S2E11: A surprise at the other side
(End intro)
We see the going Merry as the Strawhats are getting closer and closer to the grand line. Nami gather everyone to discuss about the grand line as she points out a lines within the walls.
Nami: See these lines in the grand line? That's what we should be aiming for. The grand line will pull us towards it so we need to aim it just right so we won't crash into the grand lines walls.
Usopp: (little nervous) Um guys? Do we really have to do this?
Zoro: Well we can't turn back now.
Sanji: Besides it will be waste to just turn back now.
Luffy: (smirk) I say we take it!
Nojiko: However we're not sure what is waiting fornthe us at the other side. After all the other side will be unknown to us so we be stuck.
Y/n: We'll find a way somehow. For now we need to be ready. Usopp take the wheel. Need your eyes to make a perfect shot.
Usopp: O-Okay.
Y/n: Nami you guide Usopp.
Nami: (smirk) Sure thing.
Y/n: As for everyone else, we need to be ready for anything once we are at the other side. We can't be sure what we will face at the other side so we need to be ready.
They agree and soon a fog came in meaning they are getting close. Then the ship push a bit and begins to increase its speed a bit.
Nami is with Usopp inside as Nami guides Usopp so they won't crash into anything. Everyone else holds on with Y/n picking up Daisy and holding her so she won't fly around. Then they see a massive wall in front of them and Nami guides Usopp directly towards the canyon.
Usopp has a hard time turning the stick but Zoro and Sanji heads there and helps Usopp as all three begin to pull and soon the going Merry turn and goes straight through the canyon.
Nami: We're through!
Luffy: (smile) Alright!
The going Merry beings to going up and up like it is climbing a mountain and while Usopp makes sure the going Merry won't crash into the walls the rest came out they are excited that they inside the grand line and going to the other side.
Y/n has been waiting for this moment in his whole life and turn to his cremates. If I wasn't for them then he might not be able to get to the other side without crashing a ship.
Soon the ship made it to the middle and then begins to go down. They were descending downwards but unfortunately they couldn't see anything due to the fog but then Nami said.
Nami: Do you hear that?
Y/n: What?
Luffy: What's wrong?
Nami: I thought I heard something like.....like a whale.
Zoro: A whale?
Y/n listens carful and it wasn't long until he too can hear it. Then he sees something in the distances. It looks like a massive rock sticking out at the exit but he sees that it is moving slightly a bit.
He race inside and get to Usopp as he burst open the door.
Y/n: Usopp we're approaching a large creature blocking us.
Usopp: (shocked) What?! Your joking right?!
Y/n: Stay calm and turn once we get close to the exit.
Usopp: I-If you say so.
He exit out and they are getting close to the exit. The closer they get they can properly hear a whale calling and soon they are approaching their exit and immediately Usopp turn the ship once they made it out.
Everyone holds on however the going Merry was too close to something and the head of the going Merry snapped off and flies into the air and was about to crush Nami.
Y/n sees this and rushes over and pulls Nami away as the head falls and lands hard onto the ground.
Luffy: MY SHIP!
Y/n: You okay?
Nami: (breaths a sigh) Yeah thanks. That was a-
Then her eyes widen in shock until Y/n realised she is looking at something behind him. He slowly turns and he was looking at a massive eye. They knew they were coming across a whale but they never suspected the how big the whale is.
The whale was like a titan with nasty scars on its forhead and it is just floating and not moving. Everyone couldn't believe how massive the whale is and wonders why it is here.
Nami: Y/n?
Y/n: Let's just ignore it and-
Suddenly Luffy stretched out his arm and punches the whale in the eye which everyone is dumbfounded by this act.
Y/n: Luffy what are you doing?!
Luffy: (angry) That stupid whale damage my ship!
Sanji: You dumbass! We could have be alive if we just let it alone!
Nojiko: Wait.....I think its not phase by Luffy's attack.
They all turn to the whale and at first they thought Nojiko is right but suddenly the eye looks down at them which they are now screwed.
Y/n: Usopp get us out of here!
Luffy: No! If this whale wants ti fight, he'll get one!
Y/n: Luffy don't-!
It was too late as Luffy launch himself towards the titan whale but after that the ship suddenly moved and Y/n sees that the whale is opening its mouth and begins sucking everything in, even their ship.
Zoro: Usopp do something!
Usopp: (scared) I can't!
Y/n: Everyone brace yourselves!
The going Merry begins to go into the whales mouth and they get eaten by the whale. The going Merry shakes violently so much so Y/n pushes Nami away just as the ship hits and Y/n was launched off the ship.
He soon splashes into the water and he was pulled through the whales inner body. He quickly try to grab anything so and soon he grabbed something that felt like a ladder and begins to climb up.
Soon he made it out of the water and continues climbing until he made it to a walkway where he lays there for a moment as he took off his mask and coughs out water.
He slowly breaths heavily and begins to look around his surroundings and to is surprise the inner whales body looks like a base with metal walls and walkways.
He slowly gets up and looks around as he sees the water rushing through before it begins to slow down and soon comes to a stop.
Y/n: The whale must have closen its mouth. Still what is this? How can someone made all of this inside of a whale?
He looks around seeing that the going Merry is gone ad he draws out his twin Pistols and seeing his Pistols along with his knife are his only weapons.
Y/n: Looks like I need to find everyone else. I swear I'd Luffy is not dead then I will kill him.
He begins to walk through the walkway. He scan around and is kinda impress that someone turn the inside of a whale into a base.
Y/n: (thought) Someone must be a genius to do something like this. I wonder if they have control over the whale? If that so then I'll be surprised.
Then he suddenly hears voices coming from around a corner. He slowly moves over and poke his head out to see two people kneeling down and talking about something.
He make his way over and gets behind one and pointed his pistol and said which gets theie attention.
Y/n: Mind I join your conversation?
The two get startled and quick get up and turn with their hands raised as Y/n looks at the two. One is a woman with blue hair and the other was a man with orange hair as he begins to interrogate the two.
Y/n: Who are you two? Do you have any idea what this place is?
???: It's none of your business!
Y/n: Funny because I have a pistol aimed at both of your heads. Now let's try again. Who are you?
A bit intimated by him they have no choice and introduce themselves.
Mr. 9: I am Mr. 9 and this here is Miss Wednesday.
Miss Wednesday: A pleasure to meet you.
Y/n stare at Miss Wednesday for a moment while she gets a bit nervous and then he ask them.
Y/n: What is this whale? Tell me why you two are here?
Mr. 9: To hunt it of course. You see killing a titan of a whale like this will get us a lot of money.
Miss Wednesday: Indeed. This whale is very important.
Y/n: I see.
Mr. 9: Say you too are a Bounty hunter right? Perhaps we work together. We can both split the money and maybe our boss will hire you.
Y/n: Boss? You two are working for someone?
Mr. 9: Yes. Our Boss is Mr. 0 and he'll be interested with your skills. I can tell your a very skilled Bounty hunter.
Y/n: I've been one for a few years.
Mr. 9: Yes, in fact I believe I've heard about you before. Your this legendary gunslinger who was the one who killed Arlong. That's pretty impressive.
Y/n: I suppose the news spreads through here as well?
Mr. 9: Indeed.
Miss Wednesday: Mr. 9 are you sure this is a good idea to ge working with him?
Mr. 9 turns her over and he whispered.
Mr. 9: (whisper) I have a plan to deal with him. Besides he can help us getting to where we should be going. All we have to do is to tag him along and soon we take him out and get the reward.
Miss Wednesday: (whisper) Good idea.
They turn back to Y/n as Mr. 9 lifted up his hand towards him and ask him.
Mr. 9: What do you say? Wanna team up?
Y/n stare at them and then he stare at Miss Wednesday once more which she wonders why he keeps looking at her. He then turn to Mr. 9 and shake his hand.
Y/n: Fine but for a record I'm looking for my cremates. They are somewhere and I need to find them.
He walks pass them while the two look at each other and didn't realise they are now working for a pirate but it is too late to go back now and so they go with Y/n as they journey through the inside of the whale.
All awhile we cut the going Merry as everyone stood up and look around and to theie surprise they are faced with nice clear skies and a small island which leaves them confused.
Nojiko: Um......where are we?
To be continued....................................................
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