S2E16: Escape of Whisky Peak
(Intro end)
We see Y/n, Luffy, Nami, Vivi, Karoo and Daisy sat as Vivi explain to them what happened to Arabasta.
Vivi: Arabasta use to be a peaceful nation. However that all changed when our water supplies and many incidents which cost a civil war. The people of the kingdom began to turn against he kingdom and erupte into chaos. Then one day I learn about a situation organisation called Baroque Works. I learn that our being tricked by Baroque Works in order to take over the Kingdom. But that's all I know.
Y/n: So you plan to join them, work with them so you can find out more information and reveal it to your people. Smart but highly risky.
Vivi: Yes but i couldn't just do nothing! Igaram told me that he and the rest can do it but I refuse to let them do this on their own.
Y/n: I see.
Nami: How long have you been working for them?
Vivi: A long time now but I have nothing. My kingdom is in chaos but I have to do something.
Luffy: But now they know who you really are, your mission is a burst.
Vivi: Yeah. Now my people is going to die and there is nothing for me to do.
She slowly form her fist while Daisy came over and comfort her while Y/n stare at Vivi and then ask her.
Y/n: Who is your boss?
Vivi: Huh?
Y/n: Whose in charge of Baroque Works.
Vivi: (panic) What?! You want to know who the boss is?!
Y/n: You know his name right?
Vivi: (panic) Yes but I can't tell you his name!
Nami: (smile) Yeah Y/n doesn't care. He's not afraid of anything.
Vivi: No! You don't understand. He's one of the most powerful man. Trust me, you have no match against Crocodile.
Y/n:...........So thats his name?
Vivi immediately realised in fear what she said while Nami drop her jaws. Y/n just sighs and said.
Y/n: Come on it's not like no one hear you.
Luffy: Hey look!
He points at something above and they see two animals wearing sunglasses and staring at them. One looks like an Otter and the other a Vulture.
Then the two fly away and once gone Nami immediately shakes Vivi violently why demanding to know.
Luffy: (smile) Hey so is Crocodile a warlord right?
Y/n: Sounds about right.
Luffy: (smile) That's really cool!
Nami: (stops shaking Vivi) This is just great! Now we're gonna be hunted down!
Vivi: I'm sorry.
Y/n: Let them come. Because we're going to them.
Vivi: What do you mean?
Y/n: We're going to Arabasta and we're gonna kill Crocodile and free your people.
Vivi: (surprised) Really?!
Y/n: Yeah. Come on, let's find Zoro, Igaram and Miss Monday.
Zoro: No need.
The Zoro arrive with Igaram and Miss Monday which made Vivi breath a sigh of relief to see they are alright.
(Sometime later)
We see them outside of town where we see Miss Monday on the ship while Igaram is outside as he as Vivi.
Igaram: You sure you don't wish to come with us?
Vivi: No. It's best you two will go and once back hide yourself until we get there.
Y/n: We'll make sure Vivi is safe.
Igaram: (smile) Your a good man gunslinger. I apologise for trying to kill you.
Vivi: Indeed I'm sorry.
Y/n: No, I completely understand.
Igaram: (smile) I wish you safe trip princess. Take care.
With that Igaram climbs onto the ship and the ship sails away. They watch as the ship sails away from the island as they watch it go.
Luffy: Aaawww guess the party is over then.
Nami: You think they will be okay?
Vivi: (smile) I know they will be fine.
Once the ship is far away Y/n turn to everyone he said.
Y/n: We should meet up with Nojiko and-
Suddenly there was a massive explosion and when Y/n turns back they see large explosion as the ship Igaram and Miss Monday was on explode.
Vivi is stunned as she watch the explosion with eyes widen in horror as she collapses onto her knees with disbelief. Y/n call her but it come out low echos through Vivi's ears and then he pick her up and shake her once.
Y/n: Vivi! We got to go now!
She just nod as they immediately head back to town and soon they arrived back to the going Merry where we see Nojiko trying to wake up both Sanji and Usopp but they couldn't wake up. They climb onto the ship and once on board Y/n ask Nojiko.
Y/n: Why aren't they waking up!
Nojiko: I tried but they refuse to wake up!
Y/n: Oh for god sakes!
He walks over and kicks both Sanji and then Usopp in the stomachs really hard. They immediately wake up but angry.
Usopp: (angry) Ow! What was that for?!
Sanji: (angry) I'm gonna kick you for ruining my-
Usopp immediately does so with fear while Sanji just does it but not because he's afraid. Soon the going Merry begins to move and soon they set sail.
They travel through the river and by the time they leave the town morning soon came. They were safe however Vivi is still shocked. Karoo came to see she is alright and then Y/h came up to her.
Y/n: I'm sorry about them.
Vivi: I just can't believe they're gone. Including Igaram. He's been with me since I was a kid.
Y/n:......I know what it feels to lose someone. But we will make Crocodile pay.
Vivi: Yeah. He will.
We then cut to Nami seeing Y/n comfort Vivi and then someone ask.
???: Good. Looks like we got away.
Nami: (smile) Yeah. Things would have gotten close if we......wait? Who said that?
???: Up here.
Then she turn and she let's out a yell which made everyone turn and they see what she is seeing. A mysterious woman wearing a purple like wild West outfit with a hat as she sat on the wooden railing.
Nami: (shocked) Whose she?!
Vivi: That's Miss Sunday. What are you doing here?!
Miss Sunday just smirk while Vivi thinks she killed Igaram and Miss Morgan which made her angry. Then Usopp and Sanji surround her. Nami and Zoro draw out their weapons ready for a fight but then she said.
Miss Sunday: Relax I didn't came here for a fight.
Suddenly both Usopp and Sanji float in mid all and thrown off the second floor while Nami and Zoro's weapons suddenly snatch out of their hands and drop to the ground.
Luffy: (surprised) Wow!
Zoro: (shocked) Hold on! Is she a devil fruit user?!
Nami: (shocked) But which one?!
Y/n: It's called the Hana Hana No Mi Fruit. It allows the user to replicate and sprout pieces of their body from the surface of any object or living thing. Also......been a long time....Nico Robin.
Strawhats and Vivi: Huh?
Nico: (giggle) So? You join a crew I see? I thought you never wanted to be apart of a pirate crew.
Y/n: Things changed.
Strawhats and Vivi: (thought) THEY KNOW EACH OTHER?!
Then Nico leap down and walks over to Y/n and gently stroke his cheek.
Nico: (smirk) I really missed you, my darling~
Y/n: Do you have to call me that.
Nico: (giggle) To someone like you? Yes.
Usopp: (surprised) Wait?! Darling?! Does that mean those two are a couple?
Zoro: Huh, he didn't tell us that. But then again, he doesn't tell much about his past.
Nico: (smirk) So.....still fighting corruption? Bet you killed a lot.
Y/n: I can also see you now work for Crocodile.
Nico: (smirk) I can tell you more but you probably just want to kill him.
Y/n: Yeah and end his criminal empire.
Nico: (smiek) Well you might need this.
She then handed large log pose which Nico explain.
Nico: That's an Eternal Pose. This will take you to Nanimonai Island which is near Arabasta. You'll arrive there before you know it.
Y/n looks at it when suddenly Luffy came over and takes out of his hand and then said.
Luffy: We don't want your toy.
Y/n: Luffy no!
Then he destroyed it by crushing it. Then Nami strangles Luffy for doing that while Nico said.
Nico: (smirk) Guess your taking a long way. Either way, I'll see you soon, darling~
She then kiss his mask where his lips is at and then leaps off the ship and lands onto her own ship. They watch as she sails away and soon disappear from sight.
Then Y/n noticed everyone is staring at him.
Y/n: What?
Nami: (angry) You gonna explain how you two know each other.
Nojiko: (angry) Yeah, like now.
Y/n: Okay, Okay. Just to make things clear I didn't work for Baroque Works and never have been. I met Nico before I met Luffy. We did some jobs together and then she grew attache towards me. He kept calling me darling and use her powers to "pleasure" me.
Usopp: Okay but what happen?
Y/n: Well she told me she got a job somewhere far away and that's when I last saw her. Now I know she's working for Crocodile in his organisation.
Luffy: So she's a good guy?
Y/n: It's hard to explain but it doesn't matter. Right now we need to head to Arabasta but that's to Luffy, it looks like we have take the long way.
Zoro: Well might as well rest up.
Usopp: You think we'll survive at Arabasta?
Vivi: Probably not but we have to save my kingdom. I know I may sound selfish but my people need me and I need to be there.
Y/n: Don't worry. We won't rest until we get there.
Vivi: (smile) You have my thanks.
Luffy: (smile) Alright! Next up, Arabasta! Let's go!
Y/n sighs and heads in to get some sleep with Daisy follow with him. Vivi watch him go in as Vivi can't stop thinking about him and Karoo sees this and smirked.
Vivi: (blush) Hey! Why are you smirking!?
Karoo doesn't say which made her blush even more. We then cut to Nico sailing away as she sat down comfortably with sunglasses on her and sipping her drink.
She looks at her wine glass as she let's out a small giggle and then said.
Nico: (smile) I'm glad to see you Y/n. Maybe once you arrive at Arabasta.......we can have lots of fun. (Soft giggle)
To be continued.............................................
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