S1E13: A unwanted customer
(End intro)
We see Head Chef Zett in his office with Y/n and Luffy who is sitting at the sidelines as the two talk about supplies as Y/n explains they needed food and a chef in hopes to reach the grand line. Zeta just stared at him and then ask.
Zett: And why should I give you anything? After all your captain nearly killed me with that cannon.
Y/n: That was an accident. Fullbody tried to blast us and Luffy try to reflect the shot but it misfire. Luffy didn't mean to do it.
Zett: Hhhmm Well even if that is true, it went help fixing the roof that is made. Unless you have some berries on you then I may sort things out.
Y/n knows he doesn't have enough as he glance over to Luffy who is sleeping now and then he head a idea.
Y/n: What if Luffy work here for a whole day.
Zeff: Huh?
Luffy: (wakes up) Huh?
Y/n: Since Luffy cost the damage either on accident or not, Luffy can work here for a day. After that, you'll give us the things we needed and we'll be on our way. Deal?
Zett stared at him and glance over to Luffy and then back to Y/n.
Zett: Deal.
He nodes and we then see him having a chat with Luffy.
Luffy: Seriously?! You wanted your own captain to work here for a day?!
Y/n: We needed food in hopes we can keep on going and keep on surviving. We won't make it to thr grand line without food so just do what other chefs tell you and get it down.
Luffy: Fine.
Y/n: Good and one more thing.
Luffy: Yeah?
Y/n: Try not to eat any of the food. Do that and I swear to god the next thing you'll be eaten is a bullet.
Luffy: Fine I promise.
Y/n: Good. Remember, I'll be watching.
Y/n leaves as he walk down the steps when he noticed everyone looking and noticed Sanji grabbing Fullbody's neck as he finds Nami, Usopp and Zoro as he walk over to them.
Y/n: What's going on?
Zoro: No idea, we just walked in and saw this happen.
Usopp: He's sure is pissed.
Y/n: Least karma got to Fullbody.
???: Sanji!
Then another chef came out and storm over to Sanji as he yell at him.
???: (angry) How many times I told you not to assault the customer!
Sanji: (angry) shut it Patty. He's the one who insulat this food so needs to pay.
Patty: (angry) He's a marine Lieutenant! Are you trying to us into trouble?!
Soon Sanji let's him go as he drops to the ground as Fullbody glare at Sanji in anger.
Fullbody: (angry) You'll pay for this you pirate scum.
Suddenly the twin doors burst open and a marine rushed inside.
Male marine: Lieutenant! One of Kriegs pirates is here!
Then everyone is shocked as the marine was about to say something else until he was shot in the back as his body dropped to the ground. Then a pirate slowly enter the restaurant, looking like he hasn't been eaten for a long while as he slowly walk over to a nearby table ans sat down.
Patty walk over with a smile and then ask him.
Patty: (smile) Hello customer, how may I be in service?
???: Just bring me anything good to eat.
Patty: (smile) Of course but how will you pay your meal?
???: (aims a gun at Patty's head) Would a bullet count?
Y/n slowly reach for his pistol, about to step in when suddenly Patty grabbed him by the shirt and then slammed him into a table, breaking it and then dragging the pirate away while the people of the restaurant cheered as Y/n stand down, seeing that the threat has been dealt with.
(Short while later)
We see Y/n, Zoro, Nami and Usopp eating their foods that they have ordered and while eating Usopp ask.
Usopp: So who is this Kreig guy?
Nami: What I heard he ans his pirate crew try to take over the grand line but failed somehow. I heard his crew had many pirate ships but only one survived.
Usopp: That's scary.
Y/n: Krieg is said to be the most strongest pirate ever but guess it was his own pride that blinded him since he try to take over the grand line.
Zoro: Guess so. Still you'll think they might attack this place once their crew member come back with nothing?
Y/n: Even so, I don't think his crew won't have the strength to keep fighting. Knowing they came back a week ago. I can imagine they are badly hurt and hungry. Still wemust be ready once we reach the grand line, who knows what's ready for us.
Nami: (smirk) Least I know who will protect me.
Zoro: Where is Luffy?
Y/n: I made a deal with Zett for Luffy to work with in his restaurant for a day.
Zoro: You think he's doing okay?
Luffy: Hey!
Then Luffy rushes over to them and said.
Luffy: Your eating without me?! What kind of a crew are you?!
Y/n: We're blending in. Plus I said you work for a whole day, not all of us.
Zoro: (smirk) Yeah so get to work waiter.
Luffy gets mad so he takes revenge by picking his nose while Zoro isn't looking and out a booger inro his drink as Zoro is about to drink but he forcefully pours it into Luffy's mouth which cost Nami and Usopp to laugh while Y/n noticed the people looking at them.
Y/n: (thought) So much for blending in.
A few tables down we see Sanji pouring some drinks in front of husbands wife's as he looks over and see the crew.
Sanji: Man they are loud.
Then he noticed Nami laughing as he find her attractive as he hands the drink to the customers husband and next thing Y/n's sees is Sanji handing a rose flower to Nami.
Sanji: (smile) Your the most beautiful woman that I have met. The seas maybe huge but you my lady is so easy to find! Your like a mermaid that I have been waiting for!
Y/n: (thought) The fuck is this shit?
Y/n: Hey do you not have a job?
Sanji: (turn to Y/n) Oh shut it.
Y/n: (mad) What was that?
Sanji: (turn back to Nami) Ignore that guy and be with me! If your singal?
Nami: (smirk) Well if you have any berries?
Y/n: Nami.
Nami: (smirk) Kidding. I'm already taken.
Sanji: (shocked) What a sudden disappointment but still your still beautiful in my eyes.
Y/n: (thought) This is starting to get annoying.
Zett: Sanji!
Then Zett appears behind Sanji as Sanji grind his teeth to hear that voice as he turn to him.
Zett: I see your getting along with the pirates. How's about you join them, that way we won't have complains about you from the other customers.
This angers Sanji as he then grabbed Zett by the chef uniform and tell him.
Sanji: (angry) I don't care how many times you try to get me off of this place, I'm never gonna leave! You hear me old man?!
Then Zett grabbed him and tosses him towards Y/n and the rests table, breaking it however Zoro and Usopp saved the good as Zett and Sanji share a glare before Zett leaves.
Sanji decided to take a smoke break, leaving as Usopp called out.
Usopp: Hey! You could have say sorry before you go!
Y/n noticed some chefs smirking on top of the steps meaning they must have hated him. We soon see Sanji trying to light up a cigarette but his lighter was not working.
Y/n: Use mine.
He turn to see Y/n handing him his lighter which he takes and use it. Once that he take some puffs as the two stand outside of the ship.
Y/n: They really hate you, do they?
Sanji: They're just idiots, that's all. Besides how can you understand what I'm going through?
Y/n: Because I've been through that as well when I was a child. Unwanted child by their parents who beat you, calling you useless and wishing that you disappeared or died. I know that pain.
Sanji: Yeah right.
Y/n: I'm serious. There is a lot of things that I've gone through that is more worse then you or anyone else.
Sanji: What do you want, a metal?
Y/n: Well I can tell why there is bad reviews but maybe not to the women.
Sanji: (sigh) Whatever.
Y/n:.......How good is your cooking?
Sanji: The best in all of the sea. But I'm ain't joining.
Y/n: I'm not asking you to join our crew. In fact, I'm not apart of the Strawhat crew.
Sanji: Then why with them?
Y/n: That's some I question myself. At first I figure I can just leave them after I reach the grand line but in time I figure I'll be tagging along them until I find a good place but now.......I'm not too sure. I've always been alone with enemies coning after me left and right. Pirates, Bounty hunter, marines and all else. I always thought that the world is against me but meeting Luffy and the straw hats......I felt something I thought I never have. Comfort.
Sanji: Huh......You really are a loner are you? Sucks to be the guy who doesn't have a singal girlfriend.
Y/n: Tell it to a guy with a cigar addiction.
Sanji: (angry) What was that?!
Y/n: Enjoy your smoke break.
He leaves Sanji be as he continue his break. Soon Y/n finds Luffy and ask him.
Y/n: How is it doing?
Luffy: Well I was washing the plates but I realised I was breaking them so they order me to clean but somehow I've cost a huge mess so they told me to serve food and-
Y/n: Let me guess, you eat the food.
Luffy: Not all of it!........Just a little.
Y/n: Jesus Luffy just stay focused. We need food so we can survive once at the grand line. Who knows what's beyond there so we needed to be serious about this.
Luffy: Fine. Besides everything seems peaceful so at least we won't have a pirate attacks at least.
Then the twin doors open and all customers turn they see Pirate captain Krieg which terrified the customers and chef's as Y/n just sigh.
Y/n: Damn it Luffy.
The pirate chefs came down and draw their swords at Krieg as he just stare at them for a moment. Soon Nami, Usopp and Zoro came over as Y/n knows this will get ugly.
Y/n: Nami ready the ship, tell Johnny and Yosaku we be leaving soon.
Nami nodes and leaves while Krieg just stand there and then he collapse on one knee as he started begging.
Krieg: Please.....me and my crew needed food. We have been serving forever and we needed food. Please.....give us some food.
Patty: Ha! You suspect us to give you and your crew soke food?! Never! You and your crew will die from serving.
The pirate chefs all agree as Krieg's stomach growl in hunger as Y/n and the rest watch this. Then Sanji walk pass Patty and the other chefs and place down a plate of food in front of Krieg. Krieg slowly looks up at him as Sanji gets up while the pirate chefs are shocked.
Patty: (angry) What the hell are you doing Sanji!
Krieg takes the plate of food and begins to eat it while Patty and all of the pirate chefs turn their blades onto Sanji as he just stood there.
Once Krieg is done he gets up and wipe a bit of food of his lips and said.
Krieg: Thanks for the meal.
Suddenly Krieg slammed a table near him, breaking it as everyone stared at Krieg as he tells them all.
Krieg: However I cannot accept this way of disrespect. Especially after we came back from the grand line. So here is a suggestion. Hand over all of your food or I'll make you all pay. You see, I have created a deadly sickness that will kill everyone in this ship if you don't give me what i wanted. What do you say?
The other pirate chefs is shocked and feared by this and doesn't know what to do. While that's going on Y/n and the rest make their way out and making their way to the going Merry.
Luffy: Wait? What about the food?
Y/n: Plans changed. If he is saying is true then we need to leave before it is too late.
Usopp: Yeah but you can beat him right? You are immune to virus or sickness right?
Y/n: Yes but none of yous won't. Look just get into the going Merry and leave while I can-
Suddenly they see the going Merry sailing away which shocked everyone.
Luffy: Our ship!
Y/n: What the hell?!
Suddenly Johnny and Yosaku came out of the water below Y/n as he grab them both and lifting them off the water as he barks at them.
Y/n: What happened?!
Johnny: (scared) I swear it was not our fault!
Yosaku: (scared) Yeah! We were attacked!
Zoro: By who? And wherever Nami?
Johnny: That's the thing! Nami took your ship!
Yosaku: Yeah!
Y/n: (shocked) What?! Your lying!
Johnny: (scared) It's the truth!
Yosaku: (scared) Sister Nami kicked us off the ship and took it for herself.
He drops the two the ground as he stare at the going Merry as he felt his heart in pain even more seeing that Nami had betrayed them. Then he noticed something which was a small boat sailing towards them.
Y/n: Whose that?
They all look at the boat sailing towards them as then Zoro immediately recognised the person.
Zoro: (shocked) That's him.
Y/n: What? You know him?
The boat gets closer and closer until they recognised the man with a large crossed sword behind his back as Zoro said.
Zoro: (shocked) He's Dracule Mihawk aka Hawk eyes.....the world's greatest swordman in history.
To be continued...................................................
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