S1E6: The war on Buggy the clown (Arc 4 final)
(Intro ends)
We see Y/n standing on the roof of a building, looking at where Buggy's hang out was at as he stared at it for sometime as he sees some movement but couldn't tell what they are doing. He stood there for sometime and then he spoke.
Y/n: If you are trying to steal by stuff then goof luck with that.
We see Nami behind him as she smirked and then reply.
Nami: (smirk) Guess your really are good if you know someone is sneaking up.
Y/n: Thanks. (Turns to Nami) So why are you here?
Nami: (smirk) Figured I can catch with you before you go over there fighting Buggy the clown.
Y/n: And that being?
Nami: Well.....I saw you earlier showing a bit of emotions with Chouchou. I mean I know your a human yeah but do you have any feelings at all? Not to sound rude or anything like-
Y/n: I do. However.....I either not show it.
Nami: Really? Why?
Y/n:.......I was betrayed, abuse and heartbroken by people that I cared for. Everytime I wish to have a relationship or friendship.....they either die in front of me.....or betray me. It just hurts me to see that happening to me. That's why I rather block any of my emotions so it will not grow and hurt me in the end if that person dies or betrays me. I know I'm Unkillable and i can't die but even though I stand against pains from bullets, swords or explosions.....the pain of betrayal or lost hurts me even more.
Nami falls slient as the two were slient for a moment as Nami gets close to Y/n which he noticed as Nami tells him.
Nami: Well......yeah it hurts to lose someone that you care for and I completely understand that but.....sometimes it's good to show a bit of emotions either if it is happiness or sadness. At the end of the day, we all have emotions, even if we try to get rid of them or not, it can never go away.
Y/n: You don't understand the pain I've gone through.
Nami: (gets too close to Y/n) Yeah your right, but I do want to know and if you won't tell me then I have to steal it from you.
Her breast presses against Y/n chest as Y/n feels nervous within him as Nami shows her effecting towards him. Suddenly he senses something as he turn his head and quickly grab Nami and the two leap off the roof just as the building they were on was destroyed by Buggy's cannon as Y/n use himself as a landing pad for Nami as they hit the floor.
Y/n: You okay?
Nami: Yeah I'm fine. (Smirk) Thanks for that, i own you for that save. (Wink)
She get off so Y/n can get up and see a long line of houses was destroyed.
Y/n: Wait! The blast lined up to where Luffy, Zoro, Chouchou and Boodle were at! Come on!
They race back ans seeing Luffy, Chouchou and Boodle okay but the building that Zoro was in is destroyed as they race over to see it.
Y/n: Zoro! Zoro say something!
Then Zoro's hand stuck out and he climb out of the rubble with a yawn.
Zoro: Man what a wake up call. What happened?
Luffy: (smile) Nothing much. A cannon destroyed another block of buildings.
Zoro: Oh so just thr usual? Okay then.
Nami: (angry) Not okay you idiot!
Boodle: (angry) I can't stand by here and watch them wreck this peaceful town apart! (Lifted his spear) I'm going to show Buggy not to mess with my town!
Y/n: (Grabs Boodle's shoulder) No! I appreciate your bravery and duty as a mayor but Buggy is too dangerous especially his crew. You need to return back to your people outside of town and gather them up for battle.
Boodle: (Turns to Y/n) But Buggy and his crew needed to pay for his action! I can't just-
Y/n: Listen to me! Buggy has a devil fruit powers that allows him to split his body's whenever he wants. Let us handle him while you return back to your people and have them ready for battle. Trust me Boodle, they need you.
Boodle understood and heads off while Chouchou made a sad noise to Y/n as he kneel down to his and pat him on the head while he tells him.
Y/n: You go as well Chouchou. Your brave but easily killed by Buggy. Besides, they might need you.
Chouchou barks in an agreement and then race off, following Boodle as Y/n gets up as Zoro pulled out his swords from the rubble.
Zoro: Okay so what's the plan then?
Y/n: We need the map to the grand line and it is inside the hotel where Buggy and his crew is at so here's the plan. Me and Nami will sneak inside the hotel while Zoro and Luffy will take on Buggy and his crew. If your alright with it Zoro?
Zoro: (smirk) Oh please, a stab wound can't stop me. I'll take them all on, even if I'm stabbed multiple times.
Y/n: Good. With that settled, let's move.
(Sometime later)
We see Buggy on the roof of the hotel and laughing after destroying another block of buildings as he hopes he killed Y/n as he laughs and called out.
He then looked down and noticed Luffy and Zoro down there and looking up at them as he grind his teeth in frustration.
Buggy: (thought) Crap. I wanted the cowboy not those three. Well they are apart of Y/n plus if I kill one of them, then maybe he will show himself. Yes.
Buggy: (smirk) We meet again! The last time I remember you both, I stabbed Zoro in the guts!
Zoro: Yeah and your gonna regret that.
Luffy: (smile) We're here to fight you!
Buggy: (smirk) Oh really? This will be interesting.
???: Captain. Allow me to deal with Zoro if you allow me?
Buggy: (Turns to him with a smirk) Sure, be my guest.
???: Thank you.
Then a man leap off and rides a unicycle towards Zoro with a sword as the two clash blades.
Cabaji: (smirk) Call me Cabaji, the acrobat swordman. I cannot wait to chop off your head.
Zoro: (smirk) I can say the same to you!
The two clashed blades while Luffy and Buggy stared down at each other while we cutbto Nami and Y/n breaking into the hotel and sneaking inside. They soon head down to the basement as they soon get down there was one of Buggy's pirates sleeping from drinking too much alcohol.
They snuck by him and open a door to reveal a lot of treasure which Nami rushes over and picks up a few treasure.
Nami: (smile) Look how much treasure he has! This a lot!
Y/n looks around and soon finds a small box which he opens to see a map which he takes and opens to see it I'd the map to the grand line.
Y/n: Found it. Let's get out of here.
Nami: (putting the treasure into the sack) Hold on a minute here, I'm in the middle taking his treasure.
Y/n: Sure. I suppose Buggy will be busy up there.
Nami: (smile) Your the best~!
She continues putting the treasure into the sack and during that Nami asked Y/n.
Nami: Tell me something?
Y/n: Yeah?
Nami: If your not Luffy's crew then why can you not just leave?
Y/n:......I don't know. I feel like I should stay even though I don't feel like a pirate.
Nami: But you do wanted to search for the one piece right?
Y/n: Yeah but for a different reason. I want to give I back to the people of the world.
Nami: May I ask why though? I mean why helping out everyone by giving their treasure back and instead just keep it for yourself? Your life could have been a lot more better if you are rich.
Y/n: (sigh) Because they deserved it more then me.
She then stop as Y/n goes on to explain.
Y/n: Do you know how it's hard to be living in a poor place? Where the government doesn't care about you, that the marines look down apon you as rats and how rich society treats the poor like shit? It's hard, painful and.....depression. Rogers not just took everyone's money and important treasures away from them....but their future. What pirates of marines don't see is that there is people out there that are starving, cold, sick and alone without a place to stay, a place to eat delicious foods, a place to be treated to hospitals and a place where they can be apart of something and not being alone. Money can be evil to those who abuse it on the poor, however it can also be good to those who do needed the most. While pirates like Buggy only care of finding the treasure for selfish things, I'm gonna find it so I can give it to others who needed it the most.
Nami is surprised by his goal and never heard anyone who says they are going after the one piece just to give it to those who needed the most like the poor. She then finished packing up the treasure and turns to Y/n with a smile.
Nami: (smile) Let go and see what Luffy and Zoro need some help.
Y/n: You wanted to see them? I thought your not wanted to join them?
Nami: (Walks towards the door) True but I do like you but I think I should hang around with you guys. I mean you all ain't that bad.
She open the door only to be faced with the buggy's guard as he yells and reach for his sword only to get shot in the head and falls onto his back as Nami turn to see Y/n sith his pistol out as he lower his pistol down and said.
Y/n: Alright then. Let's go.
Nami smiled and they leave the basement and made it outside as they see Zoro is out of the count after he defeated Cabaji while they see Luffy battling Buggy and during the fight, he managed to damaged Luffy's hat which he look at it in anger.
Nami: Why is he getting so upsets about a hat?
Y/n: It's not just a normal hat to him.
Buggy: (smirk) Time to see your hat to go bye bye!
He throws his hand with knifes towards Luffy's hat however Y/n rushes over and gets in front of Luffy as the blades stabbed him. Y/n wasn't phase by this and pulled out Buggy's hand with his knives as he glance at Buggy and tells him.
Y/n: I'm giving you one last chance Buggy the dumb clown. Leave this island now or die.
He tossed his hand back to Buggy which reattached onto his arm as he smirks.
Buggy: (smirk) Have you forgotten that I can't be killed! Even if you chop me up, I will always reattached myself back onto my body. There is no way you can kill me!
Y/n: I see. Well then what if I shoot you?
Buggy: Huh?
Y/n: (pulled out his shotgun) You said if your body being cut off you will reattached but what if I shoot you or blow you up? Would your body reattached back?
Buggy: (scared) N-Now let's be calm about this for a minute here.
Y/n: (pumped his shotgun) You took over this town, harmed innocent people, destroyed their homes, sent your crew to kill a innocent dog and his masters pet shop. I'm not calm no more you fucking clown. Time for you to go to hell.
(Epic music start)
He then charged towards Buggy with Buggy being scared even more then ever as he try to get him away by detaching his arms and have then to charge towards Y/n. Y/n stops in his tracks and moves around, dodging the blades as he try shooting them with his shotgun but his arms moved very quickly.
Then Buggy launches his leg to kick him but Y/n sees this and moved to the left to dodge it and then catching his leg and then slammed his leg onto the ground hard which hurt Buggy.
He then throw it away his leg but his leg stops in mid air and then dives towards Y/n but he ducked as Buggy's amr accidentally grabbed Buggy's leg which Y/n pulled out a rope and then grab his other arm and tied up both his arms and legs.
Buggy: Hey don't do that! Hey!
Once that was down he tosses them away and walks towards Buggy which Buggy turns to leave but he can't hop fast as Y/n grabbed a barrel and throw it at Buggy which tripped him over as he fell onto the floor.
Buggy slowly turn and looks up and was in fear to see a glare of Y/n's visor looking down at him as Buggy detached his other leg and try to kick him from behind but he quickly turn, grabbing his leg while he placed the barrel of his shotgun at his chest while he is shaking in fear as he slowly looks up at him.
Buggy: (scared) J-Just what the hell are you?!
Y/n: (slowly looks down at Buggy) I am the gunslinger that could never die. I'm the gunslinger that punishes evil or those who harm the innocent. I am my enemies Grimm Reaper. I am Y/n L/n, The Unkillable Gunslinger and you better tell all pirates that and if not....then....that will be true mistake if they mess with me. Now then clown.....are you gonna leave this island and leave the people of this island alone....or are we gonna have a problem here?
He had his finger on the trigger as Buggy was shaking in fear as Y/n slowly squeezes the trigger and then Buggy called outin fear.
(Epic battle music ends)
He glare at Buggy and then remove his shotgun from his chest and then grabbed his by the shirt and lifted him on his feet and right at his face.
Y/n: Dare to come back here again, then it will be no mercy. Your lucky I show you mercy because if not, the only thing people will remember you is a clown who tells his last joke to me.
He shakes in agreement and then he legs him go as he reattached his other limbs and then runs off while Luffy, Nami and Zoro sees that they have won. Soon Boodle and his towns people came and sees Buggy is gone as Y/n turns to them and nodes to Boodle to which he smiled and cheered.
Boodle: Free cheers to the Unkillable Gunslinger and his friends!
The towns people all cheared to their heroes for saving their town from Buggy and his crew.
(Sometime later)
We see Luffy and Zoro on their own boat while Nami at the other at the docks as we see Y/n, Boodle and Chouchou there standing at the docks as Y/n sns Boodle shake hands.
Boodle: (smile) We can't thank you enough for saving our town. We will never forget this day.
Y/n: Your very welcome. If Buggy or any pirates show up, you will contact me.
Boodle: (smirk) Don't you worry. If there ie any pirates that might come here and try to take over, we'll be ready.
Chouchou: Bark!
Y/n: (kneel down to Chouchou) You did good Chouchou. Someday you'll be big and strong so you can protect everyone. Your master would've been proud of you.
Chouchou: (smile) Bark!
Nami sees this and looks at the two bags of treasure she stolen and then she place one bag next to Chouchou and Boodle as they turn to her as she said.
Nami: (smile) Here. You can take half of the treasure so you can rebuild.
Boodle: You sure?
Nami: (smile) I'm sure of it, don't worry about it. There are other treasures I can steal after all.
Y/n can't help but smile underneath his mask which surprised himself that he smiled. Then he climb onto Nami's boat and they sail off together to the grand line with Boodle waving goodbye to them while they wave back to him as they sail off to their next adventure.
To be continued...................................
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