S2E14: 1 Gunslinger vs 100 Bounty hunters
(Intro ends)
It was the middle of the night at Whisky Peak and in a small bar we see the Strawhats having a party with the citizens of Whisky Peak. The Strawhats are enjoying the attention, drinks and food however we then see Y/n standing there and looking around.
He check each Strawhats and seeing Luffy eating a lot of food which made three chiefs to passed out from exhausting. Sanji hanging out with 20 girls, Usopp telling his "stories" to the folks and Nami, Nojiko and Zoro take part of drinking competition.
Y/n finds it off even Daisy would agree with him. Then Igaram approaches him with two drinks and hands one to Y/n.
Igaram: (smile) I see your not much as a talkative person. No need to (clearing his throat) be shy, your crew mates seem to be enjoying the party.
Y/n: I can see. Tell me, why do you welcome pirates?
Igaram: Oh that's a long story for another time, here and enjoy the party.
Igaram gave him a drink and walls off while Y/n watch him walk away and then looks down at his drink for a moment. He looks over and seeing everyone of the Strawhats has passed out.
He grew even more suspension as he pour the drink to a empty bucket and then tells Daisy.
Y/n: Keep an eye on them but don't let anyone see you.
Daisy nod as Y/n walks to the bathroom and heads in all awhile Igaram sees him walk in and he had a suspicious look on his face.
Luffy, Zoro, Usopp, Sanji, Nojiko and Nami are all asleep while Y/n hasn't come out from the bathroom while Daisy find a nice place to watch them without being spotted.
We then cut to outside where we see Igaram leaving the bar and stepping outside when Mr Nine and Miss Wednesday appear behind him.
Miss Wednesday: So how are they?
Igaram:.....They are asleep while one is in the bathroom.
Then a nun came out of bar with a headache as she took off her nun clothing while she said.
???: Damn that drinking competition give me a headache. Why are we even here? We should report our failure to bring the whale to our boss.
Nr Nine: He'll just blame the two of us!
Igaram: Enough. We can redeem ourselves by bringing him.
He then pulls up Y/n's wanted poster and they are shocked how much he is wanted.
Miss Wednesday: (shocked) 100 billion?!
Mr Nine: (shocked) I know he maybe scary but I didn't know he is dangerous!
Igaram: Miss Monday is he still in the bathroom?
Miss Monday: Yeah, he's in there for a long time. So are we just gonna kill him when he gets out?
Igaram: No. The marines would rather have public executions instead.
Mr Nine: I hate to break it to you but he seems impossible the kill. Trust me, he's impossible to kill.
Igaram: Doesn't matter, wha does matter is the payment we will get to bring him. As for his crew.....We'll just kill them. Now go and find him.
???: No need.
In shock they all turn and look up on a roof to see him sitting down at the edge with one pistol in hand as he looks down at them. Then a group of citizens came out of the bar and tell them.
Male person: He's gone! We checked the bathroom and he's gone!
Miss Wednesday: He's over there.
Igaram: You should've be asleep with the rest of your crew.
Y/n: I'm not a person who lower his guard if there is something off. Especially when we came into town and have "citizens" welcoming pirates. I say that because this town isn't filled with citizens.....but rather Bounty hunters.
Soon all the Bounty hunters came out and gather together as Y/n looks at them all.
Y/n: Must be hard work getting every singal Bounty hunters here just to take me. You have me impress. Unless all of you are working in one organisation....like say....Baroque Works?
Igaram: (shocked) How did you know?!
Y/n: I was a Bounty hunter and during my time I've heard rumours about a criminal syndicate. Also Zoro told me about this a while ago.
Igaram: I see......since now you know about us I guess we have no choice but to kill you.
Y/n: (small chuckle) Kill me? You can't kill me.....but you can all try.
Igaram: Kill him!
All raised their weapons at Y/n but then Y/n tosses a smoke grenade which gose off and blocks their sight so they open fire where they think he might be.
When the smoke clears up they are shocked to see him gone. They begin to look around trying to see where he is but they couldn't find him. Some begin to have second doubts since they've never encounter someone who is highly dangerous.
Male Bounty hunter 1: Where could he be?
Y/n: No clue but keep looking.
Male Bounty hunter: Right.
They look around until they suddenly realise and then and see him. They were all stunned how he get near them without a sound.
Y/n stood there for a moment when a sound of gun being raised his heard and he quickly turn, grab the barrel of the rifle and pull the Bounty hunter over and punched him.
He hits the ground while the rest aim their weapons at him which he immediately draw out his pistol and quickly fires at them.
They collapse onto the ground and before the rest would fire he drops a smoke grenade which gose off. They fire through the smoke but he vanished.
Igaram: Kill him! He's just one man!
Then he hear a click of a pistol behind him as Y/n appears behind him pointing his pistol at the back of his head.
Y/n: Your not the first who says that.
A group of Bounty hunters came up behind him and aim his weapon at him which he tells them.
Y/n: Bullets wouldn't kill me.....but someone who is in front of me might.
Igaram: (scared) Wait hold your fire!
They were about to fire when Igaram have his tuba over him and he blows it which fired bullets that hits his own. Y/ kicks him away and quickly turn and fire his pistol.
His bullets goes through the barrels and their guns blows up. Igaram who was behind him was about to hit him with his tuba but he dodges but drops a grenade.
Igaram panics and moves out of the way as the gre add goes off. Y/n retreated into town while the rest od the Bounty hunters go after him.
Igaram gets up as Miss Monday, Miss Wednesday and Mr Nine stood there with shock.
Miss Monday: No wonder he has a high Bounty.
Igaram: Doesn't matter, we must go after him and get that Bounty.
They agree and goes after him as we then cut to him taking cover behind some barrels while he gets shot by Bounty hunters.
He then pulls out two grenades and throws them at them and when they go off he roll out of cover and shoot them down. He gets up and turn only for a impaled by a Bounty hunter as he stab him with a blade.
Soon more came and they stab him and they think they have done it but Y/n headbutts the first Bounty hunter and then grabs the other and tosses him at the next.
He pulls out the blows off of his body and after he did that he was getting shot by five above him so he quickly turn and fire all five.
Soon more with melee weapons appear and they charge towards him. He fights them off as he quickly takes them out.
He was about to walk away and he felt a another blade stab behind him. He turn to be face with a child. He stumble backwards as he approaches him when a nun rush over and hug the child.
Nun: Please spar this child! I beg of you!
He looks at the two and then turns around while the nun gets up and goes to stab him only for Y/n to grab her arm and lift her off of her feet.
He glare at her and then look down at the child and then back to the nun. He then disarm her knife and drop her to the ground.
Y/n: Be a real nun and keep that child safe. Don't use children as tools....you got!
With fear she nod and Y/n keeps walking and continues fighting the Bounty hunters. He walk through town while he fire his twin Pistols as he take out the Bounty hunters within the street.
Soon he climbs up onto thr roof and fights some on the the. Some take a ladder to get him but Y/n walks over and kicks the ladder down with the Bounty hunters still climbing as they crash to the ground.
He walks away only to stop when Mr Nine attacks him with a metal bat as he charge towards him. He swing his metal bat only for Y/n to grab his bat and then kicked him away.
He slammed against the wall. Mr Nine swing his mat which chains came out as Y/n goes to block it with his arm but the chains wrapped around him.
Mr Nine: (smirk) It looks like I got you. What will you do now?
He then spotted a few Bounty hunters surrounding him as Mr Nine thinks he got him but then he tells him.
Y/n: Hope you don't have motion sickness.
Mr Nine: What why would you-
Then he pulled the chains towards him which cost Mr Nine to go flying as Mr Nine flies by him and crash a few Bounty hunters off the roof. Then he spins Mr Nine around as he sent the Bounty hunters off the roof.
Mr Nine became dizzy and he let go and fall off the roof. Y/n took off the chains and then turn to see Miss Wednesday standing on a huge duck.
Miss Wednesday: (smirk) You are strong but are you strong enough to resist this.
She then took out a bottle and opens it to release a strong perfume that travels towards him while she begins to dance. She figures the smell will stun him but then he tells her.
Y/n: You do realise I have a mask on me right?
Miss Wednesday didn't realise he does have a ask on him but she said.
Miss Wednesday: In that case time for you to meet your fate. Go Karoo!
Karoo let's out a cry and charges towards Y/n while he stood completely still as Karoo runs by him which dumbfounded Miss Wednesday and soon the two fell off the roof.
Then Miss Monday came up to the rood and rushes towards him and then blows a powerful punch at him. He slides back but stop himself from going off the roof, he looks at Miss Monday as she tells him.
Miss Monday: Your strong but I'm stronger than you. You can't out match my strength!
She then charges towards him and lifted both of her fist above her and goes to hit him but suddenly he catches his fists and to her shock he holds it and then he tells her.
Y/n: Let's test that.
Then he grabbed her arms and then throws her over him and tosses her off the roof as she crash onto the ground along with Miss Wednesday and Mr Nine.
Then he looks across the roof to see Igaram as the two stare at each other.
Igaram: Impressive but this is where it ends.
Y/n: If your challenging me to a dual, then bring it.
(Epic music start)
Both Igaram and Y/n stare at each other with nothing silence. Y/n have his hands at his Pistols while Igaram ready himself as he knew Y/n will not suspect his surprise attack.
Everything around them seems like time as stopped as the two continue to look at each other very intensely with them waiting for one of them to make the first shot. After while seems like forever Igaram had enough and reveal his barrels within his hair and was about to fire.
Time slows down as Y/n draws out his pistol and fire six shots. The bullets travel across to one roof to other and then enter all six of Igarams gun barrels and when time goes back to normal he goes to fire but his hair gets blown up.
He was covered with smoke as he let's out a cough and falls and lands near the rest as Y/n stood on the roof and sees all 100 Bounty hunters are down and he is the only one standing.
(Epic music ends)
Miss Wednesday, Mr Nine, Miss Monday and Igaram are seen laying on the ground defeated as Igaram tries to crawl to his tuba.
He grabs it only for Y/n to kick it away as he looks up with now fear as Y/n looks down at him.
Miss Monday: Well....we're done for.
Mr Nine: M-Maybe he'll let us go?
Miss Monday: I don't think so.
Then Y/n looks at Miss Wednesday and Karoo as he walks over to her and with panic Igaram calls out to him.
Igaram: Wait don't hurt her! This was my plan, punish me!
Miss Wednesday watch as Y/n stood over her and stare at her for a moment. Then he said.
Y/n: So why would someone like you be apart of this?
Miss Wednesday: What are you talking about?
Y/n: Miss Wednesday....or should I call you by your real name....Vivi, Princess Vivi of Alabatsa. Why would a Princess like yourself.....be a Bounty hunter?
She is shocked along with Igaram and Miss Monday all awhile Mr Nine was confused so he ask.
Mr Nine: Wait.....Miss Wednesday is a Princess?
To be continued.................................................
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