne back and then he crashed into a building. He gets up as his broken bones slowly gets healed and repaired as Y/n gets up and then he heard.
???: There you are traitor.
He looks up to see Smoker as the two stared at each other with Smoker glaring at him.
Y/n: Gonna take a wild guess and say your Smoker, correct?
Smoker: Yeah that's me and I've been waiting a long time taking you to justice traitor.
Y/n: Traitor?
Smoker: Don't play dumb! You were once a marine until he betrayed the cost and now look at you! Your a pirate killing and stealing from innocent people! Your nothing but a traitor?!
Y/n: Did you honestly think I became a pirate because I wanted to? You have no idea what the marines are like. Trust me......they are nothing what you imagine it to be.
Smoker: Enough of your lies! I look up to you as a loyal snd honourable marine when I was still new to the marines. The superiors always talked about you and how you spent your time and life of protecting the innocent and fighting pirates scum. Now seeing and apart of a pirate crew.....your nothing but scum.
The two of them glare at each other when Lufty rushes up behind him and leaps up and was about to punch him when suddenly his arm turn into smoke and the long and big smoke hand grabs Luffy and half him as Luffy struggled to escape.
Y/n: Let Luffy go!
Smoker: Not a chance traitor. You two will be taking where you both will face trail.
Y/n: Your making a big mistake here Smoker.
Smoker: Try me.
Things became intense as both Smoker and Y/n stared down at each other waiting for one of them to attack. Y/n slowly move his hand to one of his Pistols while Smoker slowly goes for his sword at his back.
Y/n already knows Smoker is a devil fruit user who can turn himself or parts of his body into smoke so shooting him will not work. He try to plan ways to safe Luffy and escape but seeing Smoker determination he thinks they will not get away from him.
Before either one of them can do any suddenly a thunder strike is shot out and hits the middle between the door ans sending Smoker and Y/n back.
Luffy was let go as Luffy gets up and so does Y/n as he sees Luffy and calls out.
Luffy nodes and runs while Y/n exits out of thebuilfing with a rifle and open fire at Smoker. He knows bullets will not work but he can distract him while Luffy gets away.
He keeps firing while Smoker wasn't phase as he charges towards him and tackles him to thr ground. Daisy rolled out of his hat as Y/n is pinned onto the ground as Smoker looks down at him and was about to grab his sword. Then just before he can draw it out a hand grabs his arm and they look to see a mysterious cloak figure who stared down at the two.
Smoker: Dragon.
Y/n: (thought) Dragon?! No. He can't be him! Why is he here?!
Smoker let's go and leaps away while Dragon turns to Smoker and to Y/n while he is getting up. Y/n looks at Dragon as Dragon gives him a node which he nodes back. He grabs Daians his dropped hat and he runs off as he disappeared from Smoker and Dragon's sights.
Soon he returns back to the going Merry with everyone om board.
Luffy: Set sail! Let's get out of here!
Usopp: Don't have to tell me twice!
Usopp takes over the ship and they sail off as they escape Loguetown before the other marines will show up and arrest them as they leave the island.
(Next day)
We find the Strawhat crew relaxing after they escape as we cut to Y/n on his bed with Daisy as he patches up Daisy's wound.
Y/n: There you go. Sorry I got you injured.
Daisy doesn't mind and purrs Y/n leg which made him smile a bit when Nami came in.
Nami: Doing okay?
Y/n: We're doing well. You and Nojiko?
Nami: (smile) Good. Say what happened at Loguetown? You look confused and shocked.
Y/n:.......Well......I actually met someone I never thought to see.
Nami: Who?
Nami: (shocked) Dragon?! You mean the leader of a rebel group called The Revolutionary Army?! Your joking right?
Y/n: No I'm serious. Dragon was there and he saved me.
Nami: That's good but why was he there?
Y/n: I have no idea. Whatever business was at Loguetown......hope he made it out there alive.
Luffy: Whose Dragon?
Nami jumped as they see Luffy poking his head as he enter and Y/n explain.
Y/n: Dragon is a leader of a Rebal Army known as The Revolutionary Army. He form this faction to fight against the corruptions of the World Governmend. They are the most dangerous group ever and Dragon has the biggest Bounty count due to how much of a threat he is. What's more interesting about him is his lack of his past. Some say he was a formor marine Admiral who betray the marines for some reason. So for him saving my life is a surprise and confusing.
Luffy: So they're good guys?
Y/n: There is no good or evil in this world. The Revolutionary Army sometimes have to do bad things for the sake of good for the world. You know before I met you all I was wondering to himself to join the Revolutionary Army but when I met you Luffy......things changed.
Luffy: (smile) Well always happy your apart of my crew.
Y/n: (small smile) Noted.
Usopp: Guys!
Then Usopp rush into the room and tells them.
Usopp: We got a pirate ship coming this way!
They rush out and get ready as a ship sail over and soon dock right next to them. Y/n recognised the ship and tells everyone.
Y/n: Stand down. I know this ship.
Zoro: Really? Ho-
???: Hey there!
They look and sees John as he looks down at them and then leaps onto their ship. John walks over to Y/n and the two shake hands.
John: (smirk) You made it out of Loguetown. Thought you never get out.
Y/n: (smile) You know I always escape.
Sanji: So whose this guy?
Y/n: This is John. John, this is my crew with Luffy my Captain.
John: (Turns to Luffy) So your Monkey D. Luffy. I figured you'll be a bit taller.
Luffy: (chuckle) I like this guy.
Nami: Huh your nothing like what the marines say. They say your serious and cold.
John: It's how I scare my enemies. You must be Nami and your step sister Nojiko.
Nojiko: (smile) That's right. It's actually a surprise to meet you.
John: (smirk) Well its nice to meet new pirates, especially when Y/n finally joins a crew. Anyways how's about I introduce you all to my crew and we can get something for lunch.
Luffy: (smile) Now your speaking my language!
Sanji: You better keep an eye on him whenever it comes to food.
John: (smile) Noted. Come on, let me introduce you all to my crew!
To be continued...............................................
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