Romance dawn pt 1

In a dinky boat somewhere in the middle of the ocean, was a guy and girl, with a small dog sitting on the seat, both baling water out of they're boat, him using a bucket, whereas the girl flicked her wrist and orbs of water jumped out

"Ever since We were kids, Shanks, aya's dad" he says gesturing to the girl, who smiles shaking her head since head telling all this to a bird that delivered mail "would tell us about pirates and they're adventures, so yeah, the seas been calling, well not exactly calling because I pretty much can't swim" he says dumping another bucket of water

"But you get the idea, We're setting out to follow our dreams" he says filling another bucket then dumping it out "to help ilie find out her dream, since she still hasn't figured it out, and me, To find the one piece, And become king of the pirates!" He cheered voice echoing, raising his fists in the air as the dog in the back howled " woo!" Followed by the girl, then goes back to baling

"All we need is a Loyal crew, I think about ten men should do it"

"Or women luffy" Aya says pointing at him in a warningly joking way "Right" he puts his hands up in surrender laughing "Ten men or woman, and a bird" he says as the bird squawks

The dog in the back barks offendedly, making them both laugh looked at the animal  "Sorry vido, and dog"

The Bird squawks "It's not gonna be easy" luffy says picking up another bucket of water and baling it out as Aya sits down after flicking another ball of water out and picking up her dog, placing him in her lap "The ocean pretty big, And kind of dangerous"

"And I control the damn thing" Aya adds making a point to when she threw water out by just a flick of her wrist, the bird jumps onto the rodeor of the boat As luffy stops baling and turns to the bird with his hands on his hips "So what do you say you with us?"

The bird tilted its head before taking back off into the sky to its next destination, luffy shakes his head a little " Mutiny" he scoffs

Suddenly the sound of sloshing catches they're attention as they looked down to where the sound was coming from to see Water leaking in fast " eh luffy, that's too much, if I try I'll waste all my energy" aya warned picking up vido who starts whining scared

Luffy acting quickly emptied the large barrel that contained fish into the boat, the two plus the dog quickly squeezed in

"Oh man." His voice echoed inside the battle as the boat they were both was practically sunk, the battle float along the waves towards wherever it was taking them "It's our first day."

" i know! this sucks" aya complained, as vido groaned 

Time skip

As the barrel floated in the water, it had stumbled upon  a smaller ship being attacked by pirates

"Load your cannons!" One pirate yelled as the crew loaded the pink coloured cannon balls into the cannon, lighting the fuses  "Fire!" The canon balls shot out, directly hitting some part of the ship which knocked over the crew of the smaller ship " fire!" More cannonballs were shot, bits and pieces of wood scattering everywhere as people yelled

On the pirate ship, a a woman with a mace yelled orders "Take everything!"

Dead or alive
Alvida 5,000,000

"But leave the crew to me! let's show em what true terror looks like!" She smirked, before getting on the edge holding the rope

She along with a few of her crew yell as they swung into the ship, her crew that remained on the ship cheered her on as she killed people with her spiky mace

After the battles was over they moved on, some crew mates carried the barrel out of the water and carried it down the steps as alvida interrogated the remaining survivors of the attack

"Where is the pirate hunter Roronoa Zoro?" She questioned as walked behind them "Don't deny he was on your ship" she warned

The man in the cap spoke in a shaken voice "He booked passage to sixis island after that, I don't know" he says

"Liar!" She stared directly at him with a serious look " I know Zoro must be after me, Who else is worthy of his pursuit?" She questioned while in the background a young boy with glasses and pink hair watches disturbed

"He had a list, of pirates and their bounties" the man says in a shivery voice "And of course I was at the top" she grinned leaning close

"Actually...your name wasn't on it...." he revealed, she snarled turning her mace to the spiky side, the man shaking his head fearfully
"No! No!" Just as she was about to be hit he blurted out "He was searching for the Avatar!"

The mace stoped inches away from his face "The avatar?" She laughs as do the crew "The avatar is a myth, a made up story told by some idiots in the world government!" She yelled as the mace onto his leg, making him cry out, blood splattered on the ground

" lock em up below!" She orders as some of the crew dragged away the survivors including the man crying in pain "Koby clean up this mess!" She ordered referring to the blood slathered on the ground

"Coming captain alvida!..." the timid boy moves quickly with the mop and bucket, placed the bucket down and starts wiping up the blood with the mop as alvida questions the crew "Who's the most powerful pirate on the seas?"

"Captain alvida!/ alvida!" The crew cheered, Koby as well to avoid getting in trouble "Yeah!..." she walks away as he frowned

Time skip

Down below deck, Koby pulls out alvida's duck mace, scrubbing off any remaining blood, and with a toothbrush, that was probably his own

Just then he hears groaning and banging and slowly stands up startled, looking around till his eyes fall to the large barrel which was shaking with a growling sound

"Who's there?" Koby asked nervously with shaken breath while holding the tooth brush in hand like weapon, slowly walking towards the barrel, feeling more scared the more he got closer, and closer

When all of a sudden the barrel lid bursts up by air, two heads pop up, along with a dog,

Which caused Koby to scream and rushed away from where they were, the two share a panicked look, one of them, luffy tried to jump out and stop him but falling out,

She jumps out, air blowing her up and forward so she doesn't face plant   "Hey-! Hey Wait-" She call out to the screaming boy

They squatted down in front of him on the floor against some sandbags, luffy lifted his hand covered over Koby's mouth

"Knock it off!" He made a shushing noise, and Koby nodded his head frantically getting the idea.

" stop it luf!" She scolds in a hush tone smacking him behind the head, then turning to the scared boy

"Please don't kill me." Koby feebly begged them both with his eyes flickering between them "Please..."

"Hey, hey. It's alright, we're not gonna kill you, okay?" She soothed while raising her hands a bit to his arms " we're sorry for scaring you, but we need you to be quiet, can you do that" feeling less scared by her, he slowly nods

Just then attention gets taken by the whining coming from the barrel the two jumped out of, making ilie look back, shaking her head scolding herself  " whoops, sorry vido" she goes back to the barrel and lifts the dog in her arms

" a dog?" Koby looks confused " he's more than a dog" aya scolded " he's my precious baby~" she snugged against the animal who groaned happily

"Right now, First things first." Luffy stands up and starts walking around what looked like the storage room"Do you have any food here?" Luffy asked

" what?" Koby asks confused

"I'm starving, and so is my friend, oh and vido." Luffy states while looking into a bucket hanging from the ceiling " we lost our supplies when the boat sank" aya stated

"Alvida doesn't let me eat until after she finishes her meal" Koby says, still behind the sandbags

"Who's alvida?" Luffy asks holding the hanging bucket

"This is her ship" Koby informed, luffy accidental nearly knocks something over cause he was listening to Koby but managed to stabilise the object, while aya scratched vido behind the ear looking at Koby confused as to who alvida was "She's captain of the alvida pirates" he emphasise

"Oh that's great" Luffy smiled while aya still looked unsure

"It is?" Koby asks in disbelief

"Yeah!" Luffy says as he opens a bottle with a liquid that could either be alcohol or something else "Cause we're pirates too" he sniffs it " you don't look like pirates" Koby says looking between the two as Luffy put the lid back on the glass bottle while ilie snuggled against vido

"What do they look like?" Aya asks joining the conversation "Pirates are scum" Koby states without hesitation with venom in his voice "They're thieves and murderers"

Luffy and aya stoped what they were doing and smirked at each other " Not some we know" she replied

Flash back

Young luffy was asleep until he was awoken to the water dripping in from the ceiling,  sitting up from his mat, he goes over to the wooden calendar with marks crossing out the days till his finger pointed towards one box that had a ship picture on it "Shanks and aya! They're back!" He exclaimed excited to see his idol and his best friend

He lifts the trap door from the room he was sleep, and looks around till he sees the ship at the docks

Windmill village, 10 years ago

Luffy jumps onto the ship where he finds ilie sittin on an barrel, playing with something " aya!" Hearing her name, she turns around and smiled brightly "Luffy!" Who carried something which was still covered in a blanket she carried " Look what I got!" She opened the blanket as something whimpered, a small head wriggled out

"A puppy!" He smiled brightly "His names vido!" Aya introduced " where'd you get him?" Luffy asked petting the pups head "dad brought him home after one of his journeys, he found him just floating in some box on the sea, and gave him to me. Isn't that right buddy?" She looked down at the pup who let out tiny barked

"Work fast as the breeze, men! Captain wants this haul to the traders by nightfall." One of the guys says while the crew in a hurry move cargo to where it needed to be

"Before those marine bastards get back on our trail." Lucky roux says carrying too many boxes, the smallest on top almost fell off of shanks hadn't appeared in time and caught it "Easy with this, Roux. it's with more than the rest of the loot put together." He stated. 

"Aye, captain."

"Pretend it's a leg of lamb. You wouldn't drop that." Shanks said, which the entire crew to laugh, including luffy and aya

Shanks assists his crew by carrying a barrel, which he passes to another "Here"

"Got it captain" the man took it

Luffy assists by rolling the barrel to where it needed to go, which shanks caught sight off "Luffy! I was wondering when you'd pop up" the man smiled as luffy passes the battle to yassop "Our favourite street urchin comes to welcome us back" he says piling the barrel onto another, then ruffling the boys hair "How ya been kid?

"I'm not an urchin!" Luffy protests as the man passes him "I'm a pirate!" The crew started laughing at his silliness "I'm not joking. I'm ready to join your crew" he says to shanks as he carried another barrel "The sea is t a child's game, It's dangerous. The scars on my face are proof of that." He hands the barrel to one of his crewmates, and pointed to the three claw like scars cross his left eye

"I can do it, Shanks" Luffy insisted "I swear"

Shanks look at him got a second, then looked back to the loot "You're not ready"

"I am. And I'll show you!" Luffy declared with confidence, a glare appearing over his face as he stomped off

One of the crewmates came up to shanks as he inspects a small vase with Ruby's on it "Might want to take it easy on him, Captain. He's got no family to speak of. The kids on his own." 

"Better a disappointed kid now than a dead one later." Shanks retorted while closing shut the treasure chest full of objects, and picked it up grunting, "Let's get this done. These men need a drink." He handed the chest to the other member of his crew, then caught a smell coming from Roux's who passes him, "And a bath." 

"Hey, Shanks!" Luffy's voice called up from somewhere high behind them, causing silence to fall over the boat as everyone on deck turned around to see what was happening.

Luffy at the front of the ship holding a knife up in his hand "Put it down, Luffy before you  hurt yourself," Shanks spoke as aya held vido worried, but Luffy remained stubborn.  "I'm not afraid of getting hurt. And I'll prove it to you." Luffy spoke. 

Then the unexpected, he stabbed his own cheek, shocking the crew and his friend causing puppy vido to bark "Luffy!" Shanks yelled, who rushes to him as the cut under his eye bled

Flash back end

"Why would anyone want to be a pirate?" Koby asked as the two sat with him, eating some meat, aya sharing pieces she ripped off for vido as luffy was about to take a bite but stopped to answer koby's question

"Cause it's the best thing there is" Luffy replied nonchalantly, then began listing everything with a blissful smile "You have the...the wind in your back, salty sea air, a loyal crew by your side" he patting vido's head making aya smile "You never know what's on the horizon, It's all about"

"Nothing free about alvida's crew" Koby stated the two looked over as he said "She tells me when to eat, When to sleep" the last thing he mentioned a expression of disgust morphed onto his face "I even have to paint her toe nails" Aya makes a gagging sound "So why don't you just leave?" Luffy suggested in his usual cheerful way

"No one leaves alvida!" Koby retorted shaking his head " She'll never let me go..." the two looked at each other, then back at Koby "You should Never let anyone tell you what you can't do" for a few seconds thinks about it, then says "If I did that, I never would've left my village to meet up with aya to go find the one piece" he said which the girl nodded

Koby stands up in shock, then moves from his spot in front of some ropes, "Gold Roger's treasure? That's impossible. Every pirate in the world is after that" he stated

"Why shouldn't We be the ones to find it?" Luffy says still munching on the piece of meat while aya feeds vido the last piece of hers "As soon as we're out of here, we're on my way to the grand line" Luffy finishes

Koby comes out from behind the ropes "Pirate graveyard. There are a hundred foot waves and sea beasts that'll crush your bones, Once you enter the grand line, you never return" he warned

"It's sound kinda fun" Luffy laughs childishly, suddenly the sound of growling catches they're attention, at first they looked to the dog who wasn't making any growling sound, luffy then gasps pointing with a large smile "Wait! is...Is that one of the sea beasts?" He asks koby

"It's just alvida snoring" Koby remarked, which ilie snored covering her mouth "If you two want to get out of here, it's now or never"

"I can't yet" aya replied passing vido over to Luffy "What?!" Koby looks at her as if she was crazy as she walks past "Why not?!" She turned back with a serious expression on her face "Cause there's other people here that need help, and one of them is badly hurt, You two go I'll catch up" she says before running off, Koby protesting in a hush voice, but Luffy told him to give up

Time skip

Luffy and Koby slowly sneak up to the top, Koby lifting up the hatch to the upper deck while luffy carried the dog telling him to Keep quiet, while that was going on, aya followed the sounds of crying, She arrives to the cell where she found the survivors, who gasped in fear moving further away as she opens the cell door "Shh it's okay, I'm here to get you out"

"why should we believe you?" The man who had an injured leg questioned

Aya kneels down, holding her hand out, throwing an orb of water at the injury, the man cries out in pain which at first freaked everyone out, until the man stopped crying and looks down at his leg to see it healing, then looks up at the mysterious girl as she lowered her hands crouching down " cause I'm your only hope of getting off this ship" she says

Back with the other two

Koby brings luffy to some of the other lifeboats, luffy hands vido over to Koby and kneels down to pick up an oar "Gonna need one of these" Luffy smiled

"Head due north" Koby instructed "You should hit lane in a few days"

"North" Luffy nodded, then turned around "Which ways north?" But accidentally hitting the bell with the oar, which let out a loud clang which awoke everyone

Aya along with the survivors who were getting in the boat, perked up when they heard the bell along with groaning from the pirates who were heading to the area the bell was rung, some start to whimper in fear, aya instructed them to keep quiet then turned to the man she'd healed
" don't worry, me and my friend will deal with them"

" you can't be serious she'll kill you both like she did with the other crew members from our ship!" the man protested

" I'm different though, she'll be the one to be afraid this time" aya assured, she made hush whistle

The others gasp when a horse suddenly appeared from the sea, onto the ship next to the girl, only this wasn't an ordinary horse, it was one made of water

" nokk, get them to the land, as fast as you can" she instructed, which the horse neighed echoed in response then dove back into the sea, waiting for them " this is where we part now" she waved before lowering them to the sea

" wait! That's horses a spirit! It's you isn't it? Are you possible The avatar?!" The man yelled never got a verbal answer as the spirit pushed the boat further and further away from the pirate ship, but it was clear to them who she was

Back on deck

"What the hell is going on up there?" Koby freezes as he hears the captains voice yell as the pirate get up, Koby backs up next to luffy as alvida makes her way up the stairs, the two were surrounded

"What's the meaning of this?" Alvida questions looking between the two "Alvida, I can explain" Koby tried to come up with an excuse, also in the process passing the animal back to luffy "You dare betray me to a bounty Hunter?" She glared at him "No, that's not it at all" Koby tried to speak until he was interrupted again by alvida turning her attention to luffy "And you, you're too scrawny to be Roronoa zoro" she says as one of the pirate helped her put on her jacket while holding her hat for her "and last time I checked he didn't carry around a little rat" she remarked as the dog growled

"I'm monkey d luffy" luffy introduced " and vido's a dog not a rat"

"Never heard of you and I don't care" she says bluntly placing her hat on

"Well, remember the name, cause I'm gonna be king of the pirates" Luffy smiled, his statement made alvida and her crew laugh "You must be new around here boy, 'cause who is the most powerful pirate on the seas?" She questions as she looked at her crew. "Captain Alvida!" They all cheered.

She stopped smiling when she looked at Koby, who hadn't said anything and slammed her mace down against the ground "I'm sorry, I didn't hear you Koby. Who's the powerful pirate on the seas?" He didn't say a word "Answer me, you slithering runt." She ordered demandingly

"He doesn't have to" Luffy says casually interrupting, turning to the pink haired boy who looked at him in fear "Koby's his own man" he grinned "Shut up" Koby whispered fearfully

"No, no he's not" alvida shakes her head "He's mine, and he'll always be mine" she smirked tilting her head "That's not what he told me" Luffy says, leaning the other end of the oar on the ground

"He said that you were mean, and cruel" he began which alvida smirks "And that you were as dumb as a sea cow"

Koby sakes his head frantically as she glared at the boy "No captain alvida I didn't!" She yells as she swung her mace, luffy uses the oar to make Koby duck, avoiding being hit,

She turns her head eerily to them and She swings her mace again, which she knocked out of luffy's hands, She tried to hit Luffy and he moved again, letting vido run out of the way, she tried again, but before she could swing, grunts can be heard and attention went to the person who was jumping from one pirates head to another then landing on the battlefields and leg swiping alvida, Making her fall face first, dropping her mace

Her crew gasped in shock from not only the new arrival to the fight, but they just made they're captain hit the floor

"Oh yeah, I should have mentioned" Luffy smirked as aya joined him  "he's not alone, And you should never call vido bad names, especially with me around" aya glared as Alvida growled grabbing her mace and swinging at the girl, aya leaping up with the help of airbending, making the woman hit her own one of her own men

one of them pulled out a gun tried to shoot Luffy, however the bullet recoiled and shot right back at the man

Alvida looked at the him in shock, She tried to hit him but he stretched out of the way, and ended up hitting the bell and sending it flying into the ocean, she tried to hit aya, but said girl moved to the side, another man from alvida's pirates was about to attack her with a sword, but said girl dodged him, and with water around her arms like two tentacles, slapped him down to the deck below

Leaving the crew and they're captain Stunned "What kind of a monsters are you?" She asked, Luffy smiled, "The stretchy kind." " the elemental kind" aya smirked as the two fist bump

Alvida tried to hit him again, but luffy stretched his arms up, grabbing the rope up top and pulling himself up, in the process one of alvida's men gets hit

As aya moved to the side, lines she didn't notice the man aiming a gun at her " I've got now you little!-Ah!" He was cut off by a certain animal

As he backed up, he fell down the stairs to the other deck, trying to get the dog off " get em off me!!!!"

" I got the rat-" only to be the next target, as vido jumped off the man attacked and onto the second, screaming like a little girl, the crew unsure of what to do

Luffy chuckles as alvida looks up at him, using the ropes to get to where he wanted to be, she followed stomping her

Luffy slides down and walks over to the wheel, grabbing hold, she yells as she swings, missing him as he moves back to Koby and aya and she hit the wheel and lamp above it, making it break and flames to burst out

She yelled in raged and looked at Koby's direction "You! This is all your fault!" She drew her weapon above her head, just before it could hit the terrified boy, aya flicked a water bended  tentacle, that not only knocked the mace out of her hand, it was like a hard slap to the face

For the first time, alvida looked in they're direction, terrified as the girl glared " who are you?!"

" who am I?....I'm the avatar!" Aya glared, shocking a great amount of the crew who murmured, including Koby " And I've had enough of you!" Then gestured with her head to her friend "Take it away captain" and stepped to the side, revealing Luffy with a serious look on his face "With pleasure"

Alvida's breathing quivered as luffy stretched his fist out to the ocean shouting "Gum gum-Pistol!" He pulled it back and punched alvida straight in the face, she yells as she's launched off the boat

After pulling his fist back, he looked towards the crew with a serious expression "Anyone else have a problem with Koby?" He questioned, which was backed up by aya holding up her hand with had a ball of fire, and vido at her feet growling at them warningly

The crew denied immediately, some shaking they're heads, satisfied with the answer, luffy and ilie smiled at each other then Looked to Koby "Come on" Luffy says gesturing with his head for the boy to follow as ilie picked up the dog "We're gonna need a boat, And enough food for a few days" as the two walked Koby stared at them in disbelief still not moving

"Me?" He asked, the two stopped and looked at him smiling "Yeah!" Luffy smiled

"Unless there's Someone else named Koby" aya joked " you coming or not?" She asked while Koby was still in disbelief that this was happen


On Sixis island, it was around night time, just like when the two on alvida were fighting on the woman's ship

a male with green hair lit the candles around a shrine and statue, lighting said candles

He lights another match and lights the one which rested atop the statue in front of him, he then opens his eyes feeling a presence near him "You can come out" he called out as a dark skinned man with red spiked hair and a number seven tattoo on his left cheek

"People often visit shrines to light candles for those they've lost" the man stated coming to a halt behind the him "Who are yours for?"

"This one is for someone I knew a long time ago" the green haired man replied still looking down

"And the other?" The dark skinned man questioned, the male in front of him didn't answer, instead opened his eyes more "You've been following me for three days" the green haired male stood up, hands on the hilt of his swords as he turned to the man who'd arrived "What do you want?" He asked

"You may call me mr 7" the man introduced himself "I represent an organisation known as baroque works" he says holding up a card with the organisations symbol "We are interested in your unique set of skills, pirate hunter Roronoa zoro" who turned to face him completely

"What are you?" Zoro questioned uninterested "Some band of assassins?"

"We are much, much more" the man stated "You should know, It's a high honour to be asked to join our ranks"

"Kind of got my own thing going on, plus I'm looking for somebody" zoro stated, turning back to what he was doing "Membership would make you even more invincible, more feared, and more resources to find the one you seek" mr 7 states trying to get him to agree

"Does it come with a free face tattoo?" Zoro asked "My favourite is number 1" he says lifting his arm and showing his hand, flipping him off, then kneeling back down in front of what looked like a small green statue

"To turn down baroque works" mr 7 narrowed his eyes "Is to forfeit your life..."

"If they were that serious, They should've sent someone better than number 7" zoro replied nonchalant as mr 7 pulled out his duel swords

Just in case you'd rather see what happened instead of me trying to write the scene word for word

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

He yells as he swings his blades, only for zoro to suddenly block with the one unsheathed, Before the man could do anything else, Zoro backs up, having a stare down as he slides the sword back in place

Mr 7  swings at him, but zoro swiftly dodged his every attack, unsheathing his own blades, and started throwing slices back at the man who blocked and dodged, but the last slice managed to push him back, his blade glides against the ground from his last attack managed to also blow out the candles but the one in the middle on the statue, much to mr 7's shock

He attempts another assault, only for zoro to block and and push him back once again, zoro stands tall and with his blades out at the side as mr 7 roars as he charges forward, blades in the air only for zoro to slice him practically in two

He exhaled standing back up straight and swiping out the flame of the candle with his blade

Back with the three

The three plus dog sat in the boat now on the ocean, Koby rowing the oars "That look on alvida's face, I've never seen anyone stand up to her before" he laughed

"Shouldn't have messed with you" luffy stated

"And you!" The boy turned his attention to the girl "You're the avatar! You're actually real!" Aya giggled at his excitement " alvida kept saying you're nothing but a story to put kids to bed, but she was wrong, you're really here!"

"In the flesh" aya bowed her head jokingly "By the way, How did you stretchable that?" Koby asked luffy curiously

Aya snickered knowing luffy would have an awkward time trying to explain "It's kind of a long story" he says

Flash back

Back at makino's bar, shanks tended to kiddy's wound "At least you didn't get your eye." The adult, pulling the stich through the cut as he bites back a smile seeing Luffy's grumpy face "I was aiming for it, but I missed." Luffy stated

Shanks finished the stitch, when he made a knot, he yanked it a little, luffy let out a pained noise, "Ow."

"I thought you said you were tough, Lu." Aya teased in a playful tone, giggling ruffling vido's hair, shanks chuckling at his daughters playfulness

"I am!" He protested trying to look cool, Shanks cutting the thread off, "Don't stitch it too good, I want everyone to see my scar."

"Scars don't make the man, Luffy." Shanks retorted snipping away the excess thread away from the stich, as he placed it into a pile on the table, and tapped Luffy's cheek, "It's the lesson behind the scar, and you didn't earn this one."

"Then let me earn it. I'll be the best pirate ever." He declared confidently "Look, I've been practcing what my face is gonna look like on my wanted poster." He scrunched his nose up with a fierce expression, making his friend giggle seeing it.

Shanks smiled a little at the two with a soft chuckle

"I've no doubt your mug will be on a wanted poster one day." He pressed an alcohol soaked cloth against Luffy's cheek, causing him to wince, "But you're not ready." Shanks puts the medical tools and picks up his alcohol "My ship already had an anchor." Shanks stated

"I'm not an anchor!" Luffy said confused

Taking a swig of his alcohol drink he placed that back down, he point at Luffy's shirt which had the word anchor

He chuckles as gets up and walks away to give back makino's med box, Luffy gets up in a huff "Stupid shanks" aya watches as walks away and goes after her dad

Luffy walks towards where the crew had left the treasure, kicking one of the boxes, as he sits alone in her corner, he noticed the box that shanks had caught before and curiosity got the best of him

Slowly he approached it and picked it up, and placed it down on the ground, opening the lid to reveal a purple fruit with swirls

He picks it up, looks around to see if anyone's watching then starts eating it

At the bar

"Daddy, Will I be on a wanted poster one day, too?" Aya innocently asked while tilting her head sideways curiously

The red haired male grinned gently down at his daughter, ruffling her hair

"Not with how cute you are right now, but you'll definitely be at the highest of bounties on the sea one day." she giggled through a toothy grin, and wrapped her arms around his neck to rest against him, Vido starts licking shanks cheek, causing him to groan, and the crew and his daughter to laugh " ugh! vido, your breath smells awful! He most definitely needs a bath!"

"There you go, Captain." One of the laughing crew handed him half drunken bottle of whisky

Suddenly some unfamiliar men enter the bar, all the pirates stopped what they were doing on edge

"Bring us your best whiskey." The man leading the small group ordered the bar the woman as she picked up the bowls from one of the tables with a blue rag in her other hand as she walked back around to behind the bar past them, "I'm afraid we're out."

Shanks felt his daughter tense up, which made him hold her more protectively against his side, "That'd be our fault, friend. We've, uh, been doing some celebrating." He tells him chuckling, and holds his drink up with his other hand to motion to the place "We've drunk the place dry, but..." He grabs the other bottle of whiskey once he put the other down, "perhaps this will make up for it."

The mans eyes trail over to the kid in Shank's arms as her face was hidden in the crook of his neck, the staring caused Shanks to tightened his hold on her, looking back at him with a warning look

As he stopped the stare down with Shanks, he grumbles grabbing the half empty bottle, and glanced down at it broadly, "What are we supposed to do with one bottle?"

"Generally, you drink it." Shanks chuckles with fake humour at Shank's answer, bringing down the bottle to smash it against the counter, which made the liquid and glass go flying everywhere.

In response to this, the crew quickly load their weapons, ilie cowers more scaredy against her fathers body, luffy watched finishing the fruit and gets up, to go watch whatever was gonna happen from his hiding place

Shanks looking between the male, an the mess on the floor unbothered, "Now there's glass everywhere."

The other male grunted lowly standing up in the middle of the bar to square Shanks up, who still remined unbothered as his main focus was on protecting his daughter

"Makino, got a mop?" He questioned as he handed ilie over to one of his men, the woman let out a hum as she goes over, handing him a broom

Shanks grabbed the broom in both of his hands and starts sweeping the glass up on the floor, which irritated the man and his group

Chuckling bitterly again the man knock down more things off the bench, and it created a loud clanging noise while the his men laugh

"Since you like cleaning so much." Shanks doesn't even flinch when the male got close to his face to feel threating, But only received a neutral face, and went back to silently cleaning up, as the group left the area seeing no point of staying

As the group did walk away, Shanks' crew starts laughing, finding the entire thing amusing knowing he was going easy on them

"He got you good, huh, Cap'n?" Lucky asks

"Ya got a mop?" Another mocked his question to the woman bar keep, Makino as they all continued to laugh louder with their Captain as ilie's put down, rushes to her dad and hugging him tightly " I'm fine sweet pea" he assured as the crew continued laughing

"Why are you laughing?!" Luffy exclaimed in anger " how could you let him insult you like that?"

"All he did was spill a drink on me." Shanks claimed calmly

"But you should've fought back!" Luffy exclaimed incredulously, and took a few stomping steps up the stairs leading into the wooden bar area, "Why didn't you kick his ass?!"

While lucky and yassop laugh, Shanks gets up walking back to the counter with ilie following his moves, "Not everything can be solved with violence. A man needs to be strong, but he also needs to be good."

"You're not a real man." Luffy snapped out with venom coating his tone, marching up towards him glaring up at the adult, "You're nothing but a coward."

Shanks licked his lips for a second, placing his elbow onto the counter to face the younger boy, and raised his brows knowingly, "You see? I told you, you weren't ready." 

Groaning he goes to stomp away from the male, making aya quickly act to grab onto his wrist with her free hand

" Luffy wait!" She exclaimed, not expecting his arm to stretch out the more he walked with his back turned.' 

Their eyes widen seeing this difference about him, and she yelps scared letting him go, which slinged him back and tumbling down the stairs in a heap, shanks stares in absolute shock "What have you done?"

As luffy gets up shocked and confused

Flash back end

"You ate a devil fruit?" Koby said in disbelief "He did" aya replied shaking her head while stroking the dogs head while lying down in the boat

"I didn't know any better" Luffy laughed "But mine was a gum gum fruit, It turned my body into rubber" Koby watched as luffy pulled the side of his face, then letting it go, letting it slap. Back into place "Huh?"  He grinned

Koby glanced around their surrounding which was just the blue ocean "So now what? We have to be going somewhere, right?"

"We are going somewhere." Aya clarified chuckling, putting vido down and pointed in a certain direction, "Next stop, to the Grand Line remember?"

"Do you guys know how to get there?" At Koby's sudden question curiously

Both the girls face and boys dropped seeming to be thinking, luffy picking his nose "You can't navigate. You don't even have a map!"  Koby exclaimed

"Good point, Koby" aya sighed scolding herself As luffy sits back up "We should probably pick one of those up" he suggested in his usual cheery self

"Maybe I've made a mistake." Koby whispered to himself, glancing down away from the two, "I never should've left Alvida." 

Aya looked at Luffy who shared the same look, after hearing those words up from his laying down position hearing this, both leaning against the sides of the boat "Koby, if you could do anything in the world right now, what would it be?"  Aya questioned, for a few seconds he stayed silent before saying, "I guess there is one thing, but..." The two perked up waiting to hear it "it's dumb." 

They both deflated, aya gets up her way through the boat and slapped Koby across the cheek, causing luffy to gasp in surprise and vido to perk up whining "What was that for?!"  Koby looked at her surprised

"You being dumb" she says with a serious face shaking her finger "Never say your dream is dumb, now spit it out" she ordered taking her seat again

"I've kind of... " Koby hesitated at first, but when he made eye contact with aya, she gestured for him to continue "I've always wanted to be....a Marine," he completed

" ah" the two nodded

"Ever since I was a kid, I wanted to protect people that can't protect themselves." When they did nothing but smile at him

Koby felt embarrassed, fumbling to grab the oar before gripping it firmly. "I told you it was dumb." 

"If that's what you want, I think you should do it," Luffy said. "Me and luffy will help you out."  Aya adds "You don't even know me." Koby reminds

"We shared a meal, Koby," Luffy stated. "And if being a Marine is your dream...that's good enough for us." He then stood up, looking out at the fires that covered Alvida's ship. "Okay, so you plot a course to the next Marine base..." 

"We get our map... and you get to join up," aya concluded.  "Yeah." Luffy began to lay back down. "All right. Well, I'm gonna take that nap now."

"You can't just waltz into a Marine base and ask for a map to the Grand Line!" Koby exclaimed.

"Don't worry. I'm stealthy." Luffy used his hat to shield his face from the sun, just as the ship exploded. 

Koby gasped as he and ilie turned around to glance at the explosion that came from the ship "Yeah, super stealthy."

" don't worry Koby" aya assured " don't tell him I said this, but I'm way for stealthy than him" she whispered, suddenly an idea came to mind and a mischievous idea came to mind "Wanna see something funny?" she asked, Koby looked at her confused as aya brought her fingers to her mouth and whistled "Hey Gale?" She called out, koby was confused to who she was calling out, until he hears whistling that didn't come from aya

Which was wind that blew past his head, but the part that surprised him, was there were leaves following it, he watched in awe amd shocked as the spirit circled the girl who giggled at the gales playfulness, moving past her hair up and down, the dog parking, wagging his tail excited  "How about you give us a hand getting to our stop?" She asked the spirit who said something only she understood "hold tight koby!" She exclaimed grabbing vido and holding on to the front of the boat with said boy, Gale starts pushing they're boat extremely fast, just like a jet ski, which luffy woke up in alarm, yelping while holding on tight so he doesn't fall "Ah! What?! Aya! Not cool!" He complained while the two laughed " wooohoo!" She cheered as they speed off to they're location


Somewhere out at sea in the east blue a young girl with short orange hair, her eyes flutter open, slowly sitting up as she sees a sail from a boat along with voices

"There's someone in there, Let's get closer" two men, one light skinned and one dark, she moved her body to face them, grabbing the side of the boat "Help me!..water!..." she pleaded sounding exhausted

"Oh, your in luck sweet heart" the man with white skinned replied "We're all the help you'll need"

"My crew...was attacked by pirates...I..I barley managed to make it out alive...." she rasped

"Pirates you say" the dark skinned man says "I hear they're a terrible lot" her eyes trailed up and her eyes widen as she saw the pirate flag "The worst sort. Good thing we found you instead of them." The other man grinned as they hooked the boats together, the girl quickly turned and covers the chest behind her with a cloth which they witnessed

"What you got there? Something to share?" The two smirked, the dark skinned man was the first to climb in and walk towards the chest, throwing the sheet off as the girl pleaded while grabbing the other guys wrist " No. Please, no, it''s all I have. Please" she begged

"It's a fair trade for saving your life" the man grunted while shoving the weak girl off,
The first guy was struggling to open the lock, so they both kicked them off, breaking both locks and smirked, however as they opened the chest, it revealed to be empty

"Hey, what gives?" The second guy said, Both looked back to find their boat sailing away, the girl smirked waving from they're original spot "Sorry, boys. Thanks for the rescue." Then went to do her own thing

The dark skinned guy shoved the other guy in anger

While on the boat, the girl pulls out a book, opening it, showing the pages to be maps, she turned to a certain page which showed her the location of where she was and where she was going, to which she grinned

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