Chapter 1: Pirates vs Aliens
A young girl was walking around in a city of flames. She had purple hair and nothing but a blanket to cover her naked body. She stopped as a strange shadow approached her. It reached out its hand.
???: Hey. Are you okay? Wake up.
The girl opened her eyes as she had woken up. She was in the middle of a forest as a man was trying to get her up.
???: Oh, you're finally awake.
The girl got up as she looked around confused.
???: I found you in the middle of the forest. My name is Frostwing.
The girl looked at him even more confused. Frostwing wore a white gi with a blue shirt under it. The girl looked and saw he had what looked like a red staff on his back and a monkey tail around his waist.
Frostwing: So young lady, what's your name?
???: ... My... name...?
Frostwing: Hm? Oh, did you lose your memories somehow? Well, that's not good...
???: ... Sorry mister... but I don't even know how I got here...
Frostwing: Don't worry about it. For now, I'll just call you Mana. Besides, I'm sure the other guy might know something about what's going on.
Mana: Other guy?
Frostwing got up. He turned and walked towards a passed out green man.
Frostwing: Found him in the middle of the forest. He was bleeding everywhere and looked like he was going to die.. so I did the honor of feeding him a senzu bean.
Mana: A what?
Frostwing opened a small bag to reveal a bunch of beans.
Frostwing: Let's just say they heal wounds and leave it at that. This guy should be waking up any minute now.
As soon as he said that, the green alien known as Piccolo woke up.
Piccolo: What the- Where am I?
Frostwing: Don't worry. I don't know who or what attacked you, but they're long gone.
Piccolo: Gone? ... Hmph, it seems I fell unconscious...
Piccolo got up and looked around. He then looked at Frostwing and saw his tail.
Piccolo: ... And who are you? What's your story?
Frostwing: Me? Well, the names Frostwing. And let's just say I went on a trip and got separated from my allies.
Piccolo: I see... sorry, but could you come with me? I believe there's still a lot I want to ask you.
Frostwing: Hm? Well, if I don't have a choice. Let's go Mana.
Mana: Huh? Me?
Frostwing: Of course. You clearly can't do much without your memory. Maybe joining me will jog your memory.
Mana: Oh um right!
Piccolo looked up at the sky and closed his eyes.
Piccolo: ... "Bulma? Are you there?"
Somewhere far away, a blue-haired girl was relaxing at a private beach. Beside her were a god and an angel stuffing their faces with food.
Bulma: "Hm? Oh, hey Piccolo."
Piccolo: "Are Vegeta and Goku with you right now?"
Bulma: Hm?
Bulma looked up ahead as Goku and Vegeta were battling it out above the ocean.
Bulma: "Yeah, they're here."
Piccolo: "Good. I'll be there in a second."
Bulma watched as Goku and Vegeta clashed fists, creating a shockwave around them. They both got back and Goku flew at Vegeta. He went for a punch, but Vegeta dodged it. Vegeta then went to kick him, but Goku blocked his kick as he was sent back.
Goku: Kamehameha!
Vegeta: Galick Gun!
The two of them shot a huge blast of ki at each other, creating a massive explosion between them. As soon as the explosion cleared, Piccolo and Frostwing flew down to Bulma with Mana on Frostwing's back. Bulma saw this as she got up.
Bulma: Hey Vegeta! Goku! Piccolo's hear!
Goku and Vegeta stopped as they flew down towards them.
Goku: Hey Piccolo! Hm?
Goku saw Frostwing, then saw his tail.
Goku: Hey! You're a Saiyan too?!
Frostwing: Ah, so you noticed.
Mana: A Saiyan?
Piccolo: I brought him to see if either of you knew who he was by any chance.
Vegeta: Of course not. What's going on?
Piccolo: ... It seems Frieza is on the move again.
Everyone suddenly had a more serious expression on their face, except for Mana who was understandably confused.
Mana: ... Frieza?
Piccolo: He seems to be with two others, neither I recognize. But I know one of them goes by the name Donquixote Doflamingo.
Bulma: Doflamingo? As in the criminal? Hmm... but why would Frieza ally himself with someone like that?
Piccolo: I don't know... but what I do know is they're after the Dragon Balls.
Frostwing: Dragon balls... seven large balls that, when gathered together, can grant any wish.
Vegeta: Hmph, so you know what they are? Good, that means we don't need to waste time explaining. We need to hunt down the other Dragon Balls.
Bulma: Hmm... I started have mine in my lab... maybe I should check on it, just in case.
Bulma pulled out a tablet and turned it on, looking at the security in her lab.
Bulma: Gah!
Vegeta: What's wrong?!
Bulma: My lab's already being broken into!
Bulma showed everyone the tablet to reveal an orange-haired girl running out of a giant hole in the wall of her lab.
Piccolo: They started moving faster than expected.
Goku: We better hurry! Everyone grab on!
???: Hey! What about my dessert?
The cat who had finished stuffing his face finally spoke up.
Goku: Oh, um, sorry lord Beerus! We don't have much time!
Everyone grabbed onto Goku as he used instant transmission to teleport them to the lab.
Beerus: Jeez... what a bother...
Once Goku and the others made it to the lab, they saw the thief riding a reindeer towards the city as she was carrying multiple bags.
Bulma: After her! One of those bags has the Dragon Ball!
Everyone flew after the girl and followed her straight into the city. She stopped in the middle of the city and gave two bags to some long nose man.
???: Here you go Usopp. Just as planned.
Usopp: Right... um... Nami?
The long nose man pointed at the Saiyans and Namekian flying towards them.
Nami: They're fast! Let's split up!
Usopp: R-Right!
Usopp and Nami both ran in opposite directions. Bulma was driving her car with Mana inside as they saw this.
Bulma: They're splitting up!
Piccolo: Then we will too.
Piccolo and Frostwing went after Nami while Goku, Vegeta, and Bulma went after Usopp.
Piccolo: Hmph.
Piccolo stretched his arm to reach out for Nami, but as soon as he did, a blonde guy came flying down and kicked his arm into the ground.
???: Don't touch her!
Nami: Sanji!
Sanji: I'll cover you Nami-swan!
Sanji had hearts in his eyes as he said that. He then looked at Piccolo and Frostwing with a serious face as Nami ran off on the reindeer.
Sanji: Sorry, but I'm not letting you pass.
Piccolo: Tch. Who are you and why are you with Frieza.
Sanji: ... Who?
Meanwhile, Goku, Vegeta, and Bulma caught up to Usopp, who seems to have already been caught and beat up by two kids and a small, bald police officer.
Bulma: Trunks! Goten!
Goku: Hey Krillin!
Krillin: Oh, Goku!
Bulma stopped her car as she and Mana got out of it.
Trunks: We saw him running past and thought he was suspicious.
Bulma: I see.
Bulma walked up to Usopp.
Bulma: Alright mister, you're going to tell me why Frieza is after the Dragon Balls!
Usopp: The what?
Bulma: Hm? Hey, don't play dumb! We-
???: Gomu Gomu no...
Bulma: Huh?
Goku quickly got in front of Bulma as a boy in a straw hat came flying down.
???: Axe!
The boy went for a heavy kick that Goku quickly blocked. Goku quickly pushed him back and the boy landed on his feet. Goku then went to fire multiple ki blasts at him but the straw hat went to dodge as he ran at Goku and stretched his arm back.
???: Gomu Gomu no Pistol!
He went for a quick strike but Goku quickly blocked it as he was sent back a bit.
Goku: Heh, you seem tough.
???: Shishishi, so do you!
Bulma: Wait... I feel like I've seen his face in a wanted poster. Could he be... Monkey D. Luffy?
Mana: Luffy?
Luffy: Yep! That's me!
Suddenly, a guy with three swords jumped over Luffy and swung his blades at Vegeta. Vegeta quickly dodged as he kicked the guy back and shot a ki blast at him.
???: Ittoryu: Yakkodori!
The man sent a huge wave of energy with a swing of his sword as it clashed with the ki, creating a huge explosion between them.
Vegeta: Hmph. So the thieves are nothing more than a bunch of low-level pirates? What a waste of time.
???: I can say the same to you. Still, I can't help but wonder who this Frieza guy you're talking about is.
Vegeta: Hm?
Bulma: Wait, so you guys weren't manipulated by Frieza?
Luffy: Hm? No. Some green girl asked us to return some ball to her and some money in exchange for meat and more money.
Bulma: Huh?
Frostwing: I see. So in other words, you guys were being deceived by whomever this lady was.
Bulma: Well... Piccolo did say Frieza was with a girl... and Doflamingo...
As soon as Bulma said that, Luffy and the swordsman got a serious look on their faces.
Bulma: Is something wrong?
???: It sounds to me like we've got a common enemy.
Goku: Common what?
Vegeta: I see. I'm guessing you're the captain. Tell me, what is your name?
???: I'm Roronora Zoro... but I'm not the captain... he is...
Zoro pointed at Luffy.
Vegeta: Tch. You're telling me this dumb-looking buffoon is your captain?
Bulma: That doesn't matter right now. If you know something about the guys we're up against we need to know.
Zoro: Right. In that case, we should all head to our ship and meet up with the rest of the crew.
Goku: Piccolo might have already headed that way. I'll use instant transmission to take us to him.
Bulma: Right. Goten, Trunks, do you two mind going to my lab and cleaning up a bit?
Trunks: Okay mom!
Goten: Bye!
With that, the two kids flew away and everyone else gathered around Goku.
Goku: Okay! Is everyone ready?
Goku teleported everyone to a pirate ship.
Luffy: Woah! We got here fast!
Flying down towards them came Piccolo along with Sanji and Nami who were walking towards them.
Usopp: Nami!
Nami: The green guy filled me in. I can't belive we nearly fell in Doflamingo's trick.
Zoro: Before we discuss that, we should head inside.
Everyone nodded and headed into the ship of the Straw Hats. There everyone introduced each other, along with a beautiful girl named Robin, a fishman named Jinbe, a cyborg named Franky, a skeleton named Brook, and a reindeer named Chopper.
Sanji was in the kitchen preparing food for everyone as everyone was gathered around a table.
Bulma: So let me get this straight... some stranger crashed into your ship and said I stole her ball...
Luffy: Yep.
Bulma: And you... believed her...?
Luffy: Yep.
Nami: Well, not at first. But when she started saying she'll give stuff in return, that's when it started feeling like she was getting desperate. So I grabbed the ball and some money as a bonus.
Bulma: Well aren't you generous...
Frostwing: Well... they are pirates.
Piccolo: That's not important right now. Whoever that girl was, chances are she's working with the enemies right now. Did she say where she wanted you to meet?
Jinbe: Yes. There's a tournament happening two days from now... she said she wanted to meet there.
Bulma: Huh? Two days? You mean she's waiting on the day of the tournament? But why?
Beerus: Does it matter why?
Beerus had suddenly appeared with the angel behind him.
Luffy: Whoa! A talking giant cat!
Goku: Oh! Beerus! Whis!
Whis: Why hello there Goku.
Beerus: Jeez... you're all concerned about the wrong stuff. If you have two days of wait, then go find one of the other dragon balls until it's time to meet up with her.
Bulma: Well... that is true...
Mana looked a bit lost.
Mana: Um... who is the cat...?
Beerus: Hm?
Goku: Oh, that's Beerus. He's a God of Destruction.
Usopp: Huh?! A G-God?!
Mana was still confused a bit.
Nami: W-Wait, if you're a God, couldn't you just go to Doflamingo and this Frieza guy and end this easily?!
Whis: I'm afraid, even if we wanted to, that is currently not possible.
Bulma: Right... ... ... wait huh?!
Whis: The current whereabouts of Frieza are unknown... not even I can find him after searching through the entire multiverse.
Bulma: Wait... is that even possible?!
Nami: ... So the gods are useless in this situation...
Nami got up.
Nami: Well, that doesn't mean he's not right. We should at least look for another one of these Dragon Balls before Doflamingo gets his hands on them.
Piccolo: Right. Hey Whis, could you at least tell us the location of the nearest Dragon Ball?
Whis: Of course.
Whis looked at the crystal ball on his staff, revealing a random island.
Whis: It seems to be on an island fully inhabited by woman. Taking the name Amazon Lily.
Luffy: Hm? Hey I know that island!
Bulma: You do?
Nami: Oh that's right. Luffy was on Amazon Lily before.
Robin: Amazon Lily.... home to the pirate empress herself... Boa Hancock...
Later that night, a beautiful woman sat on her throne with her sisters. An amazon woman named Marguerite approached her.
Marguerite: Lady Boa... the thief has been captured...
Boa: ... ... ... Bring her here...
To Be Continued
Mana is my own character
Frostwing belongs to MLPFan001
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