S1E7: The great Captain Usopp


(End intro)

The sun rises for a new day as we see Luffy, Zoro boat tied up to Nami and Y/n's boat so both boats will not drifted away as in the boat where Nami and Y/n is in was a small room where we see the two sleeping together as Nami is all cuddled up with Y/n as the two slept.

Soon Y/n was the first to wake up as he open his eyes and was looking up at the ceiling of the boat while he turns to see Nami sleeping next to him and cuddling him. This made Y/n blushed to have a girl sleeping next to him as he stared at her.

Soon she woke up as she open her eyes follow by with a cute yawn as she sees Y/n is awake which she smiled and said.

Nami: (smile) Morning there Y/n, sleep well~?

Y/n: I guess. You know I'll be fine sleeping outside.

Nami: (giggle) But your soo warm cuddling you. Besides I can't let my treasure get away.

Y/n: T-Treasure?

Then Nami move to sat on top of him which made him blush even more which Nami noticed as she land her finger onto his chest.

Nami: (smirk) I see you never have a cute girl sitting on top of you. Tell me.....what type of girl do you like?

Y/n: (blush) I......I.......I....I don't know, sorry.

Nami: (Grabs his left cheek) No need to apologise to me. I like men who are hot, serious and knows how to get things done. Your perfect and not only that, your a very sexxy gunslinger which I like even more.

She then gets really close to him, so close in fact her chest was pressed against Y/n's and the two were breathing heavily as Y/n has this strange feeling that made him grab Nami's ass without thinking.

Nami: (smirk) Oooohh~your making your moves on me, aren't you~?

Y/n: (blush) I-I didn't mean to-

Nami: (puts finger over his lips) Sssshhhh, usually for that would cost you berries but for you......your just too hot to resist so I will allow you do anything you want to me for free.

Y/n cheeks was blushing made which Nami just giggled seeing him all nervous as she gently grab the back of his head and pulls in for a kiss as Y/n shut his eyes with his heart skip a beat.

Luffy: (kicks the door open) GOOD MORNING YOU TWO! RISE AND SHINE!

They immediately look over to see Luffy there while Luffy looks at the two as there was a moment of silence and then he ask.

Luffy: Are you two playing a game or something?

Nami and Y/n: (angry) GET OUT LUFFY!!!

Y/n fire his pistol at Luffy which he dodges it while we see Zoro seeing this as he sighs while eating an apple.

(Short while later)

Once that was done we see Nami and Y/n outside with Luffy and Zoro as Y/n addresses the problem they have.

Y/n: We need a bigger ship. Its obvious enough two small boats ain't gonna last in the grand line. Not to mention we need a bigger crew if we have a chance against any pirates.

Luffy: Oh yeah you have a point there.

Zoro: What we need is a place to get a boat. Any ideas?

Nami: (smile) We're in luck because there is an island north from here that we can check out. Hopefully we can get our ship there.

Luffy: (smile) Alright let's go there! Our first ship, where we come!

Nami: Jeez he acts like a child.

Y/n and Zoro: Your not wrong.

After a while of travelling through the sea they reach an island and once there they land onto shore and look around. They see a hill that is the only way to get into the island since the island around them is covered with walls that seems impossible to climb.

Nami: Well, where here!

Zoro: You think there is any civilian here?

Luffy: Who cares, I want some meat and a ship.

Nami: Maybe the ship is the important part.


Nami: Is something wrong?

Y/n:......We've being watched.

Suddenly something hits between their legs and Luffy, Zoro and Nami moves about while Y/n stood there and seconds later pirate flags came pulling up across on top of cliffs behind the bushes as they see they are being ambushed.

Nami: This is not good.

Zoro: Who the hell are these pirates?!

???: Hello there intruders!

They look up to see a young men with a long pointy nose with medium-length black curly hair, prominent lips as he stood on top of the hill with a smirk.

Usopp: (smirk) I am Captain Usopp and I maintain control of this island with my 80 million crew that are waiting for battle! Hear this pirates, leave this island or face our might!

Luffy: (amazed) Whoa so cool!!!!

Zoro: (surprised) 80 million crew? Is thsi guy serious?

Y/n: Hold on a minute here. (Looks up at Usopp) You said 80 million crew correct? That's very impressive if you ask me.

Usopp: (smirk) Well what do you suspect of the freat Captain Us-

Y/n: If that were real.

Usopp: Huh?

Y/n: You don't have 80 million crew members. In fact, you have three children that you have a automatic system that have them rasie the flags up all at the same time almost like there were pirates rasing them.

Usopp: Th-That's not true!

Y/n: Well see. Kids, best you go back home otherwise things might get trouble. Is that clear?

Moments later three kids started running away behind the bushes which they all see.

Usopp: Hey! Where are you three going?!

Luffy: (shocked) That was a lie!

Nami: Well kinda obvious.

Then Y/n bends down and pick up what looks like a small metal pellet which he said.

Y/n: If you wanna try make it seem convincing, try using a gun instead of a slingshot and some pellets you have on you.

Usopp: You don't scare me. (Pulls out a slingshot and aims at Y/n) I am the best marksman in all of the sea.

Y/n: Is that so? Well then let's have a dual then, unless.....you willing to try?

He stood there with Usopp ready his slingshot back as he stared at Y/n. Y/n stared right back at him as suddenly fear came all over Usopp as he sees that Y/n is not a normal pirate that he ever seen.

Soon he drop the pellet and the slingshot and collapse onto his knees.

Usopp: (breaths out a sigh) Boy you are tough I give you that. So are you all really pirates?

Y/n: We are but not the bad ones.

Luffy: (smile) Hey can you take us somewhere to eat?

Nami: Don't be rude?!

Usopp: (quickly stands up) Of course! After all I know this place so follow Captain Usopp!

Zoro: This guy has some nerves.

Y/n: Let's go.

(Short while later)

They arrived at the village called Syrup Village and we see them at the restaurant as Luffy and the rest are enjoying the meal while Usopp asked Y/n.

Usopp: So your not the captain?

Y/n: No. I'm just tagging along with the real Captain Luffy here.

Usopp: Huh well that's gonna be confusing to some pirates who thinks that your the captain. I mean most pirate captains are serious, deadly and sometimes psychopathic.

Y/n: You think I'm psychopathic?

Usopp: (scared) Nope! Not at all!

Nami: Well we came here in hopes we can find a ship. Is there anyone we can ask for a ship?

Usopp: I'm sorry but I afraid not. You see we don't have much ships come or any docks because there isn't a place to put the ships. Sure there is this path between the cliffs but there's not much a place for ships to dock.

Y/n: I see.

Luffy: (looks out of the window) What about that mansion?

They look out of the window to see a mansion on top of the hill.

Y/n: Who owns that mansion?

Usopp: It's no one and you all better stay away from it!

They look at Usopp in confusion and then Usopp tells them.

Usopp: Oh well look at them time I gonna go! Don't worry about staying here, everyone knows me. See ya!

Then he leaves the restaurant in a hurry.

Nami: What was that about?

Zoro: No idea.

???: it's owned by Kaya's family.

Then the same three children came up to them as they introduced themselves.

Ninjin: My name is Ninjin and this is Piiman and Tamanegi.

Piiman: We're apart of captain Usopp's crew.

Tamanegi: Yeah and the mansion is owned by Kaya.

Y/n: Whose she?

Piiman: She lives here in this village. She used to have parents however they passed away due to an illness which cost Kaya to be depressed.

Tamanegi: Captain Usopp comes by to visit her and tells hee stories about his adventures.

Nami: Is all of that true?

Ninjin: No. He make up these stories so he can make her happy. You see, Usopp make up lies to others just for fun. Everyday he runs into the village, yelling that there are pirates just to trick the village people. Soon they know he is lying and chase him for annoying them.

Zoro: So he likes to lie a lot Huh?

Y/n: But to make others happy. (Leaves the table) I'm going for a walk.

Nami: (smile) Okay, see ya.

He leaves the restaurant while the three kids turns to Nami and then Piiman asked.

Piiman: Are you a cannibal?


(Sometime later)

We see Y/n arriving at the mansion and seeing guards at the front gate. He then spotted Usopp sneaking around the mansion to which he follows and sees him going through a small hole within the hedges to get inside the garden.

He goes through the hole and finds Usopp climbing up a tree near to a window which he moves out of sight as he knocks at a window and then a young blonde girls opens the window to meet Usopp.

Kaya: (smile) Usopp!

Usopp: (smile) Hey Kaya. How are you?

Kaya: (smile) Doing okay. I try asking Klahadore to allow you in but he refused. Telling me your just gonna hurt me.

Usopp: (smile) That's okay, I like meeting you up here.

Kaya: (smile) Well any stories you have?

Usopp smiled and begins to tell her his adventure and tell some jokes which made Kaya laugh with a smile while Y/n listened from below. He stood there, listening to Usopp faces stories but with a smile underneath his mask. It's true he hates liars however Usopp is lying to make someone happy. Even if it sounds made up and stupid as long Kaya is happy, he's happy.

He stand there listening to Usopp's tale of adventure when suddenly someone called out.

???: Who are you?

Usopp froze as the two look down while Y/n turns to see what looks like a butler staring at Y/n which Usopp and Kaya soon see Y/n as he step out.

Usopp: (thought) The hell is he doing here? Is he gonna try to harm Kaya?

???: I'm asking you a question gunslinger. Why are you here?

Y/n: Sorry I'm just looking around. My mistake.

???: I see. Usopp I know your also here as well.

Usopp: Oh crap.

Y/n: Tell me, you must be Kaya's butler I'm I correct?

Klahadore: Indeed I am. My name is Klahadore and I I Kaya's only family member she has after her parents passed away.

Y/n: I've heard. I'm very sorry for that. I'll be best be off.

He turns to leave but then Klahadore says.

Klahadore: Yes it's best you'll be off. You and your kind aren't welcome to this place.

Then Y/n stop and then turn back to Klahadore and ask him in an aggressive tone.

Y/n: What do you mean by "my kind?" Care to tell me?

Klahadore: You know what I mean. People like you should understand that you are never welcome to even looking at this place. Especially you Usopp. Your lying is nothing more than harming Kaya.

Kaya: Klahadore stop it right now!

Usopp: Kaya calm down.

Y/n: Are you saying we are here to harm her?! If we were, would Usopp done that a long time ago!?

Klahadore: Do I care what you say. Your nothing but the same. (Looks up at Usopp) As for you Usopp, your nothing more then a disappointment just like your father. He rather join a band of dirty, messes pirates then being with his low life son.

Usopp: (angry) Don't you dare talk about my father like that!

Kaya: Klahadore I order you to stop right now!

Klahadore: If it is money you wanted then how much? I'm sure you won't spend it off with beer or gambling it all the way in the stupidest way pos-

Suddenly Y/n strikes a punch at Klahadore in the face which he fell onto thr floor with a broken nose and broken glasses while Usopp and Kaya weree shocked as Y/n stood over him.

Klahadore: Th-That's what you all are! Always using violence to get what you want! Fifthly people like you should know-

Y/n: (pulled Klahadore towards him) Listen here you piece of shit! Not all people or pirates are as cruel, selfish or violent. I may use violence but only to protect lives and you haveno right to call us like animals or mock Usopp's father or himself!

Usopp: (thought) Wait. Is he....defending me?

Y/n: I suspect rich people being the cruel and selfish ones but seeing you acting like one makes me thing it is opposite day. Kaya is nice to Usopp because how kind he is. He knows what Kaya is going through and helps hee anyway he can! While you, I bet you didn't care her feelings and rather push away Usopp from Kaya then just allowing him to stay and be her friend. Your nothing but a selfish, cruel and just a huge asshole of a butler.

He then drops Klahadore to the ground as he glares at him and then turns and walks off as he tells Usopp.

Y/n: Let's go. We're done here.

Usopp turns to Kaya while Kaya looks at him and with no choice he climbs down and leaves. Usopp goes first while Y/n sees Klahadore getting up as he cover his nose as he glares at Y/n.

Klahadore: (angry) Your gonna regret this you pirate scum.

Y/n: I'm a gunslinger fucker and you better watch your mouth otherwise, I'll break more then your nose.

He then leaves as Kaya feels even more depressed as she shuts the window while Klahadore sees Kaya shutting the window and then turns to head back inside to cover up his bleeding nose and then gose back to work.

To be continued.............................................

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