Knight! Zoro x Princess! reader Part 3
Lutchia: Please, granny. Continue the story.
Esmara: Well, the princess and the knight woke up...
Name P.O.V
I woke up and I saw a man on my bed. "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!" I screamed. The man woke up and said. "Huh?Morning already?"
"Oh, I am so sorry I had forgot I am not home. I so sorry, Zoro." I apologied to him. I used to sleep alone all those years so the fact surprised me.... but he did not do anything bad to me. Zoro was the knight who saved me by the kidnappers.
He stood up and went behind the wooden screen, I heard the armor fall donw and he must went inside the bathtub. "Umm... Zoro? Can I ask you?"
"Whatever you want princess."
I moved my legs as they hang off the bed. "Are we far from the palace?"
He talked as I was hearing the water. "Not very far. Don't worry princess soon you will be home."
"Sir Zoro, can I ask a favor before I return to the palace?" I called him with his title to show him I was serious.
"Tell me what do you want?"
I gulped down. "I know very well that everyone is worried about me but I want to see the life out of the castle, I want to see if my people have a good life. So, I am asking you if we can pass a day in the village without anyone knows who I really am."
"Can you bring me my sack?" Zoro told me simply.
"S-sure." I took his sack and let it behind the wooden screen... without looking and quickly I returned to the bed with a blush... only in the idea, I was upset. After of a few minutes Zoro came and he was dress up like a villager. I titled my head. "Why this outfit?" I asked him.
"You told me a minute ago, you want to see the village, right?"
A huge smile grown up on my face and without to realised I hugged him tight. "Thank you!" He awkwardly hugged me back but after broke our connection. "Well, let's go first at the tavern to eat."
I nodded happily and followed him.
We went to a tavern... a very busy place and different kinds of people... some of them were scary and they were looking at me weird. I clenched my hand into Zoro's sleeve and I whispered. "Zoro..."
"Don't worry, (F/n). I am here." He whispered back and I blushed... he called by my name.
Zoro P.O.V.
I found her reaction cute. The princess was clenching my sleeve and blushing. I could understand why she was scared and I gave a death glare to men who were looking like that the princess. Of course, nobody knew who she was and nobody knew who I was... not even her.
Luna: Owowow.... WHAT? WHO HE WAS?
Lutchia: I think I understand, (she winked)
Luna: Not fair... tell me.
Esmara: Girls, they ordered food and booze.
Lutchia: Booze at the morning?
Esmara: The knight loved alcohol.
Luna: Will someone tell me who he was?
Lutchia: Granny, please continued.
Esmara: After they went to the market...
Zoro P.O.V
The princess was impressed by everything. The people, the merchans, the food, the children who were running around. At our way, we met singers of the streets a lot of people had around them and were listening them singing. "It's so beautiful." The princess told me with a smiled and enjoyed the song.
Suddenly, a hand grabbed me and pulled me into an alley. "You freaking mosshead!!! Where the hell you've been??? Everyone is looking for you!!!"
Sanji a knight of my kingdom scolded me.
"Shut up, swirly eyebrow." I told him.
"Oh really!!! The crown prince run away and you want me to be calm!!! Return to the----..." I put my hand on his mouth. "Shut up! I don't want anyone hear this." And I looked at the street were princess (F/n) was standding. The ero idiot then... "Now, I understand. You left your place for a woman... she is so beautifuil~~~~ ."
I punched him. "Don't look at her like this."
Weirdly, he did not hit me back like usually. He light up a cigarrete and took a breathe. "I can understand who wonderful is a love of a woman but you can not be with a village girl. A whole kingdom needs his crown prince and there is no one else to take your place."
"I know and I will returned just give me a day with her in the village and to return her home... After all she is going to be my future bride." I chuckled because I had chosen her even if she did not know.
I crossed my arms and hissed. "She is the princess of this kingdom."
He blinked. "But princess of this kingdom is kidnapped.... Don't tell me you kidnapped her!!!!"
"Of course not!!!! Baaaka. Just give me a day. Okay?"
"Fine. See you soon marimo."
He said and left. I went next to the princess who looked worried.
"Where were you, Zoro?''
"Sorry, I just got lost." I told her.
She smiled. "Okay, where are we going next?"
"Can I offer a simple walk?" I told her... I had to tell her my story, I wasn't a knight but a crown prince of a far away kingdom.
Then I saw knights, they were riding their horse and the one stared at her and after. "Princess (F/n)???" She turned and curteyed to them. "Yes, it's me."
Then I stepped away, when she wasn't looking.
Name P.O.V
"Princess you must returned to the palace. The king is worried about you." The knight told me.
"I will but first I...." I turned but I did not see Zoro anywhere. He had left...
"Nevermind, let's go." I said and returned with them at the palce.
Time skip
They had passed days of when I was back at home... and I couldn't get this man out of my mind.
'Why did you left without saying a word?' I cried and hugged my pillow.
I heard a knock, I sweapt my eyes and said. "Who is it?"
Then my maid opened the door with a package. "This is a present for you princess."
I titled my head. "By who?"
"By a suitor, he is the crown prince of East Blue and he will be here in few days."
I blinked and Nami gave me the package. "A new suitor..." I opened it and saw a wonderful blue dress.
"Wow... but why a crown prince would send me dress and... it's on my size. How did he know?" I wondered.
"No, idea Princess." Nami told her.
"Well, I guess I will wear it the day I will meet him. Maybe he is different from all the other princes." I smiled... maybe I had finally to chose a husband... even if I had feelings for this knight.
Another time skip
It was the day which the mysterious prince would came. I was already wearing the dress which he had send me and Nami was brushing my hair. I had to admit I was excited to meet him. I was curious to see how he was. We heard a knoc. "Come in." I said.
"Princess the prince of Eat Blue has arrive." A knight told me.
I stood up and smiled. "Then we don't have to make him wait." I followed the knight into the throne room where my brother and the prince were waiting.
Zoro P.O.V
I had a conversation with the king as long as I was waiting the princess. I was anxious, how she would react, if she would accept to became my wife...
Then the door opened slowly and I saw her again. She was so beautiful and she was wearing my gift. It suit her so perfectly.
The princess (F/n) watched me and noticed me shocked and she forgot all the officially manners of meeting someone. She walked to me and there was a silence for a minute, she was staring at me in my eyes and then....
"This is because you left without saying a word and because you lie to me. Why you didn't tell me who you are?"
I took her hand and kissed it softly. "I'm sorry. I should had tell you. Will you give me a chance to explain everything."
"Baka..." She attacked me with a hug and sniffed. "I though I would not see you again... I love you." Then I raised her chin and kissed her lips.
Esmara: They got married and they lived happily ever after.
Girls: Awwwww~~~~ It was so romantic.
Luna: Mrs. Esmara the next story will be about mermaids. You had promised me.
Esmara: Sure, Luna.
Author's note: I am so sorry for the late update....
I want you to comment here who will be in the next story with mermaids. Luna has a request but mrs. Esmara can't decided who will play in the roles. People comment who you want and help Mrs. Esmara.
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