Remus woke up to hair in his mouth and the excessive ringing of a cell phone that wasn't his. Normally, Remus wouldn't dream of answering his boyfriend's phone, but there were 3 missed calls from Regulus, and Remus couldn't help but feel worried. He answered the fourth call on the first ring.

"Finally! This is the fourth time that I've called you. Are you so fucked out that you're sleeping like the dead now?"

"Pretty much, yeah."

"The boyfriend."

"Remus. Nice to speak with you Regulus. Cariad, wake up, your brother has been calling you."

"Reggie?," he asked, making grabby hands for his phone.

"He's awake now, I'll pass you over."

"Thank you, Remus. I... apologize for my comment."

"No offense taken."

"Is everything alright Reggie?... The day after tomorrow... James's for Christmas, Wales to meet Remus's parents for the new year... I'm always free for you, you know that... I'll be there... Bye Regulus."

"Everything okay, Pads?"

"Hmm? Oh yes, Reggie is very dramatic. I'm meeting him for lunch today. I haven't seen him in a long while. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't nervous. I love him, I really do, but we don't meet anymore without screaming at each other."

"Where are you going?"

"That little cafe in town."

"How about, I go with you and get you settled?," Remus suggested. "I have to do some last minute Christmas shopping anyway. I can drop you off and pick you up after. We can catch a film and I can take you out for dinner?"

"You're sure you want to meet my brother?"

"I want to meet everyone who's important to you, cariad."

"I'd like that. But, dinner is my treat. I owe you a good meal."

"You provide me with a good meal every day, what do you mean?," Remus teased, slipping under the blankets.

"Remus!," Sirius squealed as Remus nipped at his inner thigh.

"Do you want me to stop?"

"Let's take this to the shower, I have to get ready."

"Your wish is my command Pads."

"I don't know how I'm supposed to go days without seeing you again," Sirius said with a sigh as he sat on the bathroom sink in front of the mirror to do his hair.

"We'll FaceTime and text every day, I promise."

"Sexy FaceTime?," Sirius teased, wiggling his eyebrows as he made eye contact with Remus in the mirror.

"You're insatiable."

"Me?!," Sirius questioned with a gasp, spinning around to point his comb at Remus.

"Oh yes, it's most certainly you my little koala, but I love every minute of it. I'm going to have to FaceTime you to be able to fall asleep," Remus replied with a dramatic sigh, plucking the comb from Sirius's hand to brush out his hair. "God I love your hair. Do you have elastics here?"

"In the cabinet, why?"

"Go sit on the bed, I'm going to do your hair before we leave."


Sirius requested a story about Wales as Remus did his hair.

"I'm excited to see where you grew up. After lunch, will you help me pick out gifts for your parents?"

"If you'll do the same for me. My da loves a good whiskey. Mam loves meaningful homemade things or something that's practical. There you are cariad, all done."

"Let me see, let me see!," Sirius requested, holding his hand out for Remus's phone and quickly opening the camera app. "Why have you never done this for me before? I look hot."

"You always look hot."

"Come here you," Sirius requested, pulling Remus in for a searing kiss, snapping a photo. "Thank you."

"Anytime fy seren. I'm going to get changed now so we can go."

While Remus was changing, Sirius remained on his phone, filling the camera roll with photos.

"What are you doing you silly man?"

"Leaving you presents."

Remus walked up behind Sirius and tugged on both of his braids, playfully moving Sirius's head.

"Fuck Remus, we are exploring that later."

"I thought you'd like that. Let's go Pads. Grab a jacket, yeah? It's cold out."

"Of course mon trésor."

Remus drove them to town, and only had to circle once before he found parking.

"I'll walk you to the cafe."

"Can I bring you anything when I'm done?"

"Something with chocolate, please."

"Of course, Moons."

"Is he here yet?," Remus asked, swinging their conjoined hands lightly in the chilled air.

"He hasn't texted me, but he's very punctual, so I'm sure. Where are you off to first?"

"Ah, probably the bookstore. I don't want to bore you-"

"Wait for me for the bookstore. I want to see you in your element," Sirius said softly, brushing a curl off of Remus's forehead.

"Are you sure, cariad?"

"I'm positive. I'd love to go with you."

"Alright then," Remus promised, kissing Sirius softly. "Text me when you're ready."

"Thank you for this."

"I'll always be here for whatever you need. Have fun, and listen to each other please."

"Don't have too much fun without me."


Taking a deep breath, Sirius entered the cafe and immediately spotted his brother.

"He is most certainly not your usual type."

"He's tall," Sirius responded with a dry laugh, forcibly hugging his younger brother before sitting down.

"You look... different."

"It's been awhile, so do you. You've grown up baby brother."

"None of that now brother," Regulus brushed off, the thought of how much time together they've lost twisting his stomach. "How have you been? How's the business?"

Sirius missed these conversations with his brother, who would sit there with a thoughtful look on his face and listen. He was worried things would be awkward, uncomfortable even, but he was pleasantly surprised they were okay. After lunch, they took a walk to the park nearby.

"Tell me about your studies."

This was one of the only times that Sirius was able to watch his brother speak with an unguarded expression, a twinkle in his eye.

"You're going to save lives Reggie, I know it. You're brilliant."

"I'm sorry that I couldn't help save yours."

"Ma petite étoile," Sirius gently chided, placing both of his hands on Regulus's shoulders.

Regulus felt his eyes well up at the nickname, "my little star." Sirius was his grande étoile, his big star, nicknames created to ease the struggle of learning French together. They hadn't used them since they were children, since before Sirius began to rebel.

"I need you to believe me when I say that I don't blame you for anything. None of this was your fault Regulus, do you hear me? I would choose this life every time, knowing what I went through, if it meant that I got to be your older brother. The only joy in that household for me was watching you grow up and become the man that you are today.

I don't regret the act of leaving, I needed to go to save myself, but I regret that I left you. I will never forget the look on your face through the window as you watched me leave. The last thing that I ever wanted to do was hurt you Reggie, but I couldn't stay there anymore and live a life that wasn't mine. They would never love me, let alone accept me, for who I am. I would take the lashings and burns for you one hundred times over."

"I never asked you to," Regulus responded bitterly, harshly rubbing the tears from his eyes.

"I couldn't bear the thought of you getting hurt. It was easier that way, to keep you safe. That was all I ever wanted to do. I refused to let them crush you like they did me. I know you're going to be a brilliant doctor because I was your first patient."

"I wear that lab coat that you had Barty drop off for me. Thank you."

"I've never stopped thinking about you despite the distance. I know what you're risking to even have lunch with me today. I've missed you terribly petite étoile."

"I've been so empty without you grande étoile. You were my best friend, and then you were gone and I had no one. Then you replaced me with James and I was bitter. I wanted to hurt you like you hurt me, and I'm sorry Siri. I want to be better."

"I won't let them separate us again," Sirius promised, pulling Regulus into a hug and kissing the top of his head. "What are you doing for the holidays?"

"They're away for Christmas on business, I'm meant to stay home and continue my studies. Then it's the New Year's ball as per usual."

"Come home with me."


"I want you to think about it. I think we need it. I'm with James for Christmas, then Remus is coming, then I'm going with him to Wales for the new year. I don't want you spending the holidays alone."

"I'll think about it. Your boyfriend is making his way to the car."

"Shit he's probably wondering what happened to me. After the bookstore, we're catching a film, would you like to come?"

"I don't want to impose-"

"Remus means a lot to me, Regulus. I really think he's the one for me. No matter what, you're my brother, and it would mean even more if you tried for me. I think you'll really like him. He's the only good one I've dated. He's home."

"Okay, Sirius. I needed to pick up my spring semester textbooks anyway."

"Perfect! I'll go track Remus down, wait here. Hey Moons!"

Regulus watched as Sirius ran at Remus, who quickly threw a small gift bag from behind his back into the car as he caught Sirius with the other arm. They spoke briefly then parted with a kiss, and Regulus could see what his brother meant now. The two were so infatuated with each other, it was a matter of when and not if they got married.

"Hi cariad, everything alright? I haven't heard from you in a few hours."

"I'm sorry Moons, we had a lot to talk about. I didn't mean to disappear for so long. Can Reggie come with us to see the film? I know it was date night but-"

"Of course he can. I told you, he's important to you so he's important to me. I would love to meet him."

"You're absolutely positive? I know that it's a lot and- mmph."

Sirius melted against Remus, who stopped his spiraling with a kiss.

"Sirius, nothing that you could ever do would be too much for me. I told you this when we first met and I meant it. Introduce me to your brother."

"Okay Remus."

Grabbing Remus's hand, Sirius brought him over to where Regulus was standing.

"Reggie, this is my boyfriend Remus. Remus, this is my brother Regulus."

"It's nice to meet you, I've heard a lot about you," Remus replied, holding his hand out for a handshake.

"Likewise. Sirius said you wanted to go to the bookstore?"

"If that's alright with you? I shouldn't be too long."

"I need to get my books for next term anyway, I might as well see if they're available now."

"What classes are you taking?"

Sirius watched as his brother slowly but surely opened up to Remus. They discussed their courses, having taken some of the same ones due to the both of them majoring in science. As they walked through the shop, they traded book recommendations, and Sirius was blinking tears out of his eyes on more than one occasion.

When Regulus went to check out, Sirius pushed Remus against a bookshelf.

"You are the most perfect man in the whole entire world Remus Lupin, and I'm going to marry you someday. Mark my words."

"I look forward to that day," Remus promised, kissing Sirius firmly. "Check the film showings while I check out?"

"Of course Moony."

"I can't believe that you were right and I actually don't hate him," Regulus remarked, coming to lean against the wall next to Sirius.

"That's good. It would be quite awful for you to stand next to me at my wedding to Remus if you hated him."

"I'd be next to you?," Regulus asked quietly.

"Of course petite étoile, don't be silly. You came back to me in the end didn't you? It's still you and I against the world, with a few new additions," Sirius finished fondly, watching Remus with a smile on his face.

"You're more forgiving than I would ever be."

"At the end of the day I left them, but I also left you Reggie. What was best for me wasn't necessarily best for you, and I've had to live with that. I'm here now, and I hope you'll let me stay."

"If you leave me again I'll kill you."

"I'd haunt the shit out of you," Sirius retorted.

"I don't think I want to know. Do you want to visit the corner store to get some snacks to sneak into the film?," Remus asked.

"People do that?"

"Poor people who don't want to spend an ungodly amount on food and drinks, yes. Sneaking the snacks in creatively was half the fun."

"It's my treat, Moons."

"Are you sure? I really don't mind buying my own. This coat has inside pockets and everything."

"Let me treat you for once, yeah?"

"Alright. I've got it next time though."

"You get it almost every time," Sirius replied with an eye roll.

"You just need to be faster," Remus retorted.

Regulus took note of the dynamic between the two men and couldn't help to ask about Remus's job situation.

"Paid internship. I'm here on an academic and needs based scholarship which covers everything aside from housing. I started working at 14 to save up for college, so I'm doing alright. The internship very well could lead to a full time job. lt really depends on if I want to stay here or go back home to Wales."

"I didn't know that was an option," Sirius said quietly.

"It's a fleeting thought," Remus replied with a shrug,
squeezing Sirius's hand. "There was never anything worth staying here for until a couple months ago."


"No matter what, it's you and I, and you factor into all of my major life decisions, cariad. Besides, in terms of what I want to study there are better job prospects here anyway. I just need to get through this last semester, and then we'll see where I end up. I've been working through my summers and completing extra courses for my second major, so I think I'd like to travel before committing to any job. There's so many places I'd like to see."

"I'll show them to you," Sirius promised, leaning his head against Remus's shoulder.

"Are we in agreement on the film?," Remus asked, changing the subject to loop Regulus back into the conversation.

"Yes, the film is fine. I haven't been to the cinema in awhile."

"I'm happy you're here with us Reggie."

"I'll let you know how I feel depending on whether or not the film sucks."

Sirius laughed, gently bumping into Regulus, who couldn't stop the corner of his mouth from twitching up. Maybe, Regulus could have this after all.

Once they arrived at the cinema, Sirius excused himself to pop off to the loo, leaving Remus and Regulus alone. Remus observed the other man for a moment before opening his mouth.

"I know this isn't my place, but I'm going to say it anyway. Sirius absolutely loves and adores you, and he misses you. Whenever he talks about you, he gets this solemn look on his face, unless he's sharing stories from when you were very young. I can't begin to understand the hurt and betrayal you must have felt when he left, and that's between the two of you. All I ask is that you don't let him back into your life just to shut him back out again. He wouldn't be able to take it."

"You're right. It's not your place, but I respect that you care enough for my brother to have the guts to say that to my face. I'm sure you know of our upbringing, he always shielded me from that. Despite whatever you may think of me, I do love my brother, and I have missed him. I'm not as strong as he is, I can't just break away from everything that I've ever known when I haven't experienced them in the same way he has. You must think lowly of me for what I've done."

"I don't think anything negative of you. To be quite honest, I prefer your company to James's. You're blunt, and I respect it. You mean everything to Sirius, therefore you're important to me as well. All I want is for him to be happy. I was so glad when he texted you that picture of bread and you started to open up to him again. He needed that so he could continue to heal."

"I'm back! Did you get the tickets?"

"Right here cariad."

"Thank you Moons. I'll let you pick out any snacks you want, come on! Reggie, your usual?," Sirius asked, fidgeting with a plait, wondering what else has changed.

"The usual," he confirmed.

"It seemed a little tense there, is everything alright?"

"Regulus and I just had a little chat, I promise you that there is nothing to worry about. I think he's pretty chuffed to know I like him better than James."

Sirius laughed, burying his face in Remus's neck.

"There's my favorite sound," Remus said fondly, kissing the top of Sirius's head. "Let's get some popcorn, and something chocolately."

"Fuck! I forgot your pastry! Remus I'm so sorry I can't believe that I forgot! I can-"

"Sirius, cariad, I'm not mad. It's okay. You were spending time with your brother. I'm sure you just needed some air, you've got a lot to work through. I promise that forgetting a pastry you offered is not the end of the world."

"I'll make it up to you, I swear."

"There's nothing that needs to be made up. We're up next, c'mon."

After the movie, Remus dropped Regulus off down the block from where he lived. Sirius got out of the car with him, and Remus gave them privacy as he said goodbye to his brother.

"Keep this one around, grande étoile. He's good for you, and he sticks up for you. You deserve someone like him making you happy."

"What did he say to you in the cinema?," Sirius asked curiously.

"That I shouldn't shut you out again because you love me. There's no point in us both hurting separately when we could try to heal together. He said that I was important to him because I'm important to you. I can't imagine you've had many positive things to say about me to make him respond in that way. He sees the good in everyone it seems."

"Remus knows the good and all of the bad that's come with it. I love him."

"Have you told him that?"

"I think confessing to someone that you want to marry them heavily implies it," Sirius responded, shaking his head with a quiet laugh. "I will, soon. We just keep doing everything backwards."

"Thank you, for trusting me enough to meet him."

"I'll see you soon Reggie," Sirius promised, pulling his brother in for a hug.

The ride to the restaurant with Remus was quiet, but not uncomfortable. They held hands, with Sirius tracing soft patterns on Remus's hand. Instead of buying dessert at the restaurant, Sirius had a better idea.

He made Remus stop at the store after they had dinner and came home with chocolate cake, chocolate ice cream, and various toppings. Remus enjoyed the time together much more than he would've enjoyed a simple pastry. The two would enjoy the rest of the time they had together before they went their separate ways for the holidays.

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