S1E1: The Gunslinger and The Stretchy boy
(Intro ends)
It was a clear blue skies with seagulls flying through the sky as we see a cruise ship sailing through the ocean just to make its destination for the passengers on board while the marine crew are seen outside of the ship were keeping an eye on anything coning in their way but nothing seem wrong as far as they can tell.
Inside the ship was a large room with a second floor, a dance floor in the middle and a small bar for passengers to have drinks. We see mostly rich passengers on board as we cut to a short orange hair girl near a window as she look out of the window and then she turn and look at the passengers on board.
Everything seemed to be normal but there is one passenger that catches her eye. The passenger is seen sat at the bar dresses up like a cowboy and drinking. Even though he looked like a mess, he's somehow able to pay and no one question it.
We then cut to two marine crew member outside talking when they heard something hitting the board.
Marine crew 1: What was that?
The two look down and to their surprise they see a barrel floating below them so a marine crew member grab a rope tied up to grapple and tosses it down at the barrel, attempting to lift it but fail a few times.
Marine crew 2: (smile) Missed again again.
Marine crew 1: (chuckle) Guess my aim sucks Huh.
Marine crew 2: (smile) Sure is.
A marine on top of the Sails hears this and smiled and goes back as a look out. He scan through the seas while the two marines managed to pull the barrel onto the ship and where wonder what is inside since it is heavy.
Then the colour drain down from his face when he spotted a ship coming out behind an island and open its Sails, revealing to be pirate as he called out.
Marine crew 3: We got pirates incoming towards us! Tell the captain we got pirates!
Seconds later the pirates fired the cannons and strike on the cruise ship which shook the ship and making everyone panic while the cowboy still sat there like nothing is wrong as the barrel from earlier rolled across the ship and then crash down to some steps and make its way to the kitchen as another cannon fire is heard as we cut to a very large women in the ship as she called out to a small boy behind him.
???: Koby!
Koby: (flintch in fear) Y-Y-Yes ma'am?
???: Tell me, who is the most prettiest pirate in all of the sea.
Koby: (nervous smile) Th-Th-That's you lady Alvida.
Alvida: (smirk) That's right good boy.
Heppoko: (smirk) We finally get to see some action. This is going to be great.
Alvida: (smirk) Then what are we waiting for boys, let's show those pricks what pirates are!
Her crew cheered and soon they have their ship next to the cruise ship as they drop down boards to run through while some swing over with rope while laughing. Koby stood there while holding the rope and scared that he might fall when Alvida barks at him.
Alvida: Koby! What is taking you so long!
Koby: (scared) I-I think I might stay in the ship. You know, make sure no one steals our treasure.
Alvida: (mad while walking towards him) Do I have do everything myself huh Koby?
Koby: (scared) Please ma'am not that, anything but that!
Alvida: (Walks up to him) THEN GET OVER THERE!
She kicks him over, sending him flying and crashing onto the cruise ship while Alvida leaps on-board and we cut to her and her crew at where the passengers are at as they surrounded them as they were scared.
Alvida: (smirk) Do not worry, we're just gonna steal your riches and if anyone tries to stop us will be killed on sight.
She then noticed the cowboy sitting at the bar which she have two of her crew members to deal with him as the two approaches him.
Male pirate 1: (smirk) Hey there cowboy, how's about you hand us anything you own right now.
Male pirate 2: (smirk) Yeah! Give us your money or else.
Male pirate 1: A wise guy Huh? You got a death wish or something?
???:.......Do you?
The two pirates stun a bit when he ask them that. Then he spoke.
???: You have 5 seconds to step away or you both will regret it.
They smirk as the first pirate slammed his hand onto the table and point his sword at him while he said.
Male pirate 1: (smirk) You think your tough or something? Who do you think you are?
He then stood up which made everyone turn as there was a moment of silence and then he turn to the pirate and said.
???: Someone you wish you never meet.
Suddenly he pulled out his large knife and stabbed his hand on the table which made the pirate scream in pain while the second pirate pulled out his sword and try to swing at him but the cowboy grabbed him by the neck. He squeeze his neck, chocking him as the pirate try to breath but it was no use. He drop his sword and then the cowboy kicked him across the room.
He then turn to Alvida and everyone can see that he is wearing a mask and fears struck most of them as they realised who this person is. He is Y/n L/n also known as.....The Unkillable Gunslinger.
Y/n: Alvida. I knew you and your crew will be here.
Alvida: (smirk) You knew? How?
Y/n: I know this area is a hotspot of pirate attacks and I know this area is one of your favourites however I needed to put on a ship that you refuse to ignore which is this one. Rich crew members, less defensiveness, less marine crew who did nothing but shit themselves and a naive captain who rather drink and party then organising his crew and getting ready for any pirate attacks.
Alvida: (smirk) You are very intelligent for a Bounty hunter. Tell me Bounty hunter, what will do to me?
Y/n: (pulled out Alvida's wanted poster) 5,000,000 belly, you must be named by everywhere in some parts of the world. Dead or alive, your either coming with me (pulled out hid pistol) Or this will be your grave.
(Action theme plays)
They stared at each other as Alvida and hew crew stared at him and thinking they can take him on while Y/n pulled out his second pistol and have his fingers ready at the trigger as the passengers and the captain were frozen in place, waiting to see what will happen.
(Skip video to 2:36)
This goes on for sometime until Alvida have enough of waiting and called out.
Alvida: KILL HIM!!!
Her crew yell while they charge towards Y/n as they laugh. Y/n stood there calm as he waited for them to get close and suddenly fired his first few shots at hee crew, taking them down and even breaking their swords as the bullets break through the sword as Y/n continues to fire his pistol when some gets close and try to swing at him but he kicks the first pirate away and dodges the second and then wrapped his arm around his neck and then pulled him towards the others as they stabbed the crew member in the stomach and then kick the stabbed pirate to the others as they fell onto the floor.
Then a large pirate try to crush him but he leaps back ans stood on top of the bar table, pulled out his knife that was still stabbed on the pirates hand and then leaps into the crowd od pirates and use his knife one one hand and pistol at the other and starts slicing and shooting at the pirates around him. Taking them all on while we see the same girl watching this at the second floor as she looked impress but runs off anywhere as Y/n beats up the pirates as they now have no chance against him as he takes them all on.
He then pulled out a grenade and drop it to the ground and leaps away as the grenade goes off, blowing up the pirates and sending their bodies flying. Then a large table was thrown but he catches it with his hand as a few more pirates rushed at him while he had a table on his hand and stabbed their swords through the table.
They think they got him but when they look at the other side od the table, they see nothing but a grenade which goes off while is seen watching the explosion goes off.
The last pirate gets up and look around his dead pirate crew and glare at Y/n.
Pirate survivor: You killed all of our crew! You mon-
The pirate drop his sword and collapse onto thr ground as we see Y/n have his arm where he is holding his pistol and looking around to see that Alvida got away so he make his leave while the passengers and their captain stood there shocked.
(Action theme ends)
We find Y/n walking through the ship, trying to find Alvida when he come across a kitchen and glance inside to see Koby inside and trying to roll a barrel out of the kitchen. Koby was close to the door when Y/n step in and put his foot on the barrel and looked up and froze in fear when he sees Y/n.
Koby: (scared) Pl-Please....do-dont....kill me....please.
Y/n:..........I'm not.
He slide hid pistol into his holster and then grab the barrel and set it up right.
Y/n: Got a name kid?
Koby: (nervous) K-Koby s-sir.
Y/n: I can tell your not apart of Alvida's crew but rather her slave.
Koby: (nervous smile) I-I mean she may act mean but she is the most prettiest person every.
Y/n: Stop lying to yourself, you know she use you and you can't do anything about it. (Looks at the barrel) Odd, it feels like something rather then beer or food is in there.
He stared at the barrel for sometime and suddenly he move back and all of a sudden a straw hat boy burst out of the barrel while stretching his arms our like he took a long nap while he scream the top of hid lungs.
Then he look around and was face to face with Y/n as the two stared at each other for a moment and then he smiled and said.
???: (smile) Nice outfit. You look nothing like a pirate.
Y/n: That's because I'm not.
???: (smile) That's cool! You'll be apart of my crew then.
Y/n: Wait what? Hold on, who the hell are you and how did you get inside of that barrel?
Luffy: (smile) Oh, my name is Monkey D. Luffy and I'm gonna be the king of the pirates.
Koby: (thought) King of the pirates.
Y/n: (sigh) Whatever, let's find a place to hide before we are ambushed.
Luffy: Is there a place that we can eat, I'm hungry.
Y/n: Just follow me.
(Short while later)
The trio arrived at the food storage which Luffy digs down while Y/n sat on the stairs that goes up the door they came in as he check his ammo whike Koby sat a bit far from Y/j as he glance over to see him cleaning his knife which have blood on it which made him nervous.
Luffy: (smile) This is good food!
Y/n: So let me get this straight, you set out to form a crew in a small ship that is destroyed by a whirlpool so you jump inside a barrel in hopes to survive?
Luffy: (smile) That's right. Pretty good idea right?
Y/n: Not even close.
Koby: So.....why are you here?
Y/n: Bring Alvida to justice either bringing her alive or dead.
Koby: (shocked) You can't! Alvida will rip you apart if you try to take hee on!
Y/n: I've already dealt with some of her crew so she be more easier to take on.
Koby: (shocked) You did.....on your own.
Luffy: (smile) Whoa! Your prettiest badass, glad your apart of my crew.
Y/n: I'm not apart of any crew. I'm a one man army, set out to take on bastards who deserves death and heading to the Grand line.
Koby: (shocked) But that place is very dangerous, many most dangerous pirates are there along with dangerous creatures.
Y/n: I'll take them all on. They don't stand a chance.
Koby: But aren't you afraid?
Y/n: Fear is something that stops you from doing this that you know it's the right thing. I have that a while back as a child but learn to stand up for myself and it made me the man thst i am now. (Turns to Koby) You should do the same as well Koby. Never let your fear get to you, overcome it and stand up for yourself. Even if things not go well for you, never show fear to anyone, not even your enemies.
Koby was stunned for a moment from those words. Then seconds later the whole room suddenly burst open as Alvida appears over them as she glare down at Y/n as Y/n slowly gets up and said.
Y/n: There you are. Worried that you ran away.
Alvida: (angry) Your gonna regret taking out half of my crew.
Y/n: They attacked me first. I was only in defence but.....it was fun.
Alvida growled and then barked at Koby.
Alvida: Koby! Whose the most prettiest pirate in the sea.
Koby was nervous and try to find his words while Y/n turns to him, wanted him to stand up but then Luffy flat out ask.
Luffy: Whose that fat woman?
Everyone was stunned in shock when Luffy said that. This made Alvida very angry and then yell while she swing her mace.
Alvida: (angry) HOW DARE YOU!!
Y/n grabbed Lufft the back of his shirt and pulled him and Koby back and he leap back as Alvida slammed her mace onto the ground as the two land on the ground while Alvida's crew charge towards him.
Y/n: (pulled out his shotgun) For fuck sakes Luffy, why did you say that?!
Luffy: I was only asking.
Y/n: Just stay behind me.
Luffy: (smirk) No need to ask me.
Suddenly he pulled back his arm and then thrust it forward which suddenly stretched and punched four pirates at one swing which shocked Koby and Y/n.
Y/n: (thought) He too must have eaten a devil fruit. Guess he has stretchy powers.
He then fired his shotgun while he charge towards the pirates and battles them as both Luffy and Y/n took on Alvida's pirate crew as Luffy use his stretchy ability to take on the pirates while Y/n use his skills and weaponry to take on the pirates.
He blast them with his shotgun and when one grab his shotgun he headbutted them and blast them with his shotgun and then tosses a smoke grenade into the air which land on the floor beneath Y/n and goes off, smoke covers him as the pirates have no idea where he went.
Then Y/n took them out within the smoke as he break their legs, arms and other parts of their body and as the smoke clears up all of Alvida's pirate were down as Luffy rush up to Y/n.
Luffy: (smirk) That was awesome!
He pulled up a fist for Y/n to fist pump but he walk off which Luffy just simply smiled as Y/n walked up to Alvida.
Y/n: Give up now Alvida. Your crew is defeated.
Alvida: (angry) This ain't the end. Koby! Let's leave!
Koby stood there in fear but then Y/n tells her.
Y/n: He's not coming with you. He's only a child, he deserve to be free by the likes of you.
Alvida: (smirk) Unfortunate for you Koby is mine because I am his prettiest pirate in all of the sea.
Koby: No your not.
Alvida, Luffy and Y/n turn to Koby as he shot a glare at Alvida and yell.
Alvida is shocked by this while Luffy laughed as Y/n is proud for Koby as Alvida shakes in angry and then charge your Koby.
Alvida: (angry) Why you little brat!
She pulled out her sword and ready to swing at him while Koby stood there frozen whike he scream but suddenly Y/n pushed Koby away and then Alvida slides off his head off. Y/n's head rolled towards Koby who was in shock that Y/n is dead.
Then suddenly his body walked towards his head, pick up his head and attached it back to his body and have he crack his neck he turn to the shocked Alvida as he tells her.
Y/n: Have you forgotten that I am Unkillable. Even if you cut my head, stab me, shoot me, throw me into the ocean, throw me in lava or feet me to the sharks......I will never die. Because I am Unkillable.
He then rushed towards her as Alvida try to swing her sword at him but he slide between her legs and then throw a grenade behind her and before she could react, he shoot thr grenade which goes off ans sent Alvida off the ship and splash into the ocean.
Y/n gets up, spin his pistol and slide it into his holster.
Luffy: (surprised) THAT WAS AMAZING! You also eat a devil fruit as well?!
Y/n: Yes. I have a healing factor which makes me impossible to kill.
Luffy: (smile) Awesome! I always wanted to have a crew member who is hard to kill.
Y/n: I'm not apart of your crew.
Luffy: (smile) Yet! But soon after we get more, we will.
Y/n let out a sigh while Luffy smiled as Koby stared at the two people that saved his life as he was no longer afraid but glad that they came and save him. Soon the marines arrived but they took one of the cruise ship's escape boats and they sail off before the marines would arrest them. Y/n had no choice but to go with them for a while but little fid he know that this is the start of his adventure with Luffy and his soon to be crew members.
To be continued............................................
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