S2E15: The captain vs the Gunslinger
(End intro)
Vivi is shocked that Y/n knows who she really is along with Miss Monday and Igaram however Mr Nine is shocked that Vivi is a princess. Then Vivi stood up and then ask him.
Vivi: (shocked) How can you possibly know who I am?
Then he reach into his pocket and then pulled out a picture of a young Vivi which he goes on to explain.
Y/n: When I was apart of the marines my men was talking about you and even show each other this picture. I took the picture and told them to get back to work. But I didn't throw it away but rather I kept it. I forgot about it that was until we first met. At first you look familiar and when I found this picture and out two and two together, that's when I realise Vivi and Miss Wednesday are the same people.
Mr 9: (immediately bows) Wow! So your really a princess!? Forgive!
Vivi: Stop that!
Y/n: My guess being Igaram and Miss Monday were in on this and wants to keep it a secret so you can be safe. But there is one question that needs to be ask....why would a princess be here and not in Alabasta? Unless something happened there right?
Igaram: (gets up) What do you care? Do you wish to bring Vivi to the boss?
Y/n: No. Even though we fought and you all try to harm my crew mates, I understand your doing this just to please your boss. So let's call it a truths
Mr Nine: A truths?! After everything we been through! We should just kill you right now!
Igaram: Wait!
Everyone look over to Igaram and then he ask Y/n.
Igaram: What is it that you want then?
Y/n: Simple. If your boss has something to do with Alabasta then I want to destroy it and free the country.
Vivi: (surprised) Really? Why? Why do this for us?
Y/n: Because if people are suffering and being enslaved....then it is my job to kill theor corrupt ruler and free it.
Miss Monday: I'm not sure about this.
Igaram:......You've shown to be a very skilled gunslinger. You took on 100 Bounty hunters and took us on. We've never encounter anyone like you in our lives. If you really wish to help us then so be it.
Y/n: Right.
Vivi: So now what?
Y/n: We'll get back to my crew mates and you all will explain the situation. Hopefully they may forgive you....except for Sanji, he'll forgive anyone who is a girl.
Mr Nine: Well we should get going. Who knows until they decided to sent mo-
Suddenly Mr Nine suddenly blows up costing everyone to be sent flying back and crash onto the ground. They look over to see Mr Nines body flying away and then splash into the river.
Vivi: Mr Nine!
Igaram: Oh no.
Y/n draws out his rifle and points at a man with sunglasses and a long coat with the number 5 on it. He picks his nose which Y/n find it disgusting but then Igaram warns him.
Igaram: Do not underestimate him. Mr 5 is a devil fruit user that make things explode.
Mr 5: So your the one that took out the Bounty hunters.
Y/n: Yeah and I'll be gladly to show you how i done it.
???: (giggle) You clearly have no idea who we are do you cowboy?
He looks up to see a woman wearing all yellow clothing along with a hat floating over him. She then falls really fast so he quickly leap away just as she slammed onto the ground.
The impact cost the ground beneath her to crack as Y/n rolled backwards and pulls up his twin Pistols at her as she stood up.
Miss Valentine: (smirk) Call me Miss Valentine and lucky for you, your not our target. She is.
She looks at Vivi which she is shocked while Mr 5 pull out a small booger and flick it at them. Quickly Y/n rips off a door and blocks it which the booger exploded and shattered the wooden door.
Y/n: We need to move now!
Igaram open fires at them as he walks up next to Y/n and tells him.
Igaram: There is a ship at the back of the island. Take Vivi there at once!
Vivi: No! I won't leave you!
Miss Monday: You have to. We'll stay behind and hold them off as long as possible.
Vivi is upset by this but decide to obey so she climbs onto Karoo. Y/n turns to leave but then Igaram tells him.
Igaram: Y/n.....I apologise for.....you know.
Y/n: Don't worry about it. I know you we're doing this just to protect her. Wish you two good luck.
Igaram nodes and he climbs behind Vivi on Karoo and Karoo rides off while Miss Monday and Igaram begins to fight Miss Valentine and Mr 5.
We cut to them getting away from the battle, they hear explosions behind them while Vivi is concerned about them but Y/n ensures her.
Y/n: They will be fine.
Vivi: I hope so.......listen I just wants to apologise for the way I acted.
Y/n: You don't have to apologise. I understand what you needed to do in order to keep and others around you safe.
Vivi: Still, despite your brutal ways you seem to care a lot whenever anyone or anything is suffering. Like Laboon.
Y/n: Those who treat the weak with cruelty deserve to be taking down.
Vivi: I see.
They keep riding away and soon they stop near the exit where their is a sign that takes them to the ship. Y/n climbs out so does Vivi.
Vivi: This trail will take us to the ship and the ship will take us to Alabasta.
Y/n: Right.
Vivi:.....I suppose you wanted to know what happened to Alabasta?
Y/n: Yeah.
Vivi: It's a long story but you see-
Quickly Y/n draws out his pistol but he sees Luffy so he lowee his pistol and call out.
Y/n: Luffy thank god you woke up. Get everyone here if they are awake, we got a situation in our-
Luffy: (angry) I'M GONNA KILL YOU!!!
Y/n:......Huh?! What are you talkinga about?!
Luffy: (angry) Don't be dumb! I'm gonna beat your ungrateful ass!
Y/n: What on earth are you talking about?!
Luffy: (angry) I woke up only to find the towns people injured or dead! I found out you fought them all! They were good people and this is the way you thank them?!
Y/n: Luffy they were not towns people, they were Bounty hunters!
Vivi: Is this your captain?
Y/n: Yes. (Sigh) Look let me explain.
Luffy: (angry) No excuses!
He stretch out his fist towards Y/n but he catches his fist. He holds it until Luffy flies over and once close swings his leg for a kick but he blocks it ans throws Luffy away.
He land on his feet and stretch out both of his fist at his but Y/n dodges it. He land on his feet and throws a smoke grenade at Luffy which he was soon covered in smoke.
Y/n: Luffy they were our enemies! They try to capture me and if they succeed will kill you and the rest!
Luffy: (angry) Enough talk!
Luffy stretch out his arms and grab him by the leg and tosses him towards a wall and he slammed through the wall.
Y/n gets up and quickly burst out the door when Luffy goes to punch him but missed. Y/n burst out of the street and looks at Luffy as he then quickly throws blows at him but he quickly dodges his punches.
Then he take a few steps back and then Luffy rushes towards him and throws his punch but he dodges and then took out his rope and begins to tie him up.
Once tied up Luffy fell onto the floor and struggled a bit to break free. Y/n just sighs and then Luffy breaks free and strikes a kick at him. His feet stretched far as he slide backwards and then he slammed into the wall.
Then Y/n grab his leg and pulled him towards him as Luffy flies towards him until he slammed into the wall and Y/n grabs him by the shoulder and barks at him.
Y/n: Luffy can you just listen to me! I am not your enemy! Those people were Bounty hunters that tricked us! Why do you think they tried to knock you and the rest out! I avoid that cause I knew something was up!
Luffy: (angry) Is that so?
Y/n: Yes!
There was long silence with Vivi and Karoo a bit nervous if the fighting my continue. Then Luffy smiled and then said.
Luffy: (smile) Ooohhhh why didn't you say so?! I thought you kill them because they didn't give you the right food.
Then Y/n punched Luffy in the face which was so hard that a hole is made which surprised Vivi and Karoo.
Y/n: (holding his rage) Next time listen before you act, got it!
Luffy: G-Got it, I deserve that.
???: Guess you two settle things.
Then Nami, Zoro and Daisy came over as Daisy hops over to Y/n which he pick her up.
Y/n: Are you guys okay?
Zoro: Yeah. We woke up and saw Daisy and that's when we knew something was up.
Nami: Zoro thought you were captured but lucky you were not so that means he owns me 60 berries.
Zoro: We didn't bet on it!
Y/n: What about the rest?
Nami: Nojiko is handling Sanji and Usopp but it may take a while.
Y/n: Right.
Nami: (noticed Vivi) Isn't that Miss Wednesday?
Y/n: Actually this is Princess Vivi from Alabasta.
Vivi: (bow) Greetings. I hope we can set are differences aside and work together.
Nami: (smirk) Sure if you give some money.
Y/n: Nami.
Nami: (smirk) What?
Zoro: So why is a princess here?
Luffy: Probably likes to be a Bounty hunter
Vivi: No....you see.....Alabasta is in a civil war.
Then there was a explosion in the distances behind them so Y/n tells Zoro.
Y/n: Head over and help out Igaram and Miss Monday. The rest of us will stay here and wait.
Zoro: Got it.
Then Zoro heads off while the rest stay with Vivi and Karoo as Vivi goes onto explain about Alabasta and the civil war that as erupted in her country.
To be continued........................................
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