Sirius had meant to tell James himself, really, he did. He was waiting for Remus to finish up his last final on Thursday before the winter hols, and on Friday they would all be having dinner together. Everyone was aware of this, but Sirius didn't plan for the events on the night before, when he planned to take Remus out after his last exam to celebrate.
The closing of the door and a yelled goodbye from James informed Sirius that the coast was clear, so he texted Remus to come upstairs to his flat. Using his new key, Remus let himself in, and was greeted with a very confused James and an irritated Lily.
"Oh, I didn't realize I left the door unlocked. Remus, Lily and I are on a date right now,"
"I'm not here for Lily," he replied, stepping inside.
"Well, I'm obviously busy because I'm taking her out so..."
"Why on earth would I be here for you?," Remus asked, wrinkling his nose in confusion.
"Sorry, sorry I'm ready!," Sirius rushed in, heading straight to Remus to greet him with a kiss. "My hair wasn't cooperating and-"
"Remus is your secret boyfriend?," James asked slowly, staring at where Sirius still had his arms wrapped around Remus's neck.
"Oh my God, I thought they were gone. I heard the door close and he said goodbye..."
"That was Lily getting here. I'm so confused! Sirius, he hates me! How could he be your boyfriend?"
"I don't hate you, I just dislike you. You're convinced that I'm secretly in love with Lily and just waiting to steal her away from you because we kissed in a musical mind you. We've been friends since we were children, if I had feelings for her like that we would have already been dating. As I have told you multiple times, I'm gay, but you think Lily is so amazing and ethereal that she just transcends my gender preference! You also somehow show up every single time her and I are trying to catch up unless we're spending time at my flat. You've completely stolen my best friend away, so I hope you got what you wanted."
"What, so now in retaliation you're going to steal my best friend away?," James accused, taking a step forward.
"Do you both think so lowly of us that we would purposely date each other just to what, piss you off? Newsflash, our lives actually do not revolve around you!," Sirius yelled.
"No James. Your girlfriend is the one who hates me, and I put up with it because I love you. I have watched you pine after her for years, and you only got your chance when I told you to back off. I have done so many stupid things just to try and help you impress her, which she blames on me. She has yet to realize that I'm your impulse control."
"I don't like you because of what you did to Marlene! You slept with her and then ghosted her the next day!," Lily cut in with a frustrated yell.
"What? I went on one date with Marlene and we most certainly did not sleep together. Hookups are one thing, but I never sleep with anyone after one date. I'm not that easy Evans," Sirius scoffed.
"She said that you broke her heart!"
Glaring at Lily, Sirius pulled out his phone and called Marlene, putting her on speakerphone.
"Hey babe! How are you and Remus doing? Dorcas and I would love to plan that double date soon."
"We're good, I'll talk to Remus about it later today and text you. Marls, did we ever sleep together?"
"Oh God no! I don't even consider us getting wine drunk together a date. We immediately decided we would be better off as friends. Then I got with that jerk who I did sleep with and he left in the middle of the night and ghosted me after I thought we had great chemistry! Anyway, that's all in the past. I'm so thankful you and Remus set up Dorcas and I."
"We're both happy for you."
"Is everything alright that you're asking about this out of the blue?," Marlene asked in concern.
"Just a slight misunderstanding, that's all."
"No, Evans."
"Oh God. She thought that- I talked about you and him in the same night, I think she mixed up the names or didn't realize I was talking about someone else. I'm so sorry babe. I thought I had fully clarified that."
"It's not your fault. We'll chat later, yeah? Remus and I are going out on a date, I don't want to be late."
"Have fun, and don't do something I wouldn't do! Love you."
"Love you too Marls."
Once Sirius hung up, the room was filled with silence, and Lily's look of abject horror.
"Well, this has been an enlightening evening. Moons, can I stay at your place for a bit? I need some time away from this."
"James, I cannot do this right now. She hates me because of a simple misunderstanding, and you didn't even bother to get down to the root of the problem."
"It sounded... plausible?"
"So I'm just a slut to you too then."
"That's not what I-"
"Enough," Remus said firmly. "I think we could all use some time apart from each other. I'll help you pack a bag love."
"I can't fucking believe this!," Sirius hissed as soon as his bedroom door closed. "I haven't even slept with that many people! My own best friend, my brother-," Sirius cut himself off as he deflated onto his bed and put his head in his hands.
"Not here Pads, okay? Let's get you packed and we can talk about it at home."
"Home," he replied with a snort. "I'll never fucking have a place to call home."
"London never felt like home to me, until I met you. You make me feel like I'm back in Wales. Sometimes home is a place, but sometimes home is a person cariad. You need to find yours."
Sirius looked at Remus, really looked at the sincere expression on his face, and wiped a tear from his eye.
"Take me home, Remus."
Instead of going directly home, Remus stopped at the grocery store on the way.
"Moony, what are we doing at the store? Last I checked you didn't live here."
"We are going to bake some bread, and you are going to text your brother."
"That... that would be really nice actually. It's been awhile. But we had our date planned to celebrate the end of finals! I was going to take you to a nice place so you could laugh about how small the portions are and then stop at our ice cream place and recreate our first kiss."
"We can still do that last part, but I think you need this."
"You're so... I can't put into words how I feel about you."
"I can feel it. It's been just over a month, and we're not ready to say it yet, but I feel it, Sirius."
"I feel it too Remus."
"Good. Now let's go live out our Great British Bake Off fantasies."
As per tradition, Sirius sent Regulus a picture of the bread. He was surprised when a few minutes later he received a response back with a picture of bread on Regulus's counter.
Sirius: finals?
Regulus: My last one is tomorrow. Is work stressing you out?
Sirius: good luck, not that you need it Reggie
Sirius: not work, had a nasty fight with James
Regulus: Ah, so that's why you texted me
Sirius: I text you all the time, you never answer. After living in that house for so long, I know when I'm not wanted. It would be nice to get a response from you, even if I can't hear your voice
Sirius jumped as his phone vibrated in his hand, and he was greeted with an old picture of himself and Regulus as it rang.
"That's... fair," Regulus began with a sigh. "Even if I don't respond, I still liked hearing from you, if that counts for anything."
"James was never your replacement Reggie, no matter what you are my brother and I love you. Or whatever."
"You too Siri."
"You haven't called me that in forever."
"You keep calling me Reggie despite my insistence that I hate it, so that's what you get," Regulus replied haughtily.
"I never said that I hated it. I know you won't ask but you're so curious so I'll just tell you. James doesn't like my new boyfriend."
"What's wrong with this one?"
"He's perfect actually, other than the fact that he doesn't like James."
"I find that hard to believe. Unfortunately everyone at least tolerates James Potter. I spent years trying to hate him and all I was able to feel was mild distaste."
"He's best friends with James's girlfriend," Sirius explained, twirling a piece of hair around his finger.
"Ah, Lily Evans who also hates you. Let me guess, he accused you of getting with your new boyfriend to get back at him?"
"See, you are smart baby brother, absolutely nothing to worry about!"
"He treats you well?," Regulus asked quietly, and Sirius could picture the thoughtful expression on his face.
"Remus is one of the best things to ever happen to me."
"What's he doing right now?"
"Cooking me dinner, actually. We were supposed to celebrate his last day of finals, but those plans got ruined. I'm staying with him indefinitely, I'll... I'll send you the address. Just in case."
"Never thought I'd be jealous of one of your boyfriends before. What's he studying?"
"He's in grad school, he's going to be a scientist and do something with laboratory science. Probably cure a disease knowing him. I think you'd really like this one. Loves books too, just like you."
"Are you happy?," Regulus questioned after another long pause.
"Other than what happened with James? Yes. Are you? Happy, I mean."
"I graduate after next semester," Regulus replied, and Sirius knew what that answer meant.
"And I'll be there, even if I have to see them. It's not a question."
"I'd like to see you... At graduation, but also before then. If you want," Regulus added awkwardly.
"Name the place and time, and I'll be there."
"I'll be in touch big brother."
"I'll hold you to that little brother."
"It was nice being able to talk to you again. I'll do better," Regulus promised, before immediately hanging up the phone.
Classic Regulus, to express some form of emotions and immediately shut down any sort of response afterwards. With a smile, he walked back into the kitchen and wrapped his arms around Remus from behind.
"Moony, you're the best thing to ever happen to me."
"Likewise Pads."
"I'm going to see my brother soon, I think. That's nice, it's been awhile. I miss him."
"I'm sure he misses you too, and just doesn't know how to say it. Sometimes it's easier to continue not seeing someone for a long time because it hurts twice as much the next length of time you have to go without them," Remus replied, turning around to wrap his arms around Sirius properly.
"I think that's how Regulus feels. He's still in contact with them, I'm not. Anyway, new topic. What are you doing for Christmas?"
"Well, I always go home to Wales every year and-"
Remus watched Sirius tense up before forcing himself to relax his posture and school his expression.
"That makes sense that you would do that. Obviously haha-"
"And I may have been presumptuous, but I got a second ticket," Remus rushed.
"A second ticket?," Sirius asked slowly.
"I got one that doesn't have a specified date. I figured you would be spending Christmas with James but just in case, if you wanted to come and visit me, the option is there. I was going to give it to you at dinner tonight. We cannot do anything properly following a regular relationship timeline can we?," Remus huffed, retrieving the envelope from where he had stored it. "Here."
"Remus, I hope we never reach the point in our relationship where you'll do something nice and I won't immediately want to bring you to the bedroom."
Laughing, Remus pulled Sirius into a hug and kissed him on the forehead.
"Not while I'm making dinner, cariad. Just think about it. I don't want an answer just yet."
Sirius spent the rest of the night thinking about it as he unpacked his things into the drawers and portion of the closet that Remus had cleared out for him.
"Remus, do you think we still have to go to dinner with them tomorrow?," Sirius asked suddenly.
Remus laughed at the absurdity of the question.
"If the roles were reversed, would you still show up?"
"Fuck Remus, James is going to be there. We have to go."
"Lily wouldn't go."
"But is she far enough gone for James that she'd agree to go with him? Does she think you're talking me out of it but he knows I'm talking you into it?"
"Fuck, we have to go."
When they arrived at the planned meeting point the next day, James was fiddling with his napkin, and Lily was leaning on her hand, bored. Remus had made them arrive a few minutes late because he refused to be the first one there if they did show. When James spotted them, he stood up so abruptly that he knocked over his chair, swore, and profusely apologized to everyone in the vicinity before looking at Sirius like a kicked puppy.
"Sirius, I'm so sorry," he pleaded, and Remus swore there were tears forming in his eyes.
"What exactly are you sorry for?"
"I'm sorry for the way that I reacted to the news. I was just so taken aback and surprised, and I couldn't control my reaction. I wasn't sure if you were going to show up or not, but I wrote a whole apology speech."
Remus's jaw dropped as James pulled out multiple pieces of paper and Sirius watched solemnly as James made sure they were in the proper order.
"My dearest Sirius. The love of my life. My brother in all but blood. What I have done to you is unforgivable. I-"
"Should I come back?," the waitress asked slowly, taking in the situation.
To an outsider, it must have been comical. Lily's eyebrows furrowed in confusion, Remus's jaw still dropped, James professing his undying love for Sirius, and Sirius staring at him as if he committed an unknown number of atrocities.
"Can I have a shot of the strongest alcohol that you have?," Remus asked, finally sitting down in the chair across from Lily.
"Make that two," Lily added, making eye contact with Remus.
"Right then. Perhaps you'd prefer seating in the back of the establishment?"
"That would be best," Remus decided, following her to their new, much more secluded table.
"Here's a menu with today's specials. I'll be back in a few minutes. Can I get the two of you anything to drink?"
Sirius and James ordered drinks before silence took over the table. Sirius kept fiddling with his hands nervously, picking at his nail beds, so Remus grabbed his hands in his own.
"You're doing it again cariad," he said gently.
He heard Lily gasp at the nickname and James asked what it meant.
"It's a Welsh term of endearment. It's what Remus's mam calls his da."
"I didn't know that."
"She calls me that too," Remus added. "It's all about intention."
"Alright, here are your drinks. Are you ready to place an order?"
"Can we have a few more minutes please?," Lily asked.
"Do you want to split these two?," Remus asked, pointing to two things he knew Sirius would like the most.
"I love how you know that's what I was deciding between."
James's affronted gasp had everyone looking at him.
"We always split."
"James, you can split with your girlfriend," Sirius said slowly.
"It's just the principle."
"Okay what the fuck? You have never cared this much when you've met any of my past partners so let's clear the air right now. Are you upset that I'm dating someone or are you upset that it's Remus? He hasn't even done anything to you, and if your only reason for disliking him is that you think he's trying to steal Lily away from you, I need you to get over yourself.
Remus has known her since they were children. If they were secretly in love you wouldn't even be dating her right now James. He's gay, and even if he wasn't, that doesn't mean that he would be in love with Lily then either. Just because you think the sun shines out of her arse doesn't mean that we all do! And quite frankly I think your reaction to our relationship is absurd. What did I say when you and Evans got together, knowing she hated my guts?"
James was silent, head down as he stared at the table.
"You said that you were happy for me. Bought me my favorite wine and we got tipsy watching my favorite movies and sharing snacks."
"Did I ever tell you not to date her, despite her making it very clear she wished I didn't even breathe the same air as her?"
"No, you didn't."
"My point still stands. I can't choose between you and Remus James, just like you can't choose between Lily and I. Not once have I ever asked you to, but it seems like you might make me, and that's not fair."
The silence sat heavy, only broken by the waitress taking their order.
"I don't know why I'm so upset about this," James admitted, running a hand through his hair.
"Because you know that when I do relationships, I do them right. I care for Sirius deeply, and you're pushing him away before he gets the chance to leave you, which he won't, because he loves you. I've accepted that you're a package deal. You live together, but when was the last time you both slept under the same roof? Things are changing, and you don't know how to deal with it," Remus replied. "It was more subtle when you were the one leaving and Sirius was still there if you needed him, but it's not so simple anymore."
"Didn't know you were so profound Lupin," James replied with a sad chuckle. "Sirius, can we?," James asked, nodding his head to the back patio.
Sirius looked at Remus for permission, and he nodded. Kissing Remus softly, Sirius walked outside with James.
"I'm sorry that I jumped to conclusions and didn't talk to you about it Remus. I was blindsided and so angry, and thought you knew the whole story. I couldn't imagine how you could date someone like that. The fact is that you wouldn't, and you aren't. I can't believe that I'm saying this, but he's good for you. You look happier, and I've missed seeing you this way. I'm sorry that I let my jaded perception of Sirius and lack of boundaries with James come between us. I miss you, Re."
"I miss you too. I hated sitting through classes without you, and studying for finals was a right nightmare. I was waiting for you to come to me considering you were the one who stormed out. You're my best friend first, I hope you know that. You should also know I wouldn't do anything to hurt you, or our mutual friends. I'm very picky with my relationships."
"I know. I'm sorry."
"I'm sorry too, for how things ended up. I'm falling in love with him, Lils. It wasn't planned, but he feels like what's been missing. I see my future when I look at him, and I hope you're in it too."
"Who else would be your best woman at your wedding?," Lily asked, wiping a tear from her eye.
Remus got up from the table and hugged her, and she clung onto him.
"Sleepover at mine tonight? I haven't watched any of our shows without you."
"I wanted to, so badly, but I couldn't. For the record though, I'll try more with James. I've heard I'm the only one to give Potter a less than glowing review. Everything Sirius has told me about him paints him in a different light. Maybe I'll get to see that one day."
"I can see a future with him Remus. I was so caught up in that and I didn't even realize I was missing my best friend, until something good happened and I didn't have you there to tell it to."
"I think we could all use a night in together. My flat? Postpone our sleepover at yours for a few days?"
Sirius and James came back inside, wiping tears from their eyes as they sat back down. Sirius curled up into Remus's side, and Remus kissed the top of his head.
"Alright cariad?"
"I think so. It's just been a lot, emotions are heavy."
"I think we should get our food to go and bring it back to ours. Have a night in, how does that sound? Lils and I were just talking about it. Po- James?"
"Are you okay with me being in your space?"
"I wouldn't have invited you if I didn't want you there, I promise you that."
James huffed a laugh and shook his head.
"That's very fair. I'm down. I'll get the bill, it's on me this time."
"I'll go with you," Remus offered, following James to the hostess stand.
"Thank you, for being there for him."
"I always will be. I think he's it for me. I've never met someone that I've immediately clicked with. It feels like I've known him all my life."
Sirius chose that time to look up, and saw Remus already looking at him. He blew Remus a kiss, who caught it, placed it in his pocket, and laughed.
"I'm sorry that I accused you of getting with Sirius as some kind of twisted revenge plot. You look at him like I look at Lily. That's not something that you can fake. He's told you about his childhood?"
"He has, and I'm surprised he turned out so well despite the circumstances. Thank you, for being there for him when he needed it. I know it wasn't easy for either of you. I guess I should also thank you for stalking Lily and bringing him with you to the bar that night."
"I swear to you that night was actually a coincidence! You normally go to that bar around the block, I didn't think you'd be at Rosmerta's. That's why I chose it. I know I'm overbearing at points, but sometimes I feel like she's going to wake up one day and remember all of the reasons that she hated me, that you still hate me for."
"I don't hate you. My issue is that I felt like there were no clear boundaries in place. Every time I took one step back, you'd take 5 forward and I felt pinned against the wall. It's like how you felt when Sirius stayed at mine for a few days I suppose."
"Maybe we just need to share a calendar or something," James mused, paying the bill and collecting the to-go boxes.
"That could work."
"You two alright?," Lily asked, eyes flitting between the two.
"Right as rain Lily pad," James confirmed.
"Are you going to hug it out? I think you should."
"Lily-," Remus warned.
"Bring it in Remus!," James said excitedly, wrapping his arms around the other man.
"No use trying to get out of it Moons, you just have to let it happen."
"See, isn't this nice? I think we need a group hug."
"I think we're going to get banned from this restaurant," Remus retorted with an eyeroll.
He couldn't be mad, not really, not when Sirius was looking at him like that.
They walked back to Remus's, hand in hand, while James carried the takeout.
"This is almost all I ever wanted you know," Sirius said, swinging their hands between them.
"My best friend and boyfriend get along now. James is in a happy relationship, I'm in a very happy relationship. All I need now is Regulus."
"After we come back from Wales, if you're still going, go see him. If things are going well, invite him over. I want to meet him."
"He's your family, of course I want to meet him. I know you miss him cariad. Once he graduates I think things could really be better for the both of you."
"I hope so. He was my first best friend. It was us against the world. He got complacent, I got angry, and I had to get out of there. I'm worried he resents me."
"I think you two need a heart to heart. James and I had one and we're fine."
"You even got a James Potter hug. The best hugs around."
"If I'm having anyone in my arms it better be you, cariad."
"Forever mon trésor. You're stuck with me I'm afraid."
"Oh no. I get a gorgeous man to spend the rest of my life with. However shall I cope?," Remus asked, throwing a hand to his forehead dramatically.
Sirius giggled before jumping onto Remus's back.
"I've never seen him so happy," Lily said quietly to James, looking over her shoulder at the two men.
They were oblivious as Remus carried Sirius along the sidewalk. Lily snapped a picture on her phone before putting it away.
"Me neither. It takes Sirius a long time to open up to people. I trust Remus when he says he'll take care of Sirius. I've already seen it."
"Lils, the door please?," Remus asked, tossing a key at her. "I reckon you've earned that back. Maybe we focus on knocking first, yeah?"
"I shudder to think of what I could've walked in on. Believe me, I'll knock and if there's no answer, loudly announce myself."
"That's all we ask."
"Thanks for the ride Moons, I'll return the favor later," Sirius teased with a wink, smacking Remus's arse as he went to get plates and cutlery.
Once they were settled at the table, Sirius cleared his throat.
"So, I think we need to first address Christmas plans as things have drastically changed."
"Right. I was bringing Lily home to officially meet mum and dad for Christmas. I assumed you were coming as per usual, but didn't give it much thought. Unless plans have changed?"
"Remus invited me to Wales to meet his parents. I obviously want to spend the holidays with mum and dad too, I'm just not sure which one?"
"I'm heading home for the new year," Lily replied.
"Maybe I spend Christmas at home and then we all meet up in Wales for the new year?," Sirius suggested.
"Whatever makes you happy, cariad."
"I'm going to miss you though."
"There's a few days to think about it still, don't worry."
"Yeah, like three," Sirius huffed.
As the conversation around him continued, Sirius was stuck in his decision.
"You're thinking very loudly Sirius," Remus said later that night, Sirius tucked into his side in bed.
"I don't know what to do Remus. I want to spend time with you and meet your parents, but I also want to go home and see mine, and have you meet them. I've never brought anyone home before. You're so special to me, but I just don't know how to spend the holidays."
"Tell me what you normally do?"
Remus listened as Sirius told story after story of his time after leaving the house of Black. He laughed and asked questions and felt privileged to see Sirius so alive.
"This is what I'm thinking, please correct me if I'm overstepping Sirius. You go home for Christmas, spend it with your parents, and I'll go home and spend it with mine. After that, I can take a train and meet your family for a few days. Then you'll come home to Wales with me for the new year, and we can ring it in together?"
"My Moons is the smartest man in the world."
"Then next year, I'll go home for Christmas with you," Remus promised, kissing Sirius sweetly.
"Next year?"
"Then the year after that we can spend it at mine. Or maybe that year we all end up in one place and spend it together."
"Nothing makes me happier than hearing you talk about our future so casually," Sirius confessed, straddling Remus's hips.
"Because fy seren, there's no future for me if you're not in it. I can't even remember what it's like to spend more than a few nights alone in my bed anymore without you wrapped around me. I can't go one day without hearing your beautiful laugh, and it's even better when I'm the cause of it. I like that our clothes are meshed together in my closet and in my drawers and when you walk around only in my sweaters. I don't know when or even if you want to move back in with James, and maybe I'm insane for even suggesting it this early, but I wouldn't mind it at all if you wanted to stay with me forever."
"I'm going to call mum tomorrow so she can plan for you to visit after Christmas. She's going to love you Remus, dad too. I think even Regulus is going to like you. Let's revisit this conversation in the new year and see where we're both at then? It's most certainly not a no, I think James and I could use some time again just us to heal first."
"Take your time Pads, we have all the time in the world.
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