Forever alone (Prologue)
A bar bottle was thrown and smashed at the wall near Y/n as we see him as a child who is lend against the wall and shaking in fear as his father was enraged for accident dropping another bar as his father picked him up by the shirt while Y/n begs for his father.
Y/n: (scared) I-I-I'm sorry. I-It was an accident.
Koa: (angry) ACCIDENT?! That was my only bar that I can afford and you fucking ruined it! YOU FUCKING STUPID KID!
He then throw Y/n across the room as Y/n crash into the wall and land hard onto the ground. He started to cry as he slowly gets up as his head bleeds and feels nothing but pain as Koa stomped towards him and begins to beat him while Y/n's mother named Alora watched and didn't do nothing as Y/n is beaten for half a minute until Koa was done with him and march to the kitchen.
Y/n was in tears as he slowly get up and turn to see his mother, looking at her and begging her to help. She just glare at Y/n for a moment and then leave the room which made Y/n cry even more as everyday in his life is nothing but pain and loneliness and one day....he'll leave his abusive life and join the marines so he will not be weak no more.
(Several years later)
It was a bright and sunny day as we see a marine ship travelling through the ocean and making it's way to land where they are on a search for a wanted criminal.
The marine ship make dock and the marines came out and form up after they were docked and in front of them was commander Aire and his second in command Y/n as he came up wearing a marine uniform and checking down the list.
Aire: (turn to Y/n) Everyone here Lieutenant?
Y/n: Yes sir. All marines are here and ready for yoru orders.
Aire: Good. (Turn to his marines) Listen up! There is a village not far from here that may know information of a wanted criminal. We heard that this criminal is a gunslinger who has stolen supplies from marines transport and we are here to find him and bring him to justice. Have everything ready for the journey.
Marines: Sir yes sir!
All marines ready for the journey while Aire walks off with Y/n walk up next to him.
Y/n: Seems like a good day today sir.
Aire: Agree however, the heat may dry up most of our marines.
Y/n: No heat ain't gonna stop us sir. We'll succeed no matter what.
Aire: (smirk) That's I like about you Lieutenant. You have a strong desire to never give up.
Y/n: I'll never give up sir. I've join the marines for a reason and that is protect the lives of the innocents.
Aire: Innocents Huh.
Aire watched a few people walk by as he stare at them to which Y/n ask him.
Y/n: You okay sir?
Aire: I'm fine. Check to see our supplies are ready and let's move out.
Y/n: (saluted) Yes sir.
(Hours later)
We see a convey of marines making the long journey through the forest with the heat beating them as they walked. They drink some of the water but they are starting to run out of water. Aire and Y/n were at the front with Y/n looking around in case of a ambush of any pirates or bandits.
Still everything was clear and soon arrived at the village and they rest up in the village as the marines stay there to either search around for the criminal, ask citizens questions about him or some just slacking off.
We see a few at the bar making a lot of noise and making a huge mess with the female bartender and her female writers watched in disgust.
Male marine 1: (smirk) Hey there cuites, how's about one of you want to talk to us?
Female writer 2: (nervous smile) Sorry sir but I have work to do.
Male marines 1: (smirk) Oh come on you can talk to us.
He then get up and grab the female writers arm which she gasp while the male marine just smirked at her and said.
Male marine 1: (smirk) Come one, how's about we leave here and go somewhere private.
Female writer 2: Ew! Get away from me creep!
She then slap the marine which shocked everyone in the bar and this made the marine mad as he glare at the female writer and said.
Male marine 1: (angry) Oh your in big trouble now you bit-
Y/n: That's enough!
The bar falls slient when Y/n enters the bar and walks over to the marines which they became nervous as Y/n tells them.
Y/n: You marines done nothing but sit here, drinking and harassing the customers and writers. (Points at the door) Get back to work or else!
They immediately get up and leave the bar and after that Y/n turn sto the female writer and ask her.
Y/n: You okay miss?
Female writer 2: (blush) Y-Y-Yes. I-I'm okay.
Y/n: Please accept our apologies for those dishonourable marines. (Pulls out some money) Here. Accept this as my apology.
She take it and it was 100 belly which made her heart slip a beat as Y/n turns and leaves the bar with everyone in the bar glad there is one marine who doesn't abuse its power.
(Several days later)
The marines stayed in the village for a while and disbite putting up wanted posters and ask the citizens some questions, the gunslinger criminal did show up. At Aire's office we see him on the phone with high command and they are getting impatient and scolded Aire for not doing hid job right.
He was filled in anger by this just as Y/n enter the room and that's where the call ends as Aire set the phone down and let out a sigh.
Y/n: What did high command say?
Aire: They are getting impatient that the criminal isn't found. It's fucking annoying we haven't found him.
Y/n: This person must be smart or maybe left. Perhaps we sent a scout party to find him outside of the village. Maybe he's out there?
Aire: No. This place is the hotspot where this criminal is. Still we must find a way to draw him out somehow.
He then looks outside and stared at the citizens for a moment and after a short while he had an idea and orders Y/n.
Aire: Round up all citizens of thid village in the middle of the village and order the marines to meet me their.
Y/n: Why sir? We ask everyone and they had no idea where he is?
Aire: We're done asking those fools questions. Now......its time for action.
Y/n: (thought) Action? What the hell does that mean? I have a bad feeling about this.
Soon all citizens of the village were gathered in the middle of the village including the marines with Y/n and Aire at front of the marines and facing the village people qnd the mayor of the village.
Male mayor: What's the meaning of this commander?
Aire: You and your village have failed to give us information of the where abouts of the wanted criminal. At first, I thought you all were idiots but I've been thinking....what if your helping him.
The citizens gasp in shock and even Y/n was shocked as he look at his commander as he goes on to say.
Aire: You all have been living this village for years, known each other so how come you hadn't noticed the wanted criminal that we have been looking for all are helping him.
Male mayor: (shocked) What?! How can we be helping him?! Are you insane or something?
Aire: Stop lying! For crimes of assistant a wanted criminal you all here by sentence to death.
Y/n: (thought) Death?! Has he gone mad!
Everyone in the village where scared by this as the marines ready their rifles but then Y/n gets in front of Aire and tells him.
Y/n: Sir this is nuts! We can't do this! If they don't know where he is then we must leave or go to another village or town! This people have no apart of this so please, let's just leave!
Aire: You rather spare these traitors and let them do whatever they want?
Y/n: They are not a threat! They live in this village in peace without any trouble until we came. Maybe we were wrong and this is the wrong village! Please sir, stand down and let's just move on!
There was a moment of silence as Aire walked over and grab him by the shoulder and said.
Aire: That's what I like about you. Your determination and loyalty.
He smiled thinking he reason through him but then he added.
Aire: However.
Suddenly he pulled out his sword and stabbed him in the chest. Y/n eyes widen in shock while some of the village people were in shock as Aire tossed Y/n onto the ground and goes on to say.
Aire: Your not loyal to me boy. Your loyal to these traitor which makes you a traitor yourself and all traitors deserve death. Now my marines, ATTACK!
Then all marines obey and start attacking the citizens of the village, shooting them as they drop dead and even burning their homes and shops as Y/n lay there bleeding as he hears the screams of the village people dying as he slowly gets up. He gets up while holding his wound as he look around and spotted Aire there.
Rage gets to him as he pulled out his rifle and aim at him but suddenly he was stabbed in the leg which cost hi to yell. He fell onto the ground and the marines from the bar surrounded him and start stabbing him as was screaming in pain.
He reach out his hand out but his hand land on the ground and thinks this was it for him.
Suddenly a marine get shot in the head and soon a few more get shot around him after they were dead, Y/n hears heavy boots and then feel his body being dragged away by a mysterious figure.
Y/n slowly woke up and finding himself in a barn which he quickly sat up and look around as he was breathing heavy while a voice tells him.
???: Calm down son. Your safe.
He turn to see an old man wearing a black cowboy outfit as he is facing away from him and fixing up his gun and after he was done he turn to him and Y/n eyes widen in shock.
Y/n: (shocked) our the wanted criminal we are looking for?!
Gavin: (smile) That's right. The names Gavin.
Y/n: You save me? Wh-ah!!
He then lay down which Gavin rushed over as Y/n felt extreme pain as Gavin check his body and tells him.
Gavin: Those marines stabbed you in the heart. Your losing a lot of blood.
Gavin didn't have any medical equipment but he had an idea. He rushed over and opens a chest and reach through untik he find a chest which he opens to reveal a strange looking fruit. He turn to Y/n and the fruit and then rush over to Y/n who is close to death and tells him.
Gavin: Eat this son. This will save your life.
With no choice he take the fruit and eat it. He eat the whole fruit and after he was done he suddenly feels better qnd sat up and look down at his body to see all of his wounds are all healing which shocked him.
Y/n: (shocked) What did you give me?
Gavin: A devil fruit. Very rare fruits that can give people different abilities. The one you've eaten is called a Regeneration devil fruit or a saisei saisei no mi. It gives you a healing factor that heal your wounds, basically making your Unkillable.
Y/n: (shocked) Holy crap. (Turn to Gavin) And you save me? Why?
Gavin: Because your a good person in heart. I saw you standing up against your commander for those citizens and I gonna say, you have some balls.
Y/n: So you where there?
Gavin: I was coming back from hunting some food when I saw those marines. I only managed to save you but there is still some looked up and I needed to go there and save them.
Y/n: Wait! Let me help you! You saved my life so I wanna return the favour.
Gavin smiled then grab twin pistols and hand it to Y/n.
Y/n looks at them and then takes them as he leap off the table as the two stare at each other and then node as they were ready for battle.
We see the village in a battle as Y/n ans Gavin free the captured village people and fighting the marines as they shoot their guns as they took out the marines in the village. During the battle Y/n was shot and stabbed but his body healed and he keep on fighting.
We see him shouting down a few marines around the cell and then breaking the cage and tell everyone.
Y/n: This your change! Go Go Go!
They thanked him as they were running out as Y/n fallow behind them and he look around to see the village all clear and see the marines running away.
Suddenly there was a explosion which Y/n turn and he rush over and once he was there he sees Aire grabbing Gavin by the neck and have his sword ready to stab him when Y/n draw his weapon at him.
Y/n: Stop it now sir! Its over!
Aire: (noticed Y/n) So you live somehow.
Y/n: Drop him now!
Aire: You mean this criminal? You must be insane. He's wanted.
Y/n: He saved my life! If he was a criminal, he would have left me dead now drop him!
Aire: You don't give me orders boy. I do.
Then he stabbed Gavin in the chest and drop him to the ground.
He pulled the trigger and shot Aire in the head, killing him immediately as he drop into the floor. Then Y/n rushed over to Gavin and kneel down next to him.
Y/n: Gavin! Gavin stay with me!
Gavin: No. My time has come. (Coughing) I.....I won't make it.
Y/n: Please Gavin just hold on!
Gavin: must (coughing) You must complete my mission. Promise me something before I die.
Y/n: What is it?
Gavin: There......there is a legendary treasure called.....The One Piece. Its a treasure that was stolen by Gol D. Roger and he hide it (coughing) Hide it within the red line. Promise me.....if you (coughing out blood) if you fo find it....please......return it to the people. Give them a future to look up to.
Y/n: (grab his hand) I.....I promise.
He then smiled as he slow closes his eye and then mutter out his last words.
Gavin: I'm.....proud of you......Y/n.
He then dies in front of Y/n as he stood there, staring at his dead body and then he picks him up and take him out of the village as citizens watched hik carrying the dead Gavin out of the village and hours later we see Y/n finished digging up Gavin's grave as he stared at it and then forms a fist.
He head back to the same barn and sees all the metal parts around him so he gets to work. He gather as much weapons he can carry and then find some spar cowboy clothes so he put it on but he added some armor and metal staff around his clothes and then made a mask as he out it on.
Then he leaves the barn now wearing his own cowboy outfit that strike fear to anyone who sees him.
He look at his hands, seeing that now he's no longer a weak, loyal marine but rather one of the most deadliest gunslinger in the world and he will show all pirates, marines and to everyone that he is not weak, not anymore.
Then he make his journey, he doesn't know how long until he will fulfil Gavin's promise but he will do it no matter what and if anyone stand against his way, he will make them regret messing with them. On this day, Y/n L/n, The Unkillable Gunslinger is born.
To be continued in S1E1..............................................
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