S1E2: The pirate hunter
(Intro ends)
We see a small board sailing through the sea and within it we see Luffy, Koby and Y/n in the bout as they were in slince as Koby was a bit nervous sitting next to Y/n as he take a glance and seeing him checking his ammo of his pistol. Koby continues to stare at him when Y/n noticed that Koby was staring at him.
Y/n: What?
Koby: (nervous) Oh sorry! I-I don't usually sit next to one of the most dangerous person in all of the sea.
Y/n: Can't blame you.
Luffy: (smile) Man, you really don't talk a lot do you?
Y/n: I rather keep things to myself.
Luffy: (smile) That's cool!
Koby: So where are we heading anyways?
Y/n: If I'm correct there should be an island coming up. What I do remember is being controlled by marines.
Luffy: (smile) Awesome! Can't wait to get there! I heard there is a pirate Hunter names Zoro is near here.
Koby: (shocked) Say what?! Why are you looking for him?!
Luffy: (smile) I figured he'll be my crew mate.
Y/n: You do realise he hunts down pirates, not joins them. There ie a reason he is called "The Pirate hunter" right?
Luffy: (smile) That's why I want him to be apart of our crew.
Y/n: (thought) He's hopeless.
Soon they see the island and once they dock their ship they exit out of the boat and make their way through town where they see the marine base on top of the hill as they make their walk there but first Luffy stop by a small fruit stand to get something to eat. After he paid the man he ask him.
Luffy: (smile) Thanks man, say do you know if Zoro is here?
Everyone near them froze in fear while staring at them which Y/n just sigh and drag Luffy away from the crowd.
Y/n: Don't draw attention like that Luffy. You know these people fear Zoro or any dangerous people.
Luffy: Well your even more dangerous since your Unkillable and knows how to use guns.
Y/n: But I draw myself attention now do I.
Koby: (smile) This is great, I'm finally at a marine base.
Y/n: (turn to Koby) And that exists you?
Koby: (smile) Yeah! I wanted to join the marines since I was little and now I'm here I can finally join them!
Y/n falls slinet as he faces forward while Koby noticed as Y/n changes the subject.
Y/n: So who runs this base?
Koby: I heard it is run by Captain Morgan himself.
Suddenly the people near them stopped and stare at them in fear just like how they reacted to Luffy mention Zoro as they keep on walking while Luffy laughs.
Luffy: (laughing) Man, they are weird.
Koby: I don't get it. I understand their reaction to Zoro but why did they reacted when I mentioned Captain Morgan?
Y/n: I can take a guess why.
Soon they reach the marine base which there was a wall blocking them so Luffy climb up the wall which Y/n sighs and climb up the wall next to him along with Koby as they look over and see Zoro strapped in a wooden pool in the middle of a field while having his head look down qs Koby was terrified seeing him.
Y/n: It looks like he's been there a long time. I wonder how he gotten himself captured?
Luffy: Who knows. (About to climb over) I'm gonna go and meet him.
Koby: (shocked) Are you nuts! If you are caught then the marines will kill you!
Y/n: Look there is nothing we can do for him, let's turn back and-
Then they heard a ladder placed down next to them and then a little girl climb up the ladder and climb over the wall and onto the field and runs over to Zoro.
Koby: (shocked) What is she doing, she's gonna get killed!
Y/n: Wait. Keep watching.
They watch as the little girl runs up to Zoro and then Zoro opens his eyes and sees her.
Zoro: What do you want?
Little girl: (smile) I came because I figured you are hungry. (Pulled out race balls) Here, I made them myself, I hope you like them.
Zoro: Listen kid you gonna get out of here.
Little girl: But.
Zoro: Just go alright!
Suddenly a gate on the left opens and three men enter the field with a blonde man walks up while calling out.
???: Well, Well, Well, Look what we have here.
He walks up to the little girl and stare at hee race balls and then snatches one od the race balls and eats it.
Little girl: Hey they don't belong to you!
Suddenly he spit out the race ball as he gets mad and barks at the little girl.
???: (angry) Disgusting! You made one of the most disgusting race balls ever.
Little girl: Those aren't yours! There-
Then he slapped the race balls off of her hand side then stump on it which Y/n sees this and this angers his deeply as the man said with a smirk.
Helmeppo: (smirk) You forgotten who I am, I am Helmeppo the son of Captain Morgan and I have enough power to do whatever I wish so if I want to kill you for trespassing the next time I see you, then I will.
Koby: So he's Captain Morgan's son.
Y/n: (angry) Yeah and a huge fucking dick.
Koby noticed the rage coming from Y/n which made him nervous as Helmeppo snap his finger to one of his marine and said.
Helmeppo: Marine. Throw this girl over the wall.
The marine wa stunned which Helmeppo noticed so he grab him by the shirt and tells him.
Helmeppo: Do what I say or I'll have my father to have a catch with you, is that clear?
Male marine: Y-Yes sir.
He approaches her, picks her up and throws her over the wall as she scream. Y/n immediately jump into action as he leap up and catch the little girl and use his body as a pillow to keep her safe as he hit the ground.
She open hee eyes and sees Y/n as he ask her.
Y/n: You okay?
Little girl: I'm okay. Thank you.
Y/n gets up and after he swipe away the dust he tells Koby and Luffy.
Y/n: Let's get out of here.
Luffy stared at Zoro before he leaves as Zoro is now alone once again.
We see the trio at the back of the restaurant where the little girls mum works as she hands Y/n an apple as a way to thank him as he took off his mask and take a bite of it.
Little girl: (smile) It's amazing that your a cowboy. I've never seen a real cowboy before.
Luffy: Say little girl, what was the deal of that guy?
Little girl: You mean Captain Morgans son? You see.....he's always selfish, cruel and greedy. He always gets what he wants because his father is a marine captain.
Koby: So that's why everyone is afraid of Captain Morgan?
Little girl: That's right. On one day he brought his dogs to our restaurant and his dog cost nothing but a mess. I hit one with a broom but he got mad and try to attack me but Zoro saved me.
Y/n: (surprised) He did?
Little girl: Yes. After he did that, Helmeppo threatening that he will arrest me and my mum unless he will turn in for a month. After that he'll let him go and leave us be. With no choice he turn himself in however he abuse him so much and Zoro couldn't do anything about it. Its awful.
Hearing all or this made Y/n angrier then before as he squeeze the bitten apple so much, juice starts to come out of it.
Luffy: Man what a selfish person.
Koby: Say to the guy who eat a lot of food.
Suddenly there was a loud noise coming from the restaurant as they came inside to see Helmeppo putting up his feet on the table while the little girls mother pour him a drink as he takes a sip while two of his body guard marines stood behind him.
Helmeppo: (smirk) Boy I am so board today. Perhaps maybe I should beat up Zoro more before I kill him. I would let him die of hunger but I figured death by firing squad would be more amazing and blighting up my day.
He then laughed to himself while Y/n gets even angrier that he burst the open and then he pulled on his mask and then walks towards him. Helmeppo sip his drink until Y/n walks up to him which he glance at him and ask him.
Helmeppo: May I help you kind sir?
Y/n: (growl in anger) Feet.....down......now.
Helmeppo: (surprised) I'm sorry?!
Y/n: (angry) Feet.....down......now.
Helmeppo: Do you know who I am? I am the son of Captain Morgan and you fo not tell me what to d-
Suddenly Y/n flips the table over, grabs Helmeppo by the neck while he pulled out his pistol and aims it at his heaf which made him, the marines and everyone shocked except Luffy as he smiled while Helmeppo was terrified.
Y/n: (angry) I don't give a hell that your Captain Morgans son, I don't care your father is feared by all and I really don't care what you do to me. Corrupt scumbags like you deserve nothing but death for all the things you have done to innocent people that you and your father are suppose to protect!
Helmeppo: (scared) H-How dare you! I-I...I will have your head foe this! I-I'll get my father and-
Y/n: (angry) Do I look like I'm afraid! Do me a favor, never come back here again and if I see you back here again or try to harm anyone in this town, I will make sure your tongue will be sliced off so you will never talk normally again!
He then throws Helmeppo out or the restaurant as he crashes into a few barrels as the two marines were frozen in fear but when Y/n shot a glare at them they ran out. They pick up Helmeppo ane drag him away as Y/n watch them leave while everyone in the restaurant was stunned on what they just witnessed.
Koby: (shocked) Are you crazy! He's gonna come back here and kill all of us!
Y/n: (angry) Good because I'll kill him for being corrupt as hell!
He breaths heavily and then he calms down and then tells Koby and Luffy.
Y/n: I was once a marine. A Lieutenant marine. I fought with my commander and my marines but one day they became Corrupt and use their power to harm others and I was betrayed by them. I was close to death before I was saved and on that day, my anger towards corruption will be increased when I see scumbags like Helmeppo abusing the people and their power.
Koby: (shocked) I.......I have no idea you were a marine.
Y/n: (sigh) You said you wanna join the marines Koby? Well let me give some advice. If you see someone who is corrupt, never become like them.
Once that he step out of the restaurant as Luffy ask him.
Luffy: Where are you going?
Y/n: Reading out Zoro. You coming?
Luffy: (smile) Absolutely.
We see Zoro still in the same spot as Zoro have his head down and was completely slient when a shadow appear over him which made him look up and he was fac to face with Y/n as the two stared at each other.
Zoro: Who are you? Are you death?
Y/n: No. Just someone that will break you out.
He then walk behind the poll and once that he kneel down and pulled out a knife and started cutting.
Y/n: Luffy is inside the base searching for your stuff. He'll be back and I doubt he'll draw attention.
Zoro: You shouldn't be doing this. I will be out soon, it's only for a couple of days and I'll be-
Y/n: You'll be dead. Helmeppo was bullshitting you. He's planning to kill you.
Zoro: (shocked) What?!
Y/n: That's right. I know you want to protect lives but you must know that your enemies will play dity. It's how they do.
Then he cut the rope, freeing Zoro's hands as Y/n walk up in front of him and reach out his hand to him.
Y/n: Get up Zoro. Your not dying on my watch.
Zoro is surprised by this bit then the gate open and seven marines came out along with Captain Morgan as Y/n faces them as Captain Morgan and his marines stop ans stare at Y/n as wind blow by them.
Morgan: What do we have here? A prison escape I see. Not I my watch criminal scum.
Y/n: The one who is a criminal is you. You let your own son abusing his power and you didn't do nothing.
Morgan: As long the citizens obeys to me then I am glad. My son maybe annoying and nothing but a waste, but as long he's out there and not crying up to me then I am glad.
Y/n: You scumbag son of a bitch. I will end you.
Morgan: How? You are surrounded, there is nothing you can do.
Y/n:......We'll see about that.
(Stand off music start)
Y/n glares at Morgan while Morgan glares back at him as Y/n have his hand hovering at his holster while Morgan's aims takes aim at Y/n while Zoro stood there, wondering on what on earth is Y/n doing.
Y/n continues to glare at Morgan and Morgan and his marines glare back at Y/n as sweat appear on the marines hands for holding their rifles so long and sweat came down from their faces as well. Y/n stood there like a statue with his hand ready at his holster, ready to pull them out any second now.
Both marines and Morgan stared at Y/n while he stared back at him. Things were intense as we cut to a clock on top of the church hitting the o'clock and there was a ring and then the marines pulled the trigger.
Zoro have his eyes shut while covering hia face with his arm when he slowly open his eyes and look over and he was shocked. Morgan stood there stunned for a moment while he marines were in slince when suddenly they drop their rifles and fall onto thr ground.
We then see Y/n have his pistol up with smoke coming out of the barrel as Morgan was now shocked and even Zoro was shocked.
Zoro: (thought) I don't believe it! He only took down seven marines within 1 second. How can that be possible?!
(Cowboy stand off music ends)
Y/n: Now then Morgan. Run.
Morgan face turn red of anger and then he charge towards him with his axe arm.
Morgan: Not in your god damn life!
Suddenly Luffy landed on top of Morgan's head and lands in front of Y/n and Zoro while holding three swords as he show it to Zoro.
Luffy: Here. These are the only things I could find although I don't know which one is yours.
Zoro: All of them are mine.
He grabs all three of his sword as Y/n comment.
Y/n: So your a swordsmen.
Zoro: Yeah and your a gunslinger.
Helmeppo: Hey there!
They turn to see Helmeppo having Koby as a hostage as he aims the pistol at Koby's head.
Helmeppo: (angry) Leave my father or I'll kill him! I'll do it!
Zoro gets behind Y/n, facing Helmeppo while Y/n stared at Morgan. The two turn to each other and node as Morgan charges towards the two while Helmeppo scream and was about to pull the trigger as Zoro put his third sword onto his mouth While Y/n cock his pistol.
We then see that both Zoro and Y/n swap places with Y/n fired his pistol at Helmeppo's pistol, knocking it out of hid hand while Zoro slashes Morgan with his three style sword, cutting Morgan's axe arm as Helmeppo drops onto the ground while Morgan falls onto the ground.
The two of them stand back to back as the two turn to each other and share a node.
Luffy: (smile) Whoa! I have the best crew ever!
(Sometime later)
They return back to the restaurant as Zoro eat a lot of food and after he was done he turns to Luffy, Koby and Y/n.
Zoro: So, you say you needed a crew?
Luffy: (smile) Yep and your my second while Y/n is my first.
Y/n: I'm not apart of your crew.
Luffy: Seriously?! What about the part you allow me to come with you to the marine base?!
Y/n: That was because I needed you to grab Zoro's stuff,I can't be there in two places at once.
Zoro: Well do you have a ship?
Y/n: Yes unfortunately it's shitty.
Luffy: (smile) But we're gonna get a bigger ship!
Zoro: Well since you save my life, I guess I own you one.
Luffy: (smile) Great! Welcome to the crew!
Then the door opens and group of marines came in. Y/n was about to pull out his pistol when one of them said.
Male marine 1: We came here to say thank you. We were in fear by Captain Morgan and his son but thanks to you, we now can live out our lives. However, it doesn't change the fact that your pirates so we want you to leave.
Y/n ease off his pistol and walks out of the door including Luffy and Zoro while Koby stood there when a marine ask him.
Male marine 1: Are you with the pirates as well?
Y/n stops, turns to Koby, faces forward and then said.
Y/n: No. He's no pirate. He's a kid who wishes to be a marine.
Koby is surprised as Y/n turn his head to Koby and tells him.
Y/n: Till we meet again kid.
He then leave with Koby being surprised as a smile appear on his face as the marines allow him to join while Luffy, Y/n and Zoro enter their small boat and sail off to their next adventure.
To be continued..............................................
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