S2E18: The island of gaints (Arc 1)
(End intro)
We see the going merry sailing through the open sees with Y/n on watch with his Sniper rifle in hand as he keeps an eye on little island all awhile Luffy, Usopp, Sanji, Zoro and Karoo were trying out Sanji's new drink.
All awhile Vivi watch then fooling around which frustrated her a bit when Nojiko came over while holding Daisy on her arms.
Nojiko: Hey Vivi, something up one your mind?
Vivi: We have been in the middle of the ocean for a few days and they are just fooling around like idiots!
Nojiko: Wow just take it easy.
Vivi: (sigh) Your right I'm sorry. I'm just worried about my kingdom that's all.
Nojiko: (smile) We'll be there soon just relax. Besides we need to stop at little garden in order to reset the lockpose.
Vivi: True.
Seeing Vivi frustration Daisy leaps over to her and Vivi quickly catch her. She made cute noises which made Vivi better as she cuddle Daisy.
Nojiko: (smirk) Daisy your true pure heart of this crew with your kindness and cuteness.
Vivi: (smile) Thank you Daisy. So what have you been doing?
Nojiko: Well I wanted to be more useful than just a simple plant farmer. So Y/n made me this pistol so I can be more useful.
She shows Vivi her own pistol then Nojiko tells her.
Nojiko: Heck you can ask Y/n if you want one?
Vivi: No thank you, not a fan of guns.
Nojiko: If you say so.
Vivi: Hey can I ask you something about Y/n?
Nojiko: Ask away?
Vivi: What do you find him that you and Nami love about him?
Nojiko: (smirk) Simple. He's hot.
Vivi: Guess I shouldn't have guest that.
Nojiko: (smirk) But he's also compassion. While most of us are selfish Y/n is the only one who is selfless. Whenever he has large amounts of berries, rather keeping it he give it to someone who really needs and walks away.
Vivi: That is true. After all he does care about Laboon so much that large bird you told me about?
Nojiko: Grandpa Ryu? Yeah. He may look scary he actually is kind and doesn't hesitated of saving others to no matter what.
Vivi: He show no hesitated to help me no matter what.
Nojiko: (smirk) Does that make you love him?
Vivi immediately blushes and before she can come up with a good response Y/n calls out for Nami which she came out and call back.
Nami: What's wrong?!
Y/n: We're here.
Everyone looks forward and sees little garden up ahead. They sail towards the island and soon they sail through a ravine in the middle of the jungle.
There were a lot of noises within the distances then Usopp spotted something that terrified him. They look out to see a gaint lion walking along shore while looking at them.
Usopp: (scared) That thing is huge! There is no possible way that thing can't be that big!
Nojiko: You think it is possible we can tame it?
Nami: NO WAY!!!
Suddenly the lion coughs out blood then collapses onto the ground dead.
Nojiko: Aw man. So much for that. I actually wanted a pet lion.
Usopp and Nami: (scared) Absolutely not!
Soon they dock ship near the shore and once they are settled Y/n gathers everyone.
Y/n: Okay while the Lockpose is reseting we needed some food. Luffy, Zoro and Sanji will head out and get some food.
Luffy: (smile) Awesome! Can't wait to explore!
Zoro: At least I can straight my legs.
Sanji: I'll search for food alone. You two will just mess up.
Zoro: Oh yeah?
Sanji: Yeah!
Y/n: Stop it you two!
Vivi: I can go with them?
Nami: No way! This place is too dangerous.
Vivi: (smile) I'll be fine. I'll have Karoo with me.
Karoo faces is terrified but disbite that Y/n tells her.
Y/n: Okay.
Luffy: (smile) You can tag along with me! Let's not waste anymore time and let's go!
Luffy leaps off the ship first follow by Vivi and Karoo as she ride Vivi into the forest. Then Zoro leap off and walk away follow by Sanji.
Now it is just Y/n, Usopp, Nami, Nojiko and Daisy on the going merry.
Usopp: (nervous) Um what are we suppose to do?
Y/n: Stay on the ship. We were lucky this ship was not stolen or destroyed at Whisky Peak but that doesn't mean it will happen again. Look at the bright side, you'll stay on the ship and not out there.
Usopp: Guess your right.
Usopp sighs then a few hours later everyone is doing their own thing. Usopp cleans up the deck while Nami research about the island with Daisy.
We see Nojiko and Y/n at the crow's nest as he teaches Nojiko to aim a Sniper rifle. She takes aim at some fruit then takes a shot and hits it.
Nojiko: (smirk) Got it.
Y/n: To a farmer you have good aim.
Nojiko: (smirk) Thanks. Wow, check that out.
She points over and they see what looked like a T-Rex far away from them.
Y/n: (surprised) Wow. I've never seen anything like that in my life.
Nojiko: I know. This is amazing.
The two stood together as Y/n glance over at Nojiko then ask her.
Y/n: So enjoying it what so ever?
Nojiko: (smile) Yeah. Being a pirate has it's down sides but it's still fun. I mean all those adventures we have. It is amazing.
Y/n: Yeah. I'm glad your enjoying it. I do notice Vivi is a bit frustrated.
Nojiko: She's just worried about her kingdom. I feel bad for her. It must be hurting her.
Y/n: We will get there and we will do whatever we can to help.
Nojiko: Same. Since we are up here alone, wanna fool around?
Y/n: On the Crow's nest?
Nojiko: (giggle) Why not?
Y/n: Meh, fuck it.
Then Y/n pulled Nojiko over and the two begin to make out. Nojiko wrapped her arms around his neck as the two have a intense make out then they collapse onto the crew's next and go at it.
Y/n is on top of Nojiko as the two make out and then he grab one of her breast which cost Nojiko to moan.
Nojiko: (moaning) Aren't you a beast.
Y/n begins to take off her shirt to expose her bra as he made out with Nojiko even more while they wrap their arms around each other.
Things were about heating up when suddenly there was a massive thud which shook the ship. Immediately the two get up and look out to see something massive coming towards them.
Nami also rushed out while Usopp is on the ground scared. Y/n and Nojiko came down and once on the ground they rush up to the two.
Nami: What in the world was that?!
Y/n: We saw something coming towards us. Something big.
Usopp: (scared) Oh god! We are going to die!
Nojiko: Maybe it's another dinosaur?
Y/n: Don't know.
Then they hear a cry almost like a yell which terrified Nami and Usopp. Y/n and Nojiko ready their weapons and point at the direction where it is coming.
It wasn't long till they see a gaint coming towards them. They soon realise it wasn't a creature but rather a human. A gaint viking like human as a gaint show himself and stare down at them.
Nami and Usopp are in tears with fear while Y/n and Nojiko aim their weapons at the gaint who is wielding an axe.
Nojiko: Friend or foe?
Y/n: Wait. (Turn to the gaint) What brings you near our ship sir?
???: (smile) Hello. Do you have any alcohol?
They look puzzled as they look at each other then back to the gaint.
Y/n: We have bit little. Why?
Then he yell before he can answer. He reach into his back and then pull out a T-Rex. Then with a singal swing he chops the T-Rex head off with his axe.
Nami and Usopp get so terrified they collapse and passed out of fear.
Nojiko: Nami and Usopp are down.
Y/n: What are you gonna do with that?
???: (smile) Oh this? I was gonna cook it for dinner. Hey! How's about i cook it and you'll bring the alcohol.
Y/n: Is that it? Just alcohol?
???: (smile) Of course.
Y/n: (lowee his weapons) Nojiko stay here while I go with him.
Nojiko: Right.
Y/n gets the alcohol and follows the gaint. Then the gaint set up a large campaign fire and cook the dinosaurs he has been hunting.
He pours the alcohol where the T-Rex bite him while Y/n sat down then ask him.
Y/n: I didn't seem to get your name.
Brogy: (smile) Names Brogy. Nice to meet you.
Y/n: Names Y/n. We are pirates who came here because we needed to reset our lockpose.
Brogy: Is that so? You know I've never met anyone apart of Dorry.
Y/n: He your friend?
Brogy: (smirk) More like rivals. Oh, looks like dinner is done. Here you go.
Then he slammed a meat od a dinosaur in front of Y/n. He look at it for a moment then rips a piece off.
Y/n: (thought) Never have a dinosaur meat? I wonder wonder they taste like?
He decided to taste it and he takes a singal bite. That's when his mind exploded with deliciousness as he then finish up eating the meat and he calls out in amazement.
Y/n: (shocked) This is absolutely fucking delicious! My god this is so good!
Then he begins eating the dinosaur meat whole Brogy let's out a chuckle watching him eating the meat like nuts while he havehis own.
(Hours later)
Nami, Nojiko, Daisy and Usopp decided to check up on Y/n since he didn't return and they were suspected the worse.
Whoever when they arrive there they are stunned with their jaws dropped to see Y/n laying on the ground with a filled up stomach with a gaint bone in front of him.
Brogy also finish his and smiles as he ask Y/n.
Brogy: (smile) Was that good?
Y/n: Fuck yes that was so delicious. I think it is the most delicious meat i have evee tasted in my entire life.
Brogy: (smile) Sounds like you never have one in your life!
Surprisingly the two begin to laugh having a good time while the four are still stunned.
Nami, Nojiko and Usopp: (thought) DID Y/N ATE A DINOSAUR ALL BY HIMSELF????!!!!!!!
To be continued.............................................
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