S1E5: The War on Buggy the clown (Arc 3)
(Intro ends)
We see the roof of the hotel completely wipped out from the distances as we cut to the alleyway to see Y/n carrying Luffy who is still stuck in a cage that he is thrown in as he carries him to where Nami and Zoro were at.
Luffy: Hey Y/n?
Y/n: Yeah?
Luffy: You are pretty strong since your carrying a huge bricked cage.
Y/n: It's nothing.
Luffy: Oh okay then. I hope Zoro will be alright.
Y/n: He's a tough guy. He's been through possible situations like earlier so he'll be fine.
Luffy: Yeah your right. Also it's freaky that clown dude can split apart his body. Kinda freaky don't you think.
Y/n: (mutter) I think you being stretchy is less freaky the first time we met.
Luffy: What was that?
Y/n: I found them up ahead.
Soon he walk up to Zoro and Nami as he place down Luffy and dust off his hands as Nami walked up to him and ask.
Nami: You think you got him?
Y/n: Probably not but if he is still alive, he will be really mad.
Nami: (sigh) Well we're doomed. He's gonna hunt us down before you know it. The worse part is that he has the map to the grand line, how are we gonna give it back?!
Y/n: Don't worry, I have a plan to get it back.
Nami: How? Its not like your Unkillable and go over and take them all on.
Y/n: Actually I am Unkillable. I too also eaten a devil fruit which regenerated my wounds or any critical injuries. Not only that but if I have my head chopped up I can reattached it back into my body including my limbs.
Nami: (smirk) Yeah right. If that were true then proof it.
Y/n: Okay.
He pulled out his pistol, aims at his head and fired. Nami stood there shocked as he just did that without any hesitating and what's more shocking is that he is still alive as the wound is his head suddenly healed it self. There was a moment of silence and then he completely turn to Zoro and ask him.
Y/n: Zoro, you feeling alright?
Nami: (thought) He acts like nothing is wrong?! Is he even human?!
Zoro: (groans) I'm fine. Just need some sleep.
Then he collapse onto the floor with blood pouring out more to which Y/n turns to the building in front him and walks over, about to knock at the door when he heard.
???: Bark!
He look down and standing in front of him was a dog who is growling while glaring at him. Y/n stared back at him and slowly moves back which the dog calms down and sat there in his spot.
They stared at the dog, seeing that it doesn't move almost like it is a statue. Then Luffy pull some dumb faces at the dog but nothing.
Nami: Why is there dog doing here in the middle of town?
Y/n: No idea but that look.......it seems that dog doesn't want us to get close to this building.
He looks up and seeing that it was a pet store as he look down at the dog who is looking up at him.
Nami: Oh yeah by away (reach into her pocket and pulled out a key) I pick up this key for Luffy's cage before we escape.
Luffy: (smile) Thanks Nami! Your the best crew.
Nami: I told you I'm not apart of your crew. Anyways this will help.
She tosses it towards Y/n and he was about to grab it when the dog suddenly launches over and eat the key in front of everyone.
The four of them froze in shock that a dog eat the key. This made Luffy mad and start shaking the dog.
Nami: So much for that.
Y/n: Guess we need to go with plan-B then.
???: Hey you there! Leave Chouchou alone!
They turn to see an old man walking over to them while wearing wooden army. Y/n hits Luffy at the head, making him stop trying to kill Chouchou and then looks up to the old man.
Y/n: Apologies about him. But tell us, who are you. I thought everyone in this town left?
Boodle: My name is Boodle, the Mayor of Orang Town and I'm thankful you have came gunslinger.
Y/n: What?
Boodle: You are the legendary Unkillable gunslinger right? The one that take on a town ruled by pirates and brings justice for the citizens?
Y/n: Yes. I am.
Boodle: (sigh of relief) What a relief, it seems hope has come to us at long last.
He looks over to Zoro unconscious to which he said.
Boodle: Your friend looks injured. Please come with me, I will take him somewhere safe to patch him up.
Y/n: Right, thank you.
(Sometime later)
They return back to the pet store after they put Zoro to rest as they sat around as Y/n looks around Chouchou and then ask Boodle.
Y/n: Mayor Boodle, who own this dog?
Boodle: Chouchou? Well, he was owned by an old friend who own this store.
Nami: Really?
Boodle: That's right. Both he and Chouchou work together in this store for years and they were well known in town. One day however, he left the store and told Chouchou to protect the store and he'll be back. However.....he didn't came back. Since that day, he stand guard at the store qnd waiting for his owner to come back. I've tried to bring him back to my place but he just refused.
Luffy: Why is that? It's just a store.
Y/n: Luffy.
Boodle: I believe this is his treasure. He thinks that this is the last thing he will remember his time with his master and doesn't want anyone to destroy the last thing of his memory.
Y/n feels bad as he looks down at Chouchou as he stand and guard and then Nami asked Boodle.
Nami: So are you the only one in town?
Boodle: Yes. Actually we didn't leave the island. We made camp outside of town. We each take turne going into supply runs. Some.....didn't make it.
Y/n: It was brave for you to go into town knowing there are dangerous pirates wondering through the streets.
Boodle: Of course I would! This is my town and i feel responsible to keep my people safe! But now your here and you can help us!
Y/n: I'll see what I can do. I mean I have pissed off Buggy so he may sent his pirates to track us down.
Boodle: (surprised) You've already faced him before?!
Y/n node and before he could explain what happened, they heard a roar somewhere which made Y/n look around while Boodle gets nervous.
Boodle: (nervous) Oh no! It's the beast tamer, we need to get out of here now! (Runs away)
Y/n: Nami go with him. I'll take care of this.
Nami: You sure?
He nodes to her which she stared at him for a moment and then goes with Boodle. Deep down she was worried for him but she doesn't know why she be worried for him but for some reason she does.
Luffy: Hey what about me? What should I do?
Y/n: I'll free you shortly but for now, just stay out of this.
He kicked Luffy's cage far and then he turn to Chouchou, seeing that he will not move. Then he felt like something large is behind him so he turn his head to be faced to face with a large lion while growled at him.
???: You must be the Unkillable Gunslinger that Buggy sent me to kill.
He looks up to see a man riding on the lion as he moves a few steps back while Chouchou started to growl.
Y/n: So he's still alive then. Good. Who are you suppose to be, a Bounty hunter?
Mohji: No. I am Mohji the beast tamer, I am apart of Buggy's crew of pirates and we have came here for you. Me and my friend Richie.
Richie growled at Y/n but he was not scared as he have his hand over his holster when Mohji noticed Chouchou.
Mohji: What is this? I see he is protecting an old store.
Y/n: Leave Chouchou and his store out of this. This is between you and me. Unless you wish to live, them leave.
Mohji: (smirk) Do you believe I will be scared by the likes of you? This is where you will die!
Richie roared and launches towards Y/n but he moved out of the way, dodging Richie's slash attacks as he does a barrel roll while he pulled out his twin Pistols, turns around and open fire at Richie which Richie moves quickly towards him, dodging his bullets and then pinned him onto the ground.
Richie roared at him as Y/n struggled to get out but Richie bends down, bites him and lifting him up in the air and shake him around.
Y/n moves a lot but he managed to take aim with his pistol and fired a shot at Richie's foot which made him roar and tosses him away as he hit the ground.
His guts was covered in blood but it immediately healed himself as Mohji barks at Y/n.
Mohji: (anrgy) You shot Richie! You shall pay for that!
Y/n: Bite me again and you'll see what happens.
He swap his twin Pistols to his shotgun and walks towards Richie, firing shots at him while Richie charges towards him and swings his claw at him but he ducks down and was about to fire but he was hit by Richie's other claw and was sent flying back and crashing through a building.
Rubble falls on top of Y/n as he let out a small groan as he slowly gets up and shake his head while Mohji watches this with a smirk.
Mohji: (smirk) I don't know how you keep surviving but no matter, your luck will not last.
Then Chouchou started to bark as Richie gets too close to the store as both Mohji and Richie glare at him as Y/n slowly gets up and seconds later he witnessed Chouchou being hit by Richie and sent him flying. Chouchou lands onto the floor while Y/n stood there stunned that it just happened.
Luffy was even more shocked as Richie turned to the store and lick his lips.
Mohji: (smirk) Hungary my dear friend. Well then, let's see what this store may have for you.
Y/n hears this as his hand formed into a fist as Richie reached out his claws while Chouchou barks at them but too injured to do anything as Richie swings his claws at the store.
(Epic music start)
Luffy, Chouchou and Mohji were stunned as Richie claws were caught by Y/n who appeared in front of the store, grabbing Richie's paws with one hand while he have his head lower down. Then he glare up at the two and then he grabbed Richie by the chest and with all of his strength, he lifted Richie off the ground and then tosses him away from the store.
The impact made Mohji fell off of Richie and fell onto thr ground while Richie slammed onto thr ground. Y/n slowly stood up straight, walks up to the two as he tells them in a serious tone.
Y/n: I told you to leave Chouchou and his store be and the fight is between you and me. But instead, you ignore it and now......you will pay.
He step in the middle of Richie and the pet store as Richie slowly gets up and roared at him while Y/n says with a serious and deadly tone.
Y/n: You want me beast! COME AND GET ME THEN!!!!!
Richie roars and then charges towards him while Y/n stood in his place just as Boodle and Nami came back and watched as Richie leaps up towards Y/n while Y/n is still in the same spot and then he bends down to the ground, resat his fist and within that moment he punched Richie in the chin, upper punching him in the face, shocking everyone that he punched a massive and deadly beats.
Richie slammed onto thr ground and was slowly getting up but then Y/n grabbed Richie by the tie and then start to spin him around and around, shocking everyone even more.
Nami: (thought) Holy crap! He's just lifting that lion like it was just a doll! How can he get this soo strong!
Then Y/n slammed Richie onto thr ground, creating a huge crack onto the floor and cost the ground below them to shake that felt like an earthquake. Richie lay there as Y/n came up to Richie, put his foot on him as Richie turns to met with Y/n glaring at him as he tells him with a growl.
Y/n: (growl) I'm the king now lion.
Richie now was scared as he move back and hide behind Mohji who was shocked that someone made his pet scared and looks over to Y/n who shot him a glare. He was terrified by this so he runs away along with Richie as Y/n watches the two run away.
(Epic music ends)
Y/n stood there as his wounds where healed as he turn and walk over to Luffy and then he lifted his fist up and with a slam, the cage broke within ease.
Luffy: (smile) Yeah, I'm finally free!
Then he walk over to the pet store and enters inside. Nami and Boodle were shocked but they were surprised that Chouchou didn't bark or go in there and bite him. He watched as Y/n came out with a bowl and some dog food.
He sat down, place the bowl onto the ground and pour in some dog food. Chouchou stared at him and then walk towards him and soon he stood in front of his dog food and then began to eat it.
Boodle: (surprised) Unbelievable! Chouchou just trusted Y/n like that!
Then Chouchou was done and once that Y/n move his hand over and then pet Chouchou on the head. He then for the first time ever smiled and barked in a happy tone.
Y/n: No problem Chouchou. Your a brave dog and your owner, would be so proud of you. You really are a good dog.
Chouchou barked once more with happiness which warmed Nami's heart seeing this.
Nami: (thought) He's maybe serious, cold and deadly but....deep down.....I can see now that he cares for things around him, especially those who are weak. I don't know why but I feel like........I want to get to know him more. Maybe......Maybe I'll wish to know about this kind and handsome gunslinger even more.
To be continued............................................
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