S1E3: The war on Buggy the clown (Arc 1)


(Intro ends)

We see Luffy, Zoro and Y/n still sailing through the sea within the small boat they still have as they keep sailing through the ocean only to not come across any land for what seems like hours.

Luffy is seen lend forward at the left side od the boat, facing the ocean while his stomach growls in hunger. Zoro sat across from Luffy, having his head back and looking up at the sky while Y/n sat next to Luffy as his head his lowe down as Zoro glance at Y/n, staring at him for a moment and then asking him.

Zoro: So Y/n, what's a Bounty like you searching for the grand line for?

Y/n: (looks over to Zoro) I made a promise to someone to search for the treasure and give it back to the people.

Zoro: (surprised) Really? Your not taking the treasure for yourself?

Y/n: The people who has suffered deserves the treasure more then me. Besides I don't care about the money, I only care of the innocent lives.

Zoro: Huh guess I can respect that.

Luffy: (groaning) I'm hungry as hell.

Zoro: (Turns to Luffy) How the hell can you survive like this without a navigator?

Luffy: (lifted his head up) I mostly drifted through the ocean until i come across an island. (Turns to Zoro) What about you, your a Bounty hunter right, you must have travelled to other islands.

Zoro: Well I mostly take other boats that I can smuggle myself in and hope for the best. Never thought of getting a boat for myself is because of.....reasons.

Luffy: Because you easily get lost?

Zoro: (angry) Shut up!

Suddenly a huge rave hits the boat, knocking Luffy's hat off  of his head and was about to land on the water when Y/n catches it and hands it back to Luffy.

Y/n: Here.

Luffy: (smile) (grabs his hat) Thanks man, your the best crewman ever.

Y/n: I'm not apart of your crew. I caught that because I know how important that hat is to you.

Zoro: How do you know that?

Y/n: Because disbite its just a common straw hat that anyone could wear, for some reason you seemed to wear that all the time as if it's important to you in some way.

Luffy: (smile) Yep. It was given to me by Shanks.

Y/n: (surprised) You mean one of the most legendary pirates that has ever lived and captain of the Red haired pirates crew. He worth a lot of money.

Luffy: (smile) He's the best and give me this hat so i can remember him and one day, I'll be the pirate King and make him proud.

Y/n: Well keep that promise Luffy and hope that will come true.

Luffy: (smile) Thanks.

Then Luffy looks up and noticed a gaint bird in the sky so he stretched out his arms, grabbing onto the Sails and then launching himself into the air so he can catch the bird while Zoro and Y/n watched.

Zoro: What a idiot.

Y/n: You and me both.

Suddenly something move the ship and then three pirates climb on board of the ship ans draw out theie swords at the two.

Male pirate 1: (smirk) We are taking your ship right now so how's about you surrender nicely.

Y/n:.........Here's an alternative idea. (Crack his Knuckles)

(A minute of beaten later)

We find the three pirates rolling the boat for Zoro and Y/n while looking beaten up after Y/n show them a different idea as the same pirate nervous says.

Male pirate 1: (nervous) O-Our apologies. We didn't know we be meeting both Y/n and Zoro. (Nervous laughter)

Y/n: (fold his arms) Take us to the closes island near here and make it quick.

Three pirates: (scared) Yes sir!

Zoro: (thought) Hhmm, I'm starting to like this gunslinger already.

(Sometime later)

They arrived onto a island and make docked as Y/n ans Zoro climb out of the boat and noticed a town but there was no people around.

Zoro: (Turns to the three pirates) Hey, where is everyone?

Male pirate 1: You don't know? This is run by Buggy the clown.

Y/n: Who is he?

Male pirate 2: One of the most feared pirates that has ever feared. He took over this town by using his Buggy bombs.

Male pirate 3: We're actually apart of his craw.

Y/n: I see. Zoro stay here with them, I'll go into town and look around. (Starts walking towards town)

Zoro: Should we be looking for Luffy?

Y/n: (continues walking) He'll come soon. Just stay there just in case someone or those three tries to steal our boat.

The three pirates were a but nervous staying with Zoro as he gives then a glare which scared them more. We then cut to Y/n walking through the empty town with no sign of life anywhere as he walks around.

It felt like a ghost town as he searches around but doesn't see no one and the only sound he can hear is his own footsteps as he walk through town.

Y/n: (thought) Who ever this Buggy the clown is must be one scary little fucker if he made everyone leave town. That or he did something terrible to these people that I hope he didn't, otherwise he's a dead man.

He keep on walking until he hears rushing footsteps that we're getting closer and closer and just when he came into another street someone bumps into him as the two fell and hit the ground.

We then see a women on top of Y/n as she shake her head while sitting up as she grab her head.

???: Ow, watch where you are going at mis-

She look down only to see a masked cowboy looking at her as Y/n recognise her as the women from the cruise before he met Luffy and Koby.

Y/n: Your that women from the cruise.

???: And your the cowboy from the cruise as well.

She then look around and find a rolled up piece of paper which she gets off of him and takes while Y/n gets up and ask her.

Y/n: What is that?

???: (smirk) Nothing important. Why fo you wanna know?

Y/n: Are you apart of Buggy's crew?

???: (smirk) Not really.

Unknown pirate: There she is!

They turn to see five pirates rushing up to them as she glance at Y/n and then she smirked as he came up to Y/n ans said.

???: (smile) Thank goodness your here boss. Surely you can handle them on your own right? Okay, bye~!

She then run off and disappeared around a corner just as the five pirates came up to Y/n.

Male pirate 4: She got away!

Male pirate 5: Forget about her, we have hee boss.

All eyes were on Y/n as he turn to look at them.

Y/n: Best you five retreat while you can.

Male pirate 5: (smirk) Ha! You think you can take all of us on by yourself?

Y/n:.....You really want an answer?

(Fight music start)

The first pirate attempt to land the first strike by swinging his sword at him but he caught his hand and after that kicked him in the waste and tossed him aside as the second pirate thrust his sword at him but he moved to the left qs the second pirate swing at him a few times before Y/n grabs his arm, breaks it which made the second pirate scream and then he kicked his front kneel, making him scream and then he tosses him away as he crashed into some barrels as two pirate charge towards him and then managed to stab him in the stomach.

The two blades sticking out of his back as the two pirates smirk but Y/n was not phase by this and then grabbing both of the pirates heads and slamming the two heads at each other, knocking them out cold as the last pirate charges towards him but Y/n pulled out the sword out of his stomach and throws it at the last pirate which stabbed him in the leg and making him fall onto thr ground.

Y/n walks up to him while the first pirate charge towards him from behind but Y/n quickly turns around, hitting him in the throat as he chocks for air as his throat is completely destroyed as he stumbled backwards before Y/n headbutted the pirate, knocking him out and then pulled out the last sword out of his stomach and then throws the sword towards the pirate that pulled out his pistol only for the sword to stab him in the arm, making him drop the pistol as he scream in pain.

The five pirates fall back, running away while Y/n's stab wounds slowly heal itself as he stood there and watching the five pirates running away.

(Fight music ends)

???: That was impressive moves cowboy.

He turn to see the women coming out around the corner as she fold her arms while she smirk at him.

???: (smirk) You took on five of Buggy's best pirates and didn't die.

Y/n: They were nothing. Tell me....who are you?

Nami: (smirk) Call me Nami and I'm your simple thief.

She then pulled out a small bag which she managed to steal from Y/n as she smirk and tells him.

Nami: (smirk) Thanks for the money.

Y/n: What (pulls out another back) This one?

Nami got confused and open the bag and the only thing that is inside were rocks which impress her even more.

Y/n: Knew I'll come across someone that will be a good their like yourself.

Nami: (smirk) Thanks. Anyways gonna go so see ya~!

She then ran away as she turn to different streets as she turns back and then turns forward only to immediately stop and standing in front of her was Y/n as he ask her.

Y/n: Not until you ask me some questions first.

Nami: Nope.

She turn to an alleyway and runs through the alleyway, trying her best to lose him but when she turn a corner she bump into him as she fell onto the floor and look up to see him standing as the same position as before.

Y/n: If your not apart of Buggy's crew then what pirate crew are you from?

Nami: (smirk) I'm no once crew. I'm on my own!

She leap over Y/n and climb up the walls, wall jumping until she reach the roof. She turn back ans smirked as she runs along the roof, leaping roof to roof sand thinking she finally got away only for Y/n came out behind the chimney which she stopped as Y/n stared at her.

Nami: (smirk) I don't know your fast or smart but you know how to catch a thief on time.

Y/n: I'm a Bounty hunter. No one gets away from me.

Nami: (smirk) We'll see about that.

She attempted to kick him but only for Y/n to grab her leg and push her back. She stumble backwards and after she tug the rolled up paper behind her she throw some punches at Y/n but he blocks ever attack that Nami pulled.

He dodges and blocks her attacks as the two move around until she was backed up against a chimney as Y/n place his hand next to her, grabbing the chimney walls as his head was close to Nami's.

Y/n: Shall we talk now or what?

She stared at him for a moment and then let out a small giggle as she stroke his mask with one finger.

Nami: (smirk) A tough man like you wouldn't hurt a cute girl like me now would you~?

Y/n: Your right. I won't.

Nami smirked, thinking she seduce him but then her arms wrapped around and tied up as she look down, seeing that Y/n wrapped a rope around her arms as he goes on to explain.

Y/n: I won't harm you because you don't look like a person who does harm to anyone besides of pirates who deserve it. However, if you know something about Buggy the clown, his crew and what happened to the citizens of this town then you better tell me what you know.

Nami: (sigh) Guess I can't do anything but comply do I?

Y/n: Yes.

All of a sudden they heard screaming and suddenly Luffy falls next to them and crashed onto the street. Both Nami and Y/n look down to see Luffy getting up and shaking his head  and soon noticed Y/n as he smiled and said.

Luffy: (smile) Hey Y/n! Whose that next to you?! Do you know her?!

Nami: Where the hell did he come from?

Y/n: Best not to ask.


We see a tent on top of a hotel room as we see Buggy sitting on his thrown while five pirates came back with broken bones and stabbed wounds as they inform Buggy what happened.

Buggy: (angry) What?! You get to tell me you didn't retrieve it!

Male pirate 5: We encounter her boss which wipe the floor out of us. Whenever we attempted to stab him it felt like he didn't feel anything and took us on like it was nothing.

Buggy: (angry) Impossible! What kind of pirate is he?

Male pirate 5: He doesn't look like a pirate sir. He's wearing all cowboy outfit to what we saw and he also wore a mask.

Then Buggy froze for a moment when he mentioned of a mask and his heart skip a beat of shock. He looked worried which his crew noticed until he shakes it off and tells his crew.

Buggy: Find me that thief and her boss and bring them to me along with the map right now!

They all agree and they head out on the search while Buggy sat there in worry as he thinks to himself.

Buggy: (thought) A cowboy with a mask. It cannot be. I thought he was a myth, a legend. Something the marines talk about to spread fear to us but it couldn't be real, he can't be real! This must be a joke, it must be. Crap. Calm fown Buggy, calm down. Even if he can try, he will never kill me. He may try to kill me but that's not gonna do it because I too will never be killed. If he dares to try to attack me then he has one thing coming.

He gain a evil smirk on his face as he knows that he will not kill him and if he shows himself to Buggy the clown pirate, then he has something that will make sure will end the cowboy Bounty hunter once and for all.

To be continued.........................................

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