Epilogue [1/3]

"Daddy, Daddy, Daddy!"

Louis grins. This is his favourite part of the day. He puts his laptop bag down as Beverly runs to him, her tiny feet padding on the floor.

"Well hello, pretty girl," Louis greets, lifting her up and kissing her cheek. "I missed you."

"Daddy daddy daddyyy," Beverly giggles as Louis tickles her tummy.

"Where's Papa, Bev?" Louis asks, carrying Beverly on his hip as he walks to the kitchen. Harry is learning against the counter, a cup of tea in his hand. "Beverly, where's your Papa? All I see is this super model in our kitchen."

Harry rolls his eyes. Louis walks over to him, putting Beverly down and kissing Harry. "You look extra stunning today," Louis points out, stepping back from Harry and grinning. His smile widens at the swell of Harry's stomach. He can't believe he's the father of two (2!) kids.

"Okay, kiss ass," Harry laughs as Louis pouts. Beverly toddles over to Harry and raises her arms up.

"Papa!" She squeaks. Harry bends over to lift her up, wrinkling his nose when it strains his back a bit. "Papa kiss, Papa kiss."

"Papa kiss?" Harry grins before kissing Beverly's cheek. Beverly squeals, and Louis smiles fondly. "Oh, Lou, do you think you'll be able to make the appointment tomorrow?"

"What time's it at?" Louis asks, smiling at Beverly and her little baby dungarees. Harry had put her hair up with a little bow too. He can't believe he has a daughter this perfect, she looks like a little doll.

"Two," Harry replies. "Think we find out the gender at this one."

"Oh, shit," Louis gasps. Harry glares at him and covers Beverly's ears. "Sorry, sorry. I have a presentation at 1:30 tomorrow, I don't think I'll make it."

"Don't worry about it," Harry assures. "I don't have to find out tomorrow."

"No, it's okay," Louis twists his mouth. "Just, promise you'll call me and tell me as soon as you're done?"

"Sure," Harry grins. Louis sticks his pinky out. Harry laughs and shakes his head, linking his pinky with Louis'.

"Kick it in the net, baby," Louis says, pointing to the tiny football net Lottie had found for Beverly. Lottie's the coolest aunt, Louis has decided. He would never say that out loud, though. A war would probably break out.

Beverly runs until she's about eight centimetres from the net and kicks the ball in. Louis cheers, running over and scooping her up. "And she makes the goal! Beverly Tomlinson: the best player the Rovers has ever seen!"

Beverly giggles as Louis spins her around, kissing her cheek three times. He can see Harry watching them from the window, smiling to himself. "Okay, B, one more and then we're going in for dinner," Louis says, kicking the ball out of the net and setting Beverly down. Beverly wastes no time, toddling over to the ball and kicking it back into the net.

"Daddy, goal!" She squeaks, raising her hands in the air. Louis' eyes soften.

"Good job, princess," Louis lifts Beverly up again, blowing a raspberry into her cheek. Beverly squeals and giggles, and Louis smiles. "I bet it only takes three seconds for Papa to tell us to wash our hands."

Louis is right. He brings Beverly inside and is told to wash his hands immediately. He pouts, stomping over dramatically to the washroom with Beverly. He can hear Harry giggling behind him.

Once he and Beverly have washed their hands, Louis takes her back to the kitchen, sitting her down in her high chair. He then walks over to Harry, snaking his arms around his waist. "Hello, beautiful," He mumbles into Harry's shoulder.

"Hi," Harry smiles sweetly, preening under Louis' attention. Louis wasn't about to let them drift apart just because of a few kids, but he knows a lot of couples go through that. They have this, these quiet little moments together, and that's enough for both of them.

Louis presses both of his hands to the bump between Harry's hips. Harry leans back into him, closing his eyes. "How's baby?" Louis asks.

"Behaving," Harry says, and Louis grins. "For now, anyways."

"Good," Louis chuckles.

"Papaaa," Beverly croons from where she's sitting. Both of them look over to see Beverly waving to them, and Louis smiles.

"Tomlinson's always need to be the centre of attention," Louis shrugs, making Harry laugh.

Louis kind of hates interns.

He feels terrible about it, too. He remembers when he was an intern. He was just as nervous and stupid as the one sitting next to him. But good lord he hates this. He's just finished his presentation, and is now helping this kid do the exact thing the entire presentation was about.

He's about to sigh for the third time when his phone rings from his pocket. "Could you hold on just a second, Tommy?" Louis knows his name is Tom. He's also been corrected twice that day for calling him Tommy. He likes giving him a hard time. "Hey, love."

"Hiii, how was the presentation?"

"Daddy?!" Louis can hear a little voice in the background.

"Maybe you can talk to him in a minute, baby," Harry laughs. Louis smiles adoringly.

"The presentation is good, it was fine," Louis says quickly. "So?"

"So what?"

Louis rolls his eyes. "So, did you find out?"

Harry giggles. He's so cute, it makes Louis' heart ache. "Yes, I did."

Louis raises his eyebrows. "And?"

"And, congratulations. You're the father of two girls."

Louis stands up from his desk chair immediately. Tom looks up at him with wide eyes as he beams. "A girl? It's a girl?" At least three people look over at him. He's probably being a little too loud, but frankly, he doesn't care.

"Yeah, it's a girl! She's super healthy too, and she was moving lots at the ultrasound. Maybe you'll feel her soon."

"Holy shit, baby," Louis bites his bottom lip. "I love you."

"I love you too," Harry says before laughing. "Okay, Beverly, fine."

Louis sits back down, and he hears "Daddy!"

"Hi, love," Louis grins. "How are you?"

"Daddyyyy," Beverly repeats. "Daddy Daddy Daddyyyy."

"I'll see you when I get home, okay, Bev?" Louis smiles.

"Bev bye byeee," Beverly croons, and Louis laughs.

"Okay, goodbye, Beverly," Louis hangs up the phone before looking back to Tom, who's eyebrows are raised. "Oh, uh, my boyfriend's expecting. It's a girl."

"Congratulations," Tom says sheepishly, and Louis smiles.

"Thank you," He nods, and then goes back to explaining his presentation to Tom. It's a long three hours before he finally gets to clock out and go home, and Beverly runs right up to him like she always does.

"Hi, princess," Louis scoops Beverly up and spins her around. Beverly laughs, and Louis grins. "I missed you so much, pretty girl." He kisses her cheek. "Where's Papa?"

"Papa up!" Beverly points to the ceiling. Louis furrows his eyebrows. Beverly is definitely not allowed to go up or down stairs by herself. Ozzy even looks up from where he's laying in his dog bed when Beverly says it, as if he's confused too.

Louis carries Beverly to the stairs. They have a gate on the top and the bottom of the stairs so Beverly can't climb them herself, but both of them are open. Louis carries Beverly up the stairs, going to the nursery and setting her down in her cot. "I'll be right back, okay, sweet girl?" He kisses the top of Beverly's head before handing her a few toys and walking to the bedroom.

"Harry?" Louis calls out worriedly. He walks around the bed to see Harry curled up against the wall, weeping and looking up at him. Louis' eyes soften, and he gets down on his knees and wraps his arms around Harry. "Baby, baby, what's the matter?"

Harry doesn't say anything, just keeps crying. Louis holds onto him tight, kissing the top of his head. "Oh, love," He soothes. "It's okay, H."

"Lou," Harry cries. Louis frowns, wiping the tears from Harry's face.

"Come here," Louis says softly, pulling Harry into his lap. Harry leans his head against Louis' chest, and Louis puts one hand on Harry's tummy. "Did something happen, baby? What's the matter?"

"B-Beverly," Harry sniffles. "Beverly had a total meltdown, and she was kicking me and hitting me. And I-" Harry hiccups from crying. "I don't know if I can handle two, Louis. I love staying at home with Beverly everyday, but sometimes..."

"Sometimes it's hard, huh?" Louis says quietly. Harry nods. "I know, baby, I'm sorry. Does it help if I think you're really good at it?"

"A little," Harry mumbles, closing his eyes as Louis rubs his back. Louis grins.

"And do you remember when the doctor put Beverly on your chest for the first time?" Louis asks gently, and Harry grins. "How that felt? And when we got to take her home? And when she started walking?"

"Mhm," Harry grins, sniffling.

"And, yeah, she can be kind of a terror sometimes," Louis shrugs. "She probably gets that from me, sorry about that. But, the good outweighs the bad, definitely. Because she's also beautiful, and so sweet, and wonderful. She gets that from you."

"I'm so in love with you," Harry looks up at Louis through his thick eyelashes. Everything in Louis softens. He leans down and pecks Harry on the lips before Harry's eyes widen. "I left the gates open, oh my God, was Beverly downstairs?!"

"No," Louis doesn't want to upset Harry any more. "Don't even worry about it, H."

Harry covers his face with his hands. Louis takes them off. "Hey, hey," He says sweetly. "Holy shit, H, we've got two daughters."

Harry immediately smiles, not even correcting Louis' foul language. "Yeah, oh my God," Harry puts his hands on Louis' cheeks. "Two daughters. One more and we're outnumbered."

"Next ones a boy," Louis shakes his head. "I can feel it. Two girls and a boy, that's how it's going to end up."

"If you're sure," Harry smirks. "I should go start dinner."

"I can do that," Louis scoffs. "Are you craving anything?"

"Pizza?" Harry blushes. Louis smiles fondly, leaning down and kissing Harry again.

"Of course, baby," Louis nods. "You can lay down for a little, I'll order the pizza and grab Beverly."

"Thank you, Lou," Harry says softly, leaning up and kissing Louis' cheek.

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