S1E4: The war on Buggy the clown (Arc 2)
(Intro ends)
Within the empty ghost town we see the pirates od Buggy searching for the thief as they searched everywhere but there was no such lunch. While they were all searching we see Y/n peeking over the window within the building on the second floor, watching as Buggy's pirates were running by ans searching.
Once he sees them run off he turn to see Luffy sitting on the table and eating as much food he can find while Nami is sat on a chair as she glance at Y/n as we see he is holding the map that Nami had as he open it open the map and looks at it.
Y/n: Is this the map to the grand line?
Nami: Yep. I stole that from Buggy and I was about to make my escape when you showd up and ruined my escape.
Y/n: Huh, no wonder he wants to track you down that badly.
Nami: (smirk) Yep. I'm gonna use that map to head to the grand line.
Luffy: (swallow his food) Cool! So your a navigator!?
Nami: Yep. I suddenly maps and draw them out so I won't get lost. I'm quite an expert.
Y/n: So your not only a thief but a navigator?
Nami: (smirk) Very impressive don't you think?
Y/n: I suppose so.
Luffy: (smile) Awesome! We needed a navigator and your perfect to be apart of our crew!
Nami: Crew? Wait, are you both happened to be pirates right?
Luffy: (smile) Yep!
Nami: (surprised) Including Y/n? But isn't he.....a cowboy? I don't recall cowboys being apart of a pirate crew?
Y/n: Let's just say I'm tagging along until I reach my destination.
Nami: Well it doesn't changes the fact that your a pirate so I won't join your crew. There's nothing more I hate then pirates.
Luffy: Oh come on!
Nami: I said no!
Y/n: Luffy, if she doesn't want to join then that's her own decision.
Nami: (smirk) At least someone here kind.
Y/n says nothing and look out of the window to see pirates searching around as he looks ahead to see a hotel building which Y/n asked Nami.
Y/n: Nami, where is Buggy and his crew living at?
Nami: Well they have their base camp on the roof of that hotel. They party and test out their Buggy bomb cannon.
Y/n: Buggy bomb cannon?
Nami: There are bomb that Buggy made to cost even more destruction. They daily use it whenever they feel like it.
Y/n: How destructive can these bombs do?
Nami: Not too sure but I did encountered some destroyed buildings that I don't think they use normal cannons so very destructive.
Y/n: In that case, we need to destroy it and take down Buggy.
Nami: (surprised) You wanted to take down Buggy? But this isn't your business, either of yous business. Besides he'll kill you both.
Y/n: Unless we lowee his guard and kill two birds with one stone. (Hands the map to Nami) Take this map and give it back to Buggy and that way, he will welcome you into his crew while I'll wait somewhere and use my rifle to take him out.
Nami: You kidding me right? I just got this map qnd you want me to give it back?
Y/n: Think about it this way, even if you would escape, Buggy and his crew will not stop searching until you are found and dead. Either follow the plan qnd have Buggy and his crew not tailing you or have them tail you for the rest of your life.
Nami was about to say something to him but froze a but and thinks about it and sees he has a point. With a heavy deep breath she takes the map and reply.
Nami: Fine. But there is a problem, how would they accept me after seeing my face?
Y/n: Your right, we need someone to act as your boss and you turning him into Buggy. Besides I'm gonna be sniper while you're offering Buggy the map.....which leaves.....
They turn to Luffy who was all filled up as he let out a sigh and noticed the two looking at him.
Luffy: Why are you two looking at me?
We see Buggy tossing one of his pirate search party away with anger in his face as he gets up and tells then.
Buggy: (angry) How disappointing! I give you one job to find that thief and yet you fail to find her and the map!
Buggy crew member 1: Our apologies Buggy the clown.
Buggy crew member 2: (runs up to him) Captain! The thief return with the map in hand and her boss.
Soon we see Nami came over with the tied up Luffy dragging behind him and the map at her other hand as she came up to Buggy and then holf out the map to Buggy and tells him.
Nami: (smile) I've returned your map Buggy the clown.
His crew were surpand confused including Buggy to which he asked.
Buggy: Strange, why would a thief like you return the map to me?
Nami: (smile) I was tired of my boss nagging to me so I betrayed him and came here in hopes to join your crew.
Buggy gets up and walks up to her. He gets close to her as Buggy's crew was nervous on what will Buggy will do while we cut to Y/n on top of a roof with his sniper rifle aimed at Buggy's head, thinking he might know what is going on.
To both him and Nami's relief he took the map and says with a laugh follow by him saying.
Buggy: (smile) It looks like today is a great day! Not only we have the map back but a new crew member. It's time for celebrating!
His crew cheered as moments later they celebrated while we see Luffy trapped inside a cage which he stretched out his hand to grab some food without anyone noticing but couldn't reach the food.
We cut back to Y/n just waiting for Buggy to pull out his cannon and his Buggy bombs while Buggy asked Nami.
Buggy: Say Nami? Do you happen to encounter a cowboy with a mask by any chance?
Nami: (Turns to Buggy) Hmm? Of course not, what kind of person who be coming into your land?
Buggy: (smirk) That is true but just to be sure and for the future of it, time to bring in the Buggy bomb!!!
Y/n: (thought) Finally.
His crew cheered and they roll in the cannon and have it ready as another crew member came over while carrying a Buggy bomb and insert it inside the cannon.
Buggy: (smirk) light it up!
The Pirate crew did so as he lit it up the cannon. After seconds of waiting the cannon fired, creating a huge line up of explosions that destroyed a lot of buildings.
The explosion was soo loud it cost Zoro who was still waiting at the docks to see the explosions. Y/n balanced himself from the shock blast as he couldn't believe it is cable of destroying most of town.
Y/n: (thought) That fucking psychopath! Just imagine what it can do to populations within town. He will kill hundreds or more.
Buggy: (smirk) Hahahahahah!!! That feels good. Soon I will have enough firepower to go the grand line and then become the Pirate King!
Luffy: No way! I wanna be the pirate King.
Then Buggy and everyone turn to Luffy as Nami calls out.
Nami: Shut up!
Buggy: Hhmm I can see why you betrayed him.
Nami: (nervous smile) Yeah he's very annoying.
Buggy: (smirk) In that case, I'll give you the honours of killing him.
Nami is shocked as the cannon is turned to point at Luffy. Then Buggy hands are a box of matches as she look down at them and looks up at Luffy who was lookingback at her.
Nami: (thought) True I do hate pirates at the bottom of my heart......but......if I kill him, then I'll be nothing like a pirate. But if I refuse then that's game over for me.
Buggy: What are you waiting for Nami? Light it up!
Nami stood there, not sure what to do when a pirate snatches the matches out of her hand and pulls one out and lights it.
Buggy pirate crew 3: (smirk) If your not gonna do it guess I'll do it my sel-
Suddenly from the of nowhere he was shot in the head and falls onto the ground which Buggy qnd the other pirates were shocked.
Buggy: (angry) Who did that!?
They were looking around while Y/n takes aim at Buggy and fired but a pirate gets in the way and gets shot in the head and falls onto the ground.
Y/n: (mutter) Shit.
Buggy crew member 4: Look! I see something up ahead!
Y/n sees that he has been spotted by Buggy which he keeps firing at them. Take out some while Buggy calls out to some of his crew.
Buggy: Ready the Buggy cannon! Kill that sniper!
They turn the cannon around which Y/n noticed so ue slide down the roof and land on the ground and escape the area. However before the two pirates could light it up, Nami pulled out her staff and knock the two out which made Buggy and his pirate crew member shocked Buggy gets angry and called out.
Buggy: Traitor!
Suddenly three smoke grenades were throne onto the roof and they blow up with smoke. Then Y/n leap onto thre roof as the smoke cleared up and sees Y/n aiming one of his twin Pistols at Buggy and his crew while Nami stood next to him.
Y/n: Buggy the Clown. Your a wanted man or should I say......clown.
Buggy is shocked to be faced to faced one of the most dangerous gunslinger that has ever lived. He shake off his fear and pointed his sword at him.
Buggy: (angry) You dared to come here to my town and ruin our fun!
Y/n: Your way of fun is ruining innocent peoples homes and possibly lives as well because of your cannon. You will pay for the damages you have cost.
Luffy: So can I get out now?
Y/n: Nami.
Nami: Right. (Races towards Luffy)
Buggy: Oh no you don't! Get her!
His pirate crew launch towards her, about to slash at her when suddenly Zoro came and block their attacks and sent them all flying back.
Luffy: (smile) Zoro!
Zoro: (turn to Y/n) So, who are these clowns?
Y/n: Doesn't matter who they are. Their circus show is about to end.
Zoro: (smirk) Guess we're the final act, huh?
Y/n: Yep.
Buggy: (angry) You think this is just a show! I will kill you!
He charge towards Y/n with knifes in hand but he leaps back, dodging his swings while he fire his twin Pistols at him.
He dodges them as he does a backwards roll and gets up to his feet and open fires at Buggy while Buggy throw his knife at him.
He rushes towards the knife and then slide over the knife, catching it mid air and then throws it back at Buggy which chopped off his left arm as Y/n pulled out his large knife and Chop off his left leg as Zoro rushes over and Chop him up.
Buggy's body parts fell onto thr ground as both Y/n and Zoro gets up and sees that Buggy is dead.
Nami: (surprised) Wow! They work together very well.
Luffy: (smile) That's my crew alright.
Y/n: I'm not apart of you-wait.
He turn and noticed something odd. Rather Buggy's crew scared, angry or sadden. They were smirking whicj confused the four.
Nami: Why are they smirking? Their captain is dead?
Zoro: Either they've gone insane or trying to creep us ou-
Suddenly he felt a sharp object stabbed Zoro in the gut as he slowly look down and see a hand that is still holding a knife, stabbing Zoro in the gut which shocked the four.
Y/n: (shocked) What?! Impossible!
Buggy: Oohh, it is possible.
He turn only to see hie body parts reattach together and once that he was all normal like nothing has happened and that's when Y/n realised.
Y/n: You've eaten a devil fruit, is that correct?
Buggy: (smirk) That is correct. I have an ability to split my body apart whenever I won't. No blades will not cut me down!
Zoro collapse onto the ground in pain from the stab as Y/n glare at Buggy.
Y/n: (growl) I'm going to kill you.
Buggy: (laughter) And how are you going to do that huh?
He laughed while Y/n realised that Zoro will die from his stab wound so he needs to take him to somewhere to get patched up but he can't have Buggy and his crew chasing after him.
Then he noticed the Buggy cannon which gives him an idea. He tosses his smoke grenades at Buggy which blows up, covering Buggy and his crew I'm smoke as Y/n picked up the injured Zoro and slide him across Nami and Luffy as he races over to the cannon and turn the cannon over that is aimed at Buggy.
He picks up the matches and turns to Nami and the rest.
Y/n: Jump now!
Nami and Zoro did so while he lights up the cannon and then picked up the still caged Luffy and leaps off the roof just as the smoke cleared as Buggy was facing a light cannon.
He scream in a panic and then there was a huge explosion as Y/n escapes the area and regroup with Nami and Zoro and find Zoro a doctor.
We then spotted someone spotted Y/n running by as he sees him with a surprised look on his face as he step out only to see to be the mayor of town with a spear in hand as he matters out.
???: (mutter) Can he be?
To be continued.................................................
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