"Geh' up, Achoo!"


Louis grunts into his pillow, feeling little hands poke at him. "Achoo, 's Christmas!"

"Okay, okay," Louis mumbles. One of the twins starts to jump on the bed, and Louis is quick to shield Harry's stomach without even opening his eyes. "Careful. Harry and I will be out in a few minutes."

"L-Let's go wake up Lots, Dory," Ernie squeaks, climbing off the bed. Louis can hear little footsteps on the hardwood floor before the door closes once again.

Louis sighs. He wants Harry to sleep, but he knows if they don't get up soon the twins will come back. He opens his eyes to see Harry facing him, eyelashes brushing his cheekbones as he breathes deeply, mouth parted open slightly. Louis could watch him sleep forever.

He brings his hand up to Harry's face, stroking his cheek with his knuckle. "Hazza, baby," He says softly. "'S time to get up, love-bug."

"Mm," Harry groans, reaching up and taking Louis' hand off his face before entwining their fingers. "I don' wanna."

"It's Christmas, babe," Louis reminds with a smile. Harry opens his eyes slowly, starting to smile when he sees Louis looking at him lovingly.

"Merry Christmas," Harry whispers, kissing the back of Louis' hand. "I love you."

Louis beams, cheeks feeling warm as he gives Harry's hand. "Merry Christmas, I love you." He says back. Harry giggles sleepily, melting at Louis' touch as Louis runs his hand through his hair.

"We should get up," Louis says, his voice warming Harry up from his toes all the way up to the tip of his nose. But they stay there, Louis' fingers tangled in Harry's curls and Harry grinning at him fondly. Louis leans forward and presses his lips to Harry's forehead, keeping them there for a few moments before slowly sitting up.

The door opens again, and this time it's Lottie. "Just making sure you're not trying to put a second baby in there," She teases, and Louis chucks a pillow at her. She dodges it and laughs. "Rise and shine, love birds! Present time!"

She leaves, and Louis sighs tiredly. "Alright, time to get up," He mumbles, getting up from the bed before walking towards the other side of the bed to help Harry. He's big now, due in just about a week. Louis thinks he's the most beautiful thing, like, ever.

"Merry Christmas, Bev," Louis mutters to Harry's bump. Harry reaches up and combs his fingers through Louis' hair in an attempt to take his bedhead while Louis puts his hand on his belly. "Can't wait for you to be around for the next one."

They walk to the lounge to find Louis' family sitting, arguing who has the most presents because they're the favourite. Louis glances at Harry, who's grinning at them all.

"Let's sit you down, H," Louis says, walking Harry over to the sofa and sitting him down before sitting next to him.

"Okay, everyone, go ahead," Jay claps her hands together. Everyone except for Harry and Louis bounce up from their seats, rushing to the tree to find a present with their name on it.

"This one's for the baby!" Phoebe exclaims before she can find one of her own presents, passing it over to Louis. Louis thanks her before handing it over to Harry, who takes it with a small smile.

Harry unwraps it carefully, pulling out a tiny baby grow with little bumblebees on it. Louis' lips part slightly, staring at the tiny piece of clothing. "Oh my God," He marvels, reaching over and feeling the fabric. "It's so little."

Harry unfolds it and lays it on top of his bump. "Look, it fits," He giggles. Louis' eyes soften, so in love, and he leans over and presses his lips to Harry's quickly before grinning.

"Achoo, look!" Doris holds up a baby doll, grinning widely. "Like your baby!"

Louis smiles wider. "'S right, love," He chuckles. Harry folds the baby grow again, setting it next to them. "Thank you for the baby grow, Mummyyy."

"Of course, love," Jay smiles.

Harry leans into Louis, kissing right before his jaw as Louis' big smile turns into a softer one. Harry glances over to Félicité to see her fidgeting like mad. How weird is it, Harry thinks, that he feels more comfortable with Louis' family than his sister seems to.

She suddenly stands us, walking swiftly to the kitchen. Harry furrows his eyebrows and glances at Louis, who is clenching his jaw. "'Scuse me, sweetheart," He mumbles, kissing Harry's cheek before standing up and following her.

He walks in on her holding some kind of vaporiser, blowing a puff of smoke out. Her eyes widen when she notices Louis. "'S to help me quit," She explains quickly, fingers clenching the little contraption. "They're to help you stop using cigs."

"Ah," Louis nods, slowly walking over and standing on the opposite side of the island from her. "'S good, that you're trying to quit."

Fizzy bites her bottom lip, putting her free hand in the pocket of the hoodie she's wearing. "'S that mine?" Louis asks.

"Y-You can have it back," Fizzy says quickly, starting to shift so she can take it off.

"No, no, it's okay," Louis assures, stuffing his hands in the pockets of his joggers. "'S cute that you miss your big brother."

Félicité rolls her eyes, and Louis chuckles. "Now, why aren't you in there with the rest of us?" He asks cautiously. Fizzy sighs.

"I just," She shrugs, looking at her vape as if she's contemplating taking another hit. "I don't know. I feel like I don't know how to talk to any of you anymore."

Louis twists his mouth. "Well, first step is to stop running out to take a hit of your flash drive," He says. Fizzy furrows her eyebrows.

"It's called a Juul," She corrects, as if that's important. Louis closes his eyes and sighs, and when he opens them again, Fizzy has it in her mouth. Louis rolls his eyes as she blows out a long puff of smoke from her mouth.

"Listen, I don't care what the fuck that is," Louis begins, tone a lot sterner than it was a few moments ago. "But my boyfriend's pregnant, and I don't want you doing that with him in here. Not even in a completely different room. Do it outside or don't do it at all."

Félicité's eyes widen. She stares at the thing before seemingly turning it off and stuffing it in her back pocket. Louis gives her a single nod and turns around, walking out of the kitchen. He wanted to be gentle, wanted to tell her all about how he wants her to be a part of the family and all of their get-togethers. It just came out.

He plops back down on the sofa, Harry's eyebrows furrowed in concern. He doesn't say anything, but Louis knows he's worried, so he just kisses the top of his head and entwines their fingers.

"Are you okay?"

"That is the third time you've asked me that in the past half hour," Harry points out. He doesn't seem irritated, though. He's smiling. "I'm fine. I'm happy. And I love you."

Louis feels warm. "I love you too," He says softly, giving Harry's hand a squeeze. It feels so nice saying it, and knowing Harry feels the same way.

Harry kisses Louis' cheek before leaning over and ringing the doorbell of his parents' house. They both hear some shuffling around before the door opens, revealing Anne.

"Well hello, boys," She greets with a warm smile. "Come in, 's freezing out there!"

"Hi, Mum," Harry grins, stepping into the house with the tip of his nose red from the cold. Louis takes a look around the house. It's homey, and warm, and his heart flutters at the thought of Harry growing up here.

"You look wonderful, love," Anne mentions with a small smile, eyes dropping to Harry's bump. He smiles back, but his is wearier than hers. She reaches a hand out towards him. "Can I?"

"You don't have to ask," Harry giggles, stuffing his hands in the pockets of his unzipped jacket. Louis had tried to get him to zip it because of the frigid weather, and Harry argued that he couldn't, because it won't zip over his tummy anymore.

Anne presses her hand against Harry's stomach, grinning wistfully as Louis places his hand on the small of Harry's back, his face loving as he examines the tired smile on Harry's face.

"I'm going to go get the bags," Louis murmurs softly, pressing a kiss to Harry's cheek before turning around and walking back out towards the car. Beverly kicks right where Anne's hand in, and Anne starts to chuckle while Harry sighs quietly.

"She's up," He laughs. "She slept for the car ride."

"Only a week left, right?" Anne asks, and Harry can hear Gemma's footsteps coming down the stairs.

"Just about," Harry nods, smiling at Gemma when she walks in. "Hi, Gem."

"Quit hogging the bump, Mum," Gemma huffs, lightly shoving Anne's hand away and replacing it with her own. Anne pouts, making Harry giggle. "Oh, wow, okay, baby's going at it."

"Always," Harry huffs, and Louis comes back in with his and Harry's duffel bags. "Close the door, Lou, 's freezing!"

"Oi!" Louis exclaims, and Harry giggles. "I don't see you being any help!"

It's obvious Louis' joking, and Harry sends him a playful glare. "I'm a week away from giving birth!"

"Excuses," Louis teases before holding his hand out to Anne. "Nice to see you, Mrs. Cox."

"Oh, none of that," Anne chuckles before pulling Louis into a tight hug. "Lovely to see you, Louis!"

Louis smiles to himself, hugging Anne back. "Lovely to see you too," As soon as he and Anne separate he's looking to Harry. "Are you okay, love?"

Harry rolls his eyes, but he's smiling. "Yes, Lou, I'm fine."

"Maybe you should sit," Louis says lowly. Harry just sighs, and Gemma and Anne smirk at each other.

"I'm fine," He assures.

"Stubborn much?" Gemma teases. Harry sticks his tongue out at her as Louis puts his hand on the small of Harry's back, seemingly the place he always rests his hand when he worries.

"I will write a seven page essay about why you should have me in the delivery room."

Louis has never been so entertained by coffee conversation. Anne is just watching Gemma and Harry go back and forth with an amused expression, sipping her coffee periodically. Harry's leaning back in his chair and sitting next to Louis, Louis' hand resting on his belly casually.

"You would write it while I'm in the delivery room," Harry points out with a laugh. "You are the most last-minute person I know."

"Okay, here are my reasons right now;" Gemma leans forward in her chair and holds up her index finger. "One, I will bring my own pom-poms and cheer you on while you're giving birth. I'm an excellent motivator."

Harry laughs harder than Louis' seen him laugh in a while. He throws his head back, his tummy moving with each laugh, and Louis can't help but giggle a little, just because Harry's joy is contagious.

"Two," Gemma continues once Harry's laughter has died down a little bit. "You will be an absolute terror while you're in labour, and I'm good at cheering you up."

"You will be the reason I'm a terror," Harry points out.

"And then I'll undo it," Gemma shrugs. "You will be screaming, and you'll scare poor Louis away, and that will leave me."

"Out of all the people I know, you are the least qualified to calm me down," Harry teases. Gemma pouts, and Harry giggles.

"Three," Gemma huffs, holding up a third finger. "Louis, mate, you're really cool, but you'll probably faint."

"What?!" Louis yelps, gaping at Gemma. He looks over to Harry, who's avoiding his eyes and taking a sip of his (decaf, begrudgingly) coffee. "I will not faint! I have never fainted in my life!"

"Have you ever witnessed childbirth in your life?" Anne asks, finally joining the conversation. Louis crosses his arms and pouts, but then Harry leans over and kisses his cheek as an apology, and Louis can't help but grin bashfully.

"I forgot Louis has sisters," Gemma says after a few moments, eyes widening. "That means I'll have competition for favourite aunt."

"Good luck," Harry says, bringing Louis' hand back to his stomach and resting it where Beverly is kicking.

"Honestly, they might fight so much they kill each other for the position," Louis points out. "So, by default, you'll win."

"I don't want a default win!" Gemma whines.

"Well, then, you'll just have to be worthy of best aunt," Harry points out, and Louis hums and nods. Gemma pouts like Louis had before, and Harry giggles. Louis adores seeing him so happy.

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