S2E1: Going to meet a old friend
(Months ago)
It was a stormy weather as rain is pouring very fast in what seems like a town. Nobody is seen walking through the streets and only the sounds of rain. Then a foot splash onto the wet floor as a figure make his walk through the storm as lighting soon came at last. Soon he reaches a bar as the figure stood in front of it as a flash of light appeared and we see the figure to be Y/n.
He make his way inside the bear as he opens the bar doors and walks inside. There was no sign of anyone apart of one man sitting at the booth as Y/n make his way over to him as the mysterious man turns his head to see him.
John: Never thought to see you here. What brings you here.
Y/n: A ship will be arriving here tomorrow morning. I saw your ship at the docks so I came here and well...here you are.
John: (light chuckle) You found me.
Y/n sat next to him as the two man have a drink and after they have theie drink Y/n tells John.
Y/n: I'm going there John.
John: Hm?
Y/n: I'm going over to the grand line and finding the one piece. I'm gonna complete Gavin's wish.
John: It's a dangerous journey.
Y/n: I'm ready for it.
John: Well you want me and my crew to take you there? We're going to the grand line as well.
Y/n: No. This is my journey and I have to do this alone.
John: Man you really need a crew.
Y/n: I'll be fine.
John stared at Y/n and then he takes a drink and once finished he tells Y/n.
John: Okay, here's the deal. Near the Grand line is this island called Polestar island and a town called Loguetown. We'll meet up there okay?
Y/n: Deal.
He place down their payment and turns to leave.
John: You know.....being part of a crew would make your journey a lot more easier.
Y/n stops and falls silent for a moment. After that he left the bar as John just sighs to himself as he thinks to himself.
John: (thought) Maybe one day you will be part of the crew. That way.....you won't always be alone. I just hope so.
And then disappeared within the shadows just as the bar tender came out only to see nonone here but berries left behind by the two which he takes and still wandering where did the other guy John have gone to?
(Present day)
It was a bright day in the middle of the ocean where we see the going Merry sailing through the ocean to who knows where as we cut to a room filled with some metal parts and weapons which is actually Y/n's room as we find him sleeping in bed with Daisy laying on top of him.
Soon Y/n opens his eyes and then sat up from his bed as he let out a yawn while we see him without his clothes as Daisy also wake sup with a cute yawn as she turns to look at Y/n.
Y/n: (small smile) Morning Daisy. Sleep well?
Daisy nodes with a cute smile as Y/n also smiles when someone also wakes up next to him and we see it to be Nojiko with a blanket covering her chest.
Nojiko: Morning already. Damn that was a good dream.
Y/n: Nojiko? Why are you in my room?
Nojiko: (smirk) Why not? Besides I rather sleep in here with you then sleep in the supply room.
Y/n: That's only because you sneak onto our ship without us knowing. Its the reason why Usopp had a heart attack when he found you.
Nojiko: (smirk) Come on I gonna keep my sister save. Plus, we wanna have more fun with you together when we have a chance handsome.
Y/n blushes a bit while Nojiko smirks more then Daisy gets her attention which she pick her up.
Nojiko: (smile) Whose my happy cute rabbit! That's you, that's you!
Y/n leaves the bed and changes into his clothes. Once done he noticed his new toy so he pick it up and look at it.
Nojiko: Is that a sword?
Y/n: Not just a sword. A chainsaw sword. Figure I make some weapons since we are getting near to the grand line. Need to be ready for anything. Plus Zoro likes it.
Nojiko: (smirk) Looks badass. Come on, let's go and see what everyone else is doing.
Y/n: Right.
We the cut to Usopp working on something with his Pellet while we see Nami arguing to news bird about the price of the news paper have gone up.
Nami: You gonna be kidding me? I can't believe you raise the prices. This is ridiculous. (Pays the newspaper) Raise your payment again and I won't pay it again.
He gets the message and he flies off while Usopp calls out.
Usopp: Why worrying about money? Arlong is gone so there is nothing to worry.
Nami: Yeah but I get newspaper all the time and also I'm doing this for myself for now on.
Nojiko: (smirk) You mean for us right sis?
Then Nojiko, Daisy and Y/n came up as Y/n tells Nami.
Y/n: If you don't want to pay for the newspaper then I can pay them for you.
Nami: (smile) Really? Thanks your sweat.
Usopp: Meanie.
Nami: Oh shut it!
Y/n: (turn to Usopp) What are you working on?
Usopp: Oh this? Your gonna love it. I'm adding some hot sauce into my pellets that way I can target my enemies in the eyes.
Y/n: Huh.....not a bad idea Usopp.
Usopp: (smile) Thanks.
Y/n: Say see Luffy anywhere?
Nami: Huh no idea. He should be-
Suddenly Luffy was sent flying and crash into Usopp. He got soke hot sauce on his eyes so he was screaming and running around while Luffy sat up.
Luffy: Come on I just want one.
???: I said no!
Then we see Sanji standing in front of a small garden of tangerine fruits as Sanji telle Luffy.
Sanji: Nami and Nojiko work hard making this garden so I won't let you or anyone have it. (Turns to the girls) Look at me ladies, I'm doing a great job am I~?
Nami: (smile) Yep, keep up the good work.
Sanji smiles more and knows he's better then Y/n while Y/n ask Nami.
Y/n: Your just using Sanji aren't you?
Nami: (smirk) Guilty.
Y/n let's out a small chuckle while we sees Zoro watching this as he lend against the wall and feels almost bad for Sanji.....almost. Nami opens the Newspaper when something came out and land onto the floor.
Nojiko: What's that?
Y/n: (picks it up) Looks like a wanted poster.
He looks at the wanted poster and then he looks up to Luffy and says.
Y/n: Luffy.
Lufty: Yeah?
Y/n: Remember you told me you wanted a dead or alive poster?
Luffy: Yeah, why?
Y/n: I think your wish came true.
He shows the wanted poster to everyone, revealing to be Luffy with the 30 million berries prize on it and soon they all scream in shock.
Luffy: (smile) Alright! I got my own wanted poster!
Nojiko: Well you seem happy about it.
Nami: Of course he is.
Y/n: Usopp your also in this as well.
Usopp: Huh? Where?
He points to the background and Usopp sees the back of his head.
Usopp: Oh yeah I see it. (Smile) Looks like the great captain Usopp is gonna be known across the sea!
Sanji: (shocked) What?! They put you on it but not me!
Y/n: Sucks to be you.
Sanji: (angry) Shut up or I'll launch your heaf into the ocean!
Y/n: Noted. Now everyone, time to have a meeting.
(Short while later)
We see them gathered around with Daisy sitting on top of the barrel as Nami place down a map of the whole world as Y/n tells everyone.
Y/n: We are here still at the east blue and the large middle thing is the grand line. Once across we are at unknown territory.
Usopp: Man it's been several weeks od sailing but I can't believe we are getting close.
Zoro: Feels like forever if you ask me.
Luffy: (smile) I can't wait to get there.
Nojiko: I've heard there are dangerous things at the other end. There's even more dangerous things even near the Grand line. It's something that marks death to any foolish pirate that goes there.
Nami: That's right so we have to be carful once we get there.
Y/n: We're not going to the Grand line just yet.
Sanji: Why?
Y/n: There is an island called Polestar island. There is someone I need to meet.
Nami: (surprised) Really that place?
Luffy: What's wrong?
Nojiko: Luffy that island is the birth place of Rogers. Its also a place where he died. It became a famous tourist place to anyone you comes here.
Luffy: (smile) Cool! Why going there?
Zoro: More importantly who is this friend?
Y/n:I'm meeting John Helsing there.
Everyone apart of Luffy are shocked and froze for a minute and stared at Y/n while Luffy was confused.
Luffy: Whose John?
Sanji: How the hell do you not know him?!
Luffy: What? Is he famous?
Sanji: Yeah but a different way. John Helsing is the most mysterious and most extremely powerful pirate that has ever lived! He has one of the world's most powerful pirate crew and all pirates and marines fear them.
Nami: John Helsing is also well known to his knowledge about the Void century and the world government wanted him deaf but never have a chance.
Luffy: The Void century?
Nojiko: It's a 100 year gap that was erased by the world government and all knowledge between 800 and 900 years are wipped out from history. Anyone who knows what has happened were never seen again. Only John knows what has happened and yet he doesn't say. I heard its just a rumour though so I'm not too sure.
Y/n: I met him when during my time being part of the marines . I've faced him and survived five times.
Zoro: (shocked) Five times?!
Usopp: (shocked) Holy cow! With or without your devil fruit you are a legend!
Y/n: Enough of that. He'll be at Loguetown so we're heading there. Besides this could be a good place to refill some supplies.
Sanji: For once your right. Need some meat since Luffy ate it all.
Luffy: (smile) Sorry.
Sanji: (kicks Luffy) Yeah right you are.
Zoro: Probably good for me to get some new swords.
Sanji: (smirk) What? One sword isn't enough for a swordsman like you?
Then Zoro cuts the cigarette off of his mouth as the two share a glare while Y/n just sigh.
Nojiko: What about the marines? Surely they will spotted us once there.
Y/n: That's why we need to lay low. We can't mess around once there, we just need to stay low and not draw any attention, clear?
They all node while Luffy smile and said.
Luffy: (smile) I knew picking you as vice captain is a good idea.
Y/n: Well someone needed to give out instructions while our captain is eating or fighting dangerous sea creatures.
Luffy: (smile) Still good to have you about of our crew.
Y/n smile a bit and after a while Usopp spotted something which they look over and see Polestar island as they stared at the island. Y/n stared at the island with Daisy on his shoulder as the two look at each other and back to the island as the going Merry heads to the Island of Polestar island, where Gol D. Roger started his journey and ended his journey.
To be continued..............................................
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